Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Stoc
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Consolidated Statements of Ca_2
- Insider Trading Arrangements
- Note A - The Company and Summar
- Note B - Revenue From Contracts
- Note C - Swivel Secure Europe,
- Note D - Fair Values of Financi
- Note E - Concentration of Risk
- Note F - Note Receivable
- Note G - Inventory
- Note H - Resalable Software Lic
- Note I - Investment in Debt Sec
- Note J - Equipment and Leasehol
- Note K - Intangible Assets And
- Note L - Accrued Liabilities
- Note M - Convertible Note Payab
- Note N - Leases
- Note O - Commitments and Contin
- Note P - Equity
- Note Q - Stock Options
- Note R - Income Taxes
- Note S
- Note T - Earnings Per Share (EP
- Note U - Quarterly Financial Da
- Note V - Subsequent Events
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note A - The Company and Summ_2
- Note B - Revenue From Contrac_2
- Note C - Swivel Secure Europe_2
- Note F - Note Receivable (Table
- Note G - Inventory (Tables)
- Note J - Equipment and Leaseh_2
- Note K - Intangible Assets An_2
- Note L - Accrued Liabilities (T
- Note N - Leases (Tables)
- Note P - Equity (Tables)
- Note Q - Stock Options (Tables)
- Note R - Income Taxes (Tables)
- Note T - Earnings Per Share (_2
- Note U - Quarterly Financial _2
- Note A - The Company and Summ_3
- Note A - The Company and Summ_4
- Note A - The Company and Summ_5
- Note A - The Company and Summ_6
- Note A - The Company and Summ_7
- Note B - Revenue From Contrac_3
- Note B - Revenue From Contrac_4
- Note C - Swivel Secure Europe_3
- Note C - Swivel Secure Europe_4
- Note C - Swivel Secure Europe_5
- Note E - Concentration of Risk
- Note F - Note Receivable (Detai
- Note F - Note Receivable - Summ
- Note G - Inventory - Components
- Note H - Resalable Software L_2
- Note I - Investment in Debt S_2
- Note J - Equipment and Leaseh_3
- Note J - Equipment and Leaseh_4
- Note K - Intangible Assets An_3
- Note K - Intangible Assets - Su
- Note K - Intangible Assets an_4
- Note L - Accrued Liabilities -
- Note M - Convertible Note Pay_2
- Note N - Leases - Operating Lea
- Note P - Equity (Details Textua
- Note P - Equity - Valuation Ass
- Note P - Equity - Summary of Wa
- Note Q - Stock Options (Details
- Note Q - Stock Options - Option
- Note Q - Stock Options - Opti_2
- Note R - Income Taxes (Details
- Note R - Income Taxes - Compone
- Note R - Income Taxes - Provisi
- Note R - Income Taxes - Compo_2
- Note R - Income Taxes - Reconci
- Note S (Details Textual)
- Note T - Earnings Per Share (_3
- Note U - Quarterly Financial _3
- Note V - Subsequent Events (Det