The following table details, as of October 1, 2009, the number of our ordinary shares owned (including the shares underlying options or warrants held by such person that are exercisable within 60 days) by our directors and executive officers:
Item 1 – Election of Outside Director
(Item 1 on the Proxy Card)
Companies incorporated under the laws of Israel whose shares have been offered to the public inside or outside of Israel, such as TTI, are required by the Israeli Companies Law, 5759-1999 (the “Companies Law”) to appoint at least two outside directors. To qualify as an outside director, an individual may not have, and may not have had at any time during the previous two years, any affiliations with the company or the company’s affiliates, as such terms are defined in the Companies Law. The term “affiliation” includes: an employment relationship; a business or professional relationship maintained on a regular basis; control; and service as an office holder. In addition, no individual may serve as an outside director if the individual’s position or other activities create or may create a conflict of interest with his or her role as an outside director.
The outside directors generally must be elected by the shareholders. The initial term of an outside director is three years and he or she may be reelected to one additional term of three years. Thereafter, our outside directors may be reelected by our shareholders for additional periods of up to three years each only if the audit committee and the board of directors confirm that, in light of the outside director’s expertise and special contribution to the work of the board of directors and its committees, the reelection for such additional period is beneficial to the Company. Under the Companies Law, each committee of a company’s board of directors empowered with powers of the board of directors is required to include at least one outside director, except that the audit committee must be comprised of at least three directors, including all of the outside directors.
Ms. Julie Kunstler commenced her three-year term as an outside director in August 2006 and, pursuant to the recommendation of all of our independent directors, shareholders will be asked at the Meeting to re-elect her for an additional three year term.
The Company has received a declaration from Ms. Kunstler, confirming her qualifications under the Companies Law to be elected as an outside director of the Company. For details about compensation granted to such nominee, see in Item 2 below. A brief biography of Ms. Kunstler follows.
Julie Kunstler became a director in August 2006. She is the managing director and founder of Portview Communications Partners, a venture capital fund. From 1990 to 2002, she was the managing director of HK Catalyst Strategy & Finance Ltd. Ms. Kunstler is also the Vice President of Business Development at Teknovus Inc., a developer of broadband access semiconductor solutions. Ms Kunstler is a director or observer for several privately-held, communications technology companies, including: FiberZone Networks, Teknovus, and Teranetics. Ms. Kunstler holds a BA degree in urban planning from the University of Cincinnati and an MBA degree from University of Chicago.
It is proposed that at the Meeting the following resolution be adopted:
| “RESOLVED, that Ms. Julie Kunstler be re-elected as an outside director of the Company, for an additional three year term.” |
Required Vote
Approval of this matter will require the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present, in person or by proxy, and voting on the matter.
The board of directors of the Company recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the election of said nominee.
Outside Directors Continuing in Office
Mr. Doron Zinger, who was elected as outside director of the Company to serve until March 31, 2010, continues to serve the Company as outside director. A brief biography of Mr. Zinger follows.
Doron Zinger became a director in 2004. Mr. Zinger has served as the chief executive officer of Zinger Communications Ltd., a consulting and management company, since July 2008. From 2005 to 2008 he was the chief executive officer of RiT Technologies Ltd., a NASDAQ-listed company engaged in providing physical network infrastructure control and management solutions. Mr Zinger was also a venture partner (Telecommunications) with Giza Venture Capital Fund, and a member of the Board of Directors of Vsecure Ltd. Mr. Zinger was a member of the Advisory Board of Iamba Technologies Limited until October 2004, member of the Advisory Board of communications Ltd until June 2004 and a member of the Advisory Board of Cellot until December 2004. From February through July 2000, Mr. Zinger served as Chief Executive Officer of Lambda Crossing Ltd., a start-up company engaged in the development of electro optic components for optical communications networks. From 1997 through 2000, Mr. Zinger served as President and Chief Executive Officer of VocalTec Communications Ltd., a leading company in the emerging IP telephony industry. From 1980 through 1997, Mr. Zinger held various technical, marketing and management positions at ECI Telecom Ltd., a leading provider of telecommunications equipment worldwide, including: Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer from 1995 through 1997, Corporate Vice President and General Manager DCME SBU from 1993 through 1995, and Director of Marketing and Sales Telecommunications Products from 1991 through 1993. Mr. Zinger received a B.Sc. degree from The Technion Israel Institute of Technology in 1975, and an MBA from Tel Aviv University in 1991. Mr. Zinger is a Major (Res.) in the Israeli Navy.
