Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Consolidated Statements of Prof
- Consolidated Statements of Fina
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Ch_2
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Corporate Information
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Critical Accounting Estimates a
- Operating Segment Information
- Revenue
- Other Operating Income and Gain
- Operating (Loss)_ Profit
- Wages, Salaries and Benefits
- Impairment Charges
- Impairment Losses on Financial
- Finance Income
- Finance Costs
- Income Tax
- Dividends
- Loss_Earnings Per Share
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Investment Properties
- Leases
- Intangible Assets
- Advanced Payments on Acquisitio
- Subsidiaries
- Investment in Associate
- Investments in Joint Ventures
- Equity Investments Designated a
- Derivative Financial Instrument
- Other Non-current Assets
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabili
- Flight Equipment Spare Parts
- Trade Receivables
- Financial Assets at Fair Value
- Prepayments and Other Receivabl
- Cash and cash equivalents and r
- Assets classified as held for s
- Trade payables and bills payabl
- Contract liabilities
- Other Payables and Accruals
- Borrowings
- Provision For Lease Return Cost
- Post-Retirement Benefit Obligat
- Other Long-term Liabilities
- Share Capital
- Reserves
- Notes to the Consolidated State
- Commitments
- Related Party Transactions
- Financial Instruments by Catego
- Fair Value and Fair Value Hiera
- Financial Risk Management
- Events occurred after the repor
- Summary of Significant Accoun_2
- Summary of Significant Accoun_3
- Operating Segment Information (
- Revenue (Tables)
- Other Operating Income and Ga_2
- Operating (Loss)_ Profit (Table
- Wages, Salaries and Benefits (T
- Impairment Charges (Tables)
- Impairment Losses on Financia_2
- Finance Income (Tables)
- Finance Costs (Tables)
- Income Tax (Tables)
- Dividends (Tables)
- Property, Plant and Equipment (
- Investment Properties (Tables)
- Leases (Tables)
- Intangible Assets (Tables)
- Advanced Payments on Acquisit_2
- Subsidiaries (Tables)
- Investment in Associate (Tables
- Investments in Joint Ventures (
- Equity Investments Designated_2
- Derivative Financial Instrume_2
- Other Non-current Assets (Table
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabi_2
- Flight Equipment Spare Parts (T
- Trade Receivables (Tables)
- Financial Asset at Fair Value T
- Prepayments and Other Receiva_2
- Cash and Cash Equivalents and_2
- Trade payables and bills paya_2
- Contract liabilities (Tables)
- Other Payables and Accruals (Ta
- Borrowings (Tables)
- Provision For Lease Return Co_2
- Post-Retirement Benefit Oblig_2
- Other Long-term Liabilities (Ta
- Share Capital (Tables)
- Reserves (Tables)
- Notes to the Consolidated Sta_2
- Commitments (Tables)
- Related Party Transactions (Tab
- Financial Instruments by Cate_2
- Fair Value and Fair Value Hie_2
- Financial Risk Management (Tabl
- Summary of Significant Accoun_4
- Summary of Significant Accoun_5
- Summary of Significant Accoun_6
- Summary of Significant Accoun_7
- Operating Segment Information -
- Operating Segment Information_2
- Operating Segment Information_3
- Operating Segment Information_4
- Revenue - Summary of Revenue (D
- Revenue - Schedule of Revenue R
- Revenue - Additional Informatio
- Revenue - Summary Of Accrual an
- Other Operating Income and Ga_3
- Operating (Loss)_ Profit - Summ
- Wages, Salaries and Benefits -
- Wages, Salaries and Benefits _2
- Wages, Salaries and Benefits _3
- Wages, Salaries and Benefits _4
- Wages, Salaries and Benefits _5
- Impairment Charges - Summary of
- Impairment Losses on Financia_3
- Finance Income - Summary of Fin
- Finance Costs - Summary of Fina
- Finance Costs - Summary of Fi_2
- Income Tax - Summary of Income
- Income Tax - Additional Informa
- Income Tax - Summary of the Rec
