Loans | NOTE 6 - LOANS Oriental’s loan portfolio is composed of two segments, loans initially accounted for under the amortized cost method (referred to as "originated and other" loans) and loans acquired (referred to as "acquired" loans). Acquired loans are further segregated a mong acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans, acquired BBVAPR loans and acquired Eurobank loan s. The composition of Oriental’s loan portfolio at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 was as follow s : The composition of Oriental’s loan portfolio at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 was as follows : December 31, 2019 2018 (In thousands) Originated and other loans and leases held for investment: Mortgage $ 577,416 $ 668,809 Commercial 1,667,494 1,597,588 Consumer 361,638 348,980 Auto and leasing 1,277,732 1,129,695 3,884,280 3,745,072 Allowance for loan and lease losses on originated and other loans and leases (83,471) (95,188) 3,800,809 3,649,884 Deferred loan costs, net 8,965 7,740 Total originated and other loans held for investment, net 3,809,774 3,657,624 Acquired loans: Acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans: Accounted for under ASC 310-20 (Loans with revolving feature and/or acquired at a premium) Mortgage 322,179 - Commercial 193,192 - Consumer 112,757 - Auto 191,015 - 819,143 - Accounted for under ASC 310-30 (Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality, including those by analogy) Mortgage 1,130,964 - Commercial 212,866 - Consumer 8,539 - Auto 41,571 - 1,393,940 - Total acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans, net 2,213,083 - Acquired BBVAPR loans: Accounted for under ASC 310-20 (Loans with revolving feature and/or acquired at a premium) Commercial 2,141 2,546 Consumer 20,794 23,988 Auto 135 4,435 23,070 30,969 Allowance for loan and lease losses on acquired BBVAPR loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 (1,573) (2,062) 21,497 28,907 Accounted for under ASC 310-30 (Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality, including those by analogy) Mortgage 411,531 492,890 Commercial 117,694 182,319 Auto 1,790 14,403 531,015 689,612 Allowance for loan and lease losses on acquired BBVAPR loans accounted for under ASC 310-30 (17,036) (42,010) 513,979 647,602 Total acquired BBVAPR loans, net 535,476 676,509 Acquired Eurobank loans: Mortgage 48,617 63,392 Commercial 29,041 47,826 Consumer 724 846 Total acquired Eurobank loans 78,382 112,064 Allowance for loan and lease losses on Eurobank loans (14,459) (24,971) Total acquired Eurobank loans, net 63,923 87,093 Total acquired loans, net 2,812,482 763,602 Total held for investment, net 6,622,256 4,421,226 Mortgage loans held-for-sale 19,591 10,368 Total loans, net $ 6,641,847 $ 4,431,594 Originated and Other Loans and Leases Held for Investment Oriental’s originated and other loans held for investment are encompassed within four portfolio segments: mortgage, commercial, consumer, and auto and leasing. The t ables below present the aging of the recorded investment in gross originated and other lo ans held for investment a t December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , by class of loans. Mortgage loans past due include delinquent loans in the GNMA buy-back option program. Servicers of loans underlying GNMA mortgage-backed securities must report as their own assets the defaulted loans that they have the option (but not the obligation) to repurchase, even when they elect not to exercise that option. December 31, 2019 Loans 90+ Days Past Due and 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90+ Days Total Past Still Past Due Past Due Past Due Due Current Total Loans Accruing (In thousands) Mortgage Traditional (by origination year): Up to the year 2002 $ 71 $ 669 $ 1,362 $ 2,102 $ 32,194 $ 34,296 $ 248 Years 2003 and 2004 81 2,772 1,784 4,637 59,280 63,917 - Year 2005 77 1,146 1,486 2,709 29,905 32,614 - Year 2006 277 953 898 2,128 45,339 47,467 - Years 2007, 2008 and 2009 - 665 1,279 1,944 47,358 49,302 - Years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 343 537 2,336 3,216 93,578 96,794 88 Years 2014 to present - 232 1,170 1,402 136,762 138,164 294 849 6,974 10,315 18,138 444,416 462,554 