Forging quality and meaningful relationships with our customers, suppliers and employees is a key to our success:
You must take care to safeguard TTI’s assets. This includes protecting them from unauthorized use and restricting any use for unlawful or improper purpose. Theft, negligence and waste have a direct impact on our profitability and you should do your best to ensure that TTI’s assets are efficiently used. All our assets, information and equipment must only be used for legitimate business purposes.
VI. Enforcement of this Code
You are responsible! Regardless of your role in TTI or the magnitude of your decisions, you are accountable for your decisions and should put this Code into practice. One of the reasons for our compiling this Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is to help you make the right decisions and identify the principal issues that should be considered by you. Yet, this Code cannot anticipate every possible issue that you may face and your common sense must be used.
You are not alone! You should feel free to seek your supervisor’s assistance or even the input of our Legal Department when faced with tough choices.
You may be disciplined! We trust that you will do your best to comply with this Code, but please bear in mind that we will take appropriate disciplinary actions for violations of this Code. Such disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, penalties and demotions and even dismissals. Disciplinary actions may also extend to the violator’s supervisor, insofar as we determine that he or she was also at fault by his or her actions or inactions.
VII. Report Your Concerns and Non-Compliance
You are encouraged to report violations
If you know of, or reasonably suspect, a violation of applicable laws, rules or regulations, of this Code or other policies of TTI, including any evidence of fraud occurring in your region, business segment or unit, and that involves any employee or agent of TTI, you must immediately report such information to your supervisor, senior management or the individuals or offices listed below, as you deem appropriate.
If the matter concerns accounting or auditing issues, you may report such matter directly to our Chief Financial Officer.
Whistleblowers will be protected
Employees who make reports, in good faith, of suspected violations of applicable laws, rules or regulations, of this Code or other policies of TTI, or regarding accounting or audit issues as described above will be protected from retaliation, such as demotion or involuntary termination of employment, as a result of their reports.
A person making the report may also elect to make the report on an anonymous basis, but such reports should be very detailed or include means to contact the reporting person.
Every reported allegation of illegal or unethical behavior will be thoroughly and promptly investigated.
We will not fire, demote, threaten, harass or discriminate against any employee solely because he or she provided information, caused information to be provided or otherwise assisted in an investigation regarding any conduct by TTI that he or she reasonably believes to constitute a violation of securities laws and/or rules or federal law regarding fraud against the shareholders of TTI.
Relationship to other policies and laws
This Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is designed to ensure that you are committed to ethical business conduct and legal compliance. However, the standards embedded in this Code are not the exclusive source of guidance and information on our expectations and should be read together with other laws and policies applicable to you, whether you are an employee, officer or director.
Waivers of this Code
Any waiver of this Code of Ethics and Business Conduct for executive officers or directors of TTI may only be made with the approval of the TTI’s Board of Directors or a committee designated thereby. Any such waiver must then be disclosed to the public.
LIST OF CONTACTS Legal Department: Iris Cohen Chief Financial Officer: Israel (Eli) Ofer |