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absence, adapt, addressing, adequate, AdTech, advisor, Amortizable, analyze, Andrew, architecture, Arete, arithmetic, arranged, arrangement, array, assurance, assure, Atera, avoid, Bachelor, bankruptcy, billable, billion, book, Bressman, Brigham, broader, budget, buyer, Buyout, capable, capped, carefully, Carrano, case, Cautionary, certainty, Chapter, CMS, comment, Commonwealth, compete, competent, competitive, composition, comprised, concentrated, concentration, confidentiality, conflicted, constitute, covenant, CREATE, created, critical, curated, cure, curing, curve, decision, deconsolidated, deconsolidation, default, defense, degree, derecognized, description, Desk, diem, disinterested, distressed, district, diversion, downturn, Durham, earn, earned, economy, efficiency, eligible, exempt, fail, failed, failure, faith, Fiduciary, fifty, fill, flexibility, foreseeable, fourth, global, good, grace, grew, growth, guarantee, guaranteed, harbor, Head, immaterial, implicit, important, impose, incremental, infrequent, infusion, innovative, insignificant, intellectual, interface, introduce, introduced, Jankowski, Jeffrey, Jersey, judgment, lack, Launched, law, line, located, location, long, Lyon, Marianacci, maximum, Meta, metropolitan, Mike, mix, monetized, monitor, multiplied, myriad, necessarily, ninety, NOL, Nominating, nondeductible, nonrefundable, occasioned, Ochocki, online, ordinary, orientated, outreach, oversight, Overview, ownership, parent, participation, passed, penalty, penetrate, PIPE, placement, point, political, portfolio, prevailing, privacy, promulgated, pronouncement, proprietary, prorated, pursue, Randall, recommendation, reconcile, redirected, refinance, Reform, reliance, renegotiating, reorganization, reorganizing, repurchase, repurchased, Research, restated, restatement, restructuring, revert, rich, SAB, Sadiq, safe, scalable, secondary, seek, segment, seller, sixty, size, solution, source, stand, standstill, Stein, stream, streamline, subscription, substitute, successfully, supervision, supplement, Supplementary, testified, testimony, TMH, Tom, track, transformation, transformational, Trustee, type, unanticipated, unaware, unconditional, Union, unknown, unsuccessful, upcoming, USD, UVL, variety, waived, waiver, website, week, wholly, withstand, yield, Young
abate, abatement, abiding, acknowledging, acquire, acquiring, add, added, Additionally, Adj, America, American, analytical, annum, apparent, apply, approximate, approximated, approximating, Article, assessment, assist, assistance, attract, audit, authorizing, award, back, backed, base, behavior, bit, blockchain, branding, British, broadcast, Broderick, Brooklyn, building, bulk, CA, calculate, California, capacity, capitalization, carry, categorized, Certification, Christopher, classification, clause, Codification, collectability, communicated, component, computation, computer, conclusion, condensed, conditional, confirmation, consisted, consistent, consultancy, consultation, context, continued, contracting, correlated, counsel, COVID, cultural, Culture, cycle, decline, declining, decreased, deductible, deducting, deep, deferment, deficit, Delaware, demand, denominated, departure, depend, depending, depreciated, designated, designed, determining, developing, differentiated, disaggregation, Disaster, discipline, disposed, disposition, dispute, distancing, distinct, Distinguishing, distribution, division, document, doubled, doubt, driver, duly, duration, effort, element, embedded, emerge, employed, enable, enabling, enacted, enactment, ensure, entertainment, environment, escalating, escalation, escrow, essentially, established, estate, evaluate, evaluated, eventual, exceed, excluded, Exhibit, exit, expectation, expedient, expensed, experiential, expertise, expiring, Extensible, Extension, federally, fifteen, figure, fintech, floor, focusing, footnote, forecast, foregoing, forfeited, forgiven, forgoing, formal, formatted, founded, frequently, fulfilling, functional, furloughed, furnished, furniture, generic, geographical, goal, greater, growing, hand, headquartered, health, Hedging, herewith, highly, hiring, holding, home, host, immersion, impacted, impaired, implement, imposition, improvement, improving, incorporation, indirectly, infection, influencer, informed, Injury, inline, instance, insurance, insured, intensified, intention, Interactive, intrinsic, inventory, investigating, investor, invoiced, invoicing, IO, IRS, ISO, issue, issuing, Kingswood, labor, landlord, Language, large, larger, largest, lessee, likelihood, Linkbase, liquid, live, London, longevity, Los, lowered, maintenance, making, manner, marketplace, merger, merit, methodology, mother, motivate, multiple, national, navigate, necessitate, negatively, negotiated, NFT, nGage, Nonemployee, North, notified, NQSO, NY, occurring, omitted, operational, optimism, option, optional, orderly, Organization, original, outbreak, package, Page, pandemic, partly, past, people, perform, performed, performing, periodic, periodically, pertaining, pertinent, Pharma, planned, platform, potentially, Pound, practical, preserving, President, processed, productive, profit, promissory, Promotional, Protection, purpose, qualify, qualitative, real, realization, realized, realizing, receipt, recent, record, recording, recovered, Redeeem, redeemed, reduced, registrant, relevance, relevant, relief, remotely, removed, repayment, replaced, replacement, represent, representing, requiring, resolution, rest, restricting, retaining, retired, retroactively, returned, returning, reverse, reversed, reward, ROU, safety, Sally, satisfied, SBA, scale, schedule, Schema, sector, separate, separately, setting, settled, short, social, split, spread, staging, standard, stay, step, Stephenson, Sterling, stipulated, subjective, sublease, subleased, summary, supported, susceptible, suspended, sustain, talent, target, Taxonomy, temporarily, temporary, tense, test, tested, testing, thereunto, threshold, timely, transatlantic, translated, transmission, treating, ultimate, unadjusted, unbilled, uncertain, uncollectible, undersigned, underwriting, uninsured, unit, unrealized, unvested, uplisting, Variable, vested, vesting, voluntary, voting, weighted, Westpark, whichever, workforce, world, worldwide, write, XBRL
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