Official Letter No. 166/2024/CVM/SEP/GEA-2 Rio de Janeiro, July 12, 2024. To Mr. Rafael Sirotsky Russowsky Investor Relations Officer at CIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUICAO E-mail: C/C: Superintendence of Listing and Supervision of Issuers of B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão E-mails:;; Subject: Request for clarification on news published in the media Mr. Officer, 1. We Refer to the News published in the news portal Exame INSIGHT in the world wide web on 07/12/24, under the title “In GPA, the French leaves and the Chileans arrive? Casino negotiates stake with Cencosud”, with the following content: According to columnist Lauro Jardim, Chilean Group could pay around US$ 100 million for 22.5% to Pão de Açúcar’s owner The Casino has made progress in the conversations to its definitively exit from GPA. In accordance with the columnist Lauro Jardim, from O Globo Journal, the French group would be negotiating its participation of 22.5% in the owner of Pão de Açúcar and Extra with the Chileans of Cencosud, that in Brazil are owner of Giga Atacadão. The information is not confirmed by Casino. The interest in divestment in Latin America was announced by Casino in June 2023, amid the company's restructuring process that removed Jean-Charles Naouri from control and crowned Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky as majority shareholder. With the follow-on in March of this year, Casino diluted its share in GPA from 41% to 22.5%. In June, according to the InvestNews portal, Itaú BBA was hired to sell the remaining stake. One of the possibilities is that the shares will be sold in a block trade, as it was made with the departure of the French group from Assaí in 2022, or the sale for a fund or financial partner. Today's news puts a possible strategic partner on the radar. Considering the market value of the last trading session, the stake is valued at around R$369 million. According to the report, Kretinsky would have signaled that he would sell his stake by around US$100 million, something around R$588 million. For the Bradesco BBI team, the sale of GPA's stake by Casino could be positive, as it eliminates an outstanding risk. This morning, the stock rose 3.40%. It lost steam and, at 12:20 p.m., it was up 1.21%, to R$3.34. "The agreement could also be positive for Cencosud, given the potential synergies between Cencosud's Brazilian operations and GPA", adds the BBI team. (emphasis added) 2. Regarding the highlighted content, we request your statement on the veracity of the information provided in the news article, and, if so, we request the following additional clarifications, as well as inform the reasons why it was understood that the matter was not treated as a Material Fact, in accordance with CVM Resolution No. 44/21. 3. Such statement must include a copy of this Official Letter and be sent through the Empresas.NET system, category “Notice to the Market”, type “Clarifications on CVM/B3 inquires”. The fulfillment of this request for manifestation by means of a Notice to the Market does not exempt the eventual determination of liability for the failure to timely disclose a Material Fact, pursuant to CVM Resolution No. 44/21. 4. Pursuant to article 3 of CVM Resolution No. 44/21, it is incumbent upon the Investor Relations Officer to disclose and communicate to the CVM and, if applicable, to the stock exchange and the entity of the organized over-the-counter market in which the securities issued by the company are admitted to trading, any material act or fact that occurred or related to its business, as well as ensuring their wide and immediate dissemination, simultaneously in all markets in which such securities are admitted to trading. 5. We also recall the obligation set forth in the sole paragraph of article 4 of CVM Resolution No. 44/21, to inquire the Company's managers and controlling shareholders, as well as all other persons with access to material acts or facts, in order to ascertain whether they are aware of information that must be disclosed to the market. 6. Pursuant to article 6, sole paragraph, of CVM Resolution No. 44/21, the controlling shareholders or directors of publicly-held companies have the duty of immediate disclosing material act or facts pending disclosure to the Investor Relations Director, in the event that such information escapes to the market or if there is an atypical fluctuation in the quotation, price or traded quantity of the securities issued by the publicly-held company or referenced to them. Therefore, if relevant information is leaked (through a press vehicle, for example), a Material Fact must be disclosed, regardless of whether or not the information originates from statements by Company representatives. 7. We also highlight that article 8 of CVM Resolution No. 44/21 provides that controlling shareholders, executive directors, members of the board of directors, of the fiscal council or any other organ with technical or advisory functions, created by statutory provision, and employees of the company, keep confidential information relating to a material act or fact to which they have privileged access due to the position or position they occupy until it is disclosed to the market. Also, they must ensure that its subordinates and third parties they trust also do so, responding jointly with them in the event of any non-compliance. 8. By order of the Superintendency of Business Relations, we alert that it will be up to this administrative authority, in the use of its legal powers and, based on item II, of art. 9th, of Law No. 6,385/76, and in article 7, combined with article 8, of CVM Resolution No. 47/21, to determine the application of a compensatory fine, without prejudice to other administrative sanctions, in the amount of R$ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais), for non-compliance with the requirements formulated, until July 15th 2024. Document signed electronically by Guilherme Rocha Lopes, Manager, on 7/12/2024, at 5:24 pm, based on article 6 of Decree No. 8,539, of October 8, 2015. Document signed electronically by Moises Washington de Oliveira, Inspector, on 7/12/2024, at 5:28 pm, based on article 6 of Decree No. 8,539, of October 8, 2015. |