PRENEED TRUST INVESTMENTS | PRENEED TRUST INVESTMENTS Preneed Cemetery Trust Investments Preneed cemetery trust investments represent trust fund assets that we are generally permitted to withdraw as the services and merchandise are provided to customers. Preneed cemetery contracts are secured by payments from customers, less amounts not required by law to be deposited into trust. Preneed cemetery trust investments are reduced by the trust earnings we have been allowed to withdraw in certain states prior to our performance. The components of Preneed cemetery trust investments on our Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows (in thousands): December 31, 2016 December 31, 2017 Preneed cemetery trust investments, at market value $ 71,834 $ 75,992 Less: allowance for contract cancellation (2,138 ) (2,139 ) Preneed cemetery trust investments, net $ 69,696 $ 73,853 Upon cancellation of a preneed cemetery contract, a customer is generally entitled to receive a refund of the corpus, and in some instances, a portion of all of the earnings held in trust. In certain jurisdictions, we may be obligated to fund any shortfall if the amounts deposited by the customer exceed the funds in trust, including investment income. As a result, when realized or unrealized losses of a trust result in the trust being underfunded, we assess whether we are responsible for replenishing the corpus of the trust, in which case a loss provision is recorded. At December 31, 2017 , none of our preneed cemetery trust investments were underfunded. Earnings from our preneed cemetery trust investments are recognized in revenue when a service is performed or merchandise is delivered. Trust management fees charged by CSV RIA are included as revenue in the period in which they are earned. Where quoted prices are available in an active market, investments held by the trusts are classified as Level 1 investments pursuant to the three-level valuation hierarchy. Our Level 1 investments include cash and common stock. Where quoted market prices are not available for the specific security, fair values are estimated by using quoted prices of similar securities in active markets or other inputs other than quoted prices that can corroborate observable market data. These investments are fixed income securities, including municipal bonds, foreign debt, corporate debt, preferred stock, mortgage-backed securities and fixed income mutual funds, all of which are classified within Level 2 of the valuation hierarchy. We review and update our fair value hierarchy classifications quarterly. There were no transfers between Levels 1 and 2 in the year ended December 31, 2017 . There are no Level 3 investments in the preneed cemetery trust investment portfolio. See Note 11 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included herein for further information of the fair value measurement and the three-level valuation hierarchy. The cost and fair market values associated with preneed cemetery trust investments at December 31, 2017 are detailed below (in thousands): Fair Value Hierarchy Level Cost Unrealized Gains Unrealized Losses Fair Market Value Cash and money market accounts 1 $ 3,132 $ — $ — $ 3,132 Fixed income securities: Foreign debt 2 4,834 292 (193 ) 4,933 Corporate debt 2 18,238 1,184 (273 ) 19,149 Preferred stock 2 16,421 510 (588 ) 16,343 Mortgage-backed securities 2 1,018 249 (24 ) 1,243 Common stock 1 26,465 5,250 (2,460 ) 29,255 Mutual funds: Fixed Income 2 $ 1,198 50 (11 ) $ 1,237 Trust securities $ 71,306 $ 7,535 $ (3,549 ) $ 75,292 Accrued investment income $ 700 $ 700 Preneed cemetery trust investments $ 75,992 Market value as a percentage of cost 105.6 % The estimated maturities of the fixed income securities included above are as follows (in thousands): Due in one year or less $ 303 Due in one to five years 2,183 Due in five to ten years 5,376 Thereafter 33,806 Total fixed income securities $ 41,668 The cost and market values associated with preneed cemetery trust investments at December 31, 2016 are detailed below (in thousands): Fair Value Hierarchy Level Cost Unrealized Gains Unrealized Losses Fair Market Value Cash and money market accounts 1 $ 10,852 $ — $ — $ 10,852 Fixed income securities: Municipal bonds 2 496 18 (4 ) $ 510 Foreign debt 2 7,574 160 (656 ) 7,078 Corporate debt 2 20,621 1,569 (1,123 ) 21,067 Preferred stock 2 16,287 8 (947 ) 15,348 Mortgage-backed securities 2 949 372 (4 ) 1,317 Common stock 1 13,250 2,191 (1,838 ) 13,603 Mutual funds: Fixed Income 2 1,223 107 — 1,330 Trust Securities $ 71,252 $ 4,425 $ (4,572 ) $ 71,105 Accrued investment income $ 729 $ 729 Preneed cemetery trust investments $ 71,834 Market value as a percentage of cost 99.8 % We determine whether or not the assets in the preneed cemetery trust investments have an other-than-temporary impairment on a security-by-security basis. This assessment is made based upon a number of criteria, including the length of time a security has been in a loss position, changes in market conditions and concerns related to the specific issuer. If a loss is considered to be other-than-temporary, the cost basis of the security is adjusted downward to its fair market value. Any reduction in the cost basis of the investment due to an other-than-temporary impairment is likewise recorded as a reduction in Deferred preneed cemetery receipts held in trust on our Consolidated Balance Sheets. For the year ended December 31, 2016 , we recorded a $0.9 million impairment for other-than-temporary declines in the fair value related to unrealized losses on certain investments. We did no t record any impairments in the year ended December 31, 2017 . There is no impact on earnings until such time that the loss is realized in the trusts, allocated to the preneed contracts and the services are performed or the merchandise is delivered causing the contract to be withdrawn from the trust in accordance with state regulations. At December 31, 2017 , we had certain investments within our preneed cemetery trust investments that had tax lots in loss positions for more than one year. Based on our analyses of these securities, the companies’ businesses and current market conditions, we determined that these investment losses were temporary in nature. Our preneed cemetery trust investment unrealized losses, their associated fair market values, and the duration of unrealized losses as of December 31, 2017 are shown in the following tables (in thousands): December 31, 2017 In Loss Position Less than 12 months In Loss Position Greater than 12 months Total Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fixed income securities: Foreign debt $ 151 $ (6 ) $ 1,637 $ (187 ) $ 1,788 $ (193 ) Corporate debt 3,735 (72 ) 846 (201 ) 4,581 (273 ) Preferred stock 48 — 8,109 (588 ) 8,157 (588 ) Mortgage-backed securities 127 (15 ) 27 (9 ) 154 (24 ) Common stock 8,249 (1,512 ) 1,742 (948 ) 9,991 (2,460 ) Mutual funds: Fixed Income 496 (11 ) — — 496 (11 ) Total temporary impaired securities $ 12,806 $ (1,616 ) $ 12,361 $ (1,933 ) $ 25,167 $ (3,549 ) Our preneed cemetery trust investment unrealized losses, their associated fair market values, and the duration of unrealized losses as of December 31, 2016 are shown in the following tables (in thousands): December 31, 2016 In Loss Position Less than 12 months In Loss Position Greater than 12 months Total Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fixed income securities: Municipal bonds $ 228 $ (4 ) $ — $ — $ 228 $ (4 ) Foreign debt 2,523 (180 ) 2,868 (475 ) 5,391 (655 ) Corporate debt 6,939 (233 ) 2,168 (890 ) 9,107 (1,123 ) Preferred stock 3,217 (121 ) 11,635 (826 ) 14,852 (947 ) Mortgage-backed securities 51 (5 ) — — 51 (5 ) Common stock 2,608 (202 ) 3,385 (1,636 ) 5,993 (1,838 ) Total temporary impaired securities $ 15,566 $ (745 ) $ 20,056 $ (3,827 ) $ 35,622 $ (4,572 ) Preneed cemetery trust investment security transactions recorded in Other, net on our Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2015 , 2016 and 2017 were as follows (in thousands): Year ended December 31, 2015 2016 2017 Investment income $ 2,562 $ 2,250 $ 2,250 Realized gains 2,952 2,141 2,218 Realized losses (3,671 ) (6,559 ) (2,384 ) Expenses and taxes (1,790 ) (1,266 ) (1,308 ) Decrease (increase) in deferred preneed cemetery receipts held in trust (53 ) 3,434 (776 ) $ — $ — $ — Purchases and sales of investments in the preneed cemetery trusts for the years ended December 31, 2015 , 2016 and 2017 were as follows (in thousands): Year ended December 31, 2015 2016 2017 Purchases $ (26,757 ) $ (25,643 ) $ (21,966 ) Sales 23,141 25,846 14,002 Preneed Funeral Trust Investments Preneed funeral trust investments represent trust fund assets that we are permitted to withdraw as services and