REGULATORY MATTERS | REGULATORY MATTERS STATE REGULATION Each of the Electric Companies retail rates, conditions of service, issuance of securities and other matters are subject to regulation in the states in which it operates - in Maryland by the MDPSC, in New Jersey by the NJBPU, in Ohio by the PUCO, in Pennsylvania by the PPUC, in West Virginia by the WVPSC and in New York by the NYPSC. The transmission operations of PE and TrAIL in Virginia, ATSI in Ohio, the Transmission Companies in Pennsylvania, PE and MP in West Virginia, and PE in Maryland are subject to certain regulations of the VSCC, PUCO, PPUC, WVPSC, and MDPSC, respectively. In addition, under Ohio law, municipalities may regulate rates of a public utility, subject to appeal to the PUCO if not acceptable to the utility. Further, if any of the FirstEnergy affiliates were to engage in the construction of significant new transmission facilities, depending on the state, they may be required to obtain state regulatory authorization to site, construct and operate the new transmission facility. MARYLAND PE operates under MDPSC approved base rates that were effective as of October 19, 2023, and that were subsequently modified by an MDPSC order dated January 3, 2024, which became effective as of March 1, 2024. PE also provides SOS pursuant to a combination of settlement agreements, MDPSC orders and regulations, and statutory provisions. SOS supply is competitively procured in the form of rolling contracts of varying lengths through periodic auctions that are overseen by the MDPSC and a third-party monitor. Although settlements with respect to SOS supply for PE customers have expired, service continues in the same manner until changed by order of the MDPSC. PE recovers its costs plus a return for providing SOS. The EmPOWER Maryland program previously required each electric utility to file a plan to reduce electric consumption and demand 0.2% per year, up to the ultimate goal of 2% annual savings. The passage of the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 modified the annual incremental energy efficiency targets to 2% per year from 2022 through 2024, 2.25% per year in 2025 and 2026, and 2.5% per year in 2027 and thereafter. On August 1, 2023, PE filed its proposed plan for the 2024-2026 cycle as required by the MDPSC. Additionally at the direction of the MDPSC, PE together with other Maryland utilities were required to address GHG reductions in addition to energy efficiency. In compliance with the MDPSC directive, PE submitted three scenarios with projected costs over a three-year cycle of $311 million, $354 million, and $510 million, respectively. The MDPSC conducted hearings on the proposed plans for all Maryland utilities on November 6-8, 2023. On December 29, 2023, the MDPSC issued an order approving the $311 million scenario for most programs, with some modifications. PE recovers EmPOWER program costs with a return on unamortized balances through an annually reconciled surcharge, with certain costs subject to recovery over a five-year amortization period. Maryland law only allows for the utility to recover lost distribution revenue attributable to energy efficiency or demand reduction programs through a base rate case proceeding. Consistent with a December 29, 2022, order by the MDPSC phasing out the unamortized balances of EmPOWER investments, PE is required to expense 33% of its EmPOWER program costs in 2024, 67% in 2025, and 100% in 2026 and beyond. Notwithstanding the order to phase out the unamortized balances of EmPOWER investments, all previously unamortized costs for prior cycles will continue to earn a return and was to be collected by the end of 2029, consistent with the plan PE submitted on January 11, 2023. In the 2024-2026 order issued on December 29, 2023, the period to pay down the unamortized balances was extended through the end of 2030. On February 21, 2024, the MDPSC approved PE’s tariff to recover costs in 2024 but directed PE to analyze alternative amortization methods for possible use in later years. New legislation signed into law on May 9, 2024, and effective July 1, 2024, is expected to reduce the pre-tax return on the EmPOWER Maryland programs for PE by a total of $25 to $30 million over the period of 2024-2030. NEW JERSEY JCP&L operates under NJBPU approved rates that took effect as of February 15, 2024, and became effective for customers as of June 1, 2024. JCP&L provides BGS for retail customers who do not choose a third-party EGS and for customers of third- party EGSs that fail to provide the contracted service. All New Jersey EDCs participate in this competitive BGS procurement process and recover BGS costs directly from customers as a charge separate from base rates. The base rate increase approved by the NJBPU on February 14, 2024, took effect on February 15, 2024, and became effective for customers on June 1, 2024. Until those new rates became effective for customers, JCP&L was amortizing an existing regulatory liability totaling approximately $18 million to offset the base rate increase that otherwise would have occurred in this period. Under the base rate case settlement agreement, JCP&L also agreed to a two-phase reliability improvement plan to enhance the reliability related to 18 high-priority circuits, the first phase of which began on February 14, 2024, and represents an approximate investment of $95 million. Additionally, JCP&L recognized a $53 million pre-tax charge in the