Exhibit 21.1
All of the following are subsidiaries of both Boston Properties, Inc. and Boston Properties Limited Partnership, except Boston Properties Limited Partnership is only a subsidiary of Boston Properties, Inc.
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
100 Federal JV LLC | Delaware | |||||||
100 Federal Subsidiary REIT LLC | Delaware | |||||||
100 Federal TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
101 Carnegie Center Associates | New Jersey | |||||||
121 Broadway LLC | Delaware | |||||||
125 Broadway LLC | Delaware | |||||||
1265 Main Office JV LLC | Delaware | |||||||
1265 Main Office Subsidiary LLC | Delaware | |||||||
1330 Connecticut Fitness Center TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
17M Associates L.P. | District of Columbia | |||||||
191 Spring Street Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
200 Fifth Avenue JV LLC | Delaware | |||||||
200 Fifth Owner LLC | Delaware | |||||||
206 Associates Limited Partnership | New Jersey | |||||||
210 Associates Limited Partnership | New Jersey | |||||||
211 Associates Limited Partnership | New Jersey | |||||||
290 Binney LLC | Delaware | |||||||
3HBXP LLC | Vermont | |||||||
30 Shattuck Road LLC | Delaware | |||||||
347 Madison Avenue Venture, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
360 PAS Holdco LLC | Delaware | |||||||
360 PAS Owner LLC | Delaware | |||||||
360 PAS Promote-C LP | Delaware | |||||||
360 PAS Promote-G LP | Delaware | |||||||
360 PAS REIT LLC | Delaware | |||||||
399 Services LLC | Delaware | |||||||
40-46 Harvard Street Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
500 North Capitol LLC | Delaware | |||||||
500 North Capitol Venture LLC | Delaware | |||||||
501 K Street LLC | Delaware | |||||||
501 K Street Property Owner LLC | Delaware | |||||||
601 & 651 Gateway Center LP | Delaware | |||||||
601 Mass Fitness Center TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
611 Gateway Center LP | Delaware | |||||||
635 Mass Ave LLC | Delaware | |||||||
681 Gateway Center LLC | Delaware | |||||||
701 Gateway Center LLC | Delaware | |||||||
751 Gateway Center LLC | Delaware | |||||||
751 Gateway Holdings LLC | Delaware | |||||||
751 Gateway Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
767 Fifth Junior Mezz LLC | Delaware | |||||||
767 Fifth Lender LLC | Delaware | |||||||
767 Fifth Partners LLC | Delaware |
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
767 Fifth Senior Mezz LLC | Delaware | |||||||
767 Fifth TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
767 Venture, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
7750 Wisconsin Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
7750 Wisconsin Avenue Property Owner LLC | Delaware | |||||||
880 Winter Street Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
890 Winter Street Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
90 Church Street Limited Partnership | Delaware | |||||||
901 New York Avenue Fitness Center LLC | Delaware | |||||||
901 New York LLC | Delaware | |||||||
901 New York REIT LLC | Delaware | |||||||
91 Hartwell Avenue Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
92 Hayden Avenue Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
AJ Lot 2R Financing LLC | Delaware | |||||||
AJ Lot 2R LLC | Delaware | |||||||
AJ Lot 3R Financing LLC | Delaware | |||||||
AJ Lot 3R LLC | Delaware | |||||||
AJ Lot 8 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Annapolis Junction NFM LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Atlantic Wharf JV LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Atlantic Wharf Subsidiary REIT LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Block 4 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BNY Tower Associates LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BNY Tower Holdings LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BNYTA Amenity Operator LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Boston Properties Limited Partnership | Delaware | |||||||
Boston Properties LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Boston Properties Services, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Boston Properties TRS, Inc. | Delaware | |||||||
BP 10 CityPoint Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 103 Fourth Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 111 Huntington Ave LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 1265 Main LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 1330 Connecticut Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 1333 New Hampshire Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 140 Kendrick Street Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 140 Kendrick Street LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 140 Kendrick Street Property LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 17 Hartwell LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 200 Clarendon Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 201 Spring Street LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 230 City Point Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 347 Madison Associates, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 347 Madison Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 399 Park Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 3HB Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 3HB Lender LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 3HB Member LLC | Delaware |
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
BP 500 North Capitol LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 501 K Street Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 510 Madison Ave LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 510 Madison HC LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 510 Madison LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 599 Lexington Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 767 Fifth LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 888 Boylston LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP 99 Third Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Atlantic Wharf Master Tenant LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AW Garage LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AW Retail LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AW Tower Office LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AW Waterfront Office LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AWRR Trustee I LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AWRR Trustee II LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AWTO Trustee I LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AWTO Trustee II LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP AWTO Trustee III LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Bay Colony Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Bay Colony HC LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Bay Colony Holdings LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Bay Colony LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Bedford Street Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Belvidere LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Cambridge Center Residential LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP CGC II Retail Operator LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP CityPoint Association Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Crane Meadow, L.L.C. | Delaware | |||||||
BP East Garage LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP EC1 Holdings LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP EC2 Holdings LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP EC3 Holdings LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP EC4 Holdings LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Federal Street LLLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Five CC LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Four CC LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Fourth Avenue Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Fourth Avenue, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Hancock LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Hancock Parking LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Hartwell Avenue Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Hayden Avenue Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Hotel JV Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Hotel LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP II LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP III LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Jones Road Cafe LLC | Delaware |
