GENERAL | 1. GENERAL a. Establishment and general information Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (the “Company”) was originally part of “Post en Telegraafdienst” , which was established and operated commercially in 1884 under the framework of Decree No. 7 dated March 27, 1884 of the Governor General of the Dutch Indies. Decree No. 7 was published in State Gazette No. 52 dated April 3, 1884. In 1991, the status of the Company was changed into a state-owned limited liability corporation (“Persero”) based on Government Regulation No. 25/1991. The ultimate parent of the Company is the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (the “Government”) (Notes 1c and 19). The Company was established based on notarial deed No. 128 dated September 24, 1991 of Imas Fatimah, S.H. Its deed of establishment was approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. C2‑6870.HT.01.01.Th.1991 dated November 19, 1991 and was published in State Gazette No. 5 dated January 17, 1992, Supplement No. 210. The Articles of Association has been amended several times, the latest amendments of which were about, among others, in compliance with the Financial Services Authority Regulations and the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Regulations and Circular Letters, addition of main and supporting business activities of the Company, addition of special right of Series A Dwiwarna stockholder, revision regarding the change in authority limitation of the Board of Directors which requires approval from the Board of Commissioners in performing such managing activities of the Company as well as improvement in the editorial and systematic of Articles of Association related to the addition of Articles of Association substance based on notarial deed No. 16 dated May 16, 2017 of Ashoya Ratam, S.H., M.Kn. The latest amendments were accepted and approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (“MoLHR”) in its Letter No. AHU-AH.01.03‑0146625 dated June 15, 2017 and MoLHR decision’s No. AHU‑0013024.AH.01.02 dated June 15, 2017. In accordance with Article 3 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the scope of its activities is to provide telecommunication network and telecommunication and information services, and to optimize the Company’s resources to provide high quality and competitive goods and/or services to gain/pursue profit in order to increase the value of the Company with applied the Limited Company principle. In regard to achieving its objectives, the Company is involved in the following activities: a. Main business: i. Planning, building, providing, developing, operating, marketing or selling or leasing, and maintaining telecommunications and information networks in a broad sense in accordance with prevailing regulations. ii. Planning, developing, providing, marketing or selling, and improving telecommunications and information services in a broad sense in accordance with prevailing regulations. iii. Investing including equity capital in other companies in line with achieving the purposes and objectives of the Company. b. Supporting business: i. Providing payment transactions and money transferring services through telecommunications and information networks. ii. Performing activities and other undertakings in connection with the optimization of the Company’s resources, which among others, include the utilization of the Company’s property and equipment and moving assets, information systems, education and training, repair and maintenance facilities. iii. Collaborating with other parties in order to optimize the information, communication or technology resources owned by other parties as service provider in information, communication and technology industry as to achieve the purposes and objectives of the Company. The Company’s head office is located at Jalan Japati No. 1, Bandung, West Java. The Company was granted several networks and/or services licenses by the Government which are valid for an unlimited period of time as long as the Company complies with prevailing laws and fulfills the obligation stated in those licenses. For every license issued by the Ministry of Communication and Information (“MoCI”), an evaluation is performed annually and an overall evaluation is performed every five years. The Company is obliged to submit reports of networks and/or services annually to the Indonesian Directorate General of Post and Informatics (“DGPI”), which replaced the previous Indonesian Directorate General of Post and Telecommunications (“DGPT”). The reports comprise information such as network development progress, service quality standard achievement, numbers of customers, license payment and universal service contribution, while for internet telephone services for public purpose, internet interconnection service, and internet access service, there is additional information required such as operational performance, customer segmentation, traffic, and gross revenue. Details of these licenses are as follows: License License No. Type of services Grant date/latest renewal date License of electronic money issuer Bank Indonesia License No. 11/432/DASP Electronic money July 3, 2009 License of money remittance Bank Indonesia License Money remittance service August 5, 2009 License to operate network access point 331/KEP/DJPPI/ KOMINFO/09/2013 Network access point September 24, 2013 License to operate internet telephone services for public purpose 127/KEP/DJPPI/ KOMINFO/3/2016 Internet telephone services for public purpose March 30, 2016 License to operate fixed domestic long distance network 839/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/05/2016 Fixed domestic long distance and basic telephone services network May 16, 2016 License to operate fixed closed network 844/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/05/2016 Fixed closed network May 16, 2016 License to operate fixed international network 846/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/05/2016 Fixed international and basic telephone services network May 16, 2016 License to operate circuit switched based local fixed line network 948/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/05/2016 Circuit switched based local fixed line network May 31, 2016 License to operate data communication system services 191/KEP/DJPPI/ KOMINFO/10/2016 Data communication system services October 31, 2016 License to operate internet service provider 2176/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/12/2016 Internet service provider December 30, 2016 License to operate content service provider 1040/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/16/2017 Content service provider May 16, 2017 b. Company’s Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Corporate Secretary 1. Boards of Commissioners and Directors Based on resolutions made at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Stockholders of the Company as covered by notarial deed No. 50 of Ashoya Ratam, S.H., M.Kn., dated April 22, 2016 and notarial deed No. 28 of Ashoya Ratam, S.H., M.Kn., dated April 21, 2017, the composition of the Company’s Boards of Commissioners and Directors as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, respectively, are as follows: 2016 2017 President Commissioner Hendri Saparini Hendri Saparini Commissioner Dolfie Othniel Fredric Palit Rinaldi Firmansyah Commissioner Hadiyanto Hadiyanto Commissioner* Pontas Tambunan - Independent Commissioner Rinaldi Firmansyah Margiyono Darsasumarja Independent Commissioner Margiyono Darsasumarja Dolfie Othniel Fredric Palit Independent Commissioner Pamijati Pamela Johanna Pamijati Pamela Johanna Independent Commissioner — Cahyana Ahmadjayadi President Director Alex Janangkih Sinaga Alex Janangkih Sinaga Director of Finance Harry Mozarta Zen Harry Mozarta Zen Director of Digital and Strategic Portfolio Indra Utoyo David Bangun Director of Enterprise and Business Service — Dian Rachmawan Director of Wholesale and International Service Honesti Basyir Abdus Somad Arief Director of Human Capital Management Herdy Rosadi Harman Herdy Rosadi Harman Director of Network, Information Technology and Solution Abdus Somad Arief Zulhelfi Abidin Director of Consumer Service Dian Rachmawan Mas’ud Khamid * 2. Audit Committee and Corporate Secretary The composition of the Company’s Audit Committee and the Corporate Secretary as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, were as follows: 2016 2017* Chairman Rinaldi Firmansyah Margiyono Darsasumarja Secretary Tjatur Purwadi Tjatur Purwadi Member Margiyono Darsasumarja Rinaldi Firmansyah Member Dolfie Othniel Fredric Palit Dolfie Othniel Fredric Palit Member Sarimin Mietra Sardi Sarimin Mietra Sardi Member Pontas Tambunan Cahyana Ahmadjayadi Corporate Secretary Andi Setiawan Andi Setiawan * c. Public offering of securities of the Company The Company’s shares prior to its Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) totalled 8,400,000,000, consisting of 8,399,999,999 Series B shares and 1 Series A Dwiwarna share, and were wholly-owned by the Government. On November 14, 1995, 933,333,000 new Series B shares and 233,334,000 Series B shares owned by the Government were offered to the public through an IPO and listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (“IDX”) and 700,000,000 Series B shares owned by the Government were offered to the public and listed on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) and the London Stock Exchange (“LSE”), in the form of American Depositary Shares (“ADS”). There were 35,000,000 ADS and each ADS represented 20 Series B shares at that time. In December 1996, the Government had a block sale of its 388,000,000 Series B shares, and in 1997, distributed 2,670,300 Series B shares as incentive to the Company’s stockholders who did not sell their shares within one year from the date of the IPO. In May 1999, the Government further sold 898,000,000 Series B shares. To comply with Law No. 1/1995 on Limited Liability Companies, at the AGM of