Bridgehouse Marine Limited
Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013(continued)
• Profit-related component. The Company will pay 10% of profits after tax before dividends. This will be paid up to two years following the year end to enable budgeting and cash flow control.
• Dividend-related component. The Company will pay a cash sum equal to 50% of any future dividend payments excluding an agreed initial dividend of up to £5m.
Global Marine Personal Pension Plan
This is a defined contribution pension scheme and is contributory from the employee; the rate of contributions is split as follows:
• ex CARE employees contributing between 2.5% and 7.5% and the employer contributing at a matching rate plus an additional 5% fixed contributions,
• defined contribution employees contributing between 2% and 7.5% and the employer contributing at a matching rate.
Merchant Navy Officers Pension Fund
The Merchant Navy Officers Pension Fund is funded by the payment of contributions determined with the advice of qualified independent actuaries on the basis of triennial valuations using the projected unit method.
The most recent available full actuarial valuation was conducted as at 31 March 2012. The main assumptions used were that Retail Price Inflation would be 3.2% per annum, Consumer Price Inflation would be 2.2% per annum, the rate of return on investments (pre-retirement) would be 5.7% per annum, the rate of return on investments (post-retirement) would be 4.0% per annum and the rate of salary increases 4.2% per annum with pensions increasing by 3.0% per annum.
At the actuarial valuation date the market value of the total assets in the scheme amounted to £2,169m of which 0.05594% (£1,213k) relates to the Global Marine Systems Group. On an ongoing basis the value of these assets, together with the deficit contributions receivable from the 2003 / 2006 / 2009 of £340m, covered the value of pensioner’ liabilities, preserved pension liabilities for former employees and the value of benefits for active members based on accrued service and projected salaries, to the extent of 94%.
Following the 2012 actuarial valuation, contributions are payable by the Group as follows:
• Increase Employer contributions to 20% of pensionable salaries from 1 October 2013.
Global Marine Systems (Guernsey) Pension Plan
The defined benefit section of the Guernsey Scheme is contributory, with employees contributing between 5% and 6% (depending on their age), the employer ceased contributing after July 2004. The defined contribution section is also contributory, with employees contributing between 2% and 7.5% (depending on their age and individual choice) and the employer contributing at a matching rate.
The defined benefit section of the Guernsey Scheme is funded by the payment of contributions determined with the advice of qualified independent actuaries on the basis of triennial valuations using the projected unit method.
An actuarial valuation was conducted as at 31 December 2010. The principal actuarial assumptions used by the actuary were investment returns of 5.7% per annum pre-retirement, 4.8% per annum post-retirement, inflation of 3.7% per annum and pension increases of 3.4% per annum.
At the valuation date the market value of the assets amounted to £1,267,000. The results show a past service shortfall of £390,000 corresponding to a funding ratio of 76%.