Exhibit 99.1
May 1, 2024
Important: Company stock fund change in your investment lineup
Due to the impending merger between ExxonMobil and Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc., the Pioneer Natural Resources Company Stock Fund will be removed from the investment lineup for the Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc. 401(k) and Matching Plan (091151) after the merger is complete, which is expected to take place on or around May 3, 2024. As you may know, the Pioneer Natural Resources Company Stock Fund is already closed to new investments and contributions in the plan.
The following is for your information only. You do not need to take any action.
How this change will affect you
If you have a balance in the Pioneer Natural Resources Company Stock Fund, you will receive 2.3234 shares of ExxonMobil common stock, to be held in the ExxonMobil Stock Fund for every share in the Pioneer Natural Resources Company Stock Fund you hold.
To accommodate this transfer, the Pioneer Natural Resources Company Stock Fund will be frozen for all activity as of 4 p.m., Eastern time, on May 1, 2024.
The freeze is expected to be lifted during the week of May 12, 2024. During this week, you can determine whether the freeze period has ended by logging into to your account at vanguard.com/retirementplans or calling a Vanguard Participant Services associate at 800-523-1188 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern time.
The ExxonMobil Stock Fund will be closed to new investments. As a result, once the freeze is lifted you will be able to transfer funds out of the ExxonMobil Stock Fund but will not be able to direct any investments into the ExxonMobil Stock Fund.
The accounting methodology for the Pioneer Natural Resources Company Stock Fund is unit accounting and the ExxonMobil Stock Fund will use share accounting. Unit accounting means the fund is run like a mutual fund, with a small cash position (usually held in a money market fund) to facilitate trades. Share accounting means that only shares of company common stock are held in the fund. Share accounting requires the ExxonMobil Stock Fund to have an early trading cutoff of 1 p.m., Eastern time every day.
As a result of the merger, the plan will establish a new ExxonMobil Stock Fund. Any participant in the Plan whose account balance is invested in the Pioneer Natural Resources Company Stock Fund as of the merger date will be credited with Exxon Mobil stock after the merger is completed.
The approximate number of Pioneer Natural Resources shares you own through the Plan can be calculate by dividing your Pioneer Natural Resources Stock Fund balance, which you can find on your vanguard.com account, by the prior day’s closing price of Pioneer Natural Resources common stock on the New York Stock Exchange.