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
BP Kingstowne Office Building K LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Kingstowne Office Building T LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Kingstowne Theatre LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP LOP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Mall Road Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Management, L.P. | Delaware | |||||||
BP Market Square North GP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Mill Road Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Navy Yard Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Navy Yard TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP New Dominion Technology Park II LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP New York LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Office JV Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Podium JV Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Prospect Place LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Prucenter Acquisition LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Prucenter Development LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Prucenter Exeter LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Prucenter Fairfield LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP RB Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Realty New Jersey, LLC | New Jersey | |||||||
BP Realty Washington LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Reservoir Place Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Reservoir Place Fitness LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Reservoir Place LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Residential JV Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Reston Eastgate, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP RTC Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Russia Building LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Russia Wharf LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Services TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Seven Cambridge Center LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Seventeen Cambridge Center LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Spring Street Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Supermarket LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Third Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Times Square Tower Mezzanine LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP West Street Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Weston Quarry LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP Weston Quarry Residential LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP/CGCenter I LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP/CGCenter II LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP/CGCenter MM LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP/CRF 901 New York Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP/CRF Metropolitan Square LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP/DC 767 Fifth LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP/DC Properties, Inc. | Maryland | |||||||
BP/DC REIT LLC | Delaware |
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
BP/M 3HB Owner LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP-AJ LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPI EC4 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPLP SMBP GP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPLP SMBP LP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP-M 3HB Holdco LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP-M 3HB Mezz LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP-M 3HB Venture LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Garage General LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Garage Limited LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Hotel General LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Hotel Limited LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Office General LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Office Limited LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Podium General LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Podium Limited LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Residential General LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BPNS Residential Limited LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BP-WP Project Developer Manager LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 17Fifty LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 200 Fifth LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 200 Fifth Management LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 2100 Penn LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 360 Manager LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 360 Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 360 PAS Appointer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 360 Promote GP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP 7750 Wisconsin Avenue LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Almaden Associates LP | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Beach Cities LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP California GP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Carnegie Owner LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Colorado Center Appointer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Colorado Center Manager LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Colorado GP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Colorado LP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP CP South LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP EIP Investor LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Folsom-Hawthorne LP | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Gateway Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Gateway Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Harrison LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Investments LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP MacArthur LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Madison Centre I LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Madison Centre II LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Madison Centre Manager LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Mission 535 LP | Delaware |
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
BXP North First LP | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Peterson LP | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Platform 16 GP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Platform 16 LP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Ravendale LP | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Research Park LP | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Reston Next Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Reston Next Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Safeco Plaza Appointer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Safeco Plaza Manager LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Safeco Plaza Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Safeco Plaza Promote GP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP SCP TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Second Ave LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Shady Grove Lot 5 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Shady Grove Lot 6 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Shady Grove Lot 7 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Shady Grove Lot 8 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP TB Development LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Transbay Management LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP VB TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Waltham Woods LLC | Delaware | |||||||
