Financial Risk Management | 45 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT The SMBC Group classifies risks into the following categories: credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk and operational risk. This note presents information about the SMBC Group’s exposure to credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk, and its policies and processes for measuring and managing these risks. Risk Management System Top management plays an active role in the risk management process out of recognition for the importance of risk management. The SMBC Group-wide basic policies for risk management are determined by the Management Committee before being authorized by the board of directors. In line with these basic policies for risk management, the functions for managing major risks are consolidated within the Risk Management Unit, which is independent from business units. In addition, the Internal Audit Dept. conducts internal audits on the status of risk management to verify that risk is appropriately managed. Risk management systems are in place at individual SMBC Group companies that have been established based on the characteristics of their particular businesses and in accordance with the basic policies. Furthermore, the SMBC Group is strengthening SMBC Group-wide risk management systems through the Group Chief Risk Officer (“CRO”) Committee, which consists of the Group CRO and risk management representatives from strategically important SMBC Group companies. The diagram below represents the risk management system of the SMBC Group. Risk Capital Management In managing credit risk, market risk, and operational risk affecting the entire SMBC Group, the SMBC Group applies a uniform standard, risk capital based on value at risk (“VaR”), for use in monitoring and managing risks. This standard is applied while taking into account the characteristics of each risk and of the businesses of SMBC Group companies. Specific risk capital measures include setting upper limits for risk exposure based on SMBC Group-wide and business unit risk appetite and SMBC Group-wide management constitution. Each business unit operates business operation within that limit. Through these precautions, the SMBC Group practices management that maintains an appropriate balance between risks and returns based on a comprehensive perspective and secures sufficient financial soundness. Credit Risk Credit risk is the risk of incurring losses from decline or loss of the value of an asset (including off-balance sheet items) that is caused by a credit event including but not limited to the deterioration of financial condition of a borrower. Overseas credits transactions also entail country risk, which is closely related to credit risk. Country risk is the risk of incurring losses caused by changes in political or economic conditions. Credit exposures arise primarily from lending activities such as loans and advances, acquiring investment securities, derivative transactions, and off-balance sheet transactions such as unused portion of loan commitments. Credit risk management system Credit risk is the most significant risk to which the SMBC Group is exposed. The purpose of credit risk management is to keep the credit risk exposure to a permissible level relative to capital, to maintain the quality of assets and to ensure returns commensurate with risk. At the SMBC Group, the Group CRO formulates credit risk management policies each year on the basis of Group-wide basic policies for risk management. The Credit & Investment Planning Department, responsible for the comprehensive management of credit risk, drafts and administers credit risk regulations including the Group credit policies, manages non-performing loans (“NPLs”), and performs other aspects of credit portfolio management. Also, the Credit Risk Committee deliberates on matters related to Group-wide credit portfolios. The SMBC Group companies follow the fundamental principles established by the SMBC Group to assess and manage credit risk. Each of SMBC Group companies manages credit risk according to the nature of its business, and assesses and manages the credit risks of individual loans and credit portfolios quantitatively, using consistent standards. The following chart shows the credit risk management system of SMBC, the SMBC Group’s significant banking subsidiary. At SMBC, the Credit & Investment Planning Department within the Risk Management Unit is responsible for the comprehensive management of credit risk. This department drafts and administers credit policies, the internal rating system, credit authority guidelines, and credit application guidelines, and manages NPLs, including impaired loans, and