Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Consolidated Statements of Fina
- Consolidated Statements of Inco
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Operations
- Concessions and Authorizations
- Basis of Preparation
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Bonds and Securities
- Trade Accounts Receivable
- CRC Transferred to the Paran_ S
- Net Sectorial Financial Assets
- Accounts Receivables - Concessi
- Contract assets
- Other Receivables
- Taxes
- Prepaid Expenses
- Dividends Receivable
- Judicial Deposits
- Investments
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Intangible assets
- Payroll, Social Charges and Acc
- Accounts Payable to Suppliers
- Loans and Financing
- Debentures
- Post-employment Benefits
- Sectorial Charges Payable
- Research and Development and En
- Accounts Payable Related to Con
- Right-of-use asset and lease li
- Other Accounts Payable
- Provisions for Legal Claims and
- Equity
- Net Operating Revenue
- Operating Costs and Expense
- Financial Results
- Operating Segments
- Financial Instruments
- Related Party Transactions
- Commitments
- Insurance
- Additional information to the S
- Assets held for sale and discon
- Subsequent events
- Condensed individual financial
- Operations (Tables)
- Concessions and Authorizations
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tabl
- Bonds and Securities (Tables)
- Trade Accounts Receivable (Tabl
- CRC Transferred to the Paran__2
- Net Sectorial Financial Asset_2
- Accounts Receivables - Conces_2
- Contract assets (Tables)
- Other Receivables (Tables)
- Taxes (Tables)
- Prepaid Expenses (Tables)
- Dividends Receivable (Tables)
- Judicial Deposits (Tables)
- Investments (Tables)
- Property, Plant and Equipment (
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Payroll, Social Charges and A_2
- Accounts Payable to Suppliers (
- Loans and Financing (Tables)
- Debentures (Tables)
- Post-employment Benefits (Table
- Sectorial Charges Payable (Tabl
- Research and Development and _2
- Accounts Payable Related to C_2
- Right-of-use asset and lease _2
- Other Accounts Payable (Tables)
- Provisions for Legal Claims a_2
- Equity (Tables)
- Net Operating Revenue (Tables)
- Operating Costs and Expense (Ta
- Financial Results (Tables)
- Operating Segments (Tables)
- Financial Instruments (Tables)
- Related Party Transactions (Tab
- Commitments (Tables)
- Insurance (Tables)
- Assets held for sale and disc_2
- Condensed individual financia_2
- Copel_s plants with the right t
- Schedule of subsidiaries (Detai
- Schedule of joint venture (Deta
- Schedule of associates (Details
- Schedule of joint operations (c
- The table below shows the equit
- Assets acquired and liabilities
- The table below shows the consi
- Operations (Details Narrative)
- Concession contracts or authori
- Concession contracts or autho_2
- Schedule of cash and cash equiv
- Significant Accounting Polici_2
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Deta
- Schedule of bonds and securitie
- Schedule of allowance for doubt
- Trade Accounts Receivable (Deta
- Schedule of changes in CRC (Det
- CRC Transferred to the Paran__3
- Schedule of Compositions of net
- Schedule of Changes in net sect
- Power distribution service conc
- Schedule of power generation co
- Accounts Receivables - Conces_3
- Schedule of summary of contract
- Schedule of power distribution
- Schedule of piped gas distribut
- Schedule of transmission servic
- Schedule of assumptions adopted
- Contract assets (Details Narrat
- Schedule of other receivables (
- Other Receivables (Details Narr
- Schedule of Deferred income tax
- The projected realization of th
- Summary Of Other Recoverable Ta
- Schedule of Balance Sheet and s
- Summary Of Reconciliation Of Pr
- Schedule of prepaid expenses (D
- Schedule of dividend receivable
- Taxes (Details Narrative)
- Schedule of judicial deposits (
- Schedule of changes in investme
- Schedule of subsidiaries with n
- Schedule of changes in equity a
- Schedule of summarized informat
- Schedule of summarized inform_2
- Schedule of summarized inform_3
- Schedule of property plant and
- Schedule of changes in property
- Schedule of joint operations pr
- Schedule of impairment balances
- chedule of impairment of proper
- Investments (Details Narrative)
- Schedule of impairment risk (De
- Schedule of average depreciatio
- Schedule of intangible assets (
- Schedule of changes in intangib
- Schedule of generation concessi
- Schedule of piped gas distrib_2
- Schedule of other intangible as
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Schedule of payroll social char
- Schedule of accounts payable to
- Schedule of borrowings (Details
- Breakdown of loans and financin
- Schedule of maturity of noncurr
- Schedule of changes in debentur
- The financial covenants contain
- Schedule of debentures (Details
- Schedule of financial covenants
- Schedule of liabilities under p
- Schedule of post-employment ben
- Schedule of changes in post-emp
- Schedule of actuarial assumptio
- Schedule of participants and be
- Schedule of life expectancy (De
- Schedule of actuarial evaluatio
- Schedule of changes in actuaria
- Schedule of changes in actuar_2
- Schedule of estimated net perio
- Schedule of sensitivity analysi
- Schedule of benefits payable (D
- Schedule of asset allocation fo
- Schedule of pension plan assets
- Post-employment Benefits (Detai
- Schedule of sectorial charges d
- Balances recognized for investm
- Changes in R&D and EEP balances
- Changes in accounts payable rel
- Nominal value and present value
- Schedule of right of use asset
- Schedule of changes in lease li
- Schedule of potential right to
- Schedule of impact of forecast
- Schedule of commitments from le
- Schedule of receivable from lea
- Right-of-use asset and lease _3
- Schedule of Other Accounts Paya
- Schedule of changes in provisio
- Schedule of details of provisio
- Schedule ofclasses of shares an
- Schedule ofchanges in equity Va
- Schedule of proposed dividend d
- Schedule of earnings per share
- Equity (Details Narrative)
- Schedule of net operating reven
- Schedule of revenue by type and
- Schedule of revenues from lease
- Schedule of regulatory charges
- Schedule of energy development
- Schedule of operating costs and
- Electricity purchased for resal
- Personnel and management (Detai
- Third party services (Details)
- Credit losses, provisions and r
- Construction costs (Details)
- Other operating costs and expen
- Schedule of financial results (
- Schedule of assets per reportab
- Summary Of Statement Of Income
- Schedule of additions to noncur
- Schedule of fair value of finan
- Credit risk is the risk of the
- Schedule of liquidity risk (Det
- Schedule of sensitivity analy_2
- Schedule of gains (losses) on o
- Schedule of sensitivity analy_3
- Indicators and penalties (Detai
- Schedule of targets set (Detail
- Targets for Copel Distribui__o
- Schedule of deadline for manife
- Schedule of sensitivity analy_4
- Schedule of capital monitored b
- Debt to equity ratio_ (Details)
- Schedule of related party trans
- Schedule of sureties and guaran
- Related Party Transactions (Det
- Schedule of commitments related
- Schedule of insurance policies
- Additional information to the_2
- The details of these amounts, a
- Schedule Of Statements Of Cash
- Assets held for sale and disc_3
- Schedule of condensed statement
- Condensed statements of income
- Schedule of condensed stateme_2
- Schedule of condensed stateme_3
- Schedule of outstanding balance
- Schedule of investments in subs
- Schedule of dividends receivabl
- Schedule of provisions for risk
- Schedule of restricted subsidia
- Schedule of expected undiscount