SUMMARIZED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION SUMMARIZED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME FOR THE PERIOD Principal assets MCh$ Operational results MCh$ Cash and deposits in banks 2,695,560 Net interest income 1,818,303 Loans and accounts receivables from customers and banks, net 40,109,498 Net fee and commission income 547,066 Loans and accounts receivables from customers at fair value, net 74,903 Result from financial operations 247,328 Financial instruments 8,192,817 Total operating income 2,612,697 Financial derivative contracts 13,153,397 Provision for loan losses (525,831) Other asset ítems 4,232,757 Support expenses (906,685) Total assets 68,458,932 Other results (105,861) Income before tax 1,074,320 Principal liabilities MCh$ Income tax expense (209,811) Deposits and other demand liabilities 14,260,609 Net income for the period 864,509 Time deposits and other time liabilities 17,098,625 Issued debt and regulatory capital instruments 10,737,355 Attributable to: Financial derivative contracts 13,053,417 Equity holders of the Bank 857,623 Other liabilities ítems 8,912,092 Non-controlling interest 6,886 Total equity 4,396,834 Total liabilities and Equity 68,458,932 Equity attributable to: Equity holders of the Bank 4,292,440 Non-controlling interest 104,394 BANCO SANTANDER-CHILE AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION As of December 31, 2024 The principal balances and results accumulated for the period ending December 2024 (amounts in millions of Chilean pesos). JONATHAN COVARRUBIAS H. ROMAN BLANCO R. Chief Accounting Officer Chief Executive Officer
IMPORTANT NOTICE The unaudited financial information has been prepared in accordance with the Compendium of Accounting Standards for Banks effective from January 1, 2022 issued by the Financial Market Commission (FMC). The accounting principles issued by the FMC are substantially similar to IFRS but there are some exceptions. The FMC is the banking industry regulator according to article 2 of the General Banking Law. which by General Regulation establishes the accounting principles to be used by the banking industry. For those principles not covered by the Compendium of Accounting Standards for Banks, banks can use generally accepted accounting principles issued by the Chilean Accountant’s Association AG which coincide with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). If discrepancies exist between the accounting principles issued by the FMC (Compendium of Accounting Standards for Banks) and IFRS the Compendium of Accounting Standards for Banks will take precedence. ¿Qué podemos hacer por ti hoy?