first quarter 2024 at the Integrated segment within “Other operating expenses” on the FirstEnergy Consolidated Statements of Income, associated with certain corporate support costs recorded to capital accounts from the FERC Audit that were determined, as a result of the settlement agreement, to be disallowed from future recovery. JCP&L has implemented energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs in accordance with the New Jersey Clean Energy Act as approved by the NJBPU in April 2021. The NJBPU approved plans include recovery of lost revenues resulting from the programs and a three-year plan (July 2021-June 2024) including total program costs of $203 million, of which $160 million of investment is recovered over a ten-year amortization period with a return as well as $43 million in operations and maintenance expenses and financing costs recovered on an annual basis. On May 22, 2024, the NJBPU approved JCP&L’s request for a six-month extension of the EE&C Plan I, to December 31, 2024. The budget for the extension period adds approximately $69 million to the original program cost and JCP&L will recover the costs of the extension period and the revenue impact of sales losses resulting therefrom through two separate tariff riders. On December 1, 2023, JCP&L filed a related petition with the NJBPU requesting approval of its EE&C Plan II, which covers the January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2027 period and has a proposed budget of approximately $964 million. EE&C Plan II consists of a portfolio of ten energy efficiency programs, one peak demand reduction program and one building decarbonization program. Under the proposal, JCP&L would recover its EE&C Plan II revenue requirements and lost revenues from reduced electricity sales associated with EE&C Plan II. Public hearings were held on June 11, 2024, and the parties are currently engaged in settlement discussions. On July 1, 2024, the NJBPU suspended the procedural schedule. A final NJBPU decision and order is required no later than October 15, 2024. The settlement of the distribution rate case in 2020, provided among other things, that JCP&L would be subject to a management audit, which began in May 2021. On April 12, 2023, the NJBPU accepted the final management audit report for filing purposes and ordered that interested stakeholders file comments on the report by May 22, 2023, which deadline was extended until July 31, 2023. JCP&L and one other party filed comments on July 31, 2023. On September 17, 2021, in connection with Mid-Atlantic Offshore Development, LLC, a transmission company jointly owned by Shell New Energies US and EDF Renewables North America, JCP&L submitted a proposal to the NJBPU and PJM to build transmission infrastructure connecting offshore wind-generated electricity to the New Jersey power grid. On October 26, 2022, the JCP&L proposal was accepted, in part, in an order issued by NJBPU. The proposal, as accepted, included approximately $723 million in investments for JCP&L to both build new and upgrade existing transmission infrastructure. JCP&L’s proposal projects an investment ROE of 10.2% and includes the option for JCP&L to acquire up to a 20% equity stake in Mid-Atlantic Offshore Development, LLC. The resulting rates associated with the project are expected to be shared among the ratepayers of all New Jersey electric utilities. On April 17, 2023, JCP&L applied for the FERC “abandonment” transmission rates incentive, which would provide for recovery of 100% of the cancelled prudent project costs that are incurred after the incentive is approved, and 50% of the costs incurred prior to that date, in the event that some or all of the project is cancelled for reasons beyond JCP&L’s control. On August 21, 2023, FERC approved JCP&L’s application, effective August 22, 2023. On October 31, 2023, offshore wind developer, Orsted, announced plans to cease development of two offshore wind projects in New Jersey—Ocean Wind 1 and 2—having a combined planned capacity of 2,248 MWs. At this time, Orsted’s announcement does not affect JCP&L’s awarded projects and JCP&L is moving forward with preconstruction activities for the planned transmission infrastructure. Construction is expected to begin in 2025. Consistent with the commitments made in its proposal to the NJBPU, JCP&L formally submitted in November 2023 the first part of its application to the United States Department of Energy to finance a portion of the project using low-interest rate loans available under the United States Department of Energy’s Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Program of the IRA of 2022. JCP&L submitted the second part of its two-part application on March 13, 2024, which was approved on May 17, 2024. On April 3, 2024, Mid-Atlantic Offshore Development, LLC submitted a bid application for the NJBPU Prebuild Infrastructure Solicitation to the NJBPU which outlines its proposal to construct infrastructure connecting the identified landing point for offshore wind generation off the coast of New Jersey with the high-voltage electric grid at Larrabee Collector Station. JCP&L was described in the application as a joint developer with Mid-Atlantic Offshore Development, LLC, subject to the execution of a joint development agreement by the parties. Mid-Atlantic Offshore Development, LLC would have been the party responsible for the project. Mid-Atlantic Offshore Development, LLC, is no longer advancing its