630 Non-traditional - 112 972 1,084 8,553 9,637 - Loss mitigation program 8,436 5,452 7,641 21,529 72,668 94,197 1,788 9,285 12,538 18,928 40,751 525,637 566,388 2,418 Mortgage secured personal loans - - - - 223 223 - GNMA's buy-back option program - - 10,805 10,805 - 10,805 - 9,285 12,538 29,733 51,556 525,860 577,416 2,418 Commercial Commercial secured by real estate: Corporate - - 7,264 7,264 231,379 238,643 - Institutional - - - - 137,610 137,610 - Middle market 30 500 4,928 5,458 200,380 205,838 - Retail 839 367 2,855 4,061 224,468 228,529 - Floor plan - - - - 3,337 3,337 - Real estate - - - - 17,083 17,083 - US Loan Program - - - - 25,459 25,459 - 869 867 15,047 16,783 839,716 856,499 - Other commercial and industrial: Corporate - - - - 137,350 137,350 - Institutional - - - - 190,741 190,741 - Middle market 2,934 250 1,550 4,734 66,799 71,533 - Retail 4,370 90 345 4,805 115,067 119,872 - Floor plan 209 - - 209 44,154 44,363 - US Loan Program - - - - 247,136 247,136 - 7,513 340 1,895 9,748 801,247 810,995 - 8,382 1,207 16,942 26,531 1,640,963 1,667,494 - December 31, 2019 Loans 90+ Days Past Due and 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90+ Days Total Past Still Past Due Past Due Past Due Due Current Total Loans Accruing (In thousands) Consumer Credit cards $ 800 $ 243 $ 546 $ 1,589 $ 26,025 $ 27,614 $ - Overdrafts 51 - - 51 165 216 - Personal lines of credit 153 - 9 162 1,616 1,778 - Personal loans 4,796 2,090 1,262 8,148 306,539 314,687 - Cash collateral personal loans 149 5 294 448 16,895 17,343 - 5,949 2,338 2,111 10,398 351,240 361,638 - Auto and leasing 72,211 31,351 14,225 117,787 1,159,945 1,277,732 - Total $ 95,827 $ 47,434 $ 63,011 $ 206,272 $ 3,678,008 $ 3,884,280 $ 2,418 December 31, 2018 Loans 90+ Days Past Due and 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90+ Days Total Past Still Past Due Past Due Past Due Due Current Total Loans Accruing (In thousands) Mortgage Traditional (by origination year): Up to the year 2002 $ 77 $ 1,516 $ 2,707 $ 4,300 $ 36,344 $ 40,644 $ 168 Years 2003 and 2004 91 2,412 5,632 8,135 67,707 75,842 - Year 2005 - 552 3,531 4,083 35,004 39,087 - Year 2006 255 1,693 5,074 7,022 49,213 56,235 - Years 2007, 2008 and 2009 255 1,059 6,677 7,991 52,781 60,772 56 Years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 253 328 8,697 9,278 104,429 113,707 270 Years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 - 483 1,462 1,945 139,500 141,445 - 931 8,043 33,780 42,754 484,978 527,732 494 Non-traditional - 116 3,085 3,201 11,072 14,273 - Loss mitigation program 10,793 6,258 19,389 36,440 70,393 106,833 2,223 11,724 14,417 56,254 82,395 566,443 648,838 2,717 Mortgage secured personal loans 9 - - 9 241 250 - GNMA's buy-back option program - - 19,721 19,721 - 19,721 - 11,733 14,417 75,975 102,125 566,684 668,809 2,717 Commercial Commercial secured by real estate: Corporate - - - - 289,052 289,052 - Institutional - - 1,200 1,200 68,413 69,613 - Middle market - 1,430 5,202 6,632 200,831 207,463 - Retail 1,641 463 8,570 10,674 210,251 220,925 - Floor plan - - - - 4,184 4,184 - Real estate - - - - 19,009 19,009 - US Loan Program - - - - 3,189 3,189 - 1,641 1,893 14,972 18,506 794,929 813,435 - Other commercial and industrial: Corporate - - - - 179,885 179,885 - Institutional - - - - 156,410 156,410 - Middle market 917 - 6,020 6,937 81,030 87,967 - Retail 571 546 817 1,934 88,000 89,934 - Floor plan - - 46 46 49,633 49,679 - US Loan Program - - - - 220,278 220,278 - 1,488 546 6,883 8,917 775,236 784,153 - 3,129 2,439 21,855 27,423 1,570,165 1,597,588 - December 31, 2018 Loans 90+ Days Past Due and 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90+ Days Total Past Still Past Due Past Due Past Due Due Current Total Loans Accruing (In thousands) Consumer Credit cards $ 725 $ 363 $ 411 $ 1,499 $ 26,535 $ 28,034 $ - Overdrafts 10 - - 10 204 214 - Personal lines of credit 57 11 22 90 1,827 1,917 - Personal loans 3,966 1,740 1,262 6,968 296,151 303,119 - Cash collateral personal loans 74 339 3 416 15,280 15,696 - 4,832 2,453 1,698 8,983 339,997 348,980 - Auto and leasing 58,094 27,945 13,494 99,533 1,030,162 1,129,695 - Total $ 77,788 $ 47,254 $ 113,022 $ 238,064 $ 3,507,008 $ 3,745,072 $ 2,717 At December 31 , 2019 , and 2018 , Oriental had a carrying balance of $ 9 2. 