BXP West El Camino LP | Delaware | |||||||
BXP Zanker Road LP | Delaware | |||||||
CA-Colorado Center Limited Partnership | Delaware | |||||||
CA-Colorado Center, L.L.C. | Delaware | |||||||
Cambridge Center North Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Cambridge Center West Garage LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Cambridge Center West Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Carnegie 103 Associates, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Carnegie 214 Associates Limited Partnership | New Jersey | |||||||
Carnegie 408 Associates, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Carnegie 504 Associates | New Jersey | |||||||
Carnegie 506 Associates | New Jersey | |||||||
Carnegie 508 Associates | New Jersey | |||||||
Carnegie 510 Associates, L.L.C. | Delaware | |||||||
Carnegie 804 Associates, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Carnegie Center Associates | New Jersey | |||||||
Carnegie Center Cafes LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Carnegie Center Fitness LLC | Delaware | |||||||
CRF Met Square, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Discovery Square, L.L.C. | Delaware | |||||||
Downtown Boston Properties Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Elandzee Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Eleven Cambridge Center Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Embarcadero Center Associates | California | |||||||
Four Embarcadero Center Venture | California | |||||||
Fourteen Cambridge Center Trust | Massachusetts |
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
Gateway Center GP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Gateway Center TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Gateway Portfolio Holdings LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Gateway Portfolio Member LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Gladden Properties LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Harrison 759 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Hayden Office Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Hotel Tower Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Hotel Tower Owner GP, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Hotel Tower Owner, LP | Delaware | |||||||
IXP, LLC | Vermont | |||||||
Jones Road Development Associates LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Lexreal Associates Limited Partnership | New York | |||||||
LKE BP Fourth Avenue Limited Partnership | Massachusetts | |||||||
Mall Road Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Market Square North Associates Limited Partnership | Delaware | |||||||
Market Square North Fitness Center LLC | Delaware | |||||||
MBZ-Lex Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Metropolitan Square Fitness Center TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Metropolitan Square Holdco LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Metropolitan Square Mezz A LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Metropolitan Square REIT LLC | Delaware | |||||||
New Dominion Technology Corp. | Delaware | |||||||
New Dominion Technology Park II LLC | Delaware | |||||||
New Dominion Technology Park LLC | Delaware | |||||||
No. 1 Times Square Development LLC | Delaware | |||||||
No. 5 Times Square Development LLC | Delaware | |||||||
NY 510 Junior Mezz Lender LLC | Delaware | |||||||
NYXP, LLC | Vermont | |||||||
Ocean View Development Company Limited Partnership | District of Columbia | |||||||
Office Tower Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Office Tower Owner GP, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Office Tower Owner, LP | Delaware | |||||||
One Cambridge Center Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
One Embarcadero Center Venture | California | |||||||
One Freedom Square, L.L.C. | Delaware | |||||||
One Tower Center Cafe LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Platform 16 Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Platform 16 Holdings LP | Delaware | |||||||
Platform 16 Sub LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Platform 16 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Podium Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Podium Owner GP, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Podium Owner, LP | Delaware | |||||||
PR II/BXP Reston Gateway LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Princeton 202 Associates Limited Partnership | New Jersey | |||||||
Princeton Childcare Associates Limited Partnership | New Jersey | |||||||
Residential Tower Developer LLC | Delaware |
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
Residential Tower Owner GP, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Residential Tower Owner, LP | Delaware | |||||||
Reston Corporate Center Limited Partnership | Virginia | |||||||
Reston Gateway Condo A/B, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Reston Gateway Condo C, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Reston Gateway Condo D1, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Reston Gateway Condo D2, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Reston Gateway Condo D3, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Reston Streets LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Reston Town Center JV LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Reston Town Center Office Park Phase One Limited Partnership | Virginia | |||||||
Reston Town Center Property LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Reston VA 939, L.L.C. | Delaware | |||||||
Rosecrans-Sepulveda Partners 4, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
RTC Gift Card LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Russia Building TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Safeco Plaza LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Safeco Plaza Promote-G LP | Delaware | |||||||
Safeco Plaza Promote-K LP | Delaware | |||||||
Safeco Plaza REIT LLC | Delaware | |||||||
School Street Associates Limited Partnership | District of Columbia | |||||||
SCV Partners | New Jersey | |||||||
SMBP LLC | Delaware | |||||||
SMBP REIT LLC | Delaware | |||||||
SMBP Venture LLC | Delaware | |||||||
South of Market Garage LLC | Delaware | |||||||
South of Market LLC | Delaware | |||||||
South of Market Lot 16 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Springfield 6601 LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Springfield Metro Center II, LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Springfield Parcel C LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Square 36 Office Joint Venture | District of Columbia | |||||||
Square 407 Limited Partnership | District of Columbia | |||||||
Square 54 Office Fitness TRS LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Square 54 Office Owner LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Square 54 Residential Owner LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Stony Brook Associates LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Ten Cambridge Center Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
The Atlantic Monthly Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
The Double B Partnership | Massachusetts | |||||||
The Double B Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
The Metropolitan Square Associates LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Three Cambridge Center Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Three Embarcadero Center Venture | California | |||||||
Times Square Tower Associates LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Tower Oaks Financing LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Tracer Lane Trust II | Massachusetts | |||||||
Transbay Tower Holdings LLC | Delaware |
Entity Name | State of Organization | |||||||
Transbay Tower LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Two Cambridge Center Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Two Freedom Square, L.L.C. | Delaware | |||||||
Washingtonian North Associates Limited Partnership | Maryland | |||||||
Wisconsin Place Office LLC | Delaware | |||||||
Wisconsin Place Office Manager LLC | Delaware | |||||||
WP Project Developer LLC | Delaware | |||||||
WP Trust | Massachusetts | |||||||
Zee Bee Trust II | Massachusetts | |||||||
Zee Em Trust II | Massachusetts |