application to the NJBPU for the Prebuild Infrastructure Solicitation. On November 9, 2023, JCP&L filed a petition for approval of its EnergizeNJ with the NJBPU that would, among other things, support grid modernization, system resiliency and substation modernization in technologies designed to provide enhanced customer benefits. JCP&L proposes EnergizeNJ will be implemented over a five-year budget period with estimated costs of approximately $935 million over the deployment period, of which, $906 million is capital investments and $29 million is operating and maintenance expenses. Under the proposal, the capital costs of EnergizeNJ would be recovered through JCP&L’s base rates via annual and semi-annual base rate adjustment filings. The 2023 base rate case stipulation that was filed on February 2, 2024, necessitated amendments to the EnergizeNJ program. On February 14, 2024, the NJBPU approved the stipulated settlement between JCP&L and various parties, resolving JCP&L’s request for a distribution base rate increase. On February 27, 2024, as part of the stipulated settlement, JCP&L amended its pending EnergizeNJ petition following receipt of NJBPU approval of the base rate case settlement, to remove the high-priority circuits that are to be addressed in the first phase of its reliability improvement plan and to include the second phase of its reliability improvement plan that is expected to further address certain high-priority circuits that require additional upgrades. EnergizeNJ, as amended, if approved will result in the investment of approximately $930.5 million of total estimated costs over five years. OHIO The Ohio Companies operate under PUCO-approved base distribution rates that became effective in 2009. The Ohio Companies operated under ESP IV through May 31, 2024, which provided for the supply of power to non-shopping customers at a market-based price set through an auction process. ESP IV also continued the DCR rider, which supports continued investment related to the distribution system for the benefit of customers, with revenue cap increases of $15 million per year through May 31, 2024. In addition, ESP IV includes: (1) continuation of a base distribution rate freeze through May 31, 2024; (2) a goal across FirstEnergy to reduce CO 2 emissions by 90% below 2005 levels by 2045; and (3) contributions, totaling $51 million to: (a) fund energy conservation programs, economic development and job retention in the Ohio Companies’ service territories; (b) establish a fuel-fund in each of the Ohio Companies’ service territories to assist low-income customers; and (c) establish a Customer Advisory Council to ensure preservation and growth of the competitive market in Ohio. On May 31, 2024, the Ohio Companies filed their application for an increase in base distribution rates based on a 2024 calendar year test period. The Ohio Companies request a net increase in base distribution revenues of approximately $94 million with a return on equity of 10.8% and capital structures of 44% debt and 56% equity for CEI, 46% debt and 54% equity for OE, and 45% debt and 55% equity for TE, and reflects a roll-in of current riders such as DCR and AMI. Key components of the base rate case filing include a proposal to change pension and OPEB recovery to the delayed recognition method and to implement a mechanism to establish a regulatory asset (or liability) to recover (or refund) net differences between the amount of pension and OPEB expense requested in the proceeding and the actual annual amount each year using this method. Additionally, the Ohio Companies request recovery of certain incurred costs, including the impact of major storms, a program to convert streetlights to LEDs, and others. On June 14, 2024, the Ohio Companies filed supporting testimony and expect by month-end to file an update with an adjusted net increase of base distribution revenues and incorporating matters in the rate case as directed by the PUCO’s ESP V Order. On April 5, 2023, the Ohio Companies filed an application with the PUCO for approval of ESP V, for an eight-year term beginning June 1, 2024, and continuing through May 31, 2032. On May 15, 2024, the PUCO issued an order approving ESP V with modifications. ESP V, as modified by the PUCO, became effective June 1, 2024 and continues through May 31, 2029, and provides for, among other things, the continuation of existing riders related to purchased power, transmission and uncollectibles, the continuation of the DCR rider with proposed annual revenue cap increases until new base rates are established, the continuation of the AMI rider, and the addition of new riders for storm recovery and vegetation management, with terms and conditions to be established in the base rate case. The ESP V order additionally directed the Ohio Companies to file another base distribution rate case not later than May 31, 2028, develop an electric vehicle education program to assist customers in transitioning to electric vehicles and contribute $32.5 million during the term of ESP V to fund low-income customer bill assistance programs and bill assistance for income-eligible senior citizens, which was recognized in the second quarter of 2024 within “Other operating expenses” at the Regulated Distribution segment and on FirstEnergy’s Consolidated Statements of Income. On June 14, 2024, the Ohio Companies filed an Application for Rehearing seeking greater certainty regarding the key terms of ESP V over the