| | | Year ended | | Year ended | |
| | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| Notes | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | |
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Operating Activities | 23 | | 8,187 | | (4,674) | |
| |
Dividends from Joint Ventures and Associates | | | 989 | | 2,195 | |
| |
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance | | | | | | |
Interest received | | | 1,665 | | 2,151 | |
Bank interest paid | | | (199 | ) | (325 | ) |
Interest paid on finance leases | | | (9 | ) | (28 | ) |
Other interest | | | 40 | | – | |
| |
| | | 1,497 | | 1,798 | |
| |
Taxation | | | | | | |
UK tax (paid)/repaid | | | (4,153 | ) | 283 | |
Overseas tax paid | | | (1,090 | ) | (28 | ) |
| |
| | | (5,243 | ) | 255 | |
| |
Capital Expenditure and Financial Investment | | | | | | |
Purchase of tangible fixed assets | | | (2,765 | ) | (1,756 | ) |
Sale of tangible fixed assets | | | 13 | | 18 | |
Proceeds from other investments | | | – | | 1,400 | |
| |
| | | (2,752 | ) | (338 | ) |
| |
Acquisitions and Disposals | | | | | | |
Purchase of subsidiary undertaking | | | (21,622 | ) | – | |
Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertaking | | | 75 | | – | |
Sale of associate | | | 488 | | – | |
| |
Net Cash Outflow Before Management of Liquid Resources and Financing | | | (18,381 | ) | (764 | ) |
| |
| | | | | | |
Management of Liquid Resources | | | | | | |
Decrease in short-term deposits | 24 | | 17,569 | | 7,785 | |
| |
Financing | | | | | | |
Issue of ordinary share capital | | | 273 | | 212 | |
Purchase of own shares (net of proceeds from share issuances) | | | (2,288 | ) | (276 | ) |
Capital element of finance lease rental payments | | | (97 | ) | (223 | ) |
| |
| | | (2,112 | ) | (287 | ) |
| |
| | | | | | |
(Decrease)/Increase in Cash in the Year | 24 | | (2,924 | ) | 6,734 | |
| |
| | | | | | |
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds | | | | | | |
| | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | |
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year | | | (2,924 | ) | 6,734 | |
Capital element of finance lease rental payments | | | 97 | | 223 | |
Decrease in term deposits | | | (17,569 | ) | (7,785 | ) |
| |
Change in net funds resulting from cash flows | 24 | | (20,396 | ) | (828 | ) |
New finance leases | | | (134 | ) | (31 | ) |
Finance leases on acquisition of IO Interactive A/S | | | (693 | ) | – | |
Exchange rate movements | | | (348 | ) | 300 | |
| |
Movement in net funds in the year | | | (21,571 | ) | (559 | ) |
Net funds at 1 July | | | 58,219 | | 58,778 | |
| |
Net funds at 30 June | 24 | | 36,648 | | 58,219 | |
| |
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1. Principal Accounting Policies
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and in accordance with the Companies Act 1985, under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards, which have been applied consistently throughout the year, except as noted below, in respect of own shares.
Own Shares
Own shares held by the Company’s Employee Benefit Trust were previously classified under UITF 13 as fixed asset investments. For the shares that relate to the restricted stock scheme or the performance share plan, as prescribed by UITF 17, the difference between their market value at the date of grant and their exercise price is being charged to the profit and loss account over three years, the performance period of each scheme.
UITF 38 – Accounting for ESOP Trusts, which has been adopted, has superseded UITF 13. The effect of adoption is to show the consideration paid by the Company for investments in its own shares as a deduction in arriving at shareholders’ funds, instead of fixed assets. This has resulted in fixed asset investments of £199,000 being transferred to an own shares reserve. As there is a requirement in UITF 38 to disclose the historic cost of own shares held, a further adjustment of £77,000, being the cumulative UITF 17 charge to date, has been reclassified from the profit and loss reserve to own shares reserve.
The adjustments made for the adoption of UITF 38 are shown in note 20.
Basis of Consolidation
The Consolidated Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet include the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings (‘the Group’). The results of subsidiaries sold or acquired are included in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account up to, or from, the date control passes. Intra-Group sales and profits are eliminated fully on consolidation. On acquisition of a subsidiary, all of the subsidiary’s assets and liabilities that exist at the date of acquisition are recorded at their fair values reflecting their condition at that date. The Group recognises all changes to those assets and liabilities, and the resulting gains and losses that arise after the Group has gained control of the subsidiary. The Company has taken advantage of Section 230 of the Companies Act 1985 and has not presented its own profit and loss account.
Associated and Joint Venture Undertakings
Associated undertakings are undertakings in which the Group holds a long-term interest and over which it actually exercises significant influence. Joint ventures are undertakings, which are jointly controlled with other entities or individuals. The Group’s share of profits less losses from associated and joint undertakings is included in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account on the equity accounting basis and its interest in their net assets included in investments in the consolidated Balance Sheet.
Goodwill in respect of the acquisition of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated undertakings represents the excess of the fair value of the consideration given over the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. Goodwill arising prior to April 1998 has been written off immediately against reserves.
Goodwill arising after April 1998 is capitalised and amortised to nil in the profit and loss account over the estimated useful economic life in accordance with FRS10. The useful economic life has been assessed as being between 3 and 5 years.
A charge is recognised in the Group’s profit and loss account in respect of any impairment in the value of goodwill. Goodwill written off directly to reserves and not previously charged to the Group’s profit and loss account is included in determining the profit and loss on disposal. Goodwill previously written off to reserves was not reinstated in the Balance Sheet when FRS10 was adopted. It has been offset against the merger reserve with the excess being offset against the profit and loss reserve.
Turnover, which excludes sales between Group companies, represents the invoiced amounts of goods sold, net of provisions for returns, value added tax and trade discounts (excluding co-operative advertising expenses). Revenue from licence agreements is recognised when the right to consideration is obtained in exchange for performance.
Tangible Fixed Assets
The cost of fixed assets is their purchase cost, together with any incidental costs of acquisition. Provision is made for depreciation on all tangible fixed assets at rates calculated to write off the cost less residual value of each asset over its expected useful life as follows:
> | leasehold improvements: over the life of the lease; |
> | fixtures and fittings: 20% per annum straight line; |
> | computer equipment: 33% per annum straight line; and |
> | motor vehicles: 25% per annum straight line. |
Research and Development
All research and development expenditure is charged to the profit and loss account as incurred. This includes all software development expenditure on individual titles, advance royalties paid under publishing agreements to external developers and advance royalties paid under licensing arrangements.
> 23 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
Investments held as fixed assets are stated at cost less provision for any impairment in value.
Licence Fees
Licence fees payable to celebrities and professional sports organisations for use of their name over a number of years or for a range of products (a franchise), including sub-licence arrangements and fees payable through intermediaries, are charged to the profit and loss account as sales and marketing expenditure on the basis of actual product sales. Management relies on forecasts of sales to determine the relevant amortisation rate of the licence fee.
Licence fees are classified as current and non-current assets based on the remaining life of the licence. Management regularly reviews the carrying value of such licences, including comparing actual sales to forecast, and will accelerate the amortisation should circumstances require it.
Deferred tax is recognised, without discounting, in respect of all timing differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting purposes which have arisen but have not reversed by the balance sheet date, except as otherwise required by FRS 19. Tax charges or credits arising on the retranslation of foreign currency borrowings used to finance or provide a hedge against equity investments in foreign enterprises are taken to the Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses together with the exchange differences on the borrowings themselves. A net deferred tax asset is regarded as recoverable and therefore recognised only when, on the basis of all available evidence, it can be regarded as more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can be deducted.
Foreign Currencies
Assets and liabilities of subsidiaries in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at rates of exchange ruling at the end of the financial period. The results and cash flows of foreign subsidiaries are translated at the average rate of exchange for the period. Gains or losses on exchange arising from the retranslation of the opening net investment in subsidiary companies and from the translation of the results of those companies are taken to reserves and are reported in the Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses. Exchange differences arising from the retranslation of long-term foreign currency borrowings used to finance foreign currency investments are also taken to reserves. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded using the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction or if hedged forward, at the date of exchange under the related foreign currency contract. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated using the contracted rate or the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date and the gains or losses on translation are included in the profit and loss account.
Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is determined on a weighted average basis and includes transport and handling costs.
Finance and Operating Leases
Costs in respect of operating leases are charged on a straight line basis over the lease term. Leasing agreements, which transfer to the Group substantially all the benefits and risks of ownership of an asset, are treated as if the asset has been purchased outright. The assets are included in fixed assets and the capital element of Group leasing commitments is shown as obligations under finance leases. The capital element is applied to reduce the outstanding obligations and the interest element is charged against profit so as to give a constant periodic rate of charge on the remaining balance outstanding at the end of each accounting period.
Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over the shorter of the lease terms and the useful lives of equivalent owned assets.
The Group operates various defined contribution pension schemes. Contributions are recognised as they are incurred in accordance with the rules of the schemes.
Derivative Financial Instruments
The Group uses derivative financial instruments to reduce exposure to foreign exchange risk. The Group does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes. For a forward foreign exchange contract to be treated as a hedge, the instrument must be related to actual foreign currency assets or liabilities or to a probable commitment. It must involve the same currency or similar currencies as the hedged item and must also reduce the risk of foreign currency exchange movements on the Group’s operations. Gains and losses arising on these contracts are deferred and recognised in the profit and loss account, or as adjustments to the carrying amount of fixed assets, only when the hedged transaction has itself been reflected in the Group’s accounts. If an instrument ceases to be accounted for as a hedge, for example, because the underlying hedged position is eliminated, the instrument is marked to market and any resulting profit or loss recognised at that time.