6 million and $ 91.4 million , respectively, in current status, in originated and other loans held for investment granted to the Puerto Rico government, including its instrumentalities, public corporations and municipalities , as part of the institutional commercial loan segment. All originated and other loans granted to the Puerto Rico government are general obligations of municipalities secured by ad valorem taxation, without limitation as to rate or amount, on all taxable property within the issuing municipalities. The good faith, credit and unlimited taxing power of each issuing municipality are pledged for the payment of its general obligations. Acquired Loans Acquired loans were initially measured at fair value and subsequently accounted for under either ASC 310-30 or ASC 310-20. We have acquired loans in the acquisitions of Scotiabank, BBVAPR and Eurobank. Acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI Loans Accounted for under ASC 310-20 (Loans with revolving feature and/or acquired at a premium) Credit cards, retail and commercial revolving lines of credits, floor plans and performing loans acquired , except for those acquired with credit discount and showed specific credit risk indicators , are accounted for under the guidance of ASC 310-20, which requires that any contractually required loan payment receivable in excess of Oriental’s initial investment in the lo ans be accreted into interest income on a level-yield basis over the life of the loan. Loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 are placed on non-accrual status when past due in accordance with Oriental’s non-accrual policy, and any accretion of discount or am ortization of premium is discontinued. Acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans that were accounted for under the provisions of ASC 310-20 are removed from the acquired loan category at the end of the reporting period upon refinancing, renewal or normal re-unde rwriting. The following tables present the aging of the recorded investment in gross acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 as of December 31 , 2019 , by class of loans: December 31, 2019 Loans 90+ Days Past Due and 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90+ Days Total Past Still Past Due Past Due Past Due Due Current Total Loans Accruing (In thousands) Mortgage Traditional (by origination year) Up to year 2002 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 383 $ 383 $ - Year 2003 and 2004 - - - - 1,055 1,055 - Year 2005 - - - - 1,018 1,018 - Year 2006 - - - - 3,331 3,331 - Year 2007, 2008, 2009 - 19 - 19 21,458 21,477 - Year 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - 478 - 478 144,881 145,359 - Year 2014 to present - 70 - 70 85,110 85,180 - - 567 - 567 257,236 257,803 - GNMA's buy-back option - - 64,376 64,376 - 64,376 - - 567 64,376 64,943 257,236 322,179 - Commercial Commercial secured by real estate Retail $ 125 $ 79 $ 1,684 $ 1,888 $ 32,993 $ 34,881 $ - 125 79 1,684 1,888 32,993 34,881 - Other commercial and industrial Retail 23 13 795 831 153,078 153,909 - Corporate - - - - 4,402 4,402 - 23 13 795 831 157,480 158,311 - 148 92 2,479 2,719 190,473 193,192 - Consumer Credit cards 161 75 - 236 28,538 28,774 - Personal lines of credit 380 20 212 612 50,224 50,836 - Personal loans 11 28 1 40 33,107 33,147 - 552 123 213 888 111,869 112,757 - Auto 105 40 15 160 190,855 191,015 - Total $ 805 $ 822 $ 67,083 $ 68,710 $ 750,433 $ 819,143 $ - Acquired BBVAPR Loans Accounted for under ASC 310-20 (Loans with revolving feature and/or acquired at a premium) Credit cards, retail and commercial revolving lines of credits, floor plans and performing auto loans with FICO scores over 660 acquired at a premium are accounted for under the guidance of ASC 310-20, which requires that any contractually required loan pa yment receivable in excess of Oriental’s initial investment in the loans be accreted into interest income on a level-yield basis over the life of the loan. Loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 are placed on non-accrual status when past due in accordance wi th Oriental’s non-accrual policy, and any accretion of discount