More than 226,000 high school students are now connected thanks to the 1 million project. And if we merge,T-Mobile has committed to continuing the program, which is absolutely fantastic for those kids. As you have seen today, and I will close there, clearly first great job for ‘18 and once again, congrats and thanks for all what you have done. But clearly we have a lot ahead of us in ‘19 and I hope you are all ready for this fresh start. Worrying about what will happen with the merger won’t do anyone any good.
It was, like, quite a difference. Okay, fine. Fortunately there are a few French restaurants, which is, which is cool. But let’s say, it’s really amazing. Of course it was easy for me because Marcelo had done such a great job before. And as all of you know, we have been close together for many years. I just jumped in the role in a very easy manner. And then discovering this company, discovering your energy, discovering your passion, discovering your dedication for, let’s say, what has been achieve in the past 20 years, that’s just great. And I’m proud, meaning that if we land, which I hope, the merge in betweenT-Mobile and Sprint, I guess that will I have enable an amazing future for all of you and that’s really my only job in this company to make sure that you will have a very amazing future. So thank you for having me with you. And that’s the way I see sprint fam.
Other questions? So I have one question either for Andrew or Judd. Which is why is there such a large discrepancy between the stock ratio between us andT-Mobile if we are still confident in the merger? So Judd, what are you doing with the share price basically?
>>Judd: So this is indicative of the vacuum of information, right? So as Michelle talked about earlier there’s, you know, plenty of people out there that don’t want to see this merger happen. An so, you know, unfortunately in this stage of the process, it’s a very behind closed door process. And so a lot of what the media gets is what’s, you know, fed to them by those that oppose it. So the market only has the information of more of a negative bias whereas management and working closely, directly with the parties is more confident. Again, as I tell Michelle and others, you know, if we just keep getting to the finish line, the stock price will take care of itself. So.
>>Michel Combs: Good. So meaning that he has nothing to do if you have understood.
There are a few questions there that I will take in a block and I will take the next one. But I guess as there are many questions I just would like to list some of them. Which is can we survive without getting merge with anyone in the industry? Is the merger fails is there a chance Sprint would merge with a different company? How will Sprint fair as a standalone if the merger is not approved? So I guess it’s important for me to tackle those questions because I understand that it’s probably one of the major concerns that you have. First, I just would like to reiterate that I am confident and optimistic that the merge should go through. And in any case in the next coming weeks, we are going to do all what we can in between theT-Mobile team and the Sprint team in order to make it work. We have a terrific project. I mean you all know it’s about investments, it’s about employment, it’s about competitiveness of the U.S. So I guess that we are all proud of that. And I am sure that with the passion, energy of Marcelo and John, there is no doubt they will convince everyone. So that’s my first piece is to say don’t be mistaken, don’t read too much out of what is in the press. I am confident that we will go there, first. Second, what I have always said is if there was no merge, which of course would not be our decision, but which would be the regulatory decisions, we would have to cope with it. Meaning that we will have to continue the path and the journey within Sprint. What we have said is the journey will be different. Will we