merchandise are provided to customers. Preneed funeral contracts are secured by payments from customers, less retained amounts not required to be deposited into trust. Preneed funeral trust investments are reduced by the trust earnings we have been allowed to withdraw in certain states prior to our performance. The components of Preneed funeral trust investments on our Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows (in thousands): December 31, 2016 December 31, 2017 Preneed funeral trust investments, at market value $ 91,980 $ 93,341 Less: allowance for contract cancellation (2,740 ) (2,659 ) Preneed funeral trust investments, net $ 89,240 $ 90,682 Upon cancellation of a preneed funeral contract, a customer is generally entitled to receive a refund of the corpus and in some instances, a portion of all earnings held in trust. In certain jurisdictions, we may be obligated to fund any shortfall if the amounts deposited by the customer exceed the funds in trust, including investment income. As a result, when realized or unrealized losses of a trust result in the trust being underfunded, we assess whether we are responsible for replenishing the corpus of the trust, in which case a loss provision is recorded. At December 31, 2017 , none of our preneed funeral trust investments were underfunded. Earnings from our preneed funeral trust investments are recognized in revenue when a service is performed or merchandise is delivered. Trust management fees charged by CSV RIA are included in revenue in the period in which they are earned. Where quoted prices are available in an active market, investments held by the trusts are classified as Level 1 investments pursuant to the three-level valuation hierarchy. Our Level 1 investments include cash, U.S. treasury debt and common stock. Where quoted market prices are not available for the specific security, then fair values are estimated by using quoted prices of similar securities in active markets or other inputs other than quoted prices that can corroborate observable market data. These investments are fixed income securities, including municipal bonds, foreign debt, corporate debt, preferred stocks, mortgage-backed securities and fixed income mutual funds and other investments, all of which are classified within Level 2 of the valuation hierarchy. We review and update our fair value hierarchy classifications quarterly. There were no transfers between Levels 1 and 2 for the year ended December 31, 2017 . There are no Level 3 investments in the preneed funeral trust investment portfolio. See Note 11 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included herein for further information of the fair value measurement and the three-level valuation hierarchy. The cost and fair market values associated with preneed funeral trust investments at December 31, 2017 are detailed below (in thousands): Fair Value Hierarchy Level Cost Unrealized Gains Unrealized Losses Fair Market Value Cash and money market accounts 1 $ 14,349 $ — $ — $ 14,349 Fixed income securities: U.S. treasury debt 1 1,490 10 (15 ) 1,485 Foreign debt 2 4,870 298 (189 ) 4,979 Corporate debt 2 18,963 1,197 (278 ) 19,882 Preferred stock 2 16,335 501 (585 ) 16,251 Mortgage-backed securities 2 1,187 263 (27 ) 1,423 Common stock 1 26,129 5,253 (2,468 ) 28,914 Mutual funds: Fixed income 2 1,974 52 (48 ) 1,978 Other investments 2 3,341 — — 3,341 Trust securities $ 88,638 $ 7,574 $ (3,610 ) $ 92,602 Accrued investment income $ 739 $ 739 Preneed funeral trust investments $ 93,341 Market value as a percentage of cost 104.5 % The estimated maturities of the fixed income securities included above are as follows (in thousands): Due in one year or less $ 320 Due in one to five years 3,744 Due in five to ten years 5,782 Thereafter 34,174 Total fixed income securities $ 44,020 The cost and market values associated with preneed funeral trust investments at December 31, 2016 are detailed below (in thousands): Fair Value Hierarchy Level Cost Unrealized Gains Unrealized Losses Fair Market Value Cash and money market accounts 1 $ 22,787 $ — $ — $ 22,787 Fixed income securities: U.S. treasury debt 1 1,491 21 (10 ) 1,502 Municipal bonds 2 447 17 (4 ) 460 Foreign debt 2 7,692 170 (677 ) 7,185 Corporate debt 2 21,454 1,566 (1,134 ) 21,886 Preferred stock 2 17,037 64 (970 ) 16,131 Mortgage-backed securities 2 1,165 400 (5 ) 1,560 Common