FNCB’s business is managed under the direction of our Board of Directors, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law, FNCB’s Articles of Incorporation and its bylaws. The positions of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer are separated, as the Board believes separation of these positions enhances the independent oversight of FNCB and the monitoring and objective evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer’s performance. Mr. Louis A. DeNaples serves as non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors and is independent of management.
Management is responsible for the day-to-day management of the risks faced by FNCB, while the Board of Directors, as a whole, is responsible for the general oversight of risk management. For 2021, this oversight was primarily conducted through the Risk Management and Audit Committees. In addition to its ongoing roles as described below, in 2021 the Risk Management and Audit Committees oversaw management’s continued response to the unique risks associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Committees continue to actively monitor and oversee management’s response to the circumstances as they evolve.
The Risk Management Committee has the primary role in risk management of FNCB, oversees FNCB’s enterprise-wide risk management program and provides oversight and guidance to management on FNCB’s risk appetite. The Audit Committee, pursuant to its charter, considers and reviews with FNCB’s internal audit department, independent registered public accounting firm, and management, the adequacy of FNCB’s internal controls, including the processes for identifying significant risks or exposures, and elicits recommendations for the improvements of such procedures where desirable. In addition to the Audit and Risk Management Committees roles, the full Board of Directors is involved in establishing the risk appetite for FNCB and the oversight and administration of risk and risk management practices by overseeing members of executive management in their risk management capacities, regularly reviewing and analyzing FNCB’s investment and loan portfolios and accompanying risk levels, and considering the potential impact on FNCB’s objectives. Members of FNCB’s executive management have day-to-day responsibility for risk management and establishing risk management practices, and members of management are expected to report matters relating specifically to the Risk Management Committee and Audit Committee directly thereto, and to report all other matters directly to the Board of Directors as a whole. Members of FNCB’s executive management have an open line of communication to the Board of Directors and have the discretion to raise issues from time-to-time in any manner they deem appropriate, and management’s reporting on issues relating to risk management typically occurs through direct communication with directors or committee members as matters requiring attention typically arise.
The Bank Board maintains a Directors Loan Committee that is comprised of Louis A. DeNaples, Chairman of the Board and the following Directors: Gerard A. Champi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Keith W. Eckel (Committee Chairperson), Kathleen McCarthy Lambert, CPA and Thomas J. Melone, CPA. The Committee also includes the following members of Executive Management of the Bank: Chief Financial Officer, Chief Banking Officer, Chief Lending Officer, Chief Credit Officer, the Credit Administration Officer and the Commercial Lending Team Managers. The Directors Loan Committee meets bi-weekly or more often as necessary. In 2021, this committee met twenty-six (26) times.
The Asset and Liability Management Committee (“ALCO Committee”) is comprised of the following Directors: Gerard A. Champi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Joseph Coccia, Joseph L. DeNaples, Esquire and Kathleen McCarthy Lambert (Committee Chairperson). In addition to the President and Chief Executive Officer, the following members of Executive Management of the Bank are members of the ALCO Committee: Chief Financial Officer, Chief Banking Officer, Chief Credit Officer, the Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer, the Senior Vice President and Operations Officer and the Vice President and Financial Performance Officer. The ALCO Committee meets quarterly or more often as necessary. In 2021 this committee met four (4) times.
During 2021, FNCB’s Board of Directors held sixteen (16) meetings. Each of the directors attended at least 75% of the meetings of FNCB’s Board of Directors and of the committees on which they served. Pursuant to FNCB’s policy, the directors are expected to attend FNCB’s annual meeting of shareholders. All of FNCB’s directors attended FNCB’s annual meeting of shareholders in 2021.