Position and responsibility at the Company: Director Member of the Nominating Committee Member of the Compensation Committee Significant concurrent positions: Chairman and CEO of Dow Toray Co., Ltd. Executor, Dow Switzerland Holding GmbH, which is a Representative Partner of Dow Silicones Holding Japan G.K. Director of SONY CORPORATION Attendance of the Board of Directors meeting (attendance rate): Attended all 12 meetings (100%) Term of Office as Outside Director: 4 years and 11 months Reasons for nomination as a candidate for Outside Director: Ms. Eriko Sakurai plays a leading role in the field of corporate management, and has extensive experience as an international business executive and specialized knowledge in corporate management. Accordingly, we believe that she will continue to timely and adequately provide opinions to the management as well as instruct and supervise them by comprehending the essence of the Company’s issues from the viewpoint of overall management of the Company. Based upon the above, we have judged that she will be appropriate as an Outside Director of the Company, and propose her election. Supplementary explanation concerning independence: Ms. Eriko Sakurai currently serves as Chairman and CEO of Dow Toray Co., Ltd.; however, the amount of transactions between the company and the Group for FY2019 was less than 1% of both the company’s consolidated net sales and the Company’s consolidated gross profit. In addition, outstanding loans from SMBC, the Company’s subsidiary, to Dow Toray Co., Ltd. accounted for less than 0.1% of consolidated total assets of the Company. Furthermore, Dow Toray Co., Ltd. is not a shareholder of the Company. Thus, we believe that she fully satisfies the requirements for the independence as an Outside Director. Other: Ms. Eriko Sakurai is scheduled to retire as Director of SONY CORPORATION on June 26, 2020. |