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ability, absence, absolute, absorb, absorbed, AC, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accepting, accompanying, accretion, accrual, accrue, accrued, accumulated, accurately, ACE, achieve, achieved, achieving, acquired, acquisition, active, actively, activity, actuarial, add, added, adding, Additionally, addressed, addressing, adequate, adhered, adherence, ADIT, adjourned, adjusted, adjustment, advance, advanced, adverse, Advisory, advocate, AE, AESC, affidavit, affiliated, affirmative, affirmed, AFS, AFUDC, AG, AGC, age, Agency, agent, agreed, agreement, air, Aircraft, Akron, al, ALJ, alleged, allegedly, alleging, allocate, allocated, allocation, alter, alternate, alternative, Alternatively, Ambient, America, American, amortization, amortized, amount, AMT, analyzed, Anderson, annum, answer, anticipate, anticipated, antidilutive, AOCI, appeal, appealed, appealing, Appellate, applicable, application, applied, apply, applying, appointed, appointment, apportioned, approach, approval, approved, approving, approximate, approximately, April, aquatic, arise, arising, ARO, ARP, arrangement, array, arsenic, ASC, ash, asserting, assessed, assessing, assessment, asset, assign, assigned, assignment, assist, assistance, assisted, assumed, assuming, assurance, assure, ASU, Atherton, attain, attainment, Attorney, auction, audit, audited, auditor, authenticated, authoritative, automatically, award, awarding, aware, AYE, back, backlog, balance, bank, bankruptcy, bargaining, base, based, basic, Bath, Bay, BCF, bear, Beck, begin, beginning, Behar, benchmarked, beneficial, beneficiary, BGS, bilateral, bill, billed, billing, billion, bind, Black, blend, Bloom, BNSF, board, bond, bondable, bondholder, book, boron, borrow, borrowed, borrower, borrowing, bps, Branding, breach, breached, British, broad, broadened, broadly, Brotherhood, BSPC, Buchanan, build, building, bulk, Bureau, burning, buyer, CAA, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculation, calendar, California, call, Cameo, cancelable, cancelled, candidate, cap, capping, caption, Carbon, care, careful, Carlo, carryforward, case, cash, categorized, category, CCR, cease, CERCLA, certainty, certified, CES, CFL, CFR, Chack, Chairman, challenge, challenging, charge, charged, charging, Chase, choose, chose, Christopher, Cincinnati, Circuit, citing, civil, claim, claiming, classification, classified, clawback, Clean, cleanup, clear, cleared, clearing, climate, closing, closure, cloud, coal, Coalition, code, collateral, collateralized, collect, collected, collection, collective, collectively, Columbia, combustion, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, comment, commerce, commercial, commitment, committed, committee, commodity, Commonwealth, communicated, communicating, communication, Compact, competitive, competitively, complaint, complex, compliance, component, composite, composition, comprehensive, comprise, comprised, concentration, conclude, concluded, concluding, conclusion, concurrent, condition, conditional, conduct, conducted, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, confirming, conform, conformity, congestion, conservation, consideration, consolidate, consolidated, consolidation, conspiracy, construct, construction, consultation, consulting, consume, consumed, consumer, consummated, consumption, contemplated, contested, contesting, context, contingent, continuation, continue, continued, continuing, contract, contracted, contractual, contributory, control, controlling, Convention, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, cooling, cooperation, corporate, Corporation, correlated, correlation, Corrupt, COSO, cost, Council, count, counterparty, County, court, covenant, cover, coverage, covered, CPP, created, creation, credit, credited, Creditor, criminal, criteria, critical, CSAPR, CSX, CTA, cure, curve, custodian, customary, customer, Cuyahoga, CWA, cycle, damage, Dave, DCD, DCPD, DCR, deactivation, deadline, death, debt, Debtor, deceptive, decision, declare, declared, decline, decommission, decommissioning, deconsolidated, deconsolidation, decontamination, decoupled, decoupling, decrease, decreased, deduct, deductible, deduction, default, deferral, deficiency, deficient, deficit, defueled, degree, Delaware, delegated, delivery, demonstrate, demonstrating, denial, denied, denying, DEP, department, departmental, depreciable, depreciated, depreciation, derivative, derived, description, design, designated, designed, detail, detect, detected, detection, deteriorate, develop, developed, development, diluted, dilutive, Dioxide, directly, disability, disaggregation, discharge, discontinued, discount, discounted, discovery, discrete, discretion, discussed, discussion, dismantlement, dismissal, disposal, disposition, dispute, District, diversification, diversified, divided, dividend, dividing, Division, DMR, docket, DOJ, Donald, Dow, Dowling, downgraded, downwind, DPM, drawn, DSIC, duration, duty, earlier, earn, earned, earning, eastern, Ebony, economy, EDC, EDCP, effect, effective, effectively, effluent, effort, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, eliminating, elimination, embedded, emission, employee, EmPOWER, enacted, endangerment, ENEC, energy, enforce, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enhancing, enjoin, enrichment, ensure, enter, entered, enterprise, entitle, entitled, entitlement, entity, entrainment, entry, environment, environmental, EPA, EPS, equal, equipment, equivalent, erect, ERO, error, ESOP, ESP, establish, established, establishing, establishment, estate, estimate, estimated, estimation, Eurodollar, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, event, evidence, examination, examine, examining, exceed, exceeding, excessive, excise, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusion, exempted, exemption, exert, exit, Expansion, expect, expectation, expected, expedient, expense, expensed, expensing, experienced, expiration, expire, expired, expiring, explained, exposed, exposure, expressed, extensive, external, Facebook, facilitate, facility, factor, fail, failed, failing, failure, fair, Fairfield, fairly, FASB, favor, FD, FE, feature, federal, fee, feet, FELHC, FENOC, FERC, Ferry, FES, FESC, FET, FEV, FG, FGMUC, fiduciary, final, finalized, fired, fish, fixed, fleet, flow, fluctuate, fluctuating, Fluorescent, forecast, forecasted, foregoing, forfeited, formal, formula, forward, fossil, found, FPA, frame, framework, franchise, Frand, Franklin, fraud, free, freeze, frequency, frequently, FTR, fuel, full, fully, functional, fund, funded, funding, future, GAAP, gain, gas, gather, Gendrich, GHG, global, Glossary, goal, goodwill, government, GPU, GPUN, grid, grossed, groundwater, group, guarantee, guaranteed, guarantor, guidance, Harrison, Hatfield, HB, health, hearing, heating, hedge, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, Highline, highway, hired, historical, Historically, hold, holding, Home, hour, hourly, House, Householder, Hudock, human, hydroelectric, IBEW, ICP, identical, identified, identify, IIP, IMI, immaterial, impact, impacted, impairment, impermissible, impingement, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implicit, implied, impose, imposed, imposing, imposition, impoundment, improper, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inaction, inactive, inadequate, inappropriate, incident, inclusion, income, inconsistent, increase, increased, incremental, incurred, indefinite, indemnity, indenture, indirect, indirectly, industrial, industry, ineffective, influence, influenced, infrastructure, inherent, inherently, injunction, injunctive, input, inside, instituted, instructed, instrument, insurance, intact, intake, intangible, intend, Interbank, intercompany, Intercontinental, interest, interim, internal, international, interpretation, interpreted, interstate, intraperiod, introduction, inventory, investigation, invoice, involved, involving, irrevocable, IRS, Island, isolated, isolation, issuable, issuance, iv, January, job, joined, joint, JPMorgan, judgment, July