> 24 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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2. Segmental Analysis
Segmental Analysis by Class of Business
For the years ended 30 June 2004 and 30 June 2003, all turnover, profit before interest and taxation and net assets relate to computer entertainment software.
Segmental Analysis by Geographical Area
| By Destination | | By Origin | |
| |
| Year ended | | Year ended | | Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
Turnover – Continuing Activities | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
United Kingdom | 29,265 | | 36,323 | | 43,641 | | 51,059 | |
France | 17,431 | | 12,746 | | 21,299 | | 15,733 | |
Germany | 13,552 | | 14,123 | | 15,019 | | 16,017 | |
Rest of Europe | 19,993 | | 16,788 | | – | | – | |
United States of America | 42,518 | | 62,274 | | 48,820 | | 65,088 | |
Rest of World | 11,158 | | 9,280 | | 5,138 | | 3,637 | |
| |
| 133,917 | | 151,534 | | 133,917 | | 151,534 | |
| |
| | | | | | | | |
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
Inter-Segment Sales (Predominantly Royalties) | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
United Kingdom | 26,343 | | 42,601 | |
France | 11,708 | | – | |
Germany | 11,490 | | 66 | |
United States of America | 29,185 | | 30,522 | |
Rest of World | 10,694 | | 1,027 | |
| |
| 89,420 | | 74,216 | |
| |
Turnover from joint ventures, as shown in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, originates from Spain and relates to computer software.
In addition, turnover in the United Kingdom includes £2,648,000 (year ended 30 June 2003: £1,632,000) of sales to joint ventures in Spain.
(Loss)/Profit Before Interest and Taxation
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| | | | |
Geographical Segment | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | |
United Kingdom | (8,575 | ) | 4,426 | |
France | 1,620 | | 1,494 |
Germany | (1,825 | ) | (1,034 | ) |
Spain (joint ventures) | 1,862 | | 2,479 |
Denmark | 4,116 | | – | |
United States of America | (803 | ) | 6,219 |
Rest of World | 45 | | (433 | ) |
| (3,560 | ) | 13,151 | |
| |
| – | | 1,400 |
| |
Exceptional item – United Kingdom (see note 7) | (3,560 | ) | 14,551 | |
| |
> 25 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
2. Segmental Analysis (Continued)
Net Assets/(Liabilities)
| | | Restated note 1 | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
Geographical Segment | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
United Kingdom | 80,785 | | 99,678 | |
France | 4,347 | | 3,369 | |
Germany | 1,601 | | (1,279 | ) |
Spain (joint ventures) | 3,919 | | 2,745 | |
Denmark | 7,201 | | – | |
United States of America | (25,788 | ) | (28,927 | ) |
Rest of World | (129 | ) | (8 | ) |
| |
| 71,936 | | 75,578 | |
| |
| | | | |
3. Directors’ Emoluments
Details of directors’ emoluments, share options and pension entitlements are contained in the Report on Directors’ Remuneration on pages 12 to 17 and form part of these notes.
4. Employee Information
The average number of persons (including executive directors) employed by the Group during the period was:
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| Number | | Number | |
| | | | |
Corporate | 35 | | 34 | |
Computer entertainment software | 661 | | 502 |
| |
| 696 | | 536 | |
| |
Computer entertainment software staff numbers can be further analysed as follows:
| | | | | | | | | Year ended | | | | | | | | | | Year ended | |
| | | | | | | | | 30 June | | | | | | | | | | 30 June | |
| | | | | | | | | 2004 | | | | | | | | | | 2003 | |
| |
| | | | | | | Rest of | | | | | | | | | | Rest of | | | |
| UK | | US | | Europe | | World | | Total | | UK | | US | | Europe | | World | | Total | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sales, marketing and operations | 39 | | 29 | | 41 | | 7 | | 116 | | 44 | | 21 | | 41 | | 10 | | 116 | |
Research and development | 134 | | 206 | | 124 | | 5 | | 469 | | 137 | | 169 | | 1 | | 8 | | 315 | |
Administration | 10 | | 35 | | 26 | | 5 | | 76 | | 12 | | 37 | | 15 | | 7 | | 71 | |
| |
Total | 183 | | 270 | | 191 | | 17 | | 661 | | 193 | | 227 | | 57 | | 25 | | 502 | |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
Staff Costs | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
Wages and salaries | 24,734 | | 25,071 | |
Social Security costs | 2,617 | | 2,550 | |
Pension costs (see note 28) | 831 | | 857 | |
| |
| 28,182 | | 28,478 | |
| |
> 26 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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5. Net Interest Receivable
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
Interest Receivable | | | | |
Bank interest | 1,664 | | 2,934 | |
Other income | 40 | | 15 | |
Share of joint ventures | 160 | | 146 | |
| |
| 1,864 | | 3,095 | |
| |
Interest Payable | | | | |
Bank loans and overdrafts | (104 | ) | (15 | ) |
Finance leases | (29 | ) | (28 | ) |
Other interest | (75 | ) | (186 | ) |
Share of joint ventures | (47 | ) | (63 | ) |
| |
| (255 | ) | (292 | ) |
| |
Net Interest Receivable | 1,609 | | 2,803 | |
| |
6. (Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
(Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation is Stated After Charging/(Crediting): | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
Depreciation charge for the year: | | | | |
Owned tangible fixed assets | 2,136 | | 1,950 | |
Tangible fixed assets held under finance leases | 80 | | 131 | |
Loss on disposal of fixed assets | 93 | | 34 | |
Amortisation of goodwill and other investments | | | | |
Joint ventures goodwill amortisation | – | | 471 | |
Other goodwill amortisation | 1,567 | | 264 | |
Cost of employee share options | 263 | | 77 | |
Auditors’ remuneration | | | | |
Audit | 413 | | 400 | |
Other fees paid to the auditors and their associates* | 500 | | 707 | |
Operating lease charges – plant and machinery | 552 | | 606 | |
Operating lease charges – other | 2,439 | | 2,502 | |
Exchange loss/(gain) | 835 | | (902 | ) |
| |
*Other fees paid to the auditors and their associates include tax compliance fees of £148,000, other tax advisor fees of £232,000, other assurance work of £71,000 and other work of £49,000. The fees paid to the auditors of £195,000 in respect of the acquisition of IO Interactive A/S during the year have been included in the consideration paid (see note 22).
The audit fee of the Company was £20,000.
> 27 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
7. Profit on Investments and Exceptional Items
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
Proceeds on disposal of Sports Interactive Limited | 488 | | – | |
Transfer of goodwill from reserves | (488 | ) | – | |
Settlement received in relation to Express.Com, net of costs | – | | 1,400 | |
| |
Profit on Disposal of Fixed Asset Investments | – | | 1,400 | |
| |
On 4 September 2003, Eidos and Sports Interactive Limited announced an agreement to end their existing relationship for the development of the Company’s highly successful Championship Manager football management series. Eidos agreed to surrender its 25% interest in Sports Interactive for a cash consideration of £488,000, generating no profit/loss following the transfer of attributable goodwill from reserves of £488,000.
During 2003 the Group received a £1.4 million litigation settlement, net of costs, in respect of its former investment in Express.com. The Group took an exceptional charge against the full carrying value of this investment in the year to 31 March 2001 and Express.com subsequently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
The effect on the taxation charge for the year of the exceptional items is disclosed in note 8.
8. Tax Charge/(Credit) on (Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
Current Tax | | | | |
UK Taxation | | | | |
UK corporation tax at 30% on (losses)/profits for the year | 413 | | 2,860 | |
Less double tax relief | (67 | ) | (1,002 | ) |
| |
| 346 | | 1,858 | |
Adjustments in respect of prior years | | | | |
Exceptional items | – | | (5,595 | ) |
Operational | (2,028 | ) | (480 | ) |
| |
Total Current UK Tax | (1,682 | ) | (4,217 | ) |
Foreign Taxation | | | | |
Current tax on income for the year | 1,193 | | 1,283 | |
Adjustments in respect of prior years | 251 | | (100 | ) |
| |
Total Current Tax | (238 | ) | (3,034 | ) |
| | | | |
Of which | | | | |
Group taxation | (940 | ) | (4,063 | ) |
Joint ventures’ taxation | 702 | | 1,029 | |
| |
| (238 | ) | (3,034 | ) |
Deferred taxation (see note 18) | | | | |
Group | 1,245 | | 1,218 | |
Joint venture | (45 | ) | (35 | ) |
| |
Tax Charge/(Credit) on (Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities for the Year | 962 | | (1,851 | ) |
| |
Of which | | | | |
Operational | 962 | | 3,744 | |
Exceptional | – | | (5,595 | ) |
| |
Tax Charge/(Credit) on (Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities for the Year | 962 | | (1,851 | ) |
| |
> 28 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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8. Tax Charge/(Credit) on (Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities (Continued)
The tax charged for the year differs from the standard rate of Corporation Tax in the UK (30%) (2003: 30%). The differences are explained below.
