Related Party Transactions Disclosure [Text Block] | 5. Related-Party Transactions SGRP's policy respecting approval of transactions with related persons, promoters and control persons is contained in the SPAR Group Code of Ethical Conduct for its Directors, Senior Executives and Employees Amended and Restated (as of) August 13, 2015 (the "Ethics Code"). The Ethics Code is intended to promote and reward honest, ethical, respectful and professional conduct by each Covered Person (as defined in the Ethics Code in his or her position with the Company anywhere in the world, including (among other things) serving each customer, dealing with each vendor and treating each other with integrity and respect, and behaving honestly, ethically and professionally with each customer, each vendor, each other and the Company. Article II of the Ethics Code specifically prohibits various forms of self-dealing and collusion and Article V of the Ethics Code generally prohibits each "Covered Person" (including SGRP's officers and directors) from engaging in any business activity that conflicts with his or her duties to the Company, and directs each "Covered Person" to avoid any activity or interest that is inconsistent with the best interests of the SPAR Group, in each case except for any "Approved Activity" (as such terms are defined in the Ethics Code). Examples of violations include (among other things) having any ownership interest in, acting as a director or officer of or otherwise personally benefiting from business with any competitor, customer or vendor of the Company other than pursuant to any Approved Activity. Approved Activities include (among other things) any contract with an affiliated person (each an "Approved Affiliate Contract") or anything else disclosed to and approved by SGRP's Board of Directors (the "Board"), its Governance Committee or its Audit Committee, as the case may be, as well as the ownership, board, executive and other positions held in and services and other contributions to affiliates of SGRP and its subsidiaries by certain directors, officers or employees of SGRP, any of its subsidiaries or any of their respective family members. The Company's senior management is generally responsible for monitoring compliance with the Ethics Code and establishing and maintaining compliance systems, including conflicting relationships and transactions, subject to the review and oversight of SGRP's Governance Committee as provided in clause IV.11 of the Governance Committee's Charter, and SGRP's Audit Committee as provided in clause I.2(l) of the Audit Committee's Charter. The Governance Committee and Audit Committee each consist solely of independent outside directors. SGRP's Audit Committee has the specific duty and responsibility to review and approve the overall fairness of all material related-party transactions. The Audit Committee receives affiliate contracts and amendments thereto for its review and approval (to the extent approval is given), and these contracts are periodically (often annually) again reviewed, in accordance with the Audit Committee Charter, the Ethics Code, the rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. ("Nasdaq"), and other applicable law to ensure that the overall economic and other terms will be (or continue to be) no less favorable to the Company than would be the case in an arms-length contract with an unrelated provider of similar services (i.e., its overall fairness to the Company including pricing and the ability to provide services at comparable performance levels). The Audit Committee periodically reviews all of the related party relationships, agreements and transactions described below. SPAR Business Services, Inc. ("SBS"), SPAR Administrative Services, Inc. ("SAS") and SPAR InfoTech, Inc. ("SIT") are affiliates of SGRP but are not part of the consolidated Company. Mr. Robert G. Brown, a Director, the Chairman and a major stockholder of SGRP, and Mr. William H. Bartels, a Director and the Vice Chairman of the Company and a major stockholder of SGRP, are the sole stockholders of SBS. Mr. Brown is the sole stockholder of SIT. Mr. Brown is a director and officer of SBS and SIT. Mr. Bartels is a director and officer of SAS. During 2014 the stockholders of SAS were Mr. Bartels and Mr. Brown, and as of January 1, 2015, Mr. Brown had transferred approximately 84% of his ownership to parties related to Mr. Brown. SBS, through the use as needed of up to 9,000 of its available field merchandising specialists, provided approximately 84% and 78% of the domestic merchandising specialist field force used by the Company (as a percentage of the total cost for such field force, including field force provided by NRS, as defined below) for the six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively, and SAS, through the use of its 56 full-time national, regional and district administrators, provided approximately 90% and 93% of the direct domestic field administration used by the Company (as a percentage of the total cost for such field administrators). In addition to these field service expenses, both SBS and SAS also incur other administrative expenses related to benefit and employment tax expenses of SAS and payroll processing, legal and other administrative expenses paid by either of them. The total cost recorded by the Company for the expenses of SBS and SAS in providing their services to the Company, including the "Cost Plus Fee" arrangement (as defined and discussed below) and the legal and other expenses paid directly by the Company on behalf of both SBS and SAS, was $13.3 million and $13.7 million, for the six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. SBS's legal expense was approximately $267,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2015, which