Introduction The Company has continued to make good progress in the achievement of its strategic objectives and is pleased to report a third consecutive profitable six month period. Particularly pleasing is the significant increase in operating profits pre goodwill and exceptionals, which were 30% ahead of the equivalent period last year at £7.1 million (2002: £5.4 million)1.This progress is further evidence that the Company is delivering the benefits of the many operational improvements, in both development and publishing, made over the past three years. In particular, the steps taken by the Company to reduce delays through an improved development process, has resulted in the on-schedule release of all games during the period. It is the Company's aim to deliver further improvements as its Operational Excellence programme, launched last year, begins to deliver tangible results. Review of Operational Performance During the six month period to 31 December 2003, the Company released 23 skus (10 products), including Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin, Legacy of Kain: Defiance, Championship Manager: Season 03/04 and Deus Ex: Invisible War. Sales performed broadly in line with management's expectations, with the exception of Commandos 3 and Legacy of Kain, which did not achieve expected levels. Deus Ex: Invisible War, Legacy of Kain: Defiance and Whiplash were released in North America only. In addition, the period included further console sales in Europe of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, together with a strong performance from our back catalogue titles. The factors referred to above, combined with US hardware sales falling short of market forecasts and the adverse impact caused by the weakening of the US dollar, have resulted in turnover in the period of £78.7 million, lower than the £88.9 million reported in the same period last year. Gross margin for the six months to 31 December 2003 increased to 62.2% compared to 51.3% for the same period last year. This was due to the higher proportion of internally developed titles as well as a greater proportion of PC based games. Gross margins for the full year are now set to exceed 2003 levels. As mentioned earlier, the Company continues to make operational improvements in the business and has also increased its R&D expenditure to reflect the continued investment in the forward product pipeline. | Total operating expenses before goodwill were £44.1 million (2002: £42.9 million)2. Sales and marketing costs in the period were £13.1 million (2002: £15.0 million), reflecting a consistent level of marketing and advertising to support new releases. Research and development, representing the Group's total investment in product development, totalled £20.1 million (2002: £18.2 million). This reflects a move back to expected levels of investment, and underlines the Group's commitment to delivering future growth. General and administrative costs for the period were £10.9 million (2002: £9.7 million). Of the increase, £0.7 million was attributable to a transaction loss on foreign exchange of £0.3m, compared to a £0.4m gain in 2002. Management remains committed to continuing the tight control of its overhead cost base. The goodwill amortisation charge of £0.1 million (2002: £0.1 million) relates to the 2001 acquisition of Ion Storm. The Group's share of profits arising from the distribution activities of its Spanish joint venture partner, Proein, was £2.1 million during the period (2002: £2.7 million) and reflects a return to more normal levels of activity in Proein in the period. Profits at Proein have historically been significantly biased towards the first half. The profit per share excluding goodwill amortisation was 4.6p (2002: 3.6p); including goodwill amortisation it was 4.5p (2001: 3.2p). Financing and Cashflow The Group had net cash funds of £58.1 million at 31 December 2003 (2002: £60.4 million). The cash inflow from operating activities for the period was positive at £4.2 million. The increase in operating profit was partially off-set by the increase in working capital resulting from the greater trading bias this year in the run up to Christmas. Reduction in the Share Premium Account On 5 February 2004, the High Court approved (following shareholders' approval at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 12 December 2003), a reduction in the Company's share premium account of £60 million. The purpose of the reduction was to provide the Company with additional flexibility for possible future distributions to shareholders. This does not imply however any commitment at this stage by the Company in relation to these matters, which will remain under periodic review. |
1Operating profit (pre goodwill and exceptionals) of £7.1 million (2002: £5.4 million) is derived from a total operating profit from continuing operations of £6,930,000 (2002: £4,814,000), adjusted for amortisation of goodwill of £126,000 (2002: £134,000) and joint venture goodwill amortisation of £nil (2002: £471,000). | 2 Total operating expenses before goodwill of £44.1 million (2002: £42.9 million) is derived from operating expenses of £44,201,000 (2002: £43,065,000) adjusted for amortisation of goodwill of £126,000 (2002: £134,000). |