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before tax | (1,951 | ) | 17,354 | |
| |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Current tax at 30% (2003: 30%) | (585 | ) | 5,206 | |
Effects of: | | | | |
Expenses disallowed for tax purposes | 613 | | 1,228 | |
Timing differences where benefit not recognised for deferred tax purposes | 2,661 | | 1,981 | |
Difference between overseas and UK tax rate | (74 | ) | 921 | |
Utilisation of tax losses | (1,523 | ) | (4,999 | ) |
Prior year adjustments – operational | (1,777 | ) | (580 | ) |
Exceptional prior year items | – | | (5,595 | ) |
Double tax relief | (67 | ) | (1,002 | ) |
Unrelieved witholding tax | 250 | | 28 | |
Other | 264 | | (222 | ) |
| |
Total current tax | (238 | ) | (3,034 | ) |
| |
Release of deferred tax asset | – | | 1,260 | |
Deferred tax in respect of timing differences | 1,200 | | (77 | ) |
| |
Deferred taxation | 1,200 | | 1,183 | |
| |
Tax Charge/(Credit) on (Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities for the Year | 962 | | (1,851 | ) |
| |
Timing differences arise in the UK, US and Germany where they mainly relate to current year losses unable to be utilised.
Prior year items relate to the partial release of provisions established in prior years as a result of settlements with tax authorities in respect of transfer pricing matters. During the current year the Group has made an additional provision for tax charges related to transfer pricing, which may arise in respect of the tax position for the current year. In finalising the tax provisions the directors have taken account of the ongoing discussions with tax authorities in relation to these items and the likely outcome of those discussions. The provision of £2.7 million at 30 June 2004 (2003: £5.5 million) is the directors’ best estimate of amounts that will ultimately be payable to the respective tax authorities.
> 29 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
9. Earnings/(Loss) Per Share
The calculations of earnings/(loss) per share are based on the following information: | | | | |
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
Weighted average number of shares: | Number of | | Number of | |
| Shares | | Shares | |
| | | | |
For basic earnings/(loss) per share | 140,313,421 | | 139,637,852 | |
Exercise of share options | 945,597 | | 705,258 | |
| |
For diluted earnings/(loss) per share | 141,259,018 | | 140,343,110 | |
| |
In accordance with FRS14 – Earnings per share, the diluted loss per share for the year ended 30 June 2004 is equivalent to the basic loss per share as any exercise of share options would have the effect of decreasing the loss per share.
| Basic | | Diluted | |
| |
| | | Year ended 30 June 2003 | | Year ended 30 June 2004 | | Year ended 30 June 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
(Loss)/Profit for the year | (2,913 | ) | 19,205 | | (2,913 | ) | 19,205 | |
Goodwill amortisation | 1,567 | | 735 | | 1,567 | | 735 | |
Exceptional items – operational | | | | | | | | |
Settlement in respect of Express.com | – | | (1,400 | ) | – | | (1,400 | ) |
Exceptional item – tax credit | – | | (5,595 | ) | – | | (5,595 | ) |
| |
(Loss)/Profit for the year before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items | (1,346 | ) | 12,945 | | (1,346 | ) | 12,945 | |
| |
| | | | | | | | |
| Pence per | | Pence per | | Pence per | | Pence per | |
| Share | | Share | | Share | | Share | |
| |
(Loss)/Earnings per share | (2.1)p | | 13.8p | | (2.1)p | | 13.7p | |
Goodwill amortisation and exceptional items per share | 1.1p | | (4.5)p | | 1.1p | | (4.5)p | |
| |
(Loss)/Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items | (1.0)p | | 9.3p | | (1.0)p | | 9.2p | |
| |
10. Intangible Fixed Assets
Group | Goodwill | |
| |
| £’000 | |
Cost | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 34,709 | |
Additions | 26,587 | |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 61,296 | |
| |
Amortisation | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 34,457 | |
Exchange adjustment | 14 | |
Amortisation for the period | 1,567 | |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 36,038 | |
| |
Net Book Value | | |
At 30 June 2004 | 25,258 | |
| |
At 30 June 2003 | 252 | |
| |
The unamortised goodwill at 30 June 2004 relates to IO Interactive A/S (acquired in 2004) and is being amortised over its five year estimated useful economic life.
> 30 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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11. Tangible Fixed Assets
| Leasehold Improvements | | Fixtures and Fittings | | Computer Equipment | | Total | |
Group | | | | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
Cost | | | | | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 2,999 | | 2,688 | | 8,850 | | 14,537 | |
Exchange adjustment | (15 | ) | (118 | ) | (338 | ) | (471 | ) |
In respect of new subsidiary | 81 | | – | | 1,090 | | 1,171 | |
Additions | 76 | | 160 | | 2,529 | | 2,765 | |
Disposals | (1 | ) | (229 | ) | (869 | ) | (1,099 | ) |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 3,140 | | 2,501 | | 11,262 | | 16,903 | |
| |
Depreciation | | | | | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 1,238 | | 2,142 | | 6,476 | | 9,856 | |
Exchange adjustment | (46 | ) | (68 | ) | (229 | ) | (343 | ) |
Charge for the year | 297 | | 192 | | 1,727 | | 2,216 | |
Disposals | (1 | ) | (220 | ) | (772 | ) | (993 | ) |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 1,488 | | 2,046 | | 7,202 | | 10,736 | |
| |
Net Book Value | | | | | | | | |
At 30 June 2004 | 1,652 | | 455 | | 4,060 | | 6,167 | |
| |
At 30 June 2003 | 1,761 | | 546 | | 2,374 | | 4,681 | |
| |
The net book value of tangible fixed assets includes an amount of £732,000 (2003: £37,000) in respect of computer equipment held under finance leases.
| Leasehold Improvements | | Fixtures and Fittings | | Computer Equipment | | Total | |
Company | | | | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
Cost | | | | | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 1,251 | | 504 | | 916 | | 2,671 | |
Additions | 5 | | 10 | | 709 | | 724 | |
Disposals | – | | (202 | ) | (49 | ) | (251 | ) |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 1,256 | | 312 | | 1,576 | | 3,144 | |
| |
Depreciation | | | | | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 786 | | 502 | | 614 | | 1,902 | |
Charge for the year | 134 | | 2 | | 265 | | 401 | |
Disposals | – | | (202 | ) | (49 | ) | (251 | ) |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 920 | | 302 | | 830 | | 2,052 | |
| |
Net Book Value | | | | | | | | |
At 30 June 2004 | 336 | | 10 | | 746 | | 1,092 | |
| |
At 30 June 2003 | 465 | | 2 | | 302 | | 769 | |
| |
> 31 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
12. Fixed Asset Investments
| Joint Ventures | | Associated Undertakings | | Own Shares | | Total | |
Group | | | | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 (as originally reported) | 2,745 | | 1 | | 199 | | 2,945 | |
Prior year adjustment | – | | – | | (199 | ) | (199 | ) |
| |
At 1 July 2003 (restated, note 1) | 2,745 | | 1 | | – | | 2,746 | |
Share of net profits less dividends paid | 1,268 | | – | | – | | 1,268 | |
Addition | 269 | | – | | – | | 269 | |
Disposal | – | | (1 | ) | – | | (1 | ) |
Translation adjustment | (77 | ) | – | | – | | (77 | ) |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 4,205 | | – | | – | | 4,205 | |
| |
On 4 September 2003, Eidos and Sports Interactive Limited announced an agreement to end their existing relationship for the development of the Company’s highly successful Championship Manager football management series. Eidos agreed to sell its 25% interest in Sports Interactive for a cash consideration of £488,000, generating no profit/loss following the transfer of attributable goodwill from reserves of £488,000.
As part of the acquisition of IO Interactive A/S during the year (see note 22), the Group acquired a 51% interest in a joint venture, IO Interactive Hungary Kft.
| Own shares | | Investment in Group Undertakings | | Total | |
Company | | | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 (as originally reported) | 199 | | 1,705 | | 1,904 | |
Prior year adjustment | (199 | ) | – | | (199 | ) |
| |
At 1 July 2003 (restated, note 1) | – | | 1,705 | | 1,705 | |
Additions | – | | 25,700 | | 25,700 | |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | – | | 27,405 | | 27,405 | |
| |
The addition of £25,700,000 relates to the Company’s subscription for 2.5 billion Ordinary shares of 1p each in Centregold Limited, a subsidiary company.
> 32 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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12. Fixed Asset Investments (Continued)
Principal Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures
The directors consider that to give full particulars of all interests in Group undertakings would lead to a statement of excessive length. The following information relates to those subsidiary undertakings and joint ventures whose results or financial position, in the opinion of the directors, principally affected the results and financial position of the Group:
Subsidiary Undertakings | Country of | Principal | Description of | | Other Group | | Company | |
Incorporation | Activity | Shares Held | | Companies % | | % | |
| |
Eidos Interactive Limited | England and | Developer and | Ordinary £1 share each | | – | | 100 | |
| Wales | publisher of | and ‘A’ ordinary £0.05 | | | | | |
| | computer software | shares each | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Eidos Inc. | USA | Developer and | Common stock | | 100 | | – | |
| | publisher of | $0.001 par value | | | | | |
| | computer software | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Crystal Dynamics Inc. | USA | Developer and | Common stock | | 100 | | – | |
| | publisher of | no par value | | | | | |
| | computer software | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Core Design Limited | England and | Developer and | Ordinary £1 shares | | 100 | | – | |
| Wales | publisher of | | | | | | |
| | computer software | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Eidos SARL | France | Publisher of | Ordinary shares | | 100 | | – | |
| | computer software | of 7,623 Euros | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Eidos GmbH | Germany | Publisher of | Ordinary shares of | | 100 | | – | |
| | computer software | 25,565 Euros | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Eidos KK | Japan | Publisher of | Shares of | | – | | 100 | |
| | computer software | 50,000 Yen | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Eidos Interactive Pty Limited | Australia | Publisher of | Ordinary share of | | – | | 100 | |
| | computer software | AUS$ | 1 | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Ion Storm LP | USA | Developer of | Partnership units | | 89 | | – | |
| | computer software | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
IO Interactive A/S | Denmark | Developer of | ‘A’ Ordinary shares | | 100 | | – | |
| | computer software | of DKK 616.580 | | | | | |
| | | and ‘B’ Ordinary shares | | | | | |
| | | of DKK 40,000 | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Joint Ventures | Country of | Principal | Description of | | Other Group | | Company | |
Incorporation | Activity | Shares Held | | Companies % | | % | |
| |
Proein SL | Spain | Publisher of | 5,000 common | | 75 | | – | |
| | computer software | shares of | | | | | |
| | | 6 Euros each | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Pyro Studios SL | Spain | Developer of | 500 common | | 26.7 | | – | |
| | computer software | shares of 6 Euros each | | | | | |
All the above companies operated principally in their country of incorporation.