expense was included in such total cost as a result of SBS assuming direct payment of such legal expense on January 1, 2015. On a comparable basis, the legal expense paid by the Company on behalf of SBS under its Existing Agreement was $265,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2014. The Company also provides human resource services to SBS and SAS of approximately $65,000 for both the six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Pursuant to the terms of the Amended and Restated Field Service Agreement with SBS dated as of January 1, 2004, as amended in 2011, and the Amended and Restated Field Management Agreement with SAS dated as of January 1, 2004 (each an "Existing Agreement"), defined reimbursable expenses and the "Cost Plus Fee" arrangement which provides that the Company is to pay SBS and SAS for their costs of providing those services plus a fixed percentage of such costs (the "Cost Plus Fee"). The Cost Plus Fee percentage markup was 4.0% in each Existing Agreement. The parties have had extensive negotiations respecting replacement agreements for over a year, principally over pricing. The Company and SBS have agreed in principle to reduce the Cost Plus Fee to 2.97% for SBS while making certain other adjustments to SBS's reimbursable expenses and previous credits (the net effect of which would effectively be approximately equal to the effective annual rates previously paid to SBS by the Company); and the Company and SAS are in discussions to reduce the Cost Plus Fee; which in each case the Company would like to be effective as of January 1, 2015, and would be subject to contractual terms and provisions reasonably acceptable to the parties (each a "Pending Agreement"). In negotiating SBS's Pending Agreement, the Company in principle has accepted a greater Cost Plus Fee for SBS than NRS (see below) because of the substantial non-reimbursable efforts of Mr. Brown in personally administering the legal affairs of SBS and has agreed that the field expenses of SBS included for net workers compensation insurance expense would not be less than zero (thus effectively eliminating certain surplus insurance reimbursement credits previously available under SBS's Existing Agreement). The Company recorded the SBS and SAS expenses at Cost Plus Fee of 2.0% since December 1, 2014 (reflecting its negotiating position). The differences in the net expense for SBS and SAS under the Existing Agreements (at a Cost Plus Fee of 4.0%) when compared to the Company's recorded expenses for them (which were accrued in reserves by the Company) were approximately $101,000 and $44,000, respectively, for the six month period ended June 30, 2015. Upon finalization of the Pending Agreements, the Company's reserves will be adjusted accordingly, and the total SBS expenses as adjusted will be approximately the same (including the effect of such changes in reimbursable expenses and previous credits). No salary reimbursements for Mr. Brown or Mr. Bartels are included in such reimbursable costs or Cost Plus Fee during 2014 and 2015. However, since SBS is a "Subchapter S" corporation and owned by Messrs. Brown and Bartels, all income from SBS is allocated to them. A similar approach has been taken for SAS, which is partially owned by Mr. Bartels and parties related to Mr. Brown. National Merchandising Services, LLC ("NMS"), is a consolidated domestic subsidiary of the Company and is owned jointly by SGRP through its indirect ownership of 51% of the NMS membership interests and by National Merchandising of America, Inc. ("NMA"), through its ownership of the other 49% of the NMS membership interests. Mr. Edward Burdekin is the Chief Executive Officer and President and a director of NMS and also is an executive officer and director of NMA and the sole member and manager of National Retail Source, LLC ("NRS"). Ms. Andrea Burdekin, Mr. Burdekin's wife, is the sole stockholder and a director of NMA and a director of NMS. NRS and NMA are affiliates of the Company but are not consolidated with the Company. NMS commenced operations as of September 1, 2012. NRS is expected to provide substantially all of the domestic merchandising specialist field force used by NMS. Pursuant to the terms of the Master Field Services Agreement dated as of August 1, 2013 (the "NRS Services Agreement"), NMS will receive merchandising services from NRS through the use of approximately 294 field merchandising specialists. Prior to that date, NMS received such merchandising services from NMA pursuant to the terms of the substantially similar Field Services Agreement dated as of July 31, 2012, as amended (the "NMA Services Agreement"). For those services, the Company has agreed to reimburse NRS (and NMA before it) for its total costs of providing those services and to pay NRS (and NMA before it) a fee equal to 2% of its total costs (the "Plus 2% Fee"). Those costs include all field and administrative costs and expenses (effectively including net workers compensation insurance expenses) of NRS (and NMA before it) but exclude certain legal and other administrative expenses. Accordingly, no salary reimbursement for Mr. Burdekin or Ms. Burdekin are included in such reimbursable costs or Plus 2% Fee. NRS (and before that, NMA) provided all of the domestic merchandising specialist field force used by NMS and 4% and 10% of all of the domestic merchandising specialist field force used by the Company (as a percentage of the total cost for such field force, including the field force provided by SBS) for the six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The total Plus 2% Fee earned by NRS for services rendered was approximately $11,000 and $27,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. SGRP Meridian (Pty), Ltd. ("Meridian") is a consolidated