Why We Are Optimistic About INX’s Prospects
INX currently has a small share of its target market, which target markets include some of
the best areas of technology, from a growth perspective
Unified communications is still in a state of relative infancy; the majority of enterprise
phone systems are still antiquated TDM PBX technology; many organizations can
experience a tangible ROI from deploying UC, beneficial in good or bad times
Network security issues will continue unabated, irrespective of economic conditions, and
failure to resolve security issues “is not an option” for most enterprises
Growth in network storage capacity, which occurs irrespective of economic conditions, will
continue to drive demand for upgrading storage; the natural path of upgrade is to newer
technology that INX is focused on deploying - INX started storage practice < 3 years ago
Virtualization of servers has one of the most compelling ROI metrics of any area of IT and
communications enterprise spending, and delaying the deployment of virtualization
because of an economic downturn is therefore illogical - new for INX since June ‘08
Virtualization of servers within the datacenter often requires an upgrade of the network
infrastructure within the datacenter, leading to “data center virtualization”
Web 2.0 enterprise applications are moving into the enterprise environment and will
increase the use of video in the enterprise, in turn increasing network load
TelePresence video communications solutions help save money by reducing travel costs
and this area of technology is expected to continue to grow - new for INX since April ‘08