> 33 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
13. Stocks | | | | | | | | |
| | Group | | | | Company | | |
| |
| 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Raw materials and consumables | 486 | | 552 | | – | | – | |
Finished goods | 2,971 | | 2,220 | | – | | – | |
| |
| 3,457 | | 2,772 | | – | | – | |
| |
14. Debtors | | | | | | | | |
| | Group | | | | Company | | |
| |
| 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Trade debtors | 10,183 | | 32,420 | | – | | – | |
Amounts owed by Group undertakings | – | | – | | 59,505 | | 85,239 | |
Deferred tax asset (see note 18) | – | | 46 | | – | | – | |
Other debtors | 3,143 | | 4,048 | | 793 | | 618 | |
Prepayments and accrued income | 2,836 | | 2,608 | | 873 | | 533 | |
| |
| 16,162 | | 39,122 | | 61,171 | | 86,390 | |
| |
Within other debtors is £35,000 (2003: £50,000) which is recoverable after more than one year.
15. Creditors: Amounts Falling Due Within One Year | | | | | | | | |
| | Group | | | | Company | | |
| |
| 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Obligations under finance leases | 345 | | 16 | | – | | – | |
Trade creditors | 5,832 | | 9,262 | | 1,082 | | 429 | |
Amounts owed to Group undertakings | – | | – | | 3 | | 16,536 | |
Other taxes and social security costs | 3,597 | | 2,643 | | 346 | | 353 | |
Other creditors | 548 | | 3,420 | | 37 | | 10 | |
Accruals and deferred income | 4,746 | | 9,558 | | 1,394 | | 1,539 | |
Corporation tax payable | 1,707 | | 7,305 | | 275 | | 6,077 | |
| |
| 16,775 | | 32,204 | | 3,137 | | 24,944 | |
| |
Included within other creditors are royalty creditors of £548,000 (2003: £3,387,000).
16. Creditors: Amounts Falling Due After More Than One Year | | | | | | | | |
| | Group | | | | Company | | |
| |
| 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Accruals and deferred income | – | | 26 | | – | | – | |
Obligations under finance leases: | | | | | | | | |
Due between one and two years | 300 | | 2 | | – | | – | |
Due between two and five years | 111 | | 5 | | – | | – | |
| |
| 411 | | 33 | | – | | – | |
| |
> 34 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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17. Provisions for Liabilities and Charges | | | | |
| Group | | Company | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
At 1 July 2003 | – | | – | |
Provision for deferred consideration | 2,068 | | 2,068 | |
Provision for deferred tax (see note 18) | 1,463 | | – | |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 3,531 | | 2,068 | |
| |
The provision for deferred consideration relates to the acquisition of IO Interactive A/S (see note 22). | | | | |
18. Deferred Taxation | | | | | | | | |
| | Group | | | | Company | | |
| |
| 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Unrecognised Tax Assets | | | | | | | | |
Difference between tax allowances and depreciation | 852 | | 502 | | 215 | | 53 | |
Other timing differences | 7,211 | | 9,141 | | – | | – | |
Tax effect of losses carried forward | 29,361 | | 25,589 | | 1,274 | | – | |
| |
| 37,424 | | 35,232 | | 1,489 | | 53 | |
| |
Recognised Tax Assets/(Liabilities) | | | | | | | | |
Tax effect of US losses carried forward | 513 | | – | | – | | – | |
Other timing differences – foreign | (1,976 | ) | 46 | | – | | – | |
| |
| (1,463 | ) | 46 | | – | | – | |
| |
| Group | | Company | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
Movement in Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 46 | | – | |
Profit and loss charge | (1,245 | ) | – | |
Foreign exchange movements | 3 | | – | |
Acquisition of IO Interactive A/S | (267 | ) | – | |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | (1,463 | ) | – | |
| |
The movement in the deferred tax provided has arisen in respect of timing differences acquired in IO Interactive A/S. | | | | |
Significant brought forward losses remain available within the Group to offset future trading profits. The Group has, however, reviewed the provisions of FRS 19 – Deferred Tax, and believes that no further amounts should currently be recognised in respect of these losses as, in the opinion of the directors, there is insufficient evidence that they will be recoverable.
> 35 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
19. Called up Share Capital | | | | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
Authorised | | | | |
192,500,000 Ordinary shares of 2p each (2003: 192,500,000 2p shares) | 3,850 | | 3,850 | |
| |
Allotted Called Up and Fully Paid | | | | |
142,002,471 Ordinary shares of 2p each (2003: 139,961,523 2p shares) | 2,840 | | 2,799 | |
| |
During the year, 95,586 new Ordinary shares were allotted following the exercise of share options under the Company’s various share option schemes, 119,368 new Ordinary shares were allotted in respect of the US Stock Purchase Plan, 314,485 new Ordinary shares were allotted in respect of the exercise of warrants and 1,511,509 Ordinary shares were allotted in connection with the non-cash consideration paid for IO Interactive A/S as detailed in note 22. The total consideration received on all share allotments was £2,283,000. This comprised cash consideration of £273,000 and non-cash consideration of £2,010,000. The total nominal value of shares issued was £41,000.
At the Annual General Meeting held on 24 November 2003, shareholders gave authority for the Company to purchase up to 6,998,076 of its own Ordinary shares in the market subject to certain specified conditions. As at 15 September 2004, no purchases have been made or are contracted to be made pursuant to such authority.
At 30 June 2004, the following options over Ordinary shares had been granted and remain outstanding under the Company’s various employee share schemes. The number and exercise prices of outstanding options have been adjusted, as appropriate, for changes in the Company’s capital structure since the original dates of grant in accordance with the individual scheme rules.
| | | | | Number of Outstanding | |
| Exercise Period | | Exercise Price | * | Options/Purchase Rights | |
| |
Discretionary | | | | | | |
UK Approved Scheme | 11/03/98 to 12/12/13 | | 62p–329p | | 943,309 | |
UK and Overseas Unapproved Scheme | 21/01/00 to 12/12/13 | | 105p–329p | | 6,030,521 | |
US Stock Option Plans | 21/01/00 to 12/12/13 | | 185c–526c | | 2,084,807 | |
| |
| | | | | | |
All Employee | | | | | | |
UK and European Sharesave Schemes | 01/02/04 to 01/06/09 | ** | 96p–280p | | 523,691 | |
US Stock Purchase Plan*** | 31/03/05 | | 190c | | 175,302 | |
| |
Total all Option Schemes | | | | | 9,757,630 | |
| |
* | Option prices are denominated in pence (UK options), cents (US options) or local currency in the case of the international sharesave schemes. |
| |
** | Upon maturity, employees normally have six months in which to exercise sharesave options. |
| |
*** | Under the US Stock Purchase Plan, the exercise price and number of shares subject to the outstanding purchase rights cannot be determined precisely until maturity of each respective offering period (normally 12 months following the date of grant). The exercise price and number of purchase rights outstanding as shown above is a provisional number based on the market price of an Eidos Ordinary share (less the applicable 15% discount) as at the date of grant. |
There has been no material increase in the issued share capital, whether by exercise of options, rights, warrants or otherwise, between the financial year end and 15 September 2004, the date on which these Accounts have been signed.
As permitted under UITF abstract 17 (Revised 2003) Employee Share Schemes, the Group has taken advantage of the available exemptions in accounting for its Inland Revenue approved SAYE scheme and equivalent overseas schemes. Details of outstanding rights held by the directors over Ordinary shares of the Company under the restricted stock plan and Eidos 2003 Long-Term Incentive Plan are shown on page 14 of the Report on Directors’ Remuneration.