or amortization of premium is discontinued. Acquired BBVAPR loans that were accounted for under the provisions of ASC 310-20 are removed from the acquired loan category at the end of the repor ting period upon refinancing, renewal or normal re-underwriting. The following tables present the aging of the recorded investment in gross acquired BBVAPR loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 as of December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , by class of loans: December 31, 2019 Loans 90+ Days Past Due and 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90+ Days Total Past Still Past Due Past Due Past Due Due Current Total Loans Accruing (In thousands) Commercial Commercial secured by real estate Floor plan $ - $ - $ 764 $ 764 $ 21 $ 785 $ - - - 764 764 21 785 - Other commercial and industrial Retail 48 18 26 92 1,264 1,356 - 48 18 26 92 1,264 1,356 - 48 18 790 856 1,285 2,141 - Consumer Credit cards 477 99 350 926 17,888 18,814 - Personal loans 22 - 22 44 1,936 1,980 - 499 99 372 970 19,824 20,794 - Auto 20 21 30 71 64 135 - Total $ 567 $ 138 $ 1,192 $ 1,897 $ 21,173 $ 23,070 $ - December 31, 2018 Loans 90+ Days Past Due and 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90+ Days Total Past Still Past Due Past Due Past Due Due Current Total Loans Accruing (In thousands) Commercial Commercial secured by real estate Retail $ - $ - $ 54 $ 54 $ - $ 54 $ - Floor plan - - 888 888 94 982 - - - 942 942 94 1,036 - Other commercial and industrial Retail 30 11 8 49 1,461 1,510 - 30 11 8 49 1,461 1,510 - 30 11 950 991 1,555 2,546 - Consumer Credit cards 499 147 380 1,026 20,796 21,822 - Personal loans 64 32 18 114 2,052 2,166 - 563 179 398 1,140 22,848 23,988 - Auto 405 241 200 846 3,589 4,435 - Total $ 998 $ 431 $ 1,548 $ 2,977 $ 27,992 $ 30,969 $ - Acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI Loans Accounted for under ASC 310-30 (including those accounted for under ASC 310-30 by analogy) Acquired Scotiabank loans, except for credit cards, retail and commercial revolving lines of credits, floor plans and performing loans that did not showed specific credit risk indicators are accounted for by Oriental in accordance with ASC 310-30. The carrying amount corresponding to acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans with deteriorated credit quality, including those accounted under ASC 310-30 by analogy, in the statements of financial condition at December 31 , 2019 is as follows: December 31, 2019 2018 (In thousands) Contractual required payments receivable: $ 2,147,249 $ - Less: Non-accretable discount 294,424 - Cash expected to be collected 1,852,825 - Less: Accretable yield 458,885 - Carrying amount, gross 1,393,940 - Less: allowance for loan and lease losses - - Carrying amount, net $ 1,393,940 $ - At December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , Oriental had $ 41.4 million an d $ 44.5 million, respectively, in loans granted to Puerto Rico municipalities as part of its acquired Scotiabank loans and BBVAPR loans accounted for under ASC 310-30. These loans are primarily secured municipal general obligations. T he following tables describe the accretable yield and non- accretable discount activity of acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans accounted for under ASC 310-30 for the year ended December 31 , 2019 : Year Ended December 31, 2019 Mortgage Commercial Auto Consumer Total (In thousands) Accretable Yield Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Additions 325,731 129,182 3,715 257 458,885 Accretion - - - - - Change in expected cash flows - - - - - Transfer (to) non-accretable discount - - - - - Balance at end of year $ 325,731 $ 129,182 $ 3,715 $ 257 $ 458,885 Non-Accretable Discount Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Additions 217,113 73,198 3,720 393 294,424 Change in actual and expected losses - - - - - Transfer from accretable yield - - - - - Balance at end of year $ 217,113 $ 73,198 $ 3,720 $ 393 $ 294,424 Acquired BBVAPR Loans Accounted for under ASC 310-30 (including those accounted for under ASC 310-30 by analogy) Acquired BBVAPR loans, except for credit cards, retail and commercial revolving lines of credits, floor plans and performing auto