Southern Copper believes that the respect, inclusivity, and diversity of its employees are essential to maintaining a positive and peaceful work environment and help retain a highly qualified workforce committed to the Company. Southern Copper fully respects the human dignity of its employees and rejects any form of discrimination, whether direct or indirect, based on gender identity, age, race, religion, sexual preference, thought, education, social status, culture, working style, talent, individual quality or special needs, such as illness, disability, accident or family dynamics.
Southern Copper promotes equal conditions for all our employees and provides an environment where equality and non-discrimination permeate the entire organization. Company employees have access to social security, receive a fair salary, and ongoing training for their own development and to increase productivity.
Southern Copper reiterates its commitment to protect human and labor rights recognized in national and international laws by upholding international standards for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of its employees. We therefore enforce a complete rejection of child labor (minors under the minimum legal working age) and all forms of forced, compulsory or coerced labor.
In compliance with applicable laws and regulations, Southern Copper respects the right of association of its employees, as well as the freedom to join a trade union and to participate in union activities.
| 4. | Workplace Anti-harassment |
Southern Copper is committed to providing a harassment-free working environment, where employees, officers and directors can achieve their full potential. The Company prohibits any form of harassment, including any inappropriate, violent or abusive behavior or practice that creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive workplace environment or violates the dignity or wellbeing of our employees, suppliers, contractors or any person who has any dealings with the Company and its subsidiaries, business units or branches.
For purposes of this Code, harassment is defined as unwelcome and inappropriate comments or conduct, jokes, insults or threats that may or may not be based on a person's physical characteristics or disability, their gender, beliefs, race, age, nationality or any other condition, and conduct that is intended to or would humiliate, offend or intimidate another, whether verbal or through emails, voicemails or any other written or graphic means. Harassment is not necessarily confined to the behavior of senior staff towards more junior staff; it can take place between colleagues at the same level or involve staff behaving inappropriately towards more senior staff. Workplace harassment must be reported and investigated and may lead to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action will be taken to deal with behavior, intentional or unintentional, that violates this policy. The reprimand will be determined on