international subsidiary of the Company and is owned 51% by SGRP and 49% by the following individuals: Mr. Brian Mason, Mr. Garry Bristow, and Mr. Adrian Wingfield. Mr. Mason is President and a director and Mr. Bristow is an officer and director of Meridian. Mr. Mason is also an officer and director and 50% shareholder of Merhold Property Trust ("MPT"). Mr. Mason and Mr. Bristow are both officers and directors and both own 50% of Merhold Cape Property Trust ("MCPT"). MPT owns the building where Meridian is headquartered and also owns two vehicles both of which are subleased to Meridian. MCPT provides a fleet of 126 vehicles to Meridian under a 4 year lease program. These leases are provided to Meridian at local market rates included in the summary table below. SGRP NDS Tanitim Ve Danismanlik A.S. ("NDS") is a consolidated international subsidiary of the Company and is owned 51% by SGRP and 49% by Mr. Medet Yilmaz and Ms. Nurgül Yilmaz. Mr. Yilmaz is President and a director and Ms. Yilmaz is an officer and director of NDS. They are both officers and directors of NDS Tanitim Danismanlik Hizmetleri Gida Tekstil Turizm Pazarlama Ticaret Limited Sirketi ("NDS Tanitim") and NDS Reklam Tanitim Ve Danismanlik Hizmetleri Pazarlama Ticaret Limited Sirketi ("NDS Reklam"). Mr. and Ms. Yilmaz, in total, own 40% of NDS Tanitim and NDS Reklam. NDS Tanitim provides NDS field administration services while NDS Reklam provides NDS field merchandising services both at local market rates. The Company continues to purchase services from SBS, SAS, NRS, MPT, MCPT, NDS Tanitim, and NDS Reklam because it believes the value of services it receives from them are at least as favorable to the Company as it could obtain from non-affiliated providers of similar services. The Company believes it is the largest and most important customer of SBS, SAS, NRS, MPT, MCPT, NDS Tanitim, and NDS Reklam (and from time to time may be their only customer), and accordingly the Company generally has been able to negotiate better terms, receives more personal and responsive service and is more likely to receive credits and other financial accommodations from SBS, SAS, NRS, MPT, MCPT, NDS Tanitim, and NDS Reklam than the Company could reasonably expect to receive from an unrelated service provider who has significant other customers and business. SBS, SAS and NRS affiliate contracts and arrangements are annually reviewed and considered for approval by SGRP's Audit Committee, subject to the ongoing negotiations as described above. MPT, MCPT, NDS Tanitim, and NDS Reklam affiliate contracts are currently scheduled to be reviewed and considered for approval by SGRP's Audit Committee at their November 2015 meeting. The following costs of affiliates were charged to the Company (in thousands): Three Months Ended June 30 , Six Months Ended June 30 , 201 5 201 4 201 5 201 4 Services provided by affiliates: Field merchandiser expenses * $ 5,193 $ 5,593 $ 10,693 $ 11,053 Field administration expenses * $ 1,140 $ 1,127 $ 2,253 $ 2,305 Field merchandiser expenses* (NMA and NRS) $ 323 $ 857 $ 567 $ 1,359 Office and vehicle rental expenses (MPT) $ 30 $ 33 $ 41 $ 47 Vehicle rental expenses (MCPT) $ 361 $ 301 $ 560 $ 437 Field administration expenses* (NDS Tanitim) $ 6 $ 11 $ 15 $ 20 Field merchandiser expenses* (NDS Reklam) $ 47 $ 241 $ 117 $ 614 Total services provided by affiliates $ 7,100 $ 8,163 $ 14,246 $ 15,835 * Includes substantially all overhead (in the case of SAS, SBS and NRS), or related overhead, plus any applicable markup. Accrued expenses due to affiliates (in thousands): June 30 , December 31, 201 5 201 4 Total accrued expenses due to affiliates $ 1,004 $ 487 In July 1999, SPAR Marketing Force, Inc. ("SMF"), SBS and SIT entered into a perpetual software ownership agreement providing that each party independently owned an undivided share of and had the right to unilaterally license and exploit their "Business Manager" Internet job scheduling software (which had been jointly developed by such parties), and all related improvements, revisions, developments and documentation from time to time voluntarily made or procured by any of them at its own expense. In addition, SPAR Trademarks, Inc. ("STM"), SBS and SIT entered into separate perpetual trademark licensing agreements whereby STM has granted non-exclusive royalty-free licenses to SIT and SBS (and through them to their commonly controlled subsidiaries and affiliates by sublicenses, including SAS) for their continued use of the name "SPAR" and certain other trademarks and related rights of STM, a wholly owned subsidiary of SGRP. SBS and SAS provide services to the Company, as described above, and SIT no longer provides services to and does not compete with the Company. Through arrangements with the Company, SBS, SAS and other companies owned by Mr. Brown or Mr. Bartels participate in various benefit plans, insurance policies and similar group purchases by the Company, for which the Company charges them their allocable shares of the costs of those group items and the actual costs of all items paid specifically for them. All such transactions between the Company and the above affiliates are paid and/or collected by the Company in the normal course of business. In addition to the above, SAS purchases insurance coverage for worker compensation, casualty and property insurance risk for itself, SBS and (through SBS under contracts with them) its field merchandising specialists and the Company from Affinity Insurance, Ltd. ("Affinity"). SAS owns a minority (less than 1%) of the common stock in Affinity. The Affinity insurance premiums for such coverage are ultimately charged to SAS, SBS (and through SBS to its covered field merchandising specialists) and the Company based on the contractual arrangements of the parties. |