> 36 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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20. Share Premium Account and Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |
| Share | | | | | | | | | |
Group | Premium | | Other | | Merger | | Own Shares | | Profit and Loss | |
Account | | Reserves | | Reserve | | Restated note 1 | | Account | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 138,315 | | 707 | | – | | – | | (66,044 | ) |
Adjustment (see note 1) | – | | – | | – | | (276 | ) | 77 | |
| |
| 138,315 | | 707 | | – | | (276 | ) | (65,967 | ) |
Loss for the year | – | | – | | – | | – | | (2,913 | ) |
Exchange difference arising on consolidation | – | | – | | – | | – | | (1,475 | ) |
Reserve movement | (60,000 | ) | – | | – | | – | | 60,000 | |
Issuance of new shares in connection with | | | | | | | | | | |
the acquisition of IO Interactive | – | | – | | 1,980 | | – | | – | |
Exercise of warrants, options and rights | | | | | | | | | | |
under US Stock Purchase Plan | 279 | | (17 | ) | – | | – | | – | |
Goodwill previously written off to reserves, | | | | | | | | | | |
transferred to the profit and loss account | – | | – | | – | | – | | 488 | |
Exchange difference arising on consolidation | – | | – | | – | | – | | – | |
Purchase of own shares | – | | – | | – | | (2,485 | ) | – | |
Awards of own shares under US Stock Purchase Plan | – | | – | | – | | 197 | | – | |
Cost of employee share options | – | | – | | – | | – | | 263 | |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 78,594 | | 690 | | 1,980 | | (2,564 | ) | (9,604 | ) |
| |
| Share | | | | | | | | | |
Company | Premium | | Other | | Merger | | Own Shares | | Profit and Loss | |
Account | | Reserves | | Reserve | | Restated note 1 | | Account | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
At 1 July 2003 | 138,315 | | 167 | | – | | – | | (28,569 | ) |
Adjustment (see note 1) | – | | – | | – | | (276 | ) | 77 | |
| |
| 138,315 | | 167 | | – | | (276 | ) | (28,492 | ) |
Loss for the year | – | | – | | – | | – | | (3,260 | ) |
Reserve movement | (60,000 | ) | – | | – | | – | | 60,000 | |
Issuance of new shares in connection with | | | | | | | | | | |
the acquisition of IO Interactive | – | | – | | 1,980 | | – | | – | |
Exercise of warrants, options and rights | | | | | | | | | | |
under US Stock Purchase Plan | 279 | | (17 | ) | – | | – | | – | |
Purchase of own shares | – | | – | | – | | (2,485 | ) | – | |
Awards of own shares under US Stock Purchase Plan | – | | – | | – | | 197 | | – | |
Cost of employee share options | – | | – | | – | | – | | 263 | |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | 78,594 | | 150 | | 1,980 | | (2,564 | ) | 28,511 | |
| |
The Company has taken advantage of Section 230 of the Companies Act 1985 in not preparing a separate profit and loss account for its own activities. The Company’s loss for the year was £3,260,000 (year to 30 June 2003: £6,885,000 profit).
On 5 February 2004, the High Court approved a reduction in the Company’s share premium account of £60 million following shareholders’ approval at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 12 December 2003. The reduction was registered at Companies House on 5 February 2004. The purpose behind the reduction was to provide the Company with additional flexibility for possible distributions to shareholders. However, and as previously reported, this does not imply any commitment on the part of the Company in relation to future distributions.
In accordance with the Group’s accounting policy, the goodwill arising on acquisitions prior to 1 April 1998 has been written off against the merger reserve arising on consolidation and the balance to the profit and loss account. Cumulative goodwill of £33,768,000 (2003: £34,256,000) has been written off to these reserves (£27,530,000 to the merger reserve and £6,238,000 (2003: £6,726,000) to the profit and loss account).
> 37 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
Back to Contents
> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
20. Share Premium Account and Reserves (Continued)
Own Shares
During 2002, the Company established the Eidos plc Employee Benefit Trust (the ‘Trust’) in order to hold shares purchased in the market for the future satisfaction of awards under the Company’s various long-term equity incentive plans, further details of which are contained in the Report on Directors’ Remuneration and in Note 19. It is anticipated that awards under the Restricted Stock Plan and grants under the Performance Share Plan will be satisfied by the transfer of shares from the Trust. Awards made under the Company’s share option schemes will primarily be satisfied by the issue of new shares, but in certain circumstances may be satisfied by the transfer of shares from the Trust. No more than 10% of the Company’s equity may be made available for issue under all employee share plans over a 10 year period.
During the year 1,779,223 Eidos plc shares were purchased on the open market for a total consideration of £2,484,000. The number and market value of the Ordinary shares held by the Trust at 30 June 2004 was 1,833,000 and £1,966,000 respectively (30 June 2003: 236,500 and £323,000 respectively).
Movements of shares during the year are as follows:
Number of Ordinary Shares | |
| |
| | |
Balance at 1 July 2003 | 236,500 | |
Purchased during the year | 1,779,223 | |
Allocated in respect of the US Employee Stock Purchase Plan | (182,723 | ) |
| |
Balance at 30 June 2004 | 1,833,000 | |
| |
21. Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders’ Funds
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
Group | 30 June | | 30 June | |
2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
(Loss)/profit for the year | (2,913 | ) | 19,205 | |
Other recognised gains and losses | (1,475 | ) | (229 | ) |
| |
| (4,388 | ) | 18,976 | |
Issuance of new shares in connection with | | | | |
the acquisition of IO Interactive | 2,010 | | 212 | |
Exercise of warrants, options and rights | | | | |
under US Stock Purchase Plan | 273 | | – | |
Movement in own shares | (2,288 | ) | – | |
Cost of employee share options | 263 | | – | |
Goodwill previously written off to reserves, | | | | |
transferred to the profit and loss account | 488 | | – | |
| |
Net movement in shareholders’ funds | (3,642 | ) | 19,188 | |
| |
Opening shareholders’ funds | 75,578 | | 56,589 | |
Adjustment (note 1) | – | | (199 | ) |
| |
Opening shareholders’ funds (2003 restated) | 75,578 | | 56,390 | |
| |
Closing shareholders’ funds (2003 restated) | 71,936 | | 75,578 | |
| |
> 38 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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21. Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders’ Funds (Continued) | | | | |
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
Company | 30 June | | 30 June | |
2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
(Loss)/profit for the year | (3,260 | ) | 6,885 | |
Issuance of new shares in connection with | | | | |
the acquisition of IO Interactive | 2,010 | | 212 | |
Exercise of warrants, options and rights | | | | |
under US Stock Purchase Plan | 273 | | – | |
Movement in own shares | (2,288 | ) | – | |
Cost of employee share options | 263 | | – | |
| |
Net movement in shareholders’ funds | (3,002 | ) | 7,097 | |
| |
Opening shareholders’ funds | 112,513 | | 105,615 | |
Adjustment (note 1) | – | | (199 | ) |
| |
Opening shareholders’ funds (2003 restated) | 112,513 | | 105,416 | |
| |
Closing shareholders’ funds (2003 restated) | 109,511 | | 112,513 | |
| |
22. Acquisitions
On 3 March 2004, the Group entered into a conditional agreement to acquire the entire share capital of IO Interactive A/S (‘IO’) for an initial consideration of £23.0 million, which was satisfied by £21.0 million in cash and £2.0 million in Eidos shares. Contingent consideration of up to £5.0 million in cash is payable dependent upon the number of new game units released in excess of 2.1 million units per annum over the four year period following completion. Based on the directors’ best estimate, a provision of £2.1 million has been recorded at 30 June 2004. The Group entered into the agreement in order to secure the development of the Hitman franchise going forward, to gain access to technologies developed by IO with a view to sharing best practice across the Group, and to bring into the Group a team of talented developers. The goodwill of £26.6 million arose upon the acquisition as detailed below.
The acquisition has been accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting in accordance with FRS 6 – Acquisitions and Mergers. The results of IO have been consolidated from 31 March 2004 as the Directors believe that this was the point at which control of the entity effectively passed to the Group.
The net profit recognised for IO’s financial year ended 31 December 2003 was £280,502 and the net loss from 1 January 2004 through to the date of acquisition was £3,438,000. The net loss recognised in the period relating to IO was £2,362,000, representing operating expenses from the date of acquisition to 30 June 2004. Prior to the acquisition, IO developed games which were distributed by Eidos. Accordingly, all of IO’s post acquisition sales are intra-group sales and have been eliminated on consolidation.
The following table sets out the book values of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired and their fair value to the Group.
| | | Accounting | | Other | | | |
| | | policy | | fair value | | | |
| Book value | | alignments | | adjustments | | Fair value | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Fixed assets: | | | | | | | | |
Tangible | 1,194 | | – | | (23 | ) | 1,171 | |
Investments | 269 | | – | | – | | 269 | |
Current assets: | | | | | | | | |
Capitalised software | 2,656 | | (2,656 | ) | – | | – | |
Debtors | 694 | | – | | – | | 694 | |
Cash | 75 | | – | | – | | 75 | |
| |
Total assets | 4,888 | | (2,656 | ) | (23 | ) | 2,209 | |
| |
Creditors | (4,342 | ) | 1,312 | | (66 | ) | (3,096 | ) |
| |
Net assets/(liabilities) | 546 | | (1,344 | ) | (89 | ) | (887 | ) |
Goodwill | | | | | | | 26,587 | |
| |
Total Consideration | | | | | | | 25,700 | |
| |
> 39 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
22. Acquisitions (Continued)
The accounting policy alignment related primarily to the elimination of capitalised software costs and to the elimination of provisions for holiday pay. Adjustments were also made to the deferred tax balances. The fair value adjustments related primarily to the provision for obligations on vacant property and the write-down of leasehold improvements.
The consideration comprises:
| |
| £’000 | |
| | |
Cash consideration | 20,990 | |
1.5 million Eidos shares | 2,010 | |
Deferred cash consideration | 2,068 | |
Acquisition costs | 632 | |
| |
| 25,700 | |
| |
| | | | |
23. Reconciliation of Operating (Loss)/Profit to Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Operating Activities | | | | |
| Year ended | | Year ended | |
| 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | |
Group operating (loss)/profit | (5,628 | ) | 10,672 | |
Loss on disposal of fixed assets | 93 | | 34 | |
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets | 2,216 | | 2,081 | |
Amortisation of goodwill | 1,567 | | 264 | |
Cost of employee share options | 263 | | 77 | |
(Increase)/decrease in stocks | (803 | ) | 510 | |
Decrease/(increase) in debtors | 21,747 | | (31,210 | ) |
(Decrease)/increase in creditors | (11,268 | ) | 12,898 | |
| |
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities | 8,187 | | (4,674 | ) |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
24. Analysis of Net Funds | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Other | | | |
| At 1 July | | | | Exchange | | In respect of | | Non-Cash | | At 30 June | |
| 2003 | | Cashflow | | Movements | | IO Interactive | | Movements | | 2004 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
Net Cash: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cash at bank and in hand | 27,946 | | (2,924 | ) | (183 | ) | – | | – | | 24,839 | |
Short-term deposits and liquid resources | 30,296 | | (17,569 | ) | (162 | ) | – | | – | | 12,565 | |
| |
| 58,242 | | (20,493 | ) | (345 | ) | – | | – | | 37,404 | |
Finance leases | (23 | ) | 97 | | (3 | ) | (693 | ) | (134 | ) | (756 | ) |
| |
Net funds | 58,219 | | (20,396 | ) | (348 | ) | (693 | ) | (134 | ) | 36,648 | |
| |
Short-term deposits and liquid resources comprise deposits repayable on demand which can be withdrawn at any time without notice and without penalty.
