September 9, 2005
Amendment to Private Placement
Vancouver, BC – Sept. 9, 2005, – Bassett Ventures Inc. (CNQ: BAVI.U and NASD OTC BB: BAVNF)(the “Company”) announces, further to its news release dated July 11, 2005, that the Company is amending the terms of its private placement. The new terms are a non-brokered private placement of up to 5,000,000 shares at a price of CDN$0.10 per share for total gross proceeds of up to $500,000. A commission of 7% may be payable on a portion of the private placement. The proceeds will be used for general working capital purposes.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
“Sokhie S. Puar”
Sokhie S. Puar
Suite 1304-925 West Georgia St., Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 3L2
Phone (604) 684-2181 Fax (604) 682-4768