INFORMATION NOTICE PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 13 OF THE LEGISLATIVE DECREE OF JUNE 30, 2003, NO. 196 Pursuant to article 13 of the Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003, no. 196, containing the personal data processing code (the “Code”), Fiat Industrial S.p.A., with registered office in Turin, via Nizza, no. 250, (“Fiat Industrial”), in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) of the personal data that will be provided (the “Data”), intends informing you of the following. 1. PURPOSE OF DATA PROCESSING, MANDATORY PROVISION The Data provided will be processed by Fiat Industrial, with the aid of computerized and/or paper means, for the following purposes: a) carrying out of the fulfilments concerning the allocation of the special voting shares by the absorbing company FI CBM Holdings N.V. (which will be renamed “CNH Industrial N.V.” upon the Merger); b) fulfilment of the obligations set forth by laws, regulations and European provisions, or by instructions given by the Authorities and Supervision Bodies or by administrative practices. The provision of Data and relevant processing for such purposes, which are necessary for managing the contractual relationship or connected to the fulfilment of legislative obligations, is mandatory and consequently does not need an express consent, which would otherwise prevent Fiat Industrial from developing and managing the relationship. The Data are exclusively accessible to and processed by Fiat Industrial’s staff [or, if necessary, companies’ staff that provides to Fiat Industrial, either in Italy or abroad, specific services or performs activities which are connected, ancillary or may be of any support in relation to the methods and purposes due to which such Data have been collected], who need to have access and process said Data while carrying out their specific activities and tasks. Such persons, whose number will be as limited as possible, shall carry out the process of Data in their capacity as Persons Responsible for and/or in Charge of the processing, shall be appointed to this end and duly trained in order to avoid any loss, destruction, and unauthorized accesses or processing of the Data. The up-dated list of the Persons Responsible for the Data processing is kept at the Data Controller and may be required for inspection. The Data Controller is Fiat Industrial, in person of the person appointed for this function, Paolo Raimondi. 2. COMMUNICATION OF DATA TO THIRD PARTIES Notwithstanding the foregoing, Fiat Industrial may disclose the Data to the absorbing company FI CBM Holdings N.V. for the allocation of the special voting shares and may disclose the Data for the same purposes for which such Data have been collected to Authorities and Supervision and Control Bodies, or to other subjects indicated by them, under the provisions issued by them, or determined by laws, including EU laws, regulations or administrative practices. 3. DATA PROCESSING METHODS Fiat Industrial processes the Data of interested parties in a lawful and correct manner, ensuring their confidentiality and safety. The processing – including the collection and any other activity contemplated in the definition of “processing” pursuant to Article 4 of the Code (among which, merely by way of example, the registration, organization, elaboration, communication, storage and destruction of Data) – will be performed using manual, computerized and/or telematics tools, with organizational procedures and logics strictly connected with the abovementioned purposes. The Data shall be stored for a period of time which is strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which they have been collected, in compliance with the law and with any provisions laid down by the Italian Privacy Guarantor. 4. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS Interested parties may exercise their rights, pursuant to article 7 of the Code which provides,inter alia, that the interested parties may have access to his/her Data, obtain a copy of the information processed, require their up-dating, correction, integration, deletion or blocking, as well as made an opposition, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons to the processing of his/her Data. The interested parties exercise his/her rights, in accordance with the methods set forth by the law, by contacting to Fiat Industrial S.p.A., Turin, Via Nizza, no. 250, to the attention of the person appointed for this function, Paolo Raimondi. Fiat Industrial S.p.A. |