25. Contingent Liabilities
The Company and its subsidiaries are defendants in a number of legal proceedings incidental to its operations. The Company does not expect the outcome of such proceedings, either individually or in aggregate, to have a material effect upon the results of the Company’s operations or its financial position, accordingly no provision has been made.
The Company has given a letter of guarantee to secure a committed borrowing facility for a subsidiary undertaking (see note 30).
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26. Commitments Under Operating Leases
The Group had the following annual commitments under non-cancellable operating leases, analysed by category and expiry date:
Group | | | Motor Vehicles | |
Land and Buildings | | and Equipment | |
| |
| 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Within one year | 282 | | 310 | | 155 | | 79 | |
In two to five years | 2,592 | | 2,135 | | 332 | | 375 | |
After five years | 268 | | 521 | | 23 | | – | |
| |
| 3,142 | | 2,966 | | 510 | | 454 | |
| |
Company | | | Motor Vehicles | |
Land and Buildings | | and Equipment | |
| |
| 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| 2004 | | 2003 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Within one year | – | | 62 | | 31 | | 2 | |
In two to five years | 618 | | 534 | | 68 | | 60 | |
After five years | 133 | | 116 | | 4 | | – | |
| |
| 751 | | 712 | | 103 | | 62 | |
| |
27. Capital Commitments
As at 30 June 2004 the Group had contracted to make payments, conditional upon the completion of development milestones, totalling £5.3 million to various licensors and developers involved in providing games software for the Group’s use. The total amount is payable within one year. All development contracts can be terminated by Eidos at any time, without penalties, if the development milestones are not achieved.
28. Pension Commitments
Effective from 1 January 1997 the Group has operated a defined contribution private pension plan for UK employees. The assets of the plan are held separately from those of the Group in an independently administered fund. Contributions are paid to the plan and charged to the profit and loss account as incurred. Contributions paid by the Group during the year were £446,000 (year ended 30 June 2003: £379,000). At the year end no contributions were outstanding.
Jeremy Heath-Smith was the sole member of the Core Design Pension Scheme, a defined contribution scheme. Contributions paid by the Group during the year were £12,000 (year ended 30 June 2003: £30,000). At the year end no contributions were outstanding. Jeremy Heath-Smith ceased employment with the Group on 30 September 2003.
An employee was the sole member of the Eidos plc Money Purchase Plan, a defined contribution scheme. Contributions paid by the Group during the year were £nil (year ended 30 June 2003: £350). At the year end no contributions were outstanding.
Contributions were paid into private pension schemes of one employee (2003: two) by the Group during the year of £8,000 (2003: £24,000). At the year end no contributions were outstanding.
All significant overseas pension arrangements are also of a defined contribution nature. Contributions paid by the Group during the year were £365,000 (year ended 30 June 2003: £424,000). At the year end no contributions were outstanding.
In total £831,000 was paid to pension schemes during the year (year ended 30 June 2003: £857,000).
Stakeholder Pensions
In October 2001, the UK Government made it compulsory for most companies in the UK employing over five members of staff to give their employees access to a Stakeholder pension. Eidos plc has reviewed its Group Personal Pension Plan and implemented a number of minor changes to ensure that the Plan is Stakeholder Exempt and no further action is required.
> 41 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Notes to the Accounts continued |
29. Related Party Disclosures |
(a) | During the period the Group paid £2.5 million (year ended 30 June 2003: £3.3 million) to its associated undertakings as royalties and advances on games being developed for the Group. |
| |
(b) | In July 1999, Eidos acquired a 75% shareholding in Proein SL, which is accounted for as a joint venture. In the year to 30 June 2004 Eidos sold games to Proein SL totalling £2.6 million (year ended June 2003: £1.6 million). In addition, in the same period Eidos paid £3.3 million (year ended 30 June 2003: £3.1 million) to Pyro Studios SL (in which Eidos owns a 26.7% shareholding) as royalties and advances for the development of games for Eidos. At 30 June 2004, Eidos was owed £47,000 (2003: £238,000) by Proein SL, and was owed £76,000 by Pyro Studios SL (2003: £283,000). |
| |
(c) | The Group has taken advantage of the exemption in Financial Reporting Standard No. 8 in respect of subsidiaries, which are consolidated in these accounts. |
All inter-company transactions are calculated on an arm’s length basis.
30. Derivatives and Other Financial Instruments
The Financial Review on page 5 provides an explanation of the role that financial instruments have had during the year in creating or changing the risks the Group faces in its activities. The explanation summarises the objectives and policies for holding or issuing financial instruments and similar contracts, and the strategies for achieving those objectives that have been followed during the year.
The numerical disclosures in this note deal with financial assets and liabilities as defined in Financial Reporting Standard No. 13: Derivatives and Other Financial Instruments. Certain financial assets such as investments in subsidiaries, joint and associated undertakings are excluded from the scope of these disclosures.
As permitted by FRS13, short-term debtors and creditors have been excluded from the disclosure, other than the currency disclosures.
Interest Rate and Currency Profile
The interest rate and currency profile of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities at 30 June 2004 was as follows:
| | | | | | | Australian | | Danish | | Singapore | | Japanese | | | |
| Sterling | | US Dollar | | Euro | | Dollar | | Krone | | Dollar | | Yen | | Total | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cash and liquid resources – floating rate | 25,000 | | 1,343 | | 9,383 | | 1,583 | | (88 | ) | 31 | | 152 | | 37,404 | |
Net financial assets and liabilities (excluding | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
short-term debtors and creditors) | 7 | | – | | 19 | | – | | (756 | ) | – | | 9 | | (721 | ) |
| |
| 25,007 | | 1,343 | | 9,402 | | 1,583 | | (844 | ) | 31 | | 161 | | 36,683 | |
| |
The corresponding interest rate and currency profile of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities at 30 June 2003 was as follows:
| | | | | | | Australian | | Danish | | Singapore | | Japanese | | | |
| Sterling | | US Dollar | | Euro | | Dollar | | Krone | | Dollar | | Yen | | Total | |
| |
| £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cash and liquid resources – floating rate | 49,088 | | 1,515 | | 7,208 | | – | | – | | 173 | | 258 | | 58,242 | |
Net financial assets and liabilities (excluding | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
short-term debtors and creditors) | 9 | | (7 | ) | 19 | | – | | – | | 7 | | (11 | ) | 17 | |
| |
| 49,097 | | 1,508 | | 7,227 | | – | | – | | 180 | | 247 | | 58,259 | |
| |
Cash deposits and liquid resources comprise cash deposits placed on money markets for periods of up to six months.
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30. Derivatives and Other Financial Instruments (Continued)
Currency Exposures
The Group’s objective in managing the currency exposures is to minimise gains and losses arising in its overseas subsidiaries. The Company provides working capital to its overseas subsidiaries in their functional currencies and hedges its exposure in accordance with the policy described in the Financial Review. The table below shows the Group’s currency exposures, i.e. those transactional exposures that give rise to the net currency gains and losses recognised in the profit and loss account. These exposures were as follows:
| | | | | | Net Foreign Currency Monetary Assets/(Liabilities) | | | |
| |
| | | | | | Singapore | | Australian | | Danish | | Japanese | | | |
| | US Dollar | | Euro | | Dollar | | Dollar | | Krone | | Yen | | Total | |
| |
| | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
Functional Currency of Group Operation: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sterling | . | 1,186 | | 3,926 | | 22 | | 1,545 | | (3,262 | ) | 363 | | 3,780 | |
US Dollar | | – | | – | | – | | – | | – | | (18 | ) | (18 | ) |
| |
At 30 June 2004 | | 1,186 | | 3,926 | | 22 | | 1,545 | | (3,262 | ) | 345 | | 3,762 | |
| |
Functional Currency of Group Operation: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sterling | | (1,588 | ) | 944 | | (106 | ) | – | | – | | 13 | | (737 | ) |
US Dollar | | – | | 97 | | – | | – | | – | | 12 | | 109 | |
| |
At 30 June 2003 | | (1,588 | ) | 1,041 | | (106 | ) | – | | – | | 25 | | (628 | ) |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Borrowing Facilities | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
The undrawn committed facilities of the Group mature as follows: | | | | | |
| | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | |
Within one year | | 16,751 | | 15,505 | |
| |
The Company has given a letter of guarantee to secure a committed borrowing facility of £505,000 (2003: £505,000) for a Japanese subsidiary undertaking, Eidos KK.
Fair Values
Set out below is a comparison by category of book values and fair values of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities.
| | 30 June 2004 | | 30 June 2003 | |
| |
| | Book | | Fair | | Book | | Fair | |
| | Value | | Value | | Value | | Value | |
| |
| | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
Primary Financial Instruments Held or Issued to Finance the Group’s Operations | | | | | | | | | |
Financial assets: | | | | | | | | | |
Cash | | 37,404 | | 37,404 | | 58,242 | | 58,242 | |
Debtors due after one year | | 35 | | 35 | | 50 | | 50 | |
| | | | | | | | | |
Financial liabilities: | | | | | | | | | |
Finance leases | | 756 | | 756 | | 23 | | 23 | |
| |
Gains and Losses on Hedges
The Group enters into forward foreign currency contracts to eliminate the currency exposures that arise on trading balances denominated in foreign currencies. Changes in the fair value of instruments used to hedge foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are recognised in the hedged periods.