loans with FICO scores over 660 acquired at a premium, are accounted for by Oriental in accordance with ASC 310-30. The carrying amount corresponding to acquired BBVAPR loans with deteriorated credit quality, including those accounted under ASC 310-30 by analogy, in the statements of financial condition at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 is as follows: December 31, 2019 2018 (In thousands) Contractual required payments receivable: $ 1,086,367 $ 1,304,545 Less: Non-accretable discount 340,466 345,423 Cash expected to be collected 745,901 959,122 Less: Accretable yield 214,886 269,510 Carrying amount, gross 531,015 689,612 Less: allowance for loan and lease losses 17,036 42,010 Carrying amount, net $ 513,979 $ 647,602 T he following tables describe the accretable yield and non- accretable discount activity of acquired BBVAPR loans accounted for under ASC 310-30 for the years ended December 31 , 2019 , 2018 and 2017 : Year Ended December 31, 2019 Mortgage Commercial Auto Consumer Total (In thousands) Accretable Yield Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 232,199 $ 36,508 $ 243 $ 560 $ 269,510 Accretion (23,871) (10,312) (430) (739) (35,352) Change in expected cash flows (212) 23,080 (19) 739 23,588 Transfer (to) from non-accretable discount (12,033) (30,653) 253 (427) (42,860) Balance at end of year $ 196,083 $ 18,623 $ 47 $ 133 $ 214,886 Non-Accretable Discount Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 291,887 $ 10,346 $ 24,245 $ 18,945 $ 345,423 Change in actual and expected losses (27,741) (19,295) (169) (612) (47,817) Transfer from (to) accretable yield 12,033 30,653 (253) 427 42,860 Balance at end of year $ 276,179 $ 21,704 $ 23,823 $ 18,760 $ 340,466 Year Ended December 31, 2018 Mortgage Commercial Auto Consumer Total (In thousands) Accretable Yield Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 258,498 $ 46,764 $ 2,766 $ 885 $ 308,913 Accretion (27,248) (14,160) (2,360) (871) (44,639) Change in expected cash flows - 7,895 890 484 9,269 Transfer from (to) non-accretable discount 949 (3,991) (1,053) 62 (4,033) Balance at end of year $ 232,199 $ 36,508 $ 243 $ 560 $ 269,510 Non-Accretable Discount Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 299,501 $ 10,596 $ 23,050 $ 19,284 $ 352,431 Change in actual and expected losses (6,665) (4,241) 142 (277) (11,041) Transfer (to) from accretable yield (949) 3,991 1,053 (62) 4,033 Balance at end of year $ 291,887 $ 10,346 $ 24,245 $ 18,945 $ 345,423 Year Ended December 31, 2017 Mortgage Commercial Auto Consumer Total (In thousands) Accretable Yield Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 292,115 $ 50,366 $ 8,538 $ 3,682 $ 354,701 Accretion (30,205) (20,572) (6,339) (1,841) (58,957) Change in expected cash flows 2 22,250 170 143 22,565 Transfer from (to) non-accretable discount (3,414) (5,280) 397 (1,099) (9,396) Balance at end of year $ 258,498 $ 46,764 $ 2,766 $ 885 $ 308,913 Non-Accretable Discount Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 305,615 $ 16,965 $ 22,407 $ 18,120 $ 363,107 Change in actual and expected losses (9,528) (11,649) 1,040 65 (20,072) Transfer (to) from accretable yield 3,414 5,280 (397) 1,099 9,396 Balance at end of year $ 299,501 $ 10,596 $ 23,050 $ 19,284 $ 352,431 Acquired Eurobank Loans The carrying amount of acquired Eurobank loans at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 is as follows: December 31, 2019 2018 (In thousands) Contractual required payments receivable $ 117,107 $ 156,722 Less: Non-accretable discount 4,285 2,959 Cash expected to be collected 112,822 153,763 Less: Accretable yield 34,441 41,699 Carrying amount, gross 78,381 112,064 Less: Allowance for loan and lease losses 14,458 24,971 Carrying amount, net $ 63,923 $ 87,093 The following tables describe the accretable yield and non-accretable discount activity of acquired Eurobank loans for the years ended December 31 , 2019 , 2018 and 2017 : Year Ended December 31, 2019 Mortgage Commercial Leasing Consumer Total (In thousands) Accretable Yield Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 38,389 $ 3,310 $ - $ - $ 41,699 Accretion (4,999) (4,611) (14) (164) (9,788) Change in expected cash flows 2,578 2,270 (145) 273 4,976 Transfer (to) from non-accretable discount (1,947) (549) 159 (109) (2,446) Balance at end of year $ 34,021 $ 420 $ - $ - $ 34,441 Non-Accretable Discount Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 2,826 $ - $ - $ 133 $ 2,959 Change in actual and expected losses (3,051) 1,928 159 (156) (1,120) Transfer from (to) accretable yield 1,947 549 (159) 109 2,446 Balance at end of year $ 1,722 $ 2,477 $ - $ 86 $ 4,285 Year Ended December 31, 2018 Mortgage Commercial Leasing Consumer Total (In thousands) Accretable Yield Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 42,921 $ 6,751 - $ - $ 49,672 Accretion (5,964) (6,430) (52) (389) (12,835) Change in expected cash flows (1,129) 5,023 (329) 700 4,265 Transfer from (to) non-accretable discount 2,561 (2,034) 381 (311) 597 Balance at end of year $ 38,389 $ 3,310 $ - $ - $ 41,699 Non-Accretable Discount Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 5,334 $ 276 $ - $ 235 $ 5,845 Change in actual and expected losses 53 (2,310) 381 (413) (2,289) Transfer (to) from accretable yield (2,561) 2,034 (381) 311 (597) Balance at end of year $ 2,826 $ - $ - $ 133 $ 2,959 Year Ended December 31, 2017 Mortgage Commercial Leasing Consumer Total (In thousands) Accretable Yield Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 48,033 $ 16,475 $ - $ - $ 64,508 Accretion (7,262) (12,985) (30) (283) (20,560) Change in expected cash flows 242 1,881 (217) 759 2,665 Transfer from (to) non-accretable discount 1,908 1,380 247 (476) 3,059 Balance at end of year $ 42,921 $ 6,751 $ - $ - $ 49,672 Non-Accretable Discount Activity: Balance at beginning of year $ 8,452 $ 3,880 $ - $ 8 $ 12,340 Change in actual and expected losses (1,210) (2,224) 247 (249) (3,436) Transfer (to) from accretable yield (1,908) (1,380) (247) 476 (3,059) Balance at end of year $ 5,334 $ 276 $ - $ 235 $ 5,845 Non-accrual Loans The following table presents the recorded investment in loans in non-accrual status by class of loans as of December 31 , 2019 and 2018 : December 31, 2019 2018 (In thousands) Originated and other loans and leases held for investment Mortgage Traditional (by origination year): Up to the year 2002 $ 1,117 $ 2,538 Years 2003 and 2004 1,784 5,818 Year 2005 1,486 3,600 Year 2006 898 5,140 Years 2007, 2008 and 2009 1,418 6,697 Years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 2,244 8,427 Years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 876 1,462 9,823 33,682 Non-traditional 972 3,085 Loss mitigation program 7,940 22,107 18,735 58,874 Commercial Commercial secured by real estate Corporate 7,264 - Institutional 9,092 9,911 Middle market 5,654 7,266 Retail 8,024 16,123 30,034 33,300 Other commercial and industrial Middle market 4,484 6,481 Retail 4,362 2,629 Floor plan 209 46 9,055 9,156 39,089 42,456 Consumer Credit cards 546 411 Overdrafts - - Personal lines of credit 15 31 Personal loans 3,846 2,909 Cash collateral personal loans 294 3 4,701 3,354 Auto and leasing 14,239 13,494 Total non-accrual originated loans $ 76,764 $ 118,178 December 31, 2019 2018 (In thousands) Acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 Commercial Commercial secured by real estate Retail $ 1,922 $ - 1,922 - Other commercial and industrial Retail 805 - 2,727 - Consumer Personal lines of credit 212 - Personal loans 2 - 214 - Auto 26 - Total non-accrual acquired Scotiabank PR & USVI loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 2,967 - Acquired BBVAPR loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 Commercial Commercial secured by real estate Retail $ - $ 54 Floor plan 764 888 764 942 Other commercial and industrial Retail 26 8 790 950 Consumer Credit cards 350 380 Personal loans 22 18 372 398 Auto 30 200 Total non-accrual acquired BBVAPR loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 1,192 1,548 Total non-accrual loans $ 80,923 $ 119,726 Loans accounted for under ASC 310-30 are excluded from the above table as they are considered to be performing due to the application of the accretion method, in which these loans will accrete interest income over the remaining life of the loans using estimated cash flow analyses or are accounted under the cost recovery method. Delinquent residential m ortgage loans insured or guaranteed