Centrue Financial Corporation’s affiliate bank, Centrue Bank, may extend credit to any executive officer, director, or principal shareholder of Centrue Financial Corporation only on substantially the same terms as those prevailing for comparable transactions with other persons or that may be available to employees generally as permitted by and in accordance with Regulation O of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
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Policy No. | CE.140 |
Subject | Fair Dealing |
Effective | March 31, 2003 |
Revised | February 8, 2008 |
Each employee, officer, and director should undertake to deal fairly with Centrue Financial Corporation’s customers, suppliers, competitors, and employees. Additionally, no one should take advantage of another through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair-dealing practices.
Employees must disclose prior to or at their time of hire the existence of any employment agreement, non-compete or non-solicitation agreement, confidentiality agreement, or similar agreement with a former employer that in any way restricts or prohibits the performance of any duties or responsibilities of their positions with Centrue Financial Corporation. Copies of such agreements should be provided to the Human Resource Department to permit evaluation of the agreement in light of the employee’s position. In no event shall an employee use any trade secrets, proprietary information, or other similar property, acquired in the course of his or her employment with another employer, in the performance of his or her duties for or on behalf of Centrue Financial Corporation.
Centrue Financial Corporation’s affiliates are engaged in the business of serving as executor, trustee, and guardian of estates of individuals. Employees are encouraged to recommend these services to qualified individuals. Employees may serve as fiduciaries for members of their own families (i.e., a parent/guardian, child, spouse, sibling, aunt, uncle, in-law or cousin). With respect to any other person, employees should not seek nor accept appointment to any fiduciary or co-fiduciary position without the written approval of the officer in charge of the member trust organization assigned to their geographic areas. Due to the danger of customer misunderstandings, potential liability to Centrue Financial Corporation or its employees, and inherent conflicts of interest, such approval will not normally be given. Employees should not directly or indirectly accept bequests under a will or trust if such bequests have been made to them because of their employment with Centrue Financial Corporation.
Employees are sometimes asked to advise customers with respect to services and goods other than services and goods available from Centrue Financial Corporation as to attorneys, accountants, insurance brokers, or real estate agents with whom they might do business. This type of advice must be avoided.
Centrue Financial Corporation and its employees do not render advice other than with respect to goods and services that can be made through or relate to those that can be made through Centrue Financial Corporation.
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Policy No. | CE.150 |
Subject | Protection and Proper Use of Centrue Financial Corporation Property |
Effective | March 31, 2003 |
Revised | February 8, 2008 |
All employees, officers, and directors should protect Centrue Financial Corporation’s property and assets and ensure their efficient and proper use. Theft, carelessness, and waste can directly impact Centrue Financial Corporation’s profitability, reputation, and success. Permitting Centrue Financial Corporation property (including data transmitted or stored electronically and computer resources) to be damaged, lost, or used in an unauthorized manner is strictly prohibited. Employees, officers, and directors may not use corporate, bank, or other official stationery for personal purposes.
The proper handling of business expenses incurred while away from the office is imperative if Centrue Financial Corporation officers and employees are to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest or a reputation for self-enrichment at the expense of Centrue Financial Corporation, its stockholders, and their fellow employees. The tax rules on deductibility offer sound guidelines which must be followed for internal reporting purposes, and therefore must also be adhered to in the course of external contacts. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service standards are applied by Centrue Financial Corporation for the purpose of determining the appropriateness of a business expense. Any submitted expenses not complying with IRS requirements and Centrue Financial Corporation policy will not be reimbursed. The reimbursed travel expenses (if any) of a spouse, or other individual, accompanying a Centrue Financial Corporation representative on a business trip, will be taxable to the employee unless it can be demonstrated to Centrue Financial Corporation’s satisfaction that their presence served a bona fide business purpose.
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Policy No. | CE.160 |
Subject | Compliance With Laws, Rules, and Regulation |
Effective | March 31, 2003 |
Revised | February 8, 2008 |
This Code of Ethics is based on Centrue Financial Corporation’s policy that all employees, officers, and directors comply with the law. While the law prescribes a minimum standard of conduct, this Code of Ethics requires conduct that often exceeds the legal standard.