> 43 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Information for US Investors |
US Listing
American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)
The Company’s Ordinary shares are listed on the NASDAQ National Market (symbol: EIDSY) in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADSs) which are evidenced by ADRs, each representing one Ordinary share. The Bank of New York is the authorised Depositary for the Company’s ADR programme.
The Company’s ADS price is quoted daily in the Wall Street Journal and can be obtained from the NASDAQ website at www.nasdaq.com.
Basis of Preparation of US GAAP Results
The Group prepares its consolidated accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the UK which differ in certain material respects from US GAAP.
Reconciliations from UK GAAP to US GAAP
| | | | Restated* | |
| | Year ended | | Year ended | |
| | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | |
(Loss)/profit for the year (prepared under UK GAAP) | | (2,913 | ) | 19,205 | |
Amortisation of goodwill – Group | | 1,567 | | 264 | |
Amortisation of goodwill – joint ventures | | – | | 471 | * |
Revenue recognition | | 1,217 | | (1,703 | ) |
Profit on disposal of investment | | 488 | | – | |
Vacation pay provision | | (63 | ) | – | |
| |
Profit after taxation and minority interests in accordance with US GAAP | | 296 | | 18,237 | |
| |
| | | | | |
Earnings per Share in accordance with US GAAP | | | | | |
Earnings per share (basic) | | 0.2 | p | 13.1 | p |
Earnings per share (diluted) | | 0.2 | p | 13.0 | p |
| |
| | | | | |
| | | | Restated* | |
| | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | |
Shareholders’ funds (prepared under UK GAAP) | | 71,936 | | 75,578 | |
Amortisation of goodwill – Group | | 1,832 | | 264 | |
Amortisation of goodwill – joint ventures | | 471 | * | 471 | * |
Goodwill differences arising on the acquisition of IO Interactives A/S | | (1,532 | ) | – | |
Exchange differences on goodwill | | 48 | | 34 | |
Deferred consideration | | 2,068 | | – | |
Deferred tax liability | | 230 | | – | |
Revenue recognition | | (486 | ) | (1,703 | ) |
Vacation pay provision | | (829 | ) | – | |
| |
Shareholders’ funds in accordance with US GAAP | | 73,738 | | 74,644 | |
| |
* We have revised the treatment of the amortisation of joint venture goodwill in the Consolidated Statements of Operations reconciled to US GAAP. The June 2003 financial statements understated the US GAAP profit by £471,000. The reconciliation above has been revised to reflect this treatment. This was also rectified in the June 2003 20-F filing.
Shareholders’ funds prepared under UK GAAP as at 30 June 2003 have been restated for the effects of UITF 38 (see note 1 in the Notes to the Accounts).
The significant differences between UK and US GAAP relate principally to the following items and the adjustments necessary to restate net income and shareholders’ funds in accordance with US GAAP are shown above.
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(1) Purchase Accounting
All of the Group’s acquisitions have been accounted for using purchase accounting for both UK and US GAAP. Under UK GAAP, in-process research and development costs are not identified as an acquired asset in the purchase price but rather are capitalised as goodwill and amortised over their expected useful lives. US GAAP requires the identification of in-process research and development as a component of the purchase price allocation. Such amounts in which technological feasibility has not been established and that have no alternative future use must be charged as an expense at the time of acquisition. In accordance with US GAAP, the Group has identified £24.4 million in the aggregate as in-process research and development, all of which was expensed in the periods in which the related acquisitions were completed (1996: £8.2 million, 1997: £13.8 million, and 1999: £2.4 million).
The Group has recorded £93.0 million as goodwill, the excess of the fair value of consideration paid over the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired, on a cumulative basis for US GAAP purposes in connection with various acquisitions (1996: £7.4 million, 1997: £11.1 million, 1998: £4.0 million, 1999: £27.8 million, 2000: £16.7 million, 2002: £0.9 million, 2004: £25.1 million). For UK GAAP purposes goodwill is amortised over 3 to 5 years, as this is the estimated useful life due to the rapid pace of change in the industry.
Goodwill arising on the acquisition of IO Interactive was £26.6 million under UK GAAP compared to £25.1 million under US GAAP. The difference of £1.5 million primarily relates to the reversal of £2.1 million of deferred consideration for US GAAP as such amounts are currently not payable, the provision for holiday pay of £0.8 million, which was retained for the purposes of US GAAP, and the reversal of a deferred tax liability of £0.2 million associated with the holiday pay provision.
In July 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (‘FASB’) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (‘SFAS’) No. 141, Business Combinations, and SFAS No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets. SFAS No. 141 requires that the purchase method of accounting be used for all business combinations initiated after 30 June 2001 as well as all purchase method business combinations completed after 30 June 2001. SFAS No. 141 also specifies criteria intangible assets acquired in a purchase method business combination must meet to be recognised and reported apart from goodwill, noting that any purchase price allocable to an assembled workforce may not be accounted for separately. SFAS No. 142 requires that goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives no longer be amortised, but instead tested for impairment at least annually in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 142. SFAS No. 142 also requires that intangible assets with definite useful lives be amortised over their respective estimated useful lives to their estimated residual values, and reviewed for impairment in accordance with SFAS No. 144, Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed of.
Under UK GAAP, purchased goodwill in respect of acquisitions before I January 1998 was written off to reserves in the year of acquisition. Purchased goodwill in respect of acquisitions since 1 January 1998 is capitalised in accordance with the requirements of FRS 10 Goodwill and Intangible Assets. Positive goodwill is amortised to nil in equal instalments over the estimated useful life. Upon subsequent disposal or closure of an acquired business, any goodwill previously taken directly to shareholders’ equity is reflected in the income or loss on disposal.
(2) Consolidation and Accounting for Investments in Common Stock
Certain investments made by the Group during the year ended 31 March 2000 have been reported differently under UK GAAP and US GAAP due to the respective definitions of a subsidiary, joint venture, associate and investment.
Under UK GAAP, definitions of subsidiary, joint venture, associate and investment are broadly based upon control, to a certain extent irrespective of the percentage of shares held. Under US GAAP, control and the percentage of ownership are the primary basis on which an investment is categorised as a subsidiary, joint venture, associate and investment. Strong evidence must be present in order to not consolidate an entity with a greater than 50% shareholding or to not equity account for an investment of greater than 20% shareholding. During the year ended 31 March 2000, the Group acquired a 75% interest in Proein SL. During the year ended 30 June 2004, the Group acquired a 51% interest in IO Interactive Hungary Kft. Because of the nature of the contractual joint control arrangements, these investments are considered to be joint ventures in accordance with UK GAAP and are accounted for using the equity method of accounting. For US GAAP purposes, Proein SL and IO Interactive Hungary Kft have been treated as subsidiaries and consolidated.
(3) Revenue Recognition
Under UK GAAP, licence income and advance royalties are recognised when the right to consideration is obtained in exchange for performance. Up-front fees are required to be deferred unless contractual obligations have been fulfilled. During the year ended 30 June 2003, the Group received non-refundable advance royalties which met the criteria for revenue recognition under UK GAAP as any remaining services were considered inconsequential. Under US GAAP such remaining services did not qualify as inconsequential and accordingly these advance royalties were deferred. During the year ended 30 June 2004 the criteria for revenue recognition under US GAAP were met for a portion of this amount and accordingly such amounts have been recognised as revenue in the current year.
(4) Accrual for Vacation Expense
Under UK GAAP, no cost is accrued for vacation expenses. US GAAP requires that a liability should be accrued for vacation benefits that employees have earned but not yet taken.
> 45 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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> | Information for US Investors continued |
(5) Deferred Taxation | | | | | |
The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to deferred taxes are: | | | | | |
| | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | |
Net operating loss carry forward | | 29,874 | | 25,589 | |
Difference between tax allowances and book depreciation | | 852 | | 502 | |
Temporary differences in respect of deferred income | | (2,008 | ) | – | |
Sales returns allowances and price protection reserves | | 2,272 | | 3,229 | |
Disallowed interest expense | | 5,599 | | 6,577 | |
Other temporary differences | | (628 | ) | (619 | ) |
Valuation allowance | | (37,194 | ) | (35,232 | ) |
| |
Net deferred tax (liability)/asset (US GAAP) | | (1,233 | ) | 46 | |
| |
As at 30 June 2004, the Group had US Federal operating loss carry forwards of £52.5 million, all of which expire between 2012 and 2023. Additionally, the Group has local operating loss carry forwards of £43.8 million, of which £8.1 million have unlimited carry-forward and £35.7 million expires between 2010 and 2014.
The net change in the valuation allowance for the year was an increase of £2.0 million (2003: decrease of £10.9 million). This relates largely to the current year losses unable to be utilised in the year. Other differences relate to US timing difference arising on movements in provisions.
As at 30 June 2004, the Group does not believe that there was any material deferred tax liability arising from the excess of the value of its subsidiaries, joint ventures or associates over their base cost for tax purposes.
