· | The information contained in the chart entitled “CFS Bancorp Loan Loss Reserve to NPAs (%) vs. Peers” on page 5. It is our understanding that the ratio of loan loss reserves to non-performing assets for the Company at December 31, 2009 is 34%, not 29%, as indicated in the chart. |
· | “In addition, under the Agreement, both the Company and the Bank cannot, without the prior approval of the OTS...[i]ncur or renew any debt without the OTS’ approval.” (page 6), It is our understanding that only the Company, and not the Bank, is subject to this limitation. |
· | “Given his age (67 at the time), significant other compensation, an employment contract and the fact that Mr. Prisby has worked his entire career at the Company, we do not believe he needed to be incentivized to stay.” (page 9). Based on disclosure in the Company’s preliminary proxy statement, it does not appear Mr. Prisby worked his entire career at the Company. |
· | “[Mr. Palmer] is considered a “financial expert” as that term is defined by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, an important distinction for a member of a publicly traded bank board of directors.” (page 13). |
Response: As requested, the PL Capital Group has revised the Proxy Statement to characterize each statement or assertion of opinion or belief as such, and ensure that a reasonable basis for each opinion or belief exists. The Schedules provide the supplemental information requested by the Staff.
We Question Related Party Transactions with Chairman Prisby’s Family, page 6
5. We note that the PL Capital Group quotes a portion of the Company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics in support of its suggestion that the Company has engaged in activities inconsistent with such policy. However, it is our understanding that the Code further provides that the directors of the Company may avoid conflicts of interest by disclosing their personal interests to their fellow directors and recusing themselves from participation in any decision with respect to such conflict of interest transactions. Please revise the disclosure to remove the current implication that the Code of Ethics establishes an absolute prohibition of transactions involving a conflict of interest as opposed to a process for handling and approving conflict of interest transactions.
Response: As requested, the PL Capital Group has revised the disclosure to remove the implication that the Code of Ethics establishes an absolute prohibition of transactions involving a conflict of interest as opposed to a process for handling and approving conflict of interest transactions.
6. We refer you to the chart relating to payments made to the Caprio-Prisby Architectural Design firm. As indicated in the Company’s preliminary proxy statement, the reported amounts include fees paid for work performed by unrelated third party subcontractors. Either revise the chart to accurately reflect such amounts or provide disclosure clarifying this point.
Response: As requested, the PL Capital Group has revised the chart to reflect the referenced amounts.
Mr. John W. Palmer, page 13
7. We note the statement on the top of page 14 that the PL Capital Group reserves the right to vote for an unidentified substitute nominee. Advise us, with a view toward revised disclosure, whether the participants are required to identify or nominate such substitute nominee in order to comply with any applicable Company advance notice bylaw. In addition, please confirm for us that should the participants lawfully identify or nominate a substitute nominee before the meeting, the participants will file an amended proxy statement that (1) identifies the substitute nominee, (2) discloses whether such nominee has consented to being named in the revised proxy statement and to serve if elected and (3) includes the disclosure required by Items 5(b) and 7 of Schedule 14A with respect to such nominee.
Response: The reservation of the right to substitute nominees has been deleted and therefore no further disclosure is being made.
How to Vote by Proxy, page 14
8. We refer you to the first bullet point on page 14. Won’t a security holder’s proxy be voted for the election of another nominee in addition to Mr. Palmer? Please revise or advise. We note similar disclosure elsewhere in the proxy statement, e.g., the last paragraph of the section entitled “Voting and Proxy Procedures.”
Response: As requested, the PL Capital Group has revised the Proxy Statement to clearly indicate that the proxy will be voted “FOR” the election of its nominee and “FOR” the persons who have been nominated by the Company to serve as Director, other than Mr. Frank Lester.
Certain Information Regarding the Participants, page 17
9. We refer you to the first paragraph at the top of page 18. Please revise the reference to who “may be deemed” a participant by stating definitively who is a participant. See Instruction 3 to Item 4 of Schedule 14A. In addition, consistent with our comment 1, please also revise throughout the proxy statement to clearly identify the members of the PL Capital Group, and if not all of such members are participants, so state. Please ensure that future soliciting materials comply with this comment.
March 16, 2010
Page 7
Response: As requested, the PL Capital Group has revised the Proxy Statement to clearly identify who is a participant and to clearly identify all of the members of the PL Capital Group.
Other Matters, page 18
10. You refer security holders to information that you are required to provide that will be contained in the Company’s proxy statement for the annual meeting. We presume that you are relying upon Rule 14a-5(c) to refer to this information. If so, please note that we believe that reliance upon Rule 14a-5(c) before the Company distributes the information to security holders would be inappropriate. Alternatively, if you determine to disseminate your proxy statement prior to the distribution of the Company’s proxy statement, you must undertake to provide the omitted information to security holders. Please advise as to your intent in this regard.
Response: The PL Capital Group advises the Staff that it will not disseminate its materials until CFS Bancorp has filed and mailed definitive proxy solicitation materials.
Soliciting Materials filed pursuant to Rule 14a-12
11. We note the disclosure indicating that “information regarding the participants and their interests will be contained in the definitive proxy statement (when, and if available) filed by PL Capital Group with the SEC in connection with CFS Bancorp’s 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (emphasis added).” Please note that the legend must advise security holders where they can currently obtain such information as opposed to referring them to future filings. Please see Exchange Act Rule 14a-12(a)(1)(i). Please confirm each participant’s understanding of such obligation.
Response: The PL Capital Group advises the Staff that it understands the obligation for the legend to advise security holders where they can currently obtain the referenced information.
* * *
March 16, 2010
Page 8
If the Staff has any questions with respect to any of the foregoing, please contact the undersigned at (414) 297-5596.
| Very truly yours,
Peter D. Fetzer |
cc: | John W. Palmer (w/o enclosures) Richard J. Lashley (w/o enclosures) PL Capital Group Phillip M. Goldberg (w/o enclosures) Foley & Lardner LLP |