Stockholders of the Company on April 16, 1999, the Company’s stockholders resolved to increase the Company’s issued share capital by the distribution of 746,666,640 bonus shares through the capitalization of certain additional paid-in capital, which was made to the Company’s stockholders in August 1999. On August 16, 2007, Law No. 1/1995 on Limited Liability Companies was amended by the issuance of Law No. 40/2007 on Limited Liability Companies which became effective on the same date. Law No. 40/2007 has no effect on the public offering of shares of the Company. The Company has complied with Law No. 40/2007. In December 2001, the Government had another block sale of 1,200,000,000 shares or 11.9% of the total outstanding Series B shares. In July 2002, the Government further sold a block of 312,000,000 shares or 3.1% of the total outstanding Series B shares. At the AGM of Stockholders of the Company held on July 30, 2004, the minutes of which are covered by notarial deed No. 26 of A. Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM., the Company’s stockholders approved the Company’s 2‑for‑1 stock split for Series A Dwiwarna and Series B share. The Series A Dwiwarna share with par value of Rp500 per share was split into 1 Series A Dwiwarna share with par value of Rp250 per share and 1 Series B share with par value of Rp250 per share. The stock split resulted in an increase of the Company’s authorized capital stock from 1 Series A Dwiwarna share and 39,999,999,999 Series B shares to 1 Series A Dwiwarna share and 79,999,999,999 Series B shares, and the issued capital stock from 1 Series A Dwiwarna share and 10,079,999,639 Series B shares to 1 Series A Dwiwarna share and 20,159,999,279 Series B shares. After the stock split, each ADS represented 40 Series B shares. During the Extraodinary General Meeting (“EGM”) held on December 21, 2005 and the AGMs held on June 29, 2007, June 20, 2008 and May 19, 2011, the Company’s stockholders approved phase I, II, III and IV plan, respectively, of the Company’s program to repurchase its issued Series B shares (Note 21). During the period December 21, 2005 to June 20, 2007, the Company had bought back 211,290,500 shares from the public (stock repurchase program phase I). On July 30, 2013, the Company has sold all such shares (Note 21). At the AGM held on April 19, 2013 as covered by notarial deed No. 38 dated April 19, 2013 of Ashoya Ratam, S.H., M.Kn., the stockholders approved the changes to the Company’s plan on the treasury stock acquired under phase III (Note 21). At the AGM held on April 19, 2013, the minutes of which were covered by notarial deed No. 38 of Ashoya Ratam, S.H., M.Kn., the stockholders approved the Company’s 5‑for‑1 stock split for Series A Dwiwarna and Series B shares. Series A Dwiwarna share with par value of Rp250 per share was split into 1 Series A Dwiwarna share with par value of Rp50 per share and 4 Series B shares with par value of Rp50 per share. The stock split resulted in an increase of the Company’s authorized capital stock from 1 Series A Dwiwarna and 79,999,999,999 Series B shares to 1 Series A Dwiwarna and 399,999,999,999 Series B shares. The issued capital stock increase from 1 Series A Dwiwarna and 20,159,999,279 Series B shares to 1 Series A Dwiwarna and 100,799,996,399 Series B shares. After the stock split, each ADS represented 200 Series B shares. Effective from October 26, 2016, the Company change the ratio of Depositary Receipt from 1 ADS representing 200 series B shares to become 1 ADS representing 100 series B shares (Note 19). Profit per ADS information have been retrospectively adjusted to reflect the changes in the ratio of ADS. On May 16 and June 5, 2014, the Company deregistered from Tokyo Stock Exchange (“TSE”) and delisted from the LSE, respectively. As of December 31, 2017, all of the Company’s Series B shares are listed on the IDX and 60,783,743 ADS shares are listed on the NYSE (Note 19). On June 25, 2010, the Company issued the second rupiah bonds with a nominal amount of Rp1,005 billion for Series A, a five-year period, and Rp1,995 billion for Series B, a ten-year period, respectively, which are listed on the IDX (Note 17b). On June 23, 2015, the Company issued Continuous Bonds I Telkom Phase I 2015, with a nominal amount Rp2,200 billion for Series A, a seven-year period, Rp2,100 billion for Series B, a ten-year period, Rp1,200 billion for Series C, a fifteen-year period and Rp1,500 billion for Series D, a thirty-year period, respectively which are listed on the IDX (Note 17b). On December 21, 2015, the Company sold the remaining shares of treasury shares phase III (Note 21). On June 29, 2016, the Company sold the treasury shares phase IV (Note 21). d. Subsidiaries As of December 31, 2016 and 2017, the Company has consolidated the following directly or indirectly owned subsidiaries (Notes 2b and 2d): (i) Direct subsidiaries: Year of start of Subsidiary/place of commercial Percentage of ownership interest Total assets before elimination incorporation Nature