approved term and proposed modifications to the May 15, 2024 order. The Ohio Companies also proposed modifications to ESP V to resolve their Application for Rehearing including, among other things, a reduced three-year ESP V term, approval of certain riders over the full three-year proposed ESP V term, full recovery of investments in the DCR and proposed modifications to preserve the economic value of the Order for customers, including a commitment to forego pursuit of the Ohio Companies' request for an enhanced vegetation management program in the 2024 base distribution rate case. Other parties also filed applications for rehearing. All applications for rehearing remain pending before the PUCO. On May 16, 2022, the Ohio Companies filed their application for determination of the existence of SEET under ESP IV for calendar year 2021, which demonstrated that each of the individual Ohio Companies did not have significantly excessive earnings. On May 15, 2023, the Ohio Companies filed their application for determination of the existence of SEET under ESP IV for calendar year 2022, which demonstrated that each of the individual Ohio Companies did not have significantly excessive earnings. On May 15, 2024, the Ohio Companies filed their application for determination of the existence of SEET under ESP IV for calendar year 2023, which demonstrated that each of the individual Ohio Companies did not have significantly excessive earnings. These matters remain pending before the PUCO. On July 15, 2022, the Ohio Companies filed an application with the PUCO for approval of phase two of their distribution grid modernization plan that would, among other things, provide for the installation of an additional 700 thousand smart meters, distribution automation equipment on approximately 240 distribution circuits, voltage regulating equipment on approximately 220 distribution circuits, and other investments and pilot programs in related technologies designed to provide enhanced customer benefits. The Ohio Companies propose that phase two will be implemented over a four-year budget period with estimated capital investments of approximately $626 million and operations and maintenance expenses of approximately $144 million over the deployment period. Under the proposal, costs of phase two of the grid modernization plan would be recovered through the Ohio Companies’ AMI rider, pursuant to the terms and conditions approved in ESP IV. On April 12, 2024, the Ohio Companies and certain of the parties filed a stipulation that modified the Ohio Companies’ application for phase two of its grid modernization plan. The stipulation, which is subject to PUCO approval, provides for the deployment of smart meters to the balance of the Ohio Companies’ customers or approximately 1.4 million meters. Phase two of the distribution grid modernization plan, as modified by the stipulation would be completed over a four-year budget period with estimated capital investments of approximately $421 million. On April 15, 2024, the Ohio Companies filed a motion to consolidate their phase two distribution grid modernization plan proceeding with three audit proceedings pending before the PUCO, which was granted on May 23, 2024. Evidentiary hearings began on June 5, 2024 and concluded on July 2, 2024. On September 8, 2020, the OCC filed motions in the Ohio Companies’ corporate separation audit and DMR audit dockets, requesting the PUCO to open an investigation and management audit, hire an independent auditor, and require FirstEnergy to show it did not improperly use money collected from consumers or violate any utility regulatory laws, rules or orders in its activities regarding HB 6. On December 30, 2020, in response to the OCC's motion, the PUCO reopened the DMR audit docket, and directed PUCO staff to solicit a third-party auditor and conduct a full review of the DMR to ensure funds collected from customers through the DMR were only used for the purposes established in ESP IV. On June 2, 2021, the PUCO selected an auditor, and the auditor filed the final audit report on January 14, 2022, which made certain findings and recommendations. The report found that spending of DMR revenues was not required to be tracked, and that DMR revenues, like all rider revenues, are placed into the regulated money pool as a matter of routine, where the funds lose their identity. Therefore, the report could not suggest that DMR funds were used definitively for direct or indirect support for grid modernization. The report also concluded that there was no documented evidence that ties revenues from the DMR to lobbying for the passage of HB 6, but also could not rule out with certainty uses of DMR funds to support the passage of HB 6. The report further recommended that the regulated companies' money pool be audited more frequently and the Ohio Companies adopt formal dividend policies. Final comments and responses were filed by parties during the second quarter of 2022. The proceeding was stayed in its entirety, including discovery and motions, continuously at the request of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio beginning in August 2022 and was lifted on February 26, 2024. On February 26, 2024, the Attorney Examiner consolidated this proceeding with the expanded DCR rider audit proceeding described below and set a procedural schedule, which was vacated on March 15, 2024. On June 21, 2024, the Attorney Examiners issued an entry setting a procedural