Confidential Disclaimers 16 Banco de Investimentos Credit Suisse (Brasil) S.A. (“Credit Suisse”) has been engaged by Net Serviços de Comunicação S.A. (“NET” or the “Company”) to render to the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”) a written opinion (the “Opinion”) as to the fairness, from a financial point of view, to the holders of the common shares, no par value (“NET Common Shares”), and preferred shares, no par value (“NET Preferred Shares” and, together with NET Common Shares, “NET Shares”), of the Company, other than Empresa Brasileira de Telecomunicações S.A. – Embratel (“Embratel”), Embratel Participações S.A. (“Embrapar” and, together with Embratel, the “Offerors”) and their respective affiliates, of the offer price to be paid in the Tender Offer (as defined below) to such holders, collectively as a group to the extent expressly specified therein. As more fully described in (i) the draft Notice of Unified Offer to Purchase Common Shares and Preferred Shares Issued by Net Serviços de Comunicação S.A. (Edital de Oferta Pública Unificada de Aquisição de Ações Ordinárias e Ações Preferenciais de Emissão da Net Serviços de Comunicação S.A.), publicly available on October 4, 2013, as filed by the Offerors with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários or the “CVM” and, such notice, the “Notice of Public Tender Offer”) and directed at holders of NET Shares that are not U.S. residents and (ii) Amendment No. 2 to the Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO publicly filed on October 18, 2012 by the Offerors with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the draft Offer to Purchase, dated October 17, 2012, directed at holders of American Depositary Shares representing NET Preferred Shares (“NET ADS”) or holders of NET Shares that are U.S. residents (collectively, the “Schedule TO” and, together with the Notice of Public Tender Offer, the “Tender Offer Documents”), the Offerors will commence a mandatory change of control tender offer (oferta pública por alienação de controle) along with the voluntary delisting tender offer from the Level 2 special securities trading segment of the BM&FBOVESPA S.A. – Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (“BM&FBovespa”) for NET Shares, including NET ADS, in accordance with Instrução CVM No. 361/2002, as amended (“Instrução CVM 361/2002”), and BM&FBovespa Corporate Level 2 By-Laws (Regulamento de Listagem do Nível 2 de Governança Corporativa da BM&FBOVESPA). These materials have been prepared by Credit Suisse for the Board in connection with the Opinion (the “Presentation”). The following information is important and should be read carefully in its entirety: 1. This Presentation has been prepared, together with the Opinion, for the information of the Board (in its capacity as such) in its evaluation of the Tender Offer in accordance with Item 5.8 of the Regulamento de Listagem do Nível 2 de Governança Corporativa da BM&FBOVESPA and is not intended for any other purpose or use, including, but not limited to, the purposes of Instrução CVM nº 361/2002, Instrução CVM nº 319/1999 and/or articles 8, 170, or any other provisions of Law nº 6404/1976 (“Lei das S.A.”). 2. This Presentation is not intended as the sole basis for the evaluation of the Tender Offer by the Board and does not comprise all information that may be deemed necessary for such purpose. This Presentation, and the analyses and other information contained herein, do not constitute advice or a recommendation to any shareholder as to whether such shareholder should tender shares in the Tender Offer or how any Board member or shareholder should otherwise act on any matter relating to the Tender Offer. The analyses in this Presentation and the Opinion do not address the relative merits of the Tender Offer as compared to alternative transactions or strategies that might be available to the Company or its shareholders, or the underlying business decision of the Board or any other party or entity with respect to the Tender Offer. Credit Suisse was not requested to, and did not, participate in the negotiation or structuring of the Tender Offer, and Credit Suisse was not requested to, and did not, solicit third-party indications of interest in acquiring all or any part of the Company. Further, Credit Suisse was not requested to, and did not, recommend the specific consideration payable in the Tender Offer, which offer price was determined by the Offerors, and the decision whether or not to recommend the Tender Offer is solely that of the Board. This Presentation and the Opinion are only one of many factors considered by the Board in its evaluation of the Tender Offer and should not be viewed as determinative of the views of the Board or the Company’s management with respect to the Tender Offer or the offer price. 3. In preparing this Presentation, Credit Suisse, among other things, (i) reviewed the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the fiscal years ended 2010, 2011 and 2012, audited by Ernst & Young, (ii) reviewed the financial statements of the Company for the first half of 2013, which were reviewed by Ernst & Young, (iii) reviewed the Tender Offer Documents and certain publicly available business and financial information relating to the Company, (iv) reviewed certain other information relating to the Company provided to or discussed with Credit Suisse by the Company, including financial forecasts for the fiscal years ending 2013 through 2022 and estimates approved for Credit Suisse’s use by the Board, (v) met with the senior management of the Company to discuss the business and prospects of the Company, (vi) considered certain financial and stock market data of the Company, and compared that data with similar data for other publicly held companies in businesses Credit Suisse deemed similar to that of the Company, (vii) considered, to the extent publicly available, the financial terms of certain other business combinations and transactions which had been effected or announced and (viii) considered such other information, financial studies, analyses and investigations and financial, economic and market criteria which Credit Suisse deemed relevant. Credit Suisse has been advised by the Company’s management that it is not aware of any relevant information that has been omitted or undisclosed to Credit Suisse. |