Goodwill And Intangible Assets, Net | 5 . GOOD WILL AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS, NET Changes made to our goodwill balances during the three months ended March 31, 2017 and the year ended December 31, 2016 were as follows (in thousands): Healthcare Energy Financial Services Advisory and Compliance Disputes, Forensics & Legal Technology Total Company Gross goodwill at December 31, 2016 $ 272,032 $ 77,924 $ 53,784 $ 348,757 $ 752,497 Adjustments (43) 2,749 (9) (38) 2,659 Foreign currency translation 34 102 93 462 691 Gross goodwill at March 31, 2017 272,023 80,775 53,868 349,181 755,847 Accumulated goodwill impairment - - - (122,045) (122,045) Accumulated amortization - - - (5,425) (5,425) Net goodwill at March 31, 2017 $ 272,023 $ 80,775 $ 53,868 $ 221,711 $ 628,377 Healthcare Energy Financial Services Advisory and Compliance Disputes, Forensics & Legal Technology Total Company Gross goodwill at December 31, 2015 $ 264,163 $ 76,566 $ 55,341 $ 354,604 $ 750,674 Acquisitions 8,057 2,122 - - 10,179 Adjustments (12) - (35) (153) (200) Foreign currency translation (176) (764) (1,522) (5,694) (8,156) Gross goodwill at December 31, 2016 272,032 77,924 53,784 348,757 752,497 Accumulated goodwill impairment - - - (122,045) (122,045) Accumulated amortization - - - (5,425) (5,425) Net goodwill at December 31, 2016 $ 272,032 $ 77,924 $ 53,784 $ 221,287 $ 625,027 During the three months ended March 31, 2017, we recorded an adjustment to goodwill of $2.7 million related to the Ecofys acquisition in connection with working capital adjustments made during the period . We performed our annual goodwill impairment test as of May 31, 2016 . The key assumptions included: internal projections completed during our second quarter 2016 forecasting process; profit margin improvement generally consistent with our longer-term historical performance; assumptions regarding contingent revenue; revenue growth consistent with our longer term historical performance also considering our near term investment plans and growth objectives; discount rates that were determined based on comparable discount rates for our peer group; Company-specific risk considerations; control premium ; and cost of capital based on our historical experience . Based on our assumptions, at that time, the estimated fair value exceeded the net asset carrying value for each of our reporting units as of May 31, 201 6 . Accordingly, there was no indication of impairment of our goodwill for any of our reporting units. As of May 31, 2016, the estimated fair value of our Healthcare, Energy, Financial Services Advisory and Compliance, and Disputes, Forensics & Legal Technology reporting units exceeded the fair value of invested capital by 22% , 32% , 61% , and 17% , respectively . We have reviewed our most recent financial projections and considered the impact of changes to our business and market conditions on our goodwill valuation and determined that no events or conditions have occurred or are expected to occur that would trigger a need to perform an interim goodwill impairment test. We will continue to monitor the factors and key assumptions used in determining the fair value of each of our reporting units. There can be no assurance that goodwill or intangible assets will not be impaired in the future. We will perform our next annual goodwill impair ment test as of May 31, 2017 . Intangible assets consisted of (in thousands): March 31, December 31, 2017 2016 Intangible assets: Customer lists and relationships $ 106,980 $ 106,536 Non-compete agreements 23,478 23,407 Other 28,207 28,274 Intangible assets, at cost 158,665 158,217 Less: accumulated amortization (132,232) (129,490) Intangible assets, net $ 26,433 $ 28,727 Our intangible assets have estimated remaining useful lives ranging up to eight years which approximate the estimated periods of consumption. We will amortize the remaining net book values of intangible assets over their remaining useful lives. At March 31, 2017 , our intangible assets categories were as follows ( in thousands, except year data): Weighted Average Category Remaining Years Amount Customer lists and relationships, net 5.4 $ 22,254 Non-compete agreements, net 3.4 2,311 Other intangible assets, net 2.8 1,868 Total intangible assets, net 5.0 $ 26,433 Total amortization expense was $ 2.3 million and $2.9 million for the three months ended March 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively . T he estimated annual aggregate amortization expense to be recorded in the next five years related to intangible assets at March 31, 2017 is as follows (in thousands): Year Ending December 31, Amount 2017 (includes January - March) $ 8,908 2018 6,313 2019 4,402 2020 3,359 2021 3,554 2022 576 |