DECREE No. 5/019
Montevideo, January 14th, 2019
IN VIEW OF: the technical report of the Debt Management Unit of the Ministry of Economy and Finance regarding the access of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay to the international capital market.
AS A RESULT: I) that the report itself recognizes the convenience and opportunity of a new issue of debt securities of the República Oriental del Uruguay governed by foreign law in the international market, as well as the possibility of carrying out a repurchase operation by the Republic of other debt securities of the República Oriental del Uruguay.
II) that, in the indicated sense, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, through the Debt Management Unit, has received proposals from first rated financial institutions, which detail the terms and conditions for the possible issuance of a new series of debt securities of the República Oriental del Uruguay, to be placed on the international market and a repurchase operation of debt securities governed by foreign law.
III) that, of the received proposals, proves to be the most convenient ones those presented jointly by the firms ITAU BBA USA SECURITIES, Inc., J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC. y SCOTIA CAPITAL (USA) Inc., taking into consideration, among other factors, the financial conditions and the characteristics of the operation.
WHEREAS: I) that the proposal submitted by the selected financial institutions is satisfactory and, therefore, it is advisable to carry forward with it.
II) that bidding firms are institutions with important presence and participation in the international capital market and with a successful background in terms of placement of sovereigns’ issuances of public debt securities in those markets.
WITH REGARD TO: what has been advised by the Debt Management Unit of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and what set forth in numeral 7, literal c) of Article 33 of TOCAF 2012; and Law No. 17.947, dated January 8, 2006, amended by article 266 of Law No. 18,834, dated November 4, 2011, articles 735 and 736 of Law No. 19,355, dated December 19, 2015, and article 334 of Law No. 19,670, dated October 15, 2018,
D E C R E E S :
ARTICLE 1.- The issuance of debt securities of the República Oriental del Uruguay governed by foreign law in dollars of the United States of America, for an amount of up to US$ 1,250,000,000 (one thousand two hundred and fifty million dollars of the United States of America), with amortization payable in the last three years in equal, annual and consecutive installments, and which will be in accordance with the other conditions established in this Decree and in the respective Resolution of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and those resulting from the market at the date of the placement of the issue.
The minimum denomination of each Bond will not be less than US$ 1,00 (one United States dollar).