ITEM 2 – Compensation to the Outside Directors of the Company
(Item 2 on the Proxy Card)
The minimum and maximum compensation that may be paid to outside directors (as defined in the Companies Law) of Israeli public companies, such as TTI, is regulated by the Companies Law and the Israeli Companies Regulations (Rules regarding Compensation and Expenses to External Directors), 2000 (as amended, the “Compensation Regulations”).
In accordance with the Compensation Regulations, the Company’s outside directors (namely, Ms. Julie Kunstler and Mr. Doron Zinger) receive: (1) annual compensation of approximately NIS 80,000 (currently equates to approximately $20,000) each and (2) approximately NIS 3,000 (currently equates to approximately $750) per board meeting or per board committee meeting in which they participate, all linked to the Israeli Consumer Price Index (“CPI”). All other non-employee directors of the Company (namely, Messrs. Ilan Toker and Meir Dvir) received the same compensation until May 2009, when their compensation was reduced by 5% as part of an overall cost reduction plan to all employees of the Company, such that they currently receive compensation in the amount of: (1) annual compensation of approximately NIS 76,000 (currently equates to approximately $19,000) each and (2) approximately NIS 2,850 (currently equates to approximately $712.5) per board meeting or per board committee meeting in which they participate, all linked to the CPI. All non-employee directors, including outside directors, are also entitled to reimbursement of expenses.
In addition, in November 2006, the Company granted options to purchase up to 15,000 ordinary shares to each of our non-employee directors (including the external directors but excluding Mr. Toker, who waived his right for such grant), at an exercise price of $3.5 per share. The grant was approved by the Company’s shareholders in December 2006. The options vest over a period of 3 years and shall expire in November 2011. No stock options were granted to our non-employee directors since November 2006.
Proposed Change
In light of the said 5% reduction of the compensation paid to the other non-employee directors, Ms. Kunstler was advised and agreed that she (and any other outside directors serving the Company from time to time) will receive the same (reduced) compensation as the other non-employee directors, i.e., (1) annual compensation of NIS 76,000 (currently equates to approximately $19,000) and (2) compensation per board meeting or per board committee meeting of NIS 2,850 (currently equates to approximately $712.5), all linked to the CPI. However, in accordance with the Compensation Regulation, such reduction shall become effective only upon the election of a new outside director (including the re-election of Mr. Zinger as our outside director). Until then, she will continue to receive the same compensation (without the 5% reduction).
Under the Compensation Regulations, the proposed change in the compensation of the outside directors is required to be approved by the audit committee (which includes at least two external directors) and board of directors, in that order. In addition, according to Article 43 of our Articles of Association, the proposed change would also require the approval of the shareholders. Accordingly, if Ms. Kunstler is elected at the Meeting pursuant to Item 1 above, she will immediately become a member of our Audit Committee. The Meeting will then recess to enable our Audit Committee and Board of Directors to convene, consider and resolve upon the aforesaid reduction of remuneration of outside directors, and shortly after this recess the Meeting will reconvene. If so approved, the shareholders will be asked to approve the foregoing fees for the outside directors elected at the Meeting and for any other outside director that may serve in the future from time to time.
You should be aware that, if the proposed reduction in the compensation of the outside directors is not approved by the shareholders, we will continue to pay the outside directors their current remuneration package (i.e., before the proposed reduction).
It is therefore proposed that at the Meeting the following resolution be adopted:
| “RESOLVED, that the compensation to the outside directors of the Company, who may serve the Company from time to time, as described in the Proxy Statement dated October 16, 2009, be, and it hereby is, approved.” |
Required Vote
Approval of this matter will require the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present, in person or by proxy, and voting on the matter.
The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders vote “FOR” the adoption of this resolution.
Other Matters
It is not anticipated that there will be presented at the Special General Meeting any matters other than those on the agenda described above. If any other matters should come before the Special General Meeting, the persons named on the enclosed proxy card will have discretionary authority to vote all proxies in accordance with their best judgment.
Dated: October 16, 2009 | By Order of the Board of Directors
Meir Lipshes Chairman of the Board of Directors & Chief Executive Officer |