, jurisdiction, key, Kyoto, land, landfill, lapse, largest, Larry, launched, law, lawful, lawsuit, LBR, leader, leasehold, led, Legacy, legal, legally, legislation, legislative, legislature, lender, lengthy, lessor, letter, level, leverage, liability, liable, LIBOR, license, licensing, lien, lieu, life, likelihood, limit, Limitation, limited, limiting, liquidation, liquidity, listed, litigation, LLC, loan, lobbying, local, located, London, long, longer, lose, lost, low, lower, lowered, lowest, LP, LS, LTIIP, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, MAIT, manage, management, mandated, mandatorily, mandatory, manner, margin, margining, Maryland, master, matter, mature, maturity, maximum, McElroy, MDPSC, measure, measured, measurement, mechanism, Megawatt, member, membership, mercury, merged, merger, meter, metered, metering, method, methodology, metric, MGP, Michael, Midcontinent, Midwest, Mile, Miller, million, Mingo, minimum, mining, Misheff, MISO, misstated, misstatement, Mitchell, mix, mmBTU, model, modernization, modernize, modification, monitor, monitored, monitoring, Monongahela, Montana, Monte, month, Moody, Morgantown, mortality, motion, move, moved, moving, MP, MSCI, multiple, multiplied, multiplying, MW, MWH, MWs, NaN, nation, national, natural, nature, NAV, NDT, necessarily, negative, negligence, NEIL, NERC, net, netted, netting, newly, NG, nitrogen, NJ, NJBPU, NMB, NOL, nonconsensual, noncontributory, Noncurrent, nondeductible, nonpayment, nonperformance, nonvested, North, northeastern, Northern, Norton, notice, Notwithstanding, Nova, November, NOx, NRC, NSR, nuclear, NUG, NYPSC, Oak, Obama, objecting, objective, obligated, obligation, observable, obsolete, obtain, obtained, obtaining, OCA, OCC, occasionally, Occupational, occurrence, October, OEPA, offer, offered, official, offset, offsetting, OMAEG, ongoing, OPEB, OPEIU, OPIC, opposed, optimal, optimize, option, optional, order, ordered, orderly, ordinary, organization, organizational, OSHA, outcome, outline, outlined, outlining, output, outweigh, OVEC, overpayment, oversee, overseen, owed, owner, ownership, ozone, PA, package, page, paid, paragraph, parent, parental, partially, participant, participate, participated, participating, participation, party, passage, PATH, pause, payable, payment, payout, payroll, PCAOB, PCRB, PE, penalty, pendency, pending, pension, penultimate, percent, percentage, permanent, permanently, permit, permitted, pertain, petition, phase, Philadelphia, pilot, Pinesdale, pinned, placement, plaintiff, plant, platform, pledge, pledged, PN, point, policy, Pollutant, pollution, POLR, pool, POR, portfolio, position, post, posted, Postemployment, posting, postponed, Postretirement, potential, potentially, Potomac, PPA, PPB, PPUC, precisely, predict, preference, preferred, prejudice, preliminary, premium, preparation, prepare, prescribed, preservation, President, presumptively, prevent, prevented, prevention, previously, primarily, prime, principal, principally, prior, priority, private, proceeding, processed, procured, procurement, producing, Product, production, Professional, profitability, program, projected, projection, promissory, promote, promoting, promptly, promulgated, properly, proportion, proportionate, proposal, proposed, proposing, prorated, prospective, prospectively, protection, protective, Protocol, provision, prudent, published, PUCO, pumped, PURPA, purported, purportedly, purpose, putative, qualified, qualify, qualitative, quality, quantitative, quartile, question, questioning, quoted, Racketeer, rail, Railway, ratably, rate, ratemaking, ratepayer, rating, ratio, RCRA, reached, readily, real, realignment, realized, reallocated, reallocation, Reargument, reborrowed, REC, receive, received, receiving, recharacterization, reclamation, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, reconcilable, reconciliation, reconciling, reconsider, reconsideration, reconstructed, record, recorded, recording, recourse, recover, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recovering, recovery, recurring, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, referendum, referral, Reffner, refinance, refine, refund, refunded, regain, region, regional, regulatory, rehabilitation, rehearing, reinforce, reinstated, reinvested, rejected, rejection, release, released, relevant, reliability, reliable, reliably, relief, relocation, rely, remain, remained, remaining, remanded, remeasured, remeasurement, remedial, remediate, remediated, remediation, remittance, remitted, remote, removal, remove, rendered, renew, renewable, renewal, renewed, reorganization, repaid, repair, repay, repayment, repeal, repealed, request, requested, requesting, resale, rescind, reserve, reserved, residential, residual, resiliency, resolve, resolved, resolving, Resource, respond, responded, responding, response, responsibility, responsible, restate, restated, restatement, restoration, restrict, restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictive, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retired, retirement, retrospective, revenue, reversal, reverse, reversed, review, reviewed, revolving, RFC, RFP, RGGI, rider, risk, Robert, ROE, role, rolling, Roundup, routinely, RSU, RTEP, rulemaking, Run, safe, safety, salary, sale, satisfaction, SBC, scale, SCOH, scope, Scotia, script, scrubber, sector, secure, secured, securing, Securitization, securitize, securitized, Security, seek, seeking, segment, selecting, selenium, sell, seller, senior, September, serve, served, serving, set, settle, settled, settlement, shareholder, sheet, shopping, Shore, showing, shut, Signal, significance, significant, significantly, similar, Simplifying, simulation, single, sinking, SIP, site, Sloan, sludge, small, Smith, Society, software, solid, sought, sound, Source, Southern, space, SPE, Speaker, spending, Sponsoring, spot, Springdale, square, SREC, SSO, St, stakeholder, standard, statewide, Static, station, stationary, statute, statutory, stay, stayed, Steam, Steven, stipulate, Stipulation, storage, storm, Strah, strategic, strategy, stream, stringent, strong, structural, structure, study, subcommittee, sublease, sublimit, subsequent, subsequently, Subtopic, subtracting, sufficient, sufficiently, suitable, sum, summarized, SUMMARY, summertime, Summit, Superior, supplement, supplemental, supplementary, supplemented, supply, support, supported, supporting, Supreme, Surcharge, surety, surface, suspend, Suvon, SVC, syndicated, tangible, target, targeted, tariff, tax, taxable, taxing, Telerate, template, temporary, tendency, term, terminate, terminated, terminating, termination, territory, test, testing, thereof, thereunder, Thermal, thirty, thousand, threshold, tied, time, timely, timetable, timing, title, titled, TMI, tolerance, tolling, Tomorrow, tone, tool, top, Topic, Toxic, track, tracked, trade, trademark, trading, traditional, TrAIL, transacted, transaction, transfer, transferred, transmit, transport, transportation, Treadway, treasury, treatment, treble, trend, Trump, trust, twelve, Twitter, type, typical, typically, UCC, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unaffiliated, unamortized, UNAUDITED, unauthorized, unavailable, unbilled, uncertain, uncertainty, uncollectible, unconfirmable, unconverted, underlying, understanding, undiscounted, undistributed, undivided, unfair, unfunded, Union, unissued, unjust, unknown, unlined, unobservable, unrealized, unreasonable, unrecognized, unregulated, unsatisfied, unsealed, unsecured, unspecified, unsubstantiated, unsuccessful, upgrade, upholding, upwind, usage, UWUA, vacated, valuation, Var, variable, variety, vary, varying, vegetation, vehicle, velocity, venture, VEPCO, vest, vested, vesting, Vice, VIE, violated, violation, Virginia, VMS, volatility, volume, voluntarily, voluntary, VSCC, waive, waived, waiver, Walleye, warming, waste, wastewater, water, weather, week, weighted, West, western, wet, wholesale, withdraw, withdrawal, withdrew, withheld, WMB, work, working, worksheet, World, WP, WV, WVPSC, yield, Yost, ZEC, zone
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