Centrue Financial Corporation specifically forbids the following conduct:
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| 1. | Theft, fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation, or any form of wrongful conversion of property belonging to Centrue Financial Corporation, an employee, or any Centrue Financial Corporation customer or client. This applies whether or not the conduct is a criminal act subject to prosecution. |
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| 2. | Any act of fraud or deception involving Centrue Financial Corporation, a customer, a supplier, a government official, or any other party. |
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| 3. | Any act of bribery, including a promise, offer, or gift of money or anything of value, made or offered to a government official or someone acting for the government or a person employed by, or acting on behalf of, a customer, supplier, or other organization with which Centrue Financial Corporation does business or has prospective business. |
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| 4. | Any dishonest or unethical act against Centrue Financial Corporation or any regulatory official. |
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| 5. | Political contributions of money, services, or other property of Centrue Financial Corporation that are in violation of applicable law. |
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| 6. | Any act of discrimination based on a person’s race, color, gender, creed, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, place of birth, disability, veteran status, or any other category protected by law. |
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| 7. | Any act of harassment, which includes but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, and other verbal, graphic, or physical conduct that relates to an individual’s race, color, gender, creed, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, place of birth, disability, veteran status, or any other category protected by law. |
Certain other statutory and regulatory provisions are applicable to officers, directors, and employees of banks and bank holding companies. The following list is not exhaustive, but highlights a number of areas Centrue deems particularly significant:
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Policy No. | CE.160 |
Subject | Compliance with Laws, Rules, and Regulations |
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| 1. | Interlocks between management officials (officers, directors, employees) of non-affiliated financial institutions and holding companies of financial institutions are generally prohibited. |
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| 2. | Bank employees’ receipt of compensation for acting as a co-fiduciary (co-trustee) with Centrue Financial Corporation is restricted. |
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| 3. | Receipt of commission or gift for procuring a loan from Centrue Financial Corporation, or extension, renewal, or substitution of security, etc., is prohibited. |
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| 4. | Offer of a loan or gratuity to a bank examiner is prohibited. |
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| 5. | Certification of checks without adequate customer funds on deposit is prohibited. |
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| 6. | Lending and borrowing of trust funds is restricted and in some case prohibited. |
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| 7. | Embezzlement, theft, and misapplication of funds are illegal. |
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| 8. | Unauthorized issuance of Centrue Financial Corporation obligations and intentional false entries are prohibited. |
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| 9. | Relationships with dealers in securities by Centrue Financial Corporation employees and directors are restricted. |
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| 10. | Stock-secured loans to purchase or carry margin stocks are regulated and impose scrutiny responsibilities on Centrue Financial Corporation lending officers. |
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| 11. | Convictions of criminal offenses preclude serving as an officer, director, or employee. |
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| 12. | Requiring a borrower to purchase or obtain other Centrue Financial Corporation products other than certain direct deposit account relationships is prohibited. |
Certain Centrue Financial Corporation business units have policies and procedures governing topics covered by this Code of Ethics. These policies and procedures reflect the special requirements of these business units.
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Policy No. | CE.170 |
Subject | Reporting of Illegal or Unethical Behavior |
Effective | March 31, 2003 |
Revised | January 29, 2009 |
All employees, officers and directors are expected to demonstrate the ability to properly manage their personal finances, particularly the prudent use of credit. Centrue Financial Corporation recognizes that its customers must have faith and confidence in the honesty and character of its employees, officers, and directors. In addition to the importance of maintaining customer confidence, there are specific laws that outline the actions Centrue Financial Corporation must take regarding any known, or suspected, crime involving the affairs of Centrue Financial Corporation. With regard to financial affairs, the Company must make a criminal referral in the case of any known, or suspected, theft, embezzlement, check/debit card kiting, misapplication, or other defalcation involving Company funds or personnel in any amount.
Fraud is an element of business that can significantly affect the reputation and success of Centrue Financial Corporation. Centrue Financial Corporation requires its employees, officers, and directors to talk to supervisors, managers, or other appropriate personnel to report and discuss any known or suspected criminal activity involving Centrue Financial Corporation or its employees. If, during the course of employment, you become aware of any suspicious activity or behavior including concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters, you must promptly report violations of laws, rules, regulations, or this Code of Ethics to the Human Resource Department, the President and Chief Executive officer, the Chairman of the Board, the Chairman of the Board Audit Committee, or through the Company’s anonymous hotline.
