Electric Distribution Settlement Capital Reductions * Program Reduced 2017 Forecast Reduction Litigated Positions in Support of Reductions Linked to the Enterprise Risk Mitigation Efforts? Comments New Business (MWC 16)Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) expenditures, transformer purchases and non-residential connectionsSee JCE pp 2-281 to 2-284 $43.4M or 10% Adopts ORA and TURN’s adjustments. ORA recommended reductions to PEV expenditures and transformer purchase costs. TURN recommended reductions for non-residential connections. No Settlement amount is $391.0M, a 22% increase over 2014 recorded of $320.8M Capacity Programs (MWCs 06, 46, 2F)Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Integration Capacity program, Volt VAR Optimization (VVO) program, and substation capacity workSee JCE pp. 2-248 to 2-257 $40.5M or 20% Adopts ORA and TURN’s partial adjustments: Both ORA and TURN recommended no funding for DER Integration Capacity Program. TURN recommended the VVO Program should be limited to 12 additional feeders, and recommended reductions to substation capacity based on historical spend. No Settlement amount is $163.8M, a 2% increase over 2014 recorded of $161.3M Rule 20A (MWC 30)Undergrounding of electric facilitiesSee JCE pp. 2-295 to 2-297 $23.7M or 28% Adopts partial ORA adjustment: ORA recommended funding based on a 5-year average historical spend plus escalation. No Settlement amount is $60.0M, a 46% increase over 2014 recorded of $41.1M