other aspects of credit portfolio management. The department also cooperates with the Corporate Risk Management Department in quantifying credit risk (risk capital and risk-weighted assets) and controls SMBC’s entire credit risk. Further, the Credit Portfolio Management Department within the Credit & Investment Planning Department strives to stabilize the credit portfolio and manage the risk through credit derivatives, loan asset sales and other instruments. The credit departments of SMBC within each business unit conduct credit risk management for loans handled by its unit and manage portfolios of its unit. The credit limits they use are based on the baseline amounts that the Credit & Investment Planning Department establishes for each grading category, with particular attention paid to evaluating and managing customers or loans perceived to have particularly high credit risk. The Corporate Research Department engages in research on industries and analyzes the business and financial conditions of borrower enterprises to detect early signs of problems or growth potential. The Credit Administration Department is responsible for handling NPLs of borrowers classified as potentially bankrupt or lower, and formulates plans for workouts, including write-offs, and corporate rehabilitation. The department closely liaises with SMBC Servicer Co., Ltd., an SMBC Group company, which engages in related services to efficiently reduce the amount of NPLs, including through the sale of loans. The Internal Audit Unit of SMBC, operating independently of the business units, audits asset quality, accuracy of grading and state of credit risk management, and reports the results directly to the board of directors and the Management Committee. SMBC has established the Credit Risk Committee to undertake control of credit risk and to ensure the overall soundness of the loan operations. Credit risk management methods To effectively manage the risk involved in individual loans as well as the credit portfolio as a whole, the SMBC Group first acknowledges that every loan entails credit risk, assesses the credit risk posed by each borrower and loan using an internal rating system, and quantifies that risk for control purposes. Credit risk evaluation At SMBC, the Credit & Investment Planning Department manages an internal rating system for each asset control category set according to portfolio characteristics. For example, credits to commercial and industrial (“C&I”) companies, individuals for business purposes (domestic only), sovereigns, public sector entities, and financial institutions are assigned an “obligor grade,” which indicates the borrower’s creditworthiness, and/or “facility grade,” which indicates the collectability of assets taking into account the transaction conditions such as guarantee/collateral, and tenor. The business units determine an obligor grade by first assigning a financial grade using a financial strength grading model and data obtained from the obligor’s financial statements, including net worth and cash flows. The financial grade is then adjusted taking into account the actual state of the obligor’s financial position and qualitative factors to derive the obligor grade. The qualitative factors mainly include the expected future cash flows taking into account factors such as historical loss information, the appropriateness of the borrower’s business plan or operational improvement plan, the status of progress of its plan, and the overall support from financial institutions. In the event that the borrower is domiciled overseas, internal ratings for credit are made after taking into consideration the country rank, which represents an assessment of the credit quality of each country based on its political and economic situation, as well as its current account balance and external debt. Obligor grades and facility grades are reviewed once a year and as otherwise necessary, such as when there are changes in the credit situation. The SMBC Group’s subsidiaries carry out credit risk evaluations in line with SMBC. The table below shows the corporate obligor grading system of SMBC. Obligor Grade Definition Borrower Category Domestic (C&I), etc. Overseas (C&I), etc. J1 G1 Very high certainty of debt repayment Normal J2 G2 High certainty of debt repayment J3 G3 Satisfactory certainty of debt repayment J4 G4 Debt repayment is likely, but this could change in cases of significant changes in economic trends or business environment J5 G5 No problem with debt repayment over the short term, but not satisfactory over the mid to long term, and the situation could change in cases of significant changes in economic trends or business environment J6 G6 Currently no problem with