Centrue Financial Corporation has contracted with an outside vendor to receive the Company’s Sarbanes-Oxley related complaints. This vendor may also receive the Company’s Human Resources related complaints. Listed below are the procedures for this process:
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| 1. | An employee can initiate an anonymous complaint via e-mail or by phone to the vendor. The vendor will track and retain all complaints. The contact information for the vendor can be found on the Company’s website and in the CO.000 Responsibilities of Employees section of this document. |
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| 2. | The vendor then contacts the designated Centrue Financial Corporation recipients via e-mail; the Risk Management Officer and Chairman of the Audit Committee for Sarbanes-Oxley related issues and the Risk Management Officer and the Head of Human Resources for Human Resource-related issues. |
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Policy No. | CE.170 |
Subject | Reporting of Illegal or Unethical Behavior |
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| 3. | The designated recipients will take the appropriate action necessary to handle the complaint. This may include contacting legal counsel. |
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| 4. | Follow-up will be conducted by the designated recipients on the complaints received. |
No retaliation will be allowed to occur against an employee who reports potential fraud or other suspected illegal or unethical behavior.
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Policy No. | CE.180 |
Subject | Administration and Waiver of Code of Ethics |
Effective | March 31, 2003 |
Revised | February 8, 2008 |
This Code of Ethics shall be administered and monitored by the Centrue Financial Corporation Human Resource Department. Any questions and further information on this Code of Ethics should be directed to this department.
All managers and direct supervisors are responsible for reviewing this Code of Ethics with their subordinates each time a new edition of the Code of Ethics is published.
It is also the responsibility of the Human Resource Department to reaffirm compliance with this Code of Ethics by all employees and officers, and to obtain a signed certificate that each employee and officer has read and understands the guidelines and will comply with them. The provisions of the Code of Ethics Policy will be included in the Centrue Financial Corporation Employee Handbook. The Employee Handbook will be issued to all new employees and officers at the time of employment and reissued to existing employees and officers from time to time. Employees will be required to sign a receipt form for the Employee Handbook indicating they have read this Code of Ethics and comply with its provisions.
Employees, officers, and directors of Centrue Financial Corporation are expected to follow this Code of Ethics at all times. Generally, there should be no waivers to this Code of Ethics. However, in rare circumstances, conflicts may arise that necessitate waivers. Waivers will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Centrue Financial Corporation Human Resource Department with the advice of legal counsel.
However, waivers for directors and executive officers must be determined by the board of directors. For members of the board of directors and executive officers, the board of directors shall have the sole and absolute discretionary authority to approve any deviation or waiver from this Code of Ethics. Any waiver and the grounds for such waiver by directors or executive officers may need to be disclosed to stockholders in the Centrue Financial Corporation Annual Proxy Statement.
Known or suspected violations of this Code of Ethics will be investigated and may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of employment.
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Policy No. | CE.190 |
Subject | Misleading Financial Information |
Effective | March 31, 2003 |
Revised | February 24, 2009 |
Centrue Financial Corporation will be honest and forthright in all of its financial reporting. We will use generally accepted accounting procedures (GAAP) to account for all transactions. We will then use the resulting accounting data to prepare financial reports that are as accurate as we can make them. No one associated with this company is authorized to slant this financial data in ways that might mislead a third party into believing the Company’s financial situation is better than it actually is. For any current or former employee who received incentive compensation, the Company may seek restitution to the extent it is determined that incentive compensation paid was based on materially inaccurate information.
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Policy No. | CE.200 |
Subject | Special Rules That Apply to Investment Officers |
Effective | March 31, 2003 |
Revised | February 8, 2008 |
Anyone making investments on behalf of the Company is prohibited from taking advantage of the special circumstances associated with this duty. Specifically, an investment officer is prohibited from buying securities for his or her own account through dealers from which he or she buys securities for the Company’s account. The investment officer is also prohibited from accepting gifts, entertainment, free travel, and so forth from a securities dealer or from employees who work for a securities firm. If the investment officer is ever approached with a deal that would benefit him or her personally, he or she must immediately report the circumstances to the president and the chairperson of the board and stop placing investment orders through that firm. (Exhibit 2A.2 following this policy contains a statement that the Company requires its investment officers to sign.)