of business operations 2016 2017 2016 2017 PT Telekomunikasi Selular ( “Telkomsel” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Telecommunication - provides telecommunication facilities and mobile cellular services using Global Systems for Mobile Communication (“GSM”) technology 1995 65 65 89,645 85,597 PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi ( “Dayamitra” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Telecommunication 1995 100 100 10,689 13,606 PT Multimedia Nusantara ( “Metra” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Network telecommunication services and multimedia 1998 100 100 9,996 13,246 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International ( “TII” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Telecommunication 1995 100 100 7,147 9,122 PT Telkom Akses ( “Telkom Akses” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Construction, service and trade in the field of telecommunication 2013 100 100 5,098 5,716 PT Graha Sarana Duta ( “GSD” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Leasing of offices and providing building management and maintenance services, civil consultant and developer 1982 100 100 4,328 5,633 PT PINS Indonesia ( “PINS” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Telecommunication construction and services 1995 100 100 3,146 3,473 PT Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi Indonesia (“ Telkom Infratel ”) , Jakarta, Indonesia Construction, service and trade in the field of telecommunication 2014 100 100 1,015 1,871 PT Patra Telekomunikasi Indonesia (“ Patrakom ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Telecommunication - provides satellite communication system, services and facilities 1996 100 100 471 574 PT Metra-Net (“ Metranet ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Multimedia portal service 2009 100 100 370 524 PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara (“ Jalin ”),Jakarta, Indonesia Payment services - principals, switching, clearing and settlement activities 2016 100 100 15 225 PT Napsindo Primatel Internasional ( “Napsindo” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Telecommunication - provides Network Access Point ("NAP"), Voice Over Data ("VOD") and other related services 1999; ceased operations on January 13, 2006 60 60 5 5 (ii) Immediate indirect subsidiaries: Year of start of Subsidiary/place of commercial Percentage of ownership interest Total assets before elimination incorporation Nature of business operations 2016 2017 2016 2017 PT Sigma Cipta Caraka ( “Sigma” ), Tangerang, Indonesia Information technology service - system implementation and integration service, outsourcing and software license maintenance 1988 100 100 4,278 6,050 Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte. Ltd., Singapore Telecommunication 2008 100 100 2,566 3,048 PT Infomedia Nusantara ( “Infomedia” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Data and information service - provides telecommunication information services and other information services in the form of print and electronic media and call center services 1984 100 100 1,853 2,115 PT Telkom Landmark Tower (“ TLT ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Service for property development and management 2012 55 55 1,683 2,009 PT Metra Digital Media (“ MD Media ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Directory information services 2013 100 100 684 1,106 PT Finnet Indonesia (“ Finnet ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Information technology services 2006 60 60 629 907 TS Global Network Sdn. Bhd. (“ TSGN ”), Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Satellite services 1996 — 49 — 815 Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Ltd., Hong Kong Telecommunication 2010 100 100 441 710 PT Metra Digital Investama (“ MDI ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Trading and/or providing service related to information and technology, multimedia, entertainment and investments 2013 100 100 331 658 Telekomunikasi Indonesia International S.A. (“ TL” ), Dili, Timor Leste Telecommunication 2012 100 100 755 639 PT Nusantara Sukses Investasi ( ”NSI” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Service and trading 2014 100 100 227 300 PT Administrasi Medika (“ Ad Medika ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Health insurance administration services 2002 100 100 204 273 PT Melon (“ Melon ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Digital content exchange hub services 2010 100 100 178 231 PT Metraplasa (“ Metraplasa ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Network and e-commerce services 2012 60 60 325 203 PT Graha Yasa Selaras (“ GYS ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Tourism service 2012 51 51 174 178 PT Nutech Integrasi (" Nutech "), Jakarta, Indonesia System integrator 2001 — 60 — 60 Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Inc. ( “Telkom USA” ), Los Angeles, USA Telecommunication 2014 100 100 9 36 PT Satelit Multimedia Indonesia (“ SMI ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Satellite services 2013 99.99 99.99 18 18 PT Nusantara Sukses Sarana ( ”NSS” ), Jakarta, Indonesia Building and hotel management services and other services — 99.99 99.99 — — PT Nusantara Sukses Realti ( ”NSR” ), Jakarta , Indonesia Service and trading — 99.99 99.99 — — PT Metra TV (“ Metra TV ”), Jakarta, Indonesia Subscription - broadcasting services 2013 99.83 99.83 — — (a) Metra Based on notarial deed of Utiek Rochmuljati Abdurachman, S.H., M.LI, M.Kn., No. 