debt repayment, but there are unstable business and financial factors that could lead to debt repayment problems J7 G7 Close monitoring is required due to problems in meeting loan terms and conditions, sluggish/unstable business, or financial problems Borrowers J7R G7R Obligors with loans that are more than three months past due or with restructured loans within the “Borrowers Requiring Caution” category Substandard J8 G8 Currently not bankrupt, but experiencing business difficulties, making insufficient progress in restructuring and highly likely to go bankrupt Potentially J9 G9 Though not yet legally or formally bankrupt, has serious business difficulties and rehabilitation is unlikely; thus, effectively bankrupt Effectively J10 G10 Legally or formally bankrupt Bankrupt There are also grading systems for loans to individuals such as housing loans and structured finance including project finance, where the repayment source is limited to the cash flows generated by a particular business or asset. For example, the obligor grade of housing loans is determined taking into account various relevant factors such as proportion of the repayment to revenue, proportion of down payment to the value and past due information. The Credit & Investment Planning Department of SMBC centrally manages the internal rating systems, and designs, operates, supervises and validates the grading models. It validates the grading models (including statistical validation) of main assets following the procedure manual once a year to ensure their effectiveness and suitability. Quantification of credit risk At SMBC, credit risk quantification refers to the process of estimating the degree of credit risk of a portfolio or individual loan taking into account not just the obligor’s probability of default (“PD”), but also the concentration of risk in a specific customer or industry and the loss impact of fluctuations in the value of collateral, such as real estate and securities. Specifically, the PD by grade, loss given default (“LGD”), credit quality correlation among obligors, and other parameter values are estimated using the historical data of obligors and facilities stored in a database to calculate the credit risk. Then, based on these parameters, SMBC runs a simulation of simultaneous default using the Monte Carlo Simulation to calculate SMBC’s maximum loss exposure to the estimated amount of the maximum losses that may be incurred. Based on these quantitative results, SMBC allocates risk capital. Risk quantification is also executed for purposes such as to determine the portfolio’s risk concentration or to simulate economic movements (stress tests), and the results are used for making optimal decisions across the whole range of business operations, including formulating business plans and providing a standard against which individual credit applications are assessed. Credit assessment At SMBC, the credit assessment of corporate loans involves a variety of financial analyses, including cash flows, to predict an enterprise’s capability of loan repayment and its growth prospects. These quantitative measures, when combined with qualitative analyses of industrial trends, the enterprise’s research and development capabilities, the competitiveness of its products or services, and its management caliber, result in a comprehensive credit assessment. The loan application is analyzed in terms of the intended utilization of the funds and the repayment schedule. In the assessment of housing loans for individuals, SMBC employs a credit assessment model based on credit data amassed and analyzed by SMBC over many years, taking into account various relevant factors including proportion of the repayment to revenue, proportion of down payment to the value and past due information. Credit monitoring At SMBC, in addition to analyzing loans at the application stage, the Credit Monitoring System is utilized to reassess obligor grades, and review credit policies for each obligor so that problems can be detected at an early stage, and quick and effective action can be taken. The system includes annual monitoring that is carried out each time the financial results of the obligor enterprise are obtained, as well as ad-hoc monitoring that is performed each time credit conditions change. Credit portfolio management Risk-taking within the scope of capital To keep the credit risk exposure to a permissible level relative to capital, the Corporate Risk Management Department of the Company sets a credit risk capital limit for internal control purposes. Under this limit, sub-limits are set for each business unit. The Corporate Risk Management Department conducts monthly monitoring to make sure that these limits