Under UK GAAP, the share of tax incurred by certain joint ventures is included in the tax on loss of ordinary activities. Under US GAAP, this tax would be included as part of equity in loss of affiliates with income before income taxes.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
The consolidated statements of cash flow prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard No. 1 (revised) present substantially the same information as that required under US GAAP. However, under US GAAP the cash flows of one of the joint ventures in Spain (which is consolidated as a subsidiary under US GAAP and equity accounted under UK GAAP) are included. Under UK GAAP, cash flow is presented separately for operating activities, returns on investments and servicing of finance, taxation, capital expenditure and financial investment, acquisitions and disposals, management of liquid resources and financing activities. Under US GAAP cash flow is presented separately for operating activities, investing activities and financing activities. Cash flow from taxation and returns on investments and servicing of finance would be included as operating activities under US GAAP with the exception of dividends paid and costs of financing. The payments of dividends and costs of financing would be also included under financing activities under US GAAP.
Under US GAAP, cash and cash equivalents do not include bank overdrafts, as is the case under UK GAAP. Under US GAAP such bank overdrafts are presented within financing activities.
Under US GAAP, capital expenditure and financial investment and acquisitions and disposals are included in investing activities. Set out below, for illustrative purposes, is a summary consolidated statement of cash flow under US GAAP.
| | Year ended | | Year ended | |
| | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
| | £’000 | | £’000 | |
| | | | | |
Cash flow from operating activities | | 4,636 | | 1,979 | |
Cash flow from investing activities | | (26,261 | ) | (635 | ) |
Cash flow from financing activities | | 400 | | (1,258 | ) |
| |
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents | | (21,225 | ) | 86 | |
| |
> 46 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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| | | | | | 15 Months | | Restated* | | | |
| | Year Ended | | Year Ended | | Ended | | Year Ended | | Year Ended | |
| | 31 March | | 31 March | | 30 June | | 30 June | | 30 June | |
| | 2000 | | 2001 | | 2002 | | 2003 | | 2004 | |
| |
| | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | | £’000 | |
Summary of Results | | | | | | | | | | | |
Turnover | | 194,801 | | 164,154 | | 128,938 | | 151,534 | | 133,917 | |
| |
Operating Profit/(Loss) | | (26,831 | ) | (57,289 | ) | (35,928 | ) | 13,151 | | (3,560 | ) |
| |
Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments | | 80,236 | | – | | 7,745 | | 1,400 | | – | |
Write down of investment | | – | | (36,308 | ) | (3,368 | ) | – | | – | |
Income from investments | | – | | 136 | | 152 | | – | | – | |
Interest receivable | | 1,110 | | 835 | | 2,200 | | 3,095 | | 1,864 | |
Interest payable and similar charges | | (5,240 | ) | (3,732 | ) | (1,456 | ) | (292 | ) | (255 | ) |
| |
Profit/(Loss) Before Taxation | | 49,275 | | (96,358 | ) | (30,655 | ) | 17,354 | | (1,951 | ) |
Taxation | | (24,072 | ) | (971 | ) | (56 | ) | 1,851 | | (962 | ) |
| |
Retained Profit/(Loss) | | 25,203 | | (97,329 | ) | (30,711 | ) | 19,205 | | (2,913 | ) |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Net Assets Employed | | | | | | | | | | | |
Fixed assets | | 74,248 | | 23,395 | | 9,552 | | 7,679 | | 35,630 | |
Net current assets | | 54,424 | | 9,540 | | 49,738 | | 67,932 | | 40,248 | |
| |
| | 128,672 | | 32,935 | | 59,290 | | 75,611 | | 75,878 | |
Long-term liabilities and provisions for liabilities and charges | | (2,253 | ) | (2,318 | ) | (2,701 | ) | (33 | ) | (3,942 | ) |
| |
Net Assets | | 126,419 | | 30,617 | | 56,589 | | 75,578 | | 71,936 | |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Earnings/(loss) per share (basic) | | 23.3 | p | (84.5 | )p | (22.9 | )p | 13.8 | p | (2.1 | )p |
* The information has been restated for the effects of UITF 38 (see note 1 in the Notes to the Accounts). Previous years have not been restated as shares were not previously owned by the Group.
> 47 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
Back to Contents
> Shareholder Information |
Shareholder Analysis
As at 15 September 2004, the number of registered shareholders was 6,051 and the number of Ordinary shares in issue was 142,002,471.
| Number of | | Percentage of | | Number of | | Percentage of | |
| Shareholders | | Total Shareholders | | Shares (Million) | | Total Shares | |
| |
Range of holdings: | | | | | | | | |
1 to 1,500 | 5,014 | | 82.9 | | 2.0 | | 1.4 | |
1,501 to 5,000 | 572 | | 9.6 | | 1.6 | | 1.1 | |
5,001 to 10,000 | 129 | | 2.1 | | 1.0 | | 0.7 | |
10,001 to 50,000 | 166 | | 2.7 | | 4.0 | | 2.8 | |
50,001 to 100,000 | 49 | | 0.8 | | 3.7 | | 2.6 | |
100,001 to 250,000 | 48 | | 0.8 | | 7.8 | | 5.5 | |
250,001 to 500,000 | 26 | | 0.4 | | 9.2 | | 6.4 | |
500,001 to 1,000,000 | 21 | | 0.3 | | 14.3 | | 10.1 | |
1,000,001 to highest | 26 | | 0.4 | | 98.5 | | 69.4 | |
| |
Total | 6,051 | | 100.0 | | 142.1 | | 100.0 | |
| |
Held By: | | | | | | | | |
Individuals | 5,202 | | 85.9 | | 9.4 | | 6.6 | |
Institutions and companies | 849 | | 14.1 | | 132.7 | | 93.4 | |
| |
Total | 6,051 | | 100.0 | | 142.1 | | 100.0 | |
| |
Company Registrars
Enquiries concerning shareholdings, change of address or other particulars, should be directed in the first instance to the Company’s Registrars, Computershare Investor Services PLC. Computershare also provide a range of on-line shareholder information services at www.computershare.com where shareholders can check their holdings and find practical help on transferring shares and updating personal details.
Share Dealing Service
An internet and telephone share dealing service has been established by our registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC, enabling shareholders to buy or sell Eidos plc Ordinary shares on the London Stock Exchange. Shareholders who are interested in using these services should visit www.computershare-dealing.co.uk or telephone +44 (0) 870 703 0084.
Share Price Information
The latest Eidos share price can be obtained via the Company’s website at www.eidos.com. It can also be obtained in the UK on Ceefax, Teletext and the FT Cityline service, telephone +44 (0) 906 843 1400 (calls charged at 60p per minute).
Unsolicited Mail
The Company is obliged by law to make its share register available upon request to the public and to other organisations which may use it as a mailing list resulting in shareholders receiving unsolicited mail. Shareholders wishing to limit the receipt of such mail should write to the Mailing Preference Service, Freepost 22, London W1E 7EZ or telephone +44 (0) 845 703 4599 for an application form.
Shareholders who hold only a small number of shares, where dealing costs make it uneconomic to sell them, may wish to consider donating them to charity through ShareGIFT, a registered charity administered by The Orr Mackintosh Foundation. The relevant share transfer form can be obtained from Computershare Investor Services plc. Further information is available at www.sharegift.org or telephone +44 (0) 20 7337 0501.
Annual General Meeting
The Company’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 25 November 2004 at 12.00 noon at the Company’s registered office. A circular to shareholders, which includes the Notice convening the Meeting, accompanies this document.
> 48 Eidos plc Annual Report & Accounts 2004
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| > Contact Details and Advisors |
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| | |
| Secretary and Registered Office | Auditors |
| Michael Arnaouti FCIS | KPMG Audit Plc |
| Eidos plc | 8 Salisbury Square |
| Wimbledon Bridge House | LONDON |
| 1 Hartfield Road | EC4Y 8BB |
| Wimbledon | Tel: +44 (0) 20 7311 1000 |
| LONDON | Fax: +44 (0) 20 7311 3311 |
| SW19 3RU | |
| Tel: +44 (0) 20 8636 3000 | Corporate Financial Advisors |
| Fax: +44 (0) 20 8636 3001 | UBS Investment Bank |
| Email: plc@eidos.co.uk | 1 Finsbury Avenue |
| Website: www.eidos.com | LONDON |
| | EC2M 2PP |
| Registered Number | Tel: +44 (0) 20 7567 8000 |
| 2501949 | Fax: +44 (0) 20 7568 4800 |
| | |
| Registrars | Joint Brokers |
| Computershare Investor Services PLC | UBS Investment Bank |
| The Pavilions | Evolution Beeson Gregory |
| Bridgwater Road | |
| BRISTOL | Bankers |
| BS99 7NH | The Royal Bank of Scotland |
| Tel: +44 (0) 870 702 0002 | |
| Fax: +44 (0) 870 703 6101 | Legal Advisors |
| Website: www.computershare.com | Taylor Wessing (UK) |
| | Cooley Godward (USA) |
| ADR Depository | |
| The Bank of New York | PR Consultants |
| Investor Relations | Brunswick Group |
| PO Box 11258 | |
| Church St Station | |
| NEW YORK | |
| NY 10286-1258 | |
| USA | |
| Tel: +1 610 382 7836 | |
| Fax: +1 212 571 3050 | |
| Website: www.adrbny.com | |
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| Designed and produced by Bexon Woodhouse Creative |
| Printed by Royle Corporate Print. The paper used in this Annual Report is manufactured |
| from pulp sourced from fully sustainable forests, and has been produced without the use |
| of elemental chlorine. |
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| > Further Information |
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| Eidos plc |
| Wimbledon Bridge House |
| 1 Hartfield Road |
| Wimbledon |
| London SW19 3RU |
| |
| Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8636 3000 |
| Fax: +44 (0) 20 8636 3001 |
| Email: plc@eidos.co.uk |
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| > Committed to the Gameplay Experience |
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