- Income Tax - Summary of the R_2
- Dividends - Summary of Dividend
- Dividends - Summary of Divide_2
- Dividends - Additional Informat
- Loss_Earnings Per Share - Addit
- Property, Plant and Equipment -
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Property, Plant and Equipment_3
- Property, Plant and Equipment_4
- Investment Properties - Summary
- Investment Properties - Additio
- Investment Properties - Summa_2
- Leases - Summary of right of us
- Leases - Summary of lease liabi
- Leases - Schedule of undiscount
- Leases - Disclosure of lease ex
- Leases - Additional Information
- Intangible Assets - Summary of
- Intangible Assets - Summary o_2
- Advanced Payments on Acquisit_3
- Advanced Payments on Acquisit_4
- Subsidiaries - Summary of Princ
- Subsidiaries - Summary of Finan
- Subsidiaries - Summary of Subsi
- Subsidiaries - Summary of Trans
- Subsidiaries - Additional Info
- Investment in Associate - Summa
- Investment in Associate - Sum_2
- Investment in Associate - Sum_3
- Investment in Associate - Addit
- Investment in Associate - Sum_4
- Investments in Joint Ventures -
- Investments in Joint Ventures_2
- Investments in Joint Ventures_3
- Investments in Joint Ventures_4
- Equity Investments Designated_3
- Equity Investments Designated_4
- Derivative Financial Instrume_3
- Derivative Financial Instrume_4
- Other Non-current Assets - Summ
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabi_3
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabi_4
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabi_5
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabi_6
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabi_7
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabi_8
- Deferred Tax Assets and Liabi_9
- Flight Equipment Spare Parts -
- Flight Equipment Spare Parts _2
- Trade Receivables - Summary of
- Trade Receivables - Summary o_2
- Trade Receivables - Summary o_3
- Trade Receivables - Schedule of
- Financial Asset at Fair Value_2
- Prepayments and Other Receiva_3
- Prepayments and Other Receiva_4
- Cash and Cash Equivalents and_3
- Cash and cash equivalents and_4
- Assets classified as held for_2
- Trade payables and bills paya_3
- Trade payables and bills paya_4
- Contract liabilities - Summary
- Other Payables and Accruals - S
- Borrowings - Summary of Borrowi
- Borrowings - Summary of Borro_2
- Borrowings - Summary of Long-te
- Borrowings - Summary of Long-_2
- Borrowings - Summary of Detaile
- Borrowings - Summary of Detai_2
- Borrowings - Additional Informa
- Provision For Lease Return Co_3
- Post-Retirement Benefit Oblig_3
- Post-Retirement Benefit Oblig_4
- Post-Retirement Benefit Oblig_5
- Post-Retirement Benefit Oblig_6
- Post-Retirement Benefit Oblig_7
- Post-Retirement Benefit Oblig_8
- Other Long-term Liabilities - S
- Share Capital - Summary of Shar
- Share Capital - Summary of Sh_2
- Reserves - Summary of Reserves
- Notes to the Consolidated Sta_3
- Notes to the Consolidated Sta_4
- Notes to the Consolidated Sta_5
- Notes to the Consolidated Sta_6
- Commitments - Additional Inform
- Commitments - Summary of Capita
- Commitments - Summary of Aged A
- Related Party Transactions - Ad
- Related Party Transactions - Su
- Related Party Transactions - _2
- Related Party Transactions - _3
- Related Party Transactions - _4
- Financial Instruments by Cate_3
- Fair Value and Fair Value Hie_3
- Fair Value and Fair Value Hie_4
- Fair Value and Fair Value Hie_5
- Fair value and fair value hie_6
- Fair Value and Fair Value Hie_7
- Financial Risk Management - Add
- Financial Risk Management - Sum
- Financial Risk Management - S_2
- Financial Risk Management - S_3
- Financial Risk Management - S_4
- Financial Risk Management - Su
- Financial Risk Management - S_5
- Financial Risk Management - S_6
- Financial Risk Management - S_7
- Financial Risk Management - S_8
- Financial Risk Management - S_9