are being followed. Controlling concentration risk As the SMBC Group’s equity capital may be materially impaired in the event that the credit concentration risk becomes apparent, the Credit & Investment Planning Department of the Company therefore takes measures to manage concentration risks, such as introducing large exposure limits and conducting intensive loan reviews for obligors with large exposures, with an increased focus on industrial sectors with an excessive concentration of credit risk. Further, to manage country risk, SMBC’s Credit Department of the International Banking Unit has credit limit guidelines based on each country’s creditworthiness. Toward active portfolio management SMBC’s Credit Portfolio Management Department makes use of credit derivatives, loan asset sales, and other instruments to proactively and flexibly manage its portfolio to stabilize credit risk. Maximum exposure to credit risk before collateral held or other credit enhancements The following table shows the maximum exposure to credit risk before taking into account any collateral held or other credit enhancements at March 31, 2019 and 2018. At March 31, 2019 2018 (In millions) Credit risk exposures relating to assets on the consolidated statements of financial position: Deposits with banks ¥ 56,700,489 ¥ 53,992,931 Call loans and bills bought 2,465,745 1,881,880 Reverse repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities borrowed 10,345,994 8,491,703 Trading assets 2,480,903 2,841,148 Derivative financial instruments 3,382,574 3,885,271 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 2,620,686 1,528,921 Investment securities: Debt instruments at amortized cost (At March 31, 2018: Held-to-maturity investments) 318,914 372,459 Debt instruments at FVOCI (At March 31, 2018: Available-for-sale financial assets) 13,333,221 14,282,706 Loans and advances 90,682,938 85,129,070 Other financial assets 3,609,129 3,598,642 Financial assets included in assets held for sale — 3,099,888 Credit risk exposures relating to off-balance sheet items (1) Loan commitments 62,724,820 60,107,128 Financial guarantees and other credit-related contingent liabilities 9,409,066 8,426,245 Total ¥ 258,074,479 ¥ 247,637,992 (1) The off-balance sheet items represent the nominal amounts of undrawn loan commitments, financial guarantees and other credit-related contingent liabilities. Based on the table above, excluding loan commitments (refer to Note 41 “Contingency and Capital Commitments”), the majority of the total exposure to credit risk is derived from “Loans and advances” and “Debt instruments at FVOCI (At March 31, 2018: Available-for-sale financial assets).” Collateral and other credit enhancements The SMBC Group considers the acquisition of collateral and guarantees as a secondary repayment source to further enhance loan recovery and minimize credit risk. Based on the assessment of a borrower’s real financial condition and potential future cash flows, the SMBC Group shall analyze the borrower’s repayment ability and require sufficient collateral in the form of an asset or third-party obligation. This serves to mitigate the inherent credit risk in the exposure, by either improving recoveries in the event of a default or transferring the borrower’s obligation to guarantors. Collateral received is mainly segregated into (1) financial collateral such as cash, deposits and securities, (2) real estate collateral such as land and buildings, and (3) guarantees received from sovereigns, municipal corporations, credit guarantee corporations and other public entities, financial institutions, and other companies. The SMBC Group’s credit risk management is mainly based on an analysis of the repayment ability from the cash flows of the borrower’s business performance, and the collateral and other credit enhancements are considered as secondary repayment sources in the SMBC Group’s business practice. At the time of the primary lending decision, the SMBC Group evaluates the collateral on an individual borrower basis to consider its financial effect for mitigating credit risk. The re-evaluation of the collateral and other credit enhancements will be performed regularly, depending on the borrower’s creditworthiness. In case there is a significant change in the borrower’s repayment ability due to a deterioration in its creditworthiness and/or its cash flows, the SMBC Group may utilize the collateral and other credit enhancements as a source of repayment. The following table shows the financial effect of collateral and other credit enhancements on impaired loans and advances at March 31, 2019. The maximum collateral amounts included in the disclosure are limited to the carrying value of loans and