stock 1 13,675 2,256 (1,850 ) 14,081 Mutual funds: Fixed income 2 2,124 115 (66 ) 2,173 Other investments 2 3,463 — — 3,463 Trust securities $ 91,335 $ 4,609 $ (4,716 ) $ 91,228 Accrued investment income $ 752 $ 752 Preneed funeral trust investments $ 91,980 Market value as a percentage of cost 99.9 % We determine whether or not the assets in the preneed funeral trust investments have other-than-temporary impairments on a security-by-security basis. This assessment is made based upon a number of criteria including the length of time a security has been in a loss position, changes in market conditions and concerns related to the specific issuer. If a loss is considered to be other-than-temporary, the cost basis of the security is adjusted downward to its fair market value. Any reduction in the cost basis of the investment due to an other-than-temporary impairment is likewise recorded as a reduction to Deferred preneed funeral receipts held in trust on our Consolidated Balance Sheets. For the year ended December 31, 2016 , we recorded a $0.9 million impairment for other-than-temporary declines in the fair value related to unrealized losses on certain investments. We did no t record any impairments in the year ended December 31, 2017 . There is no impact on earnings until such time that the loss is realized in the trusts, allocated to preneed contracts and the services are performed or the merchandise is delivered causing the contract to be withdrawn from the trust in accordance with state regulations. At December 31, 2017 , we had certain investments within our preneed funeral trust investments that had tax lots in loss positions for more than one year. Based on our analyses of these securities, the companies’ businesses and current market conditions, we determined that these investment losses were temporary in nature. Our preneed funeral trust investment unrealized losses, their associated fair market values, and the duration of unrealized losses as of December 31, 2017 are shown the the following tables (in thousands): December 31, 2017 In Loss Position Less than 12 months In Loss Position Greater than 12 months Total Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fixed income securities: U.S. treasury debt $ 1,325 $ (15 ) $ — $ — $ 1,325 $ (15 ) Foreign debt 159 (6 ) 1,608 (183 ) 1,767 (189 ) Corporate debt 3,770 (74 ) 842 (203 ) 4,612 (277 ) Preferred stock 50 — 8,184 (585 ) 8,234 (585 ) Mortgage-backed securities 221 (17 ) 36 (10 ) 257 (27 ) Common Stock 8,001 (1,496 ) 1,728 (972 ) 9,729 (2,468 ) Mutual funds: Fixed income 549 (12 ) 615 (37 ) 1,164 (49 ) Total temporary impaired securities $ 14,075 $ (1,620 ) $ 13,013 $ (1,990 ) $ 27,088 $ (3,610 ) Our preneed funeral trust investment unrealized losses, their associated fair market values, and the duration of unrealized losses as of December 31, 2016 are shown the the following tables (in thousands): December 31, 2016 In Loss Position Less than 12 months In Loss Position Greater than 12 months Total Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fair market value Unrealized Losses Fixed income securities: U.S. treasury debt $ 834 $ (10 ) $ — $ — $ 834 $ (10 ) Municipal bonds 244 (5 ) — — 244 (5 ) Foreign debt 2,654 (186 ) 2,905 (490 ) 5,559 (676 ) Corporate debt 6,977 (215 ) 2,234 (919 ) 9,211 (1,134 ) Preferred stock 3,420 (128 ) 11,750 (842 ) 15,170 (970 ) Mortgage-backed securities 55 (5 ) 11 (1 ) 66 (6 ) Mutual funds: Equity 2,795 (216 ) 3,390 (1,634 ) 6,185 (1,850 ) Fixed income 97 (7 ) 644 (58 ) 741 (65 ) Total temporary impaired securities $ 17,076 $ (772 ) $ 20,934 $ (3,944 ) $ 38,010 $ (4,716 ) Preneed funeral trust investment security transactions recorded in Other, net on our Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2015 , 2016 and 2017 were as follows (in thousands): Year ended December 31, 2015 2016 2017 Investment income $ 2,819 $ 2,344 $ 2,420 Realized gains 3,931 2,287 2,386 Realized losses (3,979 ) (6,642 ) (2,396 ) Expenses and taxes (988 ) (1,174 ) (1,290 ) Decrease (increase) in deferred preneed funeral receipts held in trust (1,783 ) 3,185 (1,120 ) $ — $ — $ — Purchases and sales of investments in the preneed funeral trusts for the years ended December 31, 2015 , 2016 and 2017 were as follows (in thousands): Year ended December 31, 2015 2016 2017 Purchases $ (26,021 ) $ (26,457 ) $ (21,954 ) Sales 42,582 27,425 14,463 |