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Policy No. | CE.210 |
Subject | Senior Financial Officers Code of Ethics |
Effective | March 31, 2003 |
Revised | February 8, 2008 |
Honesty, integrity, and sound judgment of senior financial officers are fundamental to the reputation and success of Centrue Financial Corporation. While all employees, officers, and directors are required to adhere to the Centrue Financial Corporation Code of Ethics, the professional and ethical conduct of senior financial officers (Chief Financial Officer, Controller and Chief Investment Officer) is essential to the proper function and success of Centrue Financial Corporation as a leading financial services provider.
To the best of their knowledge and ability, senior financial officers of Centrue Financial Corporation performing accounting, auditing, financial management, or similar functions must:
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• | Act with honesty and integrity; avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest in personal and professional relationships. |
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• | Provide colleagues with information that is accurate, complete, objective, relevant, timely, and understandable. |
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• | Comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations of federal, state, and local governments (both United States and foreign) and other appropriate private and public regulatory agencies. |
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• | Act in good faith, with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresenting material facts or allowing independent judgment to be subordinated. |
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• | Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of employment. |
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• | Share knowledge and maintain skills necessary and relevant to Centrue Financial Corporation’s needs. |
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• | Proactively promote ethical and honest behavior within the Centrue Financial Corporation environment. |
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• | Assure responsible use and control of all assets, resources, and information of Centrue Financial Corporation. |
All senior financial officers are expected to adhere to both the Centrue Financial Corporation Code of Ethics and the Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers at all times. The board of directors shall have the sole and absolute discretionary authority to approve any deviation or waiver from the Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers. Any waiver and the grounds for such waiver for a senior financial officer shall be promptly disclosed through a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 8-K. Additionally, any change of this Code of Ethics for senior financial officers shall be promptly disclosed to stockholders.
Employee/Director Acknowledgement Form
I have received a copy of the Centrue Financial Corporation Code of Ethics. After having read the Code, I certify that:
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1. | I have not directly, or indirectly through my family: (a) made any personal investment based on insider information; (b) otherwise acted on insider information contrary to the Centrue Financial Corporation policy statement; (c) accepted any gifts or entertainment; (d) accepted any fees or other remuneration; (e) borrowed from a Centrue Financial Corporation customer or supplies; (f) sold or leased assets to or purchased or leased assets from a customer other than an arm’s length transaction; or (g) accepted any bequest, legacy, or fiduciary appointment, except as follows:If none, please indicate “none.” |
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2. | I do not hold a position as director, officer, partner, or any other official position in any business or professional enterprise, except as follows:If none, please indicate “none.” |
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3. | I am not engaged in any outside employment, including self-employment, except as follows: If none, please indicate “none.” |
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4. | Neither I, nor any member of my immediate family, is engaged in any activity, which may reasonably be deemed in conflict with this Code of Ethics except as follows:If none, please indicate “none.” |
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Employee/Director Signature | | Date |
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Employee/Director Name (Typed or Printed) | | |
This form (last updated 7/08) must be signed and returned to the Human Resource Department.
Conflicts of Interest:
Investment Officer Code of Conduct Statement
Based on instructions I have received from the board of directors, I understand that I am prohibited from buying securities for my own account using dealers through which I buy securities for the Company’s account.
I also understand that I may not accept gifts, entertainment, free travel, etc., from a securities dealer or employees of a securities firm, directly or indirectly. If I am ever offered a bribe or approached with a deal that would benefit me personally, I will immediately report the circumstances of the offer to the President and Chief Executive Officer and the chairperson of the board, and I will immediately stop placing investment orders through that firm.
A signed copy of this statement will be forwarded to each of the securities firms with which the Company deals so that the salespeople of the firm will be explicitly on notice that I am not to be approached with gifts, gratuities, or unethical deals.
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Investment Officer Signature | | Date |
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Investment Officer Name (Typed or Printed) | | |
This form must be signed and returned to the Human Resource Department.