schedule, which was modified on July 16, 2024. Evidentiary hearings are scheduled to begin February 3, 2025. On September 15, 2020, the PUCO opened a new proceeding to review the political and charitable spending by the Ohio Companies in support of HB 6 and the subsequent referendum effort, and directing the Ohio Companies to show cause, demonstrating that the costs of any political or charitable spending in support of HB 6, or the subsequent referendum effort, were not included, directly or indirectly, in any rates or charges paid by customers. The Ohio Companies initially filed a response stating that the costs of any political or charitable spending in support of HB 6, or the subsequent referendum effort, were not included, directly or indirectly, in any rates or charges paid by customers, but on August 6, 2021, filed a supplemental response explaining that, in light of the facts set forth in the DPA and the findings of the DCR rider audit report further discussed below, political or charitable spending in support of HB 6, or the subsequent referendum effort, affected pole attachment rates paid by approximately $15 thousand. On October 26, 2021, the OCC filed a motion requesting the PUCO to order an independent external audit to investigate FE’s political and charitable spending related to HB 6, and to appoint an independent review panel to retain and oversee the auditor. In November and December 2021, parties filed comments and reply comments regarding the Ohio Companies’ original and supplemental responses to the PUCO’s September 15, 2020, show cause directive. On May 4, 2022, the PUCO selected a third-party auditor to determine whether the show cause demonstration submitted by the Ohio Companies is sufficient to ensure that the cost of any political or charitable spending in support of HB 6 or the subsequent referendum effort was not included, directly or indirectly, in any rates or charges paid by ratepayers. The proceeding was stayed in its entirety, including discovery and motions, continuously at the request of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio beginning in August 2022 and was lifted on February 26, 2024. On February 26, 2024, the Attorney Examiner directed the third-party auditor to file its report by August 28, 2024. In connection with an ongoing audit of the Ohio Companies’ policies and procedures relating to the code of conduct rules between affiliates, on November 4, 2020, the PUCO initiated an additional corporate separation audit as a result of the FirstEnergy leadership transition announcement made on October 29, 2020, as further discussed below. The additional audit is to ensure compliance by the Ohio Companies and their affiliates with corporate separation laws and the Ohio Companies’ corporate separation plan. The additional audit is for the period from November 2016 through October 2020. The final audit report was filed on September 13, 2021. The audit report makes no findings of major non-compliance with Ohio corporate separation requirements, minor non-compliance with eight requirements, and findings of compliance with 23 requirements. Parties filed comments and reply comments on the audit report. The proceeding was stayed in its entirety, including discovery and motions, continuously at the request of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio beginning in August 2022 and was lifted on February 26, 2024. On February 26, 2024, the Attorney Examiners set a procedural schedule, which was vacated on March 15, 2024. On June 21, 2024, the Attorney Examiners issued an entry setting a procedural schedule and scheduling evidentiary hearings to begin October 9, 2024. In connection with an ongoing annual audit of the Ohio Companies’ DCR rider for 2020, and as a result of disclosures in FirstEnergy’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020 (filed on February 18, 2021), the PUCO expanded the scope of the audit on March 10, 2021, to include a review of certain transactions that were either improperly classified, misallocated, or lacked supporting documentation, and to determine whether funds collected from customers were used to pay the vendors, and if so, whether or not the funds associated with those payments should be returned to customers through the DCR rider or through an alternative proceeding. On August 3, 2021, the auditor filed its final report on this phase of the audit, and the parties submitted comments and reply comments on this audit report in October 2021. Additionally, on September 29, 2021, the PUCO expanded the scope of the audit in this proceeding to determine if the costs of the naming rights for FirstEnergy Stadium have been recovered from the Ohio Companies’ customers. On November 19, 2021, the auditor filed its final report, in which the auditor concluded that the FirstEnergy Stadium naming rights expenses were not recovered from Ohio customers. On December 15, 2021, the PUCO further expanded the scope of the audit to include an investigation into an apparent nondisclosure of a side agreement in the Ohio Companies’ ESP IV settlement proceedings, but stayed its expansion of the audit until otherwise ordered by the PUCO. The proceeding was stayed in its entirety, including discovery and motions, continuously at the request of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio beginning in August 2022 and was lifted on February 26, 2024. On February 26, 2024, the Attorney Examiner consolidated this