Exhibit 99.1
Celulosa Arauco y Constitución S.A.
Registration in the Securities Registry No. 42
Santiago (Chile), April 8th, 2022
Commission for the Financial Market
(Comisión para el Mercado Financiero)
To whom it may concern:
The undersigned, on behalf of the closely held corporation (sociedad anónima cerrada) named Celulosa Arauco y Constitución S.A. (the “Company” or “Arauco”), both domiciled in the Metropolitan Region of Chile, at Avenida El Golf No. 150, 14th Floor, commune of Las Condes, Santiago, a company registered in the Securities Registry under No. 42, Chilean Taxpayer Identification No. 93,458,000-1, and being duly entitled for these purposes, hereby communicates to you the following material information concerning the Company and its businesses, pursuant to the provisions of article 9 and second paragraph of article 10, both of Law No. 18,045, and Regulation of General Application (Norma de Caracter General) No. 30, issued by this Commission for the Financial Market (“CMF”):
In a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on September 28, 2021, and as it was informed to the CMF and to the market as a Material Fact (hecho esencial) on the same date, it was agreed, among other matters, to update the Company’s dividend policy, establishing that for fiscal year 2021, an amount equivalent to 40% of the distributable net income for such year would be distributed as dividends among shareholders, excluding from the calculation of such net income any extraordinary profits that the Company obtained, through its subsidiary Forestal Arauco S.A., from the sale of real estate to Vista Hermosa Inversiones Forestales SpA. It was also informed that for subsequent fiscal years, amount equivalent to the 40% of the distributable net income for each fiscal year will be distributed as dividends. Lastly, it was agreed in such opportunity that in any event, the Board of Directors may decide to distribute and pay interim dividends to the shareholders, to the extent that it expects the year to finalize with positive results and that the Company’s liquidity allows such distribution and payment.