advances where the credit exposure is over-collateralized. At March 31, 2019 (In millions) Impaired loans and advances ¥ 882,018 Financial effect of collateral and other credit enhancements 325,896 The following table shows the financial effect of collateral and other credit enhancements on loans and advances for borrowers requiring caution and impaired loans and advances at March 31, 2018. The maximum collateral amounts included in the disclosure are limited to the carrying value of loans and advances where the credit exposure is over-collateralized. At March 31, 2018 (In millions) Loans and advances for borrowers requiring caution and impaired loans and advances ¥ 1,965,681 Financial effect of collateral and other credit enhancements 959,015 Concentration of risks of loans and advances with credit risk exposure An analysis of concentrations of credit risk from loans and advances by geographical sector and industry sector at March 31, 2019 and 2018 is shown below. The concentration by geographical sector is measured based on the domicile of the borrower. Geographical sector At March 31, 2019 2018 (In millions) Domestic ¥ 59,856,165 ¥ 57,830,627 Foreign: Americas 12,382,463 11,221,244 Europe 5,988,133 4,949,471 Asia 9,720,884 8,423,747 Others 3,598,673 3,434,838 Total foreign 31,690,153 28,029,300 Gross loans and advances 91,546,318 85,859,927 Adjust: Unearned income, unamortized premiums—net and deferred loan fees—net (258,392 ) (239,181 ) Less: Allowance for loan losses (604,988 ) (491,676 ) Carrying amount ¥ 90,682,938 ¥ 85,129,070 Industry sector At March 31, 2019 2018 (In millions) Domestic: Manufacturing ¥ 8,522,451 ¥ 7,961,620 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and mining 288,099 145,957 Construction 918,617 947,765 Transportation, communications and public enterprises 5,596,935 5,424,054 Wholesale and retail 5,281,596 5,288,767 Finance and insurance 3,129,666 2,777,862 Real estate and goods rental and leasing 10,126,531 9,017,664 Services 4,328,173 4,255,228 Municipalities 866,373 1,000,286 Lease financing 9,030 14,629 Consumer (1) 16,187,195 16,363,489 Others 4,601,499 4,633,306 Total domestic 59,856,165 57,830,627 Foreign: Public sector 360,875 372,008 Financial institutions 5,382,130 4,496,646 Commerce and industry 23,285,374 21,023,885 Lease financing 344,958 357,660 Others 2,316,816 1,779,101 Total foreign 31,690,153 28,029,300 Gross loans and advances 91,546,318 85,859,927 Adjust: Unearned income, unamortized premiums—net and deferred loan fees—net (258,392 ) (239,181 ) Less: Allowance for loan losses (604,988 ) (491,676 ) Carrying amount ¥ 90,682,938 ¥ 85,129,070 (1) The balance in Consumer mainly consists of housing loans. The housing loan balances amounted to ¥11,216,711 million and ¥11,482,678 million at March 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The following tables show a disaggregation of the structured finance loans and advances balances, where the repayment source is limited to the cash flows generated by a particular business or asset, and the balances of secured or unsecured consumer loans at March 31, 2019 and 2018. These loans and advances are included in the preceding tables. Structured finance: At March 31, 2019 2018 (In millions) Real estate finance ¥ 2,493,748 ¥ 2,421,408 Project finance 3,978,779 3,976,222 Other structured finance 387,400 374,430 Total structured finance ¥ 6,859,927 ¥ 6,772,060 Consumer: At March 31, 2019 2018 (In millions) Secured loans (1) ¥ 12,008,728 ¥ 12,255,845 Unsecured loans 4,178,467 4,107,644 Total consumer ¥ 16,187,195 ¥ 16,363,489 (1) The secured loans and advances mainly represent housing loans. The housing loan balances amounted to ¥11,216,711 million and ¥11,482,678 million at March 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Credit quality analysis The following tables set out information about the gross carrying amount of financial assets and the exposure to credit risk on loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts by stage allocation and internal rating grades of SMBC. Refer to Note 2 “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies” for information on stage allocation. Also refer to Note 45 “Financial Risk Management” for information on obligor grading system of SMBC. At March 31, 2019 12-month Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL credit-impaired Total (In millions) Loans and advances at amortized cost: Normal J1-6 ¥ 38,708,431 ¥ 191,177 ¥ — ¥ 38,899,608 G1-6 24,350,586 508,277 — 24,858,863 Japanese government and local municipal corporations 3,137,657 — — 3,137,657 Other (1) 22,876,865 75,598 — 22,952,463 Requiring caution J7 — 460,319 — 460,319 G7 — 171,441 — 171,441 Other (1) — 183,949 — 183,949 