proceeding with the Rider DMR audit proceeding described above, further lifted the stay of the portion of the investigation relating to an apparent nondisclosure of a side agreement, and set a procedural schedule, which was vacated on March 15, 2024. On June 21, 2024, the Attorney Examiners issued an order setting a procedural schedule, which was modified on July 16, 2024. Evidentiary hearings are scheduled to begin February 3, 2025. On March 1, 2024, the Attorney Examiner issued an Entry in all four PUCO investigations that, among other things, precluded taking or offering the testimony of Charles E. Jones, Michael J. Dowling, or the, now-deceased, former chairman of the PUCO through deposition or other means, or requiring these individuals to produce documents, in any PUCO proceeding, until otherwise ordered. On September 22, 2023, OCC filed an application for rehearing challenging the PUCO’s August 23, 2023, order to stay the pending HB 6 related matters above, which the PUCO denied on October 18, 2023. On November 17, 2023, OCC filed an application for rehearing challenging the October 18, 2023 entry to the extent the PUCO decided not to stay pending proceedings regarding ESP V as well as phases one and two of the Ohio Companies’ distribution grid modernization plans. On November 27, 2023, the Ohio Companies filed a memorandum contra OCC’s application for rehearing. In the fourth quarter of 2020, motions were filed with the PUCO requesting that the PUCO amend the Ohio Companies’ riders for collecting the OVEC-related charges required by HB 6 to provide for refunds in the event such provisions of HB 6 are repealed. Neither the Ohio Companies nor FE benefit from the OVEC-related charges the Ohio Companies collect. Instead, the Ohio Companies are further required by HB 6 to remit all the OVEC-related charges they collect to non-FE Ohio electric distribution utilities. The Ohio Companies contested the motions, which are pending before the PUCO. See Note 10, “Commitments, Guarantees and Contingencies” below for additional details on the government investigations and ongoing litigation surrounding the investigation of HB 6. PENNSYLVANIA The Pennsylvania Companies operated under rates approved by the PPUC, effective as of January 27, 2017. On January 1, 2024, each of the Pennsylvania Companies merged with and into FE PA. As a result of the PA Consolidation, FE PA will have five rate districts in Pennsylvania – four that correspond to the territories previously serviced by ME, PN, Penn, and WP and one rate district that corresponds to WP’s service provided to The Pennsylvania State University. The rate districts created by the PA Consolidation will not reach full rate unity until the earlier of 2033 or the conclusion of three base rate cases filed after January 1, 2025. Pursuant to Pennsylvania Act 129 of 2008 and PPUC orders, the Pennsylvania Companies implemented energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs with demand reduction targets, relative to 2007-2008 peak demands, at 2.9% MW for ME, 3.3% MW for PN, 2.0% MW for Penn, and 2.5% MW for WP; and energy consumption reduction targets, as a percentage of the Pennsylvania Companies’ historic 2009 to 2010 reference load at 3.1% MWh for ME, 3.0% MWh for PN, 2.7% MWh for Penn, and 2.4% MWh for WP. The fourth phase of FE PA’s energy efficiency and peak demand reduction program, which runs for the five-year period beginning June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2026, was approved by the PPUC on June 18, 2020, providing through cost recovery of approximately $390 million to be recovered through Energy Efficiency and Conservation Phase IV Riders for each FE PA rate district. Pennsylvania EDCs are permitted to seek PPUC approval of an LTIIP for infrastructure improvements and costs related to highway relocation projects, after which a DSIC may be approved to recover LTIIP costs. On January 16, 2020, the PPUC approved the Pennsylvania Companies’ LTIIPs for the five-year period beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2024 for a total capital investment of approximately $572 million for certain infrastructure improvement initiatives. On July 22, 2024, FE PA filed its application with the PPUC seeking approval for the next phase of its LTIIP program, which is expected to result in approximately $1.6 billion in investments, with approximately $1.4 billion of such investments going in service during the five-year period beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2029. On May 5, 2023, FirstEnergy and Brookfield submitted applications to FERC and to the PPUC to facilitate the FET Equity Interest Sale. On May 12, 2023, the parties also filed an application with the VSCC, which was approved on June 20, 2023. On August 14, 2023, FERC issued an order approving the FET Equity Interest Sale. On November 24, 2023, CFIUS notified FET, Brookfield and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, as an indirect investor in FET through Brookfield, that it had determined that there were no unresolved national security issues and its review of the transaction was concluded. On November 29, 2023, the parties filed a settlement agreement recommending that the PPUC approve the transaction subject to the terms of the settlement, which includes among other things, a number of ring-fencing provisions and a commitment to improve transmission reliability over the next five years. The settlement was approved by |