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 dated May 25, 2016, Metra purchased 2,000 shares of Ad Medika from the non-controlling interest equivalent to 25% ownership amounting to Rp138 billion. Based on notarial deed of Utiek Rochmuljati Abdurachman, S.H., M.LI, M.Kn., No. 10 and 11 dated December 13, 2017, Metra purchased 36,000 shares of Nutech (equivalent to 60% ownership) amounting to Rp24 billion. This is larger than the ownership portion of net book value amounting to Rp13 billion. As of December 31, 2017, the difference, amounting to Rp11 billion, is recorded as provisional goodwill (Note 12). As of the date of approval and authorization for the issuance of these consolidated financial statement, fair value measurement is still in completion process. (b) TII On December 14, 2017, TII purchased TSGN equivalent to 49% ownership amounting to MYR66,150,000 (equivalent to Rp220 billion). TSGN is engaged in providing Information and Communication Technologies ("ICT") systems for satellite communication services, satellite bandwidth services and Very Small Aperture Terminal ("VSAT") services. Non-controlling interests of the acquiree are measured at fair value. Based on Sale and Subscription Agreement, TII owns the control over TSGN through placing and replacing of 3 out of 5 key managements that controls the overall business of TSGN. This acquisition will enhance synergy and utilization of assets and resources between companies in order to provide more innovative services to customers. The fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired at acquisition date were: Total Assets Cash and cash equivalents 21 Trade receivables 18 Other current assets 57 Property and equipment (Note 10) 711 Other non-current assets 14 Liabilities Current liabilities (422) Non-current liabilities (140) Fair value of identifiable net assets acquired 259 Fair value of non-controlling interest (132) Provisional goodwill (Note 12) 93 Fair value consideration transferred 220 Net assets recognized in the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2017 are based on a provisional assessment of fair value of net assets. As of the issuance date of the consolidated financial statements, fair value measurements still in completion process. From the date of acquisition until December 31, 2017, the total income and profit before tax of TSGN included in the statements of profit or loss income and other comprehensive income amounted to Rp13.5 billion and Rp12.1 billion, respectively. (c) Metranet On November 10, 2016, Metranet increased its share capital from Rp244 billion to Rp325 billion by issuing 18,800,000 new shares. All of new share capital are owned by the Company. Based on notarial deed of Utiek Rochmuljati Abdurachman, S.H., M.LI, M.Kn., No. 08 and 09 dated November 14, 2016, Metranet purchased 4,900,000 shares of Melon (equivalent to 49% ownership) from SK Planet Co. and 300,000 shares of Melon (equivalent to 3% ownership) from Metra amounting to US$13,000,000 or Rp170.4 billion and Rp13.2 billion, respectively. As a result of this transaction, Metranet acquired 52% ownership in Melon and the remaining shares are held by Metra. (d) Jalin On November 3, 2016, the Company established a wholly-owned subsidiary under the name PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara (“Jalin”) which was approved by the MoLHR through its Decision Letter No. AHU-0050800.AH.01.01 dated November 15, 2016. Jalin is engaged in organizing ICT business focusing on non-cash payment to support national payment gateway. (e) Sigma Based on notarial deed of Utiek Rochmuljati Abdurachman, S.H., M.LI, M.Kn., No. 15 dated June 29, 2016, Sigma purchased 13,770 shares of PT Pojok Celebes Mandiri (“PCM”) (equivalent to 51% ownership) from Metra amounting to Rp7.8 billion. (f) GSD On August 8, 2017, TLT increased its share capital amounted Rp74 billion. The increased of share capital were proportionately taken by GSD and its non-controlling interest amounting to Rp41 billion and Rp33 billion, respectively. On November 22, 2017, GYS increased its share capital amounted Rp13 billion. The increased of share capital were proportionately taken by GSD and its non-controlling interest amounting to Rp7 billion and Rp6 billion, respectively. e. Authorization for the issuance of the consolidated financial statements The consolidated financial statements were approved for issuance by the Board of Directors on April 6, 2018. |