Impaired (2) — — 882,018 882,018 Gross loans and advances 89,073,539 1,590,761 882,018 91,546,318 Adjust: Unearned income, unamortized premiums—net and deferred loan fees—net (258,392 ) Less: Allowance for loan losses (158,094 ) (92,446 ) (354,448 ) (604,988 ) Carrying amount ¥ 90,682,938 (1) The balance of “Other” includes housing loans, which amounted to ¥11,084,927 million and ¥28,018 million for the borrower category of Normal and Requiring Caution, respectively. (2) “Impaired” refers to loans and advances related to borrowers with obligor grades not higher than 7R. Modified loans and advances that were subject to lifetime ECL measurement amounted to ¥28,908 million for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019. The net modification gain or loss is not material. At March 31, 2019 12-month Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL credit-impaired Total (In millions) Loan commitments and Financial Guarantees (1) : Gross carrying amount ¥ 28,842,267 ¥ 383,828 ¥ 13,435 ¥ 29,239,530 Allowance for off-balance sheet items 36,795 18,289 5,761 60,845 (1) Loan commitments are the undrawn components of loan commitments on which ECL can be separately identified from those on the drawn components. Movements in ECL allowance The following tables show reconciliations from the opening balance to the closing balance of the ECL allowance by class of financial instrument. For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 2018 12-month Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL credit-impaired Total Total (In millions) Loans and advances at amortized cost (1) : Balance at April 1 ¥ 164,515 ¥ 130,701 ¥ 356,404 ¥ 651,620 ¥ 680,456 Transfer to 12-month ECL 832 (805 ) (27 ) — — Transfer to lifetime ECL not credit-impaired (1,599 ) 4,845 (3,246 ) — — Transfer to lifetime ECL credit-impaired (1,966 ) (10,507 ) 12,473 — — Net transfers between stages (2,733 ) (6,467 ) 9,200 — — Provision (credit) for loan losses (2) (4,265 ) (31,744 ) 158,936 122,927 126,623 Charge-offs (3) — — 180,254 180,254 185,060 Recoveries — — 11,042 11,042 10,232 Net charge-offs — — 169,212 169,212 174,828 Others 577 (44 ) (880 ) (347 ) (140,575 ) Balance at March 31 ¥ 158,094 ¥ 92,446 ¥ 354,448 ¥ 604,988 ¥ 491,676 (1) “Loans and advances at amortized cost” includes allowance for undrawn components of loan commitments issued to retail customers which cannot be separately identified from that for the drawn components. (2) The decrease of allowance of lifetime ECL not credit-impaired is primarily due to certain large borrowers’ improvement of their financial performance. (3) Charge-offs for lifetime ECL credit-impaired are primarily related to those for consumer loans. For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 12-month Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL credit-impaired Total (In millions) Loan commitments and financial guarantees (1) : Balance at April 1 ¥ 35,543 ¥ 23,311 ¥ 6,225 ¥ 65,079 Net transfers between stages (28 ) (228 ) 256 — Provision (credit) for off-balance sheet items 2,272 (4,794 ) (720 ) (3,242 ) Others (992 ) — — (992 ) Balance at March 31 ¥ 36,795 ¥ 18,289 ¥ 5,761 ¥ 60,845 (1) ECL allowance for loan commitments is that for the undrawn components of loan commitments, which can be separately identified from that for the drawn components. Loans and advances by credit quality at March 31, 2018 Loans and advances are summarized as follows: At March 31, 2018 (In millions) Neither past due nor impaired ¥ 84,856,335 Past due but not impaired 124,724 Impaired (1) 878,868 Gross loans and advances 85,859,927 Adjust: Unearned income, unamortized premiums—net and deferred loan fees—net (239,181 ) Less: Allowance for loan losses (491,676 ) Carrying amount ¥ 85,129,070 (1) Loans and advances to borrowers who are classified in the borrower categories of substandard borrowers, potentially bankrupt borrowers, effectively bankrupt borrowers, and bankrupt borrowers described in the obligor grading system represent impaired loans and advances. Loans and advances neither past due nor impaired The following tables show the credit quality of the portfolio of loans and advances that were neither past due nor impaired, by geography and by industry based on the corporate obligor grading system of SMBC at March 31, 2018. Since the internal rating system of SMBC’s consumer portfolio differs from the corporate obligor grading system, the balances of loans and advances to consumers are included in the grade category of “Other.” Additionally, as the SMBC Group’s subsidiaries are adopting various internal rating systems which differ from SMBC, the grade category of “Other” also includes some balances of loans and advances held by those