charges associated with payroll processing. During the three months ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, the Company incurred expenses of $1 thousand and $3 thousand for processing and administrative charges associated with payroll processing.
Other Purchases
The Company issued a purchase order to Applied Cryo Technologies, Inc, (ACT) a company owned 51% by Crenshaw Family Holdings International, Inc., for equipment totaling $302 thousand. The company expects to take delivery of equipment late in 2019. The Company also paid ACT $65 thousand for equipment repairs and services.
The Company purchases supplies and services from a subsidiary of TMG. During the six months ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, purchases from TMG totaled $44 thousand and $35 thousand, respectively. During the three months ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, purchases from TMG totaled $44 thousand and $15 thousand, respectively.
(9) Members Equity
On February 11, 2013, JCH and TMG. (the “Initial Members”) of Stabilis Energy, LLC entered into a Company Agreement of Stabilis Energy, LLC (“the Agreement”) in order to regulate the Company’s affairs, conduct its business and establish the relations of its members. Under the Agreement, the Company was authorized to issue up to 1,000 membership interests.
On February 11, 2013, the Company issued 1,000 membership units ($1 par value) to the Initial Members in proportion to their respective equal ownership interests, receiving $1,000 of capital contributions. The net income, net loss or capital gains of the Company for each fiscal year is allocated to the Initial Members, pro rata in accordance with their percentage interest.
The Initial Members may authorize the creation of one or more series of members and membership interests and, additionally, may authorize the division of existing members and membership interests into series and the division of any existing or new series into two or more classes. On September 1, 2015, CFH purchased all of TMG’s membership interest in Stabilis Energy, LLC.
On February 28, 2017, JCH acquired an 80% controlling membership interest in PEG as further described inNote (4) Acquisition of PEG Partners, LLC. On March 1, 2018, JCH assigned its membership interest in PEG to the Company. The Company accounted for this assignment of its PEG interest as a combination of entities under common control pursuant to ASC 805-50-05-5 due to a change in the reporting entity and consolidated all assets and liabilities of PEG at historical costs. Accordingly, the consolidated financial statements for periods prior to March 1, 2018, were retrospectively recast, including non-controlling interest included in members’ equity in the amount of $1.6 million, representing a 20% membership interest in PEG held by three individuals.
On November 28, 2018, JCH, CFH, TMG and the Crenshaw’s entered into atwo-step Contribution and Exchange Agreement to form LNG Investment and restructure the capitalization of the Company which resulted in the following transactions.
On November 29, 2018, the Company contributed its two notes receivable due from its chief operating officer, totaling $500 thousand as partial settlement of its outstanding indebtedness to JCH. The aggregate net carrying amount settled was $500 thousand.
On November 30, 2018, JCH and CFH, the sole members of the Company, each contributed 500 membership units in the Company having a carrying amount of $10.0 million to LNG Investment in exchange for 1,000 Class B units having a carrying amount of $10.0 million in LNG Investment. An aggregate of 2,000 Class B units were issued by LNG Investment to the Company having a carrying amount of $20.0 million. The contribution and