under applicable FHA and VA programs are classified as non-performing loans when they become 90 days or more past due, but are not placed in non-accrual status until they become 12 months or more past due, since they are insured loans. Therefore, these loans are included as non-performing loans but excluded from non-accrual loans. In addition, these loans are excluded from the impairment analysis. At December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , loans whose terms have been extended an d which are classified as troubled-debt restructurings that are not included in non-accrual loans amounted to $ 103.7 million and $ 112.9 million, respectively, as they are performing under their new terms. At December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , loans that are current in their monthly payments, but placed in non-accrual due to credit deterioration amounted to $ 17.6 million and $ 21.2 million, respectively. Impaired Loans Oriental evaluates all loans, some individually and others as homogeneous groups, for purposes of determining impairment. The total investment in impaired commercial loans that were individually evaluated for impairment was $ 61.1 million and $ 82.0 million at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , respectively. The impairments on these commercial loans were measured based on the fair value of collateral or the present value of cash flows, including those identified as troubled-debt restructurings . The allowance for loan and lease losses for these impaired commercial loans amounted to $ 8.2 million and $ 8.4 million at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , respectively. The total investment in impaired mortgage loans that were individually evaluated for impairment was $ 71.2 million and $ 84.2 million at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , respectively. Impairment on mortgage loans assessed as troubled-debt restructurings was measured using the present value of cash flows. The allowance for loan losses for these impaired mortgage l oans amounted to $ 6.9 million and $ 10.2 million at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 , respectively. Originated and Other Loans and Leases Held for Investment Oriental ’s recorded investment in commercial and mortgage loans categorized as originated and other loans and leases held for investment that were individually evaluated for impairment and the related allowance for loan and lease losses at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 are as follows: December 31, 2019 Unpaid Recorded Related Principal Investment Allowance Coverage (In thousands) Impaired loans with specific allowance: Commercial $ 33,454 $ 28,555 $ 8,215 29% Residential impaired and troubled-debt restructuring 78,666 71,196 6,874 10% Impaired loans with no specific allowance: Commercial 39,109 31,895 N/A 0% Total investment in impaired loans $ 151,229 $ 131,646 $ 15,089 11% December 31, 2018 Unpaid Recorded Related Principal Investment Allowance Coverage (In thousands) Impaired loans with specific allowance: Commercial $ 54,636 $ 49,092 $ 8,434 17% Residential impaired and troubled-debt restructuring 95,659 84,174 10,186 12% Impaired loans with no specific allowance Commercial 38,241 32,137 N/A 0% Total investment in impaired loans $ 188,536 $ 165,403 $ 18,620 11% Acquired BBVAPR Loans Accounted for under ASC 310-20 (Loans with revolving feature and/or acquired at a premium) Oriental’s recorded investment in acquired BBVAPR commercial loans accounted for under ASC 310-20 that were individually evaluated for impairment and the related allowance for loan and lease losses at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 are as follows: December 31, 2019 Unpaid Recorded Related Principal Investment Allowance Coverage (In thousands) Impaired loans with specific allowance Commercial $ 926 $ 678 $ 2 0% Impaired loans with no specific allowance Commercial $ - $ - N/A 0% Total investment in impaired loans $ 926 $ 678 $ 2 0% December 31, 2018 Unpaid Recorded Specific Principal Investment Allowance Coverage (In thousands) Impaired loans with specific allowance Commercial $ 926 $ 747 $ 14 2% Impaired loans with no specific allowance Commercial $ - $ - N/A 0% Total investment in impaired loans $ 926 $ 747 $ 14 2% Acquired BBVAPR Loans Accounted for under ASC 310-30 (including those accounted for under ASC 310-30 by analogy) Oriental’s recorded investment in acquired BBVA PR loan pools accounted for under ASC 310-30 that have recorded impairments and their related allowance for loan and lease losses at December 31 , 2019 and 2018 are as follows: December 31, 2019 Coverage Unpaid Recorded to Recorded Principal Investment Allowance Investment (In thousands) Impaired loan pools with specific allowance: Mortgage $ 400,964 $ 411,531 $ 9,376 2% Commercial 87,103 84,117 6,713 8% Auto 3,947 1,790 947 53% Total investment in impaired loan pools $ 492,014 $ 497,438 $ 17,036 3% December 31, 2018 Coverage Unpaid Recorded to Recorded Principal Investment Allowance Investment (In thousands) Impaired loan pools with specific allowance: Mortgage $ 498,537 $ 492,890 $ 15,225 3% Commercial 188,413 180,790 20,641 11% Auto 14,551 14,403 6,144 43% Total investment in impaired loan pools $ 701,501 $ 688,083 $ 42,010 6% The tables above only present information with respect to acquired BBVAPR loan pools accounted for under ASC 310-30 if there is a recorded impairment to such loan pools and a specific allowance for loan losses. Acquired Eurobank Loans Oriental ’s recorded investment in acquired Eurobank loan pools that have recorded impairments and their related allowance for loan and lease losses as of December 31 , 2019 and 2018 are as follows : December 31, 2019 Coverage Unpaid Recorded to Recorded Principal Investment Allowance Investment (In thousands) Impaired loan pools with specific allowance: Mortgage $ 53,090 $ 49,366 $ 12,278 25% Commercial 17,176 17,142 2,180 13% Total investment in impaired loan pools $ 70,266 $ 66,508 $ 14,458 22% December 31, 2018 Coverage Unpaid Recorded Specific to Recorded Principal Investment Allowance Investment (In thousands) Impaired loan pools with specific allowance Mortgage $ 70,153 $ 63,406 $ 15,382 24% Commercial 47,342 47,820 9,585 20% Consumer 15 4 4 100% Total investment in impaired loan pools $ 117,510 $ 111,230 $ 24,971 22% The tables above only present information with respect to acquired Eurobank loan pools accounted for under ASC 310-30 if there is a recorded impairment to such loan pools and a specific allowance for loan losses. The following table presents the interest recognized in commercial and mortgage loans that were individually evaluated for impairment, which excludes loans accounted for under ASC 310-30, for the years ended December 31 , 2019 , 2018 and 2017 : Year Ended December 31, 2019 2018 2017 Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment (In thousands) Originated and other loans held for investment: Impaired loans with specific allowance Commercial $ 503 $ 41,868 $ 1,624 $ 44,727 $ 1,538 $ 25,797 Residential troubled-debt restructuring 2,661 73,173 2,556 84,494 3,301 87,414 Impaired loans with no specific allowance Commercial 1,086 32,269 1,091 26,199 875 36,666 Total interest income from impaired loans $ 4,250 $ 147,310 $ 5,271 $ 155,420 $ 5,714 $ 149,877 Acquired loans accounted for under ASC 310-20: Impaired loans with specific allowance Commercial $ - $ 701 $ - $ 747 $ - $ 794 Total interest income from impaired loans $ 4,250 $ 148,011 $ 5,271 $ 156,167 $ 5,714 $ 150,671 Modifications The following tables present the troubled-debt restructurings in all loan portfolios during the years ended December 31 , 2019 , 2018 and 2017 . Year Ended December 31, 2019 Number of contracts Pre-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Pre-Modification Weighted Average Rate Pre-Modification Weighted Average Term (in Months) Post-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-Modification Weighted Average Rate Post-Modification Weighted Average Term (in Months) (Dollars in thousands) Mortgage 148 $ 19,130 5.85% 376 $ 17,991 5.09% 345 Commercial 5 2,070 7.23% 56 2,070 6.05% 67 Consumer 370 5,357 15.69% 66 5,398 11.50% 74 Auto 22 319 7.29% 70 326 8.97% 44 Year Ended December 31, 2018 Number of contracts Pre-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Pre-Modification Weighted Average Rate Pre-Modification Weighted Average Term (in Months) Post-Mod |