subsidiaries. At March 31, 2018 Normal Requiring Caution J 1-3 J 4-6 Japanese Other J 7 Other Total (In millions) Domestic: Manufacturing ¥ 4,275,861 ¥ 2,190,117 ¥ — ¥ 1,196,566 ¥ 199,616 ¥ 22,681 ¥ 7,884,841 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and mining 81,900 42,892 13,973 207 599 — 139,571 Construction 319,394 468,222 — 119,439 26,779 459 934,293 Transportation, communications and public enterprises 4,069,995 1,066,246 86,932 133,132 46,657 148 5,403,110 Wholesale and retail 2,333,434 2,399,747 — 297,583 155,584 1,421 5,187,769 Finance and insurance 1,801,410 349,934 2,785 618,935 1,630 5 2,774,699 Real estate and goods rental and leasing 5,696,289 3,082,764 13,696 95,634 87,218 7 8,975,608 Services 1,599,011 2,355,545 37,693 94,218 96,498 115 4,183,080 Municipalities — — 1,000,286 — — — 1,000,286 Lease financing — — — 14,629 — — 14,629 Consumer (1) — 234 — 15,900,425 1,669 73,180 15,975,508 Others 53,633 2,057,571 1,685,694 728,206 69,005 680 4,594,789 Total domestic 20,230,927 14,013,272 2,841,059 19,198,974 685,255 98,696 57,068,183 G 1-3 G 4-6 — Other G 7 Other Total Foreign: Public sector 191,678 81,448 — 97,890 30 941 371,987 Financial institutions 2,381,927 338,659 — 1,752,693 — 7,891 4,481,170 Commerce and industry 14,009,273 2,425,819 — 4,114,066 222,395 53,793 20,825,346 Lease financing 23,290 — — 330,406 — 3,964 357,660 Others 1,194,334 161,795 — 383,463 9,964 2,433 1,751,989 Total foreign 17,800,502 3,007,721 — 6,678,518 232,389 69,022 27,788,152 Total ¥ 38,031,429 ¥ 17,020,993 ¥ 2,841,059 ¥ 25,877,492 ¥ 917,644 ¥ 167,718 ¥ 84,856,335 (1) The balance in the grade category of “Other” in Consumer includes housing loans, which amounted to ¥11,302,350 million and ¥51,189 million for the borrower category of Normal and Requiring Caution, respectively. Loans and advances past due but not impaired The SMBC Group assesses the credit quality of loans and advances taking into account past due information on a borrower basis, and does not comprehensively collate the data related to the age analysis of loans and advances that were past due but not impaired on an individual basis. The aggregate balances of loans and advances of borrowers with one or more facilities, where any of the facilities are past due for less than three months but not impaired as at March 31, 2018 were ¥163,902 million, respectively. Those aggregate balances therefore include individual loans and advances which are not past due. Thus, in the tables below, the SMBC Group provides the amount of loans and advances where the final payment at contractual maturity is past due, by geography and by industry, at March 31, 2018. For reference, since all the loans and advances that are past due over three months are treated as impaired, those loans and advances are not included in the tables below. At March 31, 2018 Past due up to Past due 1-2 months Past due 2-3 months Total (In millions) Domestic: Manufacturing ¥ 476 ¥ 50 ¥ — ¥ 526 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and mining — — — — Construction 1 10 51 62 Transportation, communications and public enterprises 45 — — 45 Wholesale and retail 2,240 318 21 2,579 Finance and insurance 65 76 — 141 Real estate and goods rental and leasing 73 44 — 117 Services 245 — — 245 Lease financing — — — — Consumer 55,020 10,298 3,378 68,696 Others 2,791 44 21 2,856 Total domestic 60,956 10,840 3,471 75,267 Foreign: Financial institutions 11,934 165 1,548 13,647 Commerce and industry 14,822 2,705 13,554 31,081 Others 2,402 1,676 651 4,729 Total foreign 29,158 4,546 15,753 49,457 Total ¥ 90,114 ¥ 15,386 ¥ 19,224 ¥ 124,724 Impaired loans and advances The following table shows the impaired loans and advances, by geography and by industry, at March 31, 2018. At March 31, 2018 (In millions) Domestic: Manufacturing ¥ 76,253 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and mining 6,386 Construction 13,410 Transportation, communications and public enterprises 20,899 Wholesale and retail 98,419 Finance and insurance 3,022 Real estate and goods rental and leasing 41,939 Services 71,903 Lease financing — Consumer 319,285 Others 35,661 Total domestic 687,177 Foreign: Public sector 21 Financial institutions 1,829 Commerce and industry 167,458 Lease financing — Others 22,383 Total foreign 191,691 Total impaired loans and advances before allowance for loan losses 878,868 Less: Allowance for loan losses for impaired loans and advances (369,386 ) Net impaired loans and advances ¥ 509,482 Renegotiated loans and advances at March 31, 2018 The following table shows loans and advances at March 31 2018 that would otherwise be past due or impaired, but whose terms have been renegotiated without providing any financial concessions. T |