Recent Going Private Transactions Assets Announce Closing Transaction Transaction Company Ticker City State ($000s) Date Date Type Value Note Umbrella Bancorp, Incorporated Summit IL 230,515 11/14/03 11/14/03 Form 15 NA Huron National Bancorp, Inc. Rogers City MI 44,503 11/7/03 3/24/03 Reverse Stock Split $492,600 First National Bankshares Corp. Ronceverte WV 177,815 11/6/03 2/24/03 Cash Out Merger $3,720,574 HFB Financial Corporation HFBA Middlesboro KY 256,689 10/28/03 3/9/04 Cash Out Merger $468,400 Crazy Woman Creek Bancorp, Inc. CRZY Buffalo WY 77,669 10/3/03 11/17/03 Modified Dutch TO $6,387,500 Thrift, converted 1996 Coddle Creek Financial Corp. CDLC Mooresville NC 137,652 10/1/03 11/21/03 Odd Lot Tender Offer $250,800 Thrift, converted 1997 Benchmark Bankshares, Inc. BMRB Kenbridge VA 284,623 12/23/04 Pending Reverse Stock Split $11,796,169 Ridgestone Financial Services, Inc. RFSV Brookfield WI 93,908 12/22/04 Pending Form 15 NA KS Bancorp, Inc. KSAV Smithfield NC 223,208 12/22/04 Pending Reverse Stock Split $1,418,040 Thrift, converted 1993 Nicolet Bankshares, Inc. Green Bay WI 375,215 12/15/04 Pending Cash Out Merger $4,256,429 Commercial National Financial Corp. CEFC Ithaca MI 243,859 11/18/04 Pending Cash Out Merger $8,750,000 Mississippi River Bank Belle Chasse LA 96,815 11/18/04 Pending Reverse Stock Split NA Gateway Bancshares, Incorporated Ringgold GA 165,550 11/18/04 Pending Cash Out Merger NA United Commerce Bank UCMB Bloomington IN 114,791 10/28/04 10/28/04 Form 15 NA Central Federal Corporation GCFC Fairlawn OH 128,953 10/22/04 Pending Reverse Stock Split $1,940,811 Thrift, converted 1998 Blackhawk Bancorp, Inc. BKHB Beloit WI 415,911 10/22/04 Pending Reverse Stock Split $995,566 Eureka Financial Corporation (MHC) EKFC Pittsburgh PA 86,754 10/22/04 10/22/04 Form 15 NA Thrift, converted 1999 Alamogordo Financial Corp. (MHC) ALMG Alamogordo NM 157,747 10/12/04 10/21/04 Form 15 NA Thrift, converted 2000 Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. STBI Sturgis MI 312,431 9/29/04 Pending Cash Out Merger $588,832 Wells Financial Corp. WEFC Wells MN 223,353 9/28/04 Pending Modified Dutch TO $4,725,000 Thrift, converted 1995 Webster City Federal Bancorp (MHC) WCFB Webster City IA 104,796 9/23/04 9/23/04 Form 15 NA Thrift, converted 1994 Southern Michigan Bancorp Inc. SOMC Coldwater MI 310,815 9/3/04 Pending Cash Out Merger $1,213,215 Darlington County Bancshares, Inc. Darlington SC 36,134 9/1/04 Pending Cash Out Merger $161,355 West Metro Financial Services, Inc. Dallas GA 101,632 8/30/04 Pending Cash Out Merger NA Georgian Bancorp. Inc. Powder Springs GA 370,111 8/25/04 Pending Cash Out Merger $3,707,700 First Banking Center, Inc. FBGC Burlington WI 565,408 8/20/04 Pending Reverse Stock Split $21,660,000 First Southern Bancshares, Inc. FSTH Florence AL 95,164 7/8/04 Pending Cash Out Merger $1,241,190 Thrift, converted 1995 BancAffiliated, Inc. BAFI Bedford TX 98,369 6/30/04 6/30/04 Form 15 NA Thrift, converted 2001 Hemlock Federal Financial Corp. HMLK Oak Forest IL 312,468 6/1/04 6/30/04 Reverse Stock Split $232,000 Thrift, converted 1997 Logansport Financial Corp. LOGN Logansport IN 153,868 5/27/04 7/15/04 Odd Lot Tender Offer $207,496 Thrift, converted 1997 American Bancorp, Inc. ABNC Opelousas LA 100,781 4/16/04 9/30/04 Cash Out Merger $5,374,838 Coddle Creek Financial Corp. CDLC Mooresville NC 137,652 3/30/04 5/18/04 Reverse Stock Split $500,000 Thrift, converted 1997 Hemlock Federal Financial Corp. HMLK Oak Forest IL 312,468 3/16/04 5/14/04 Tender Offer $5,800,000 Thrift, converted 1997 High Country Bancorp, Inc. HCBC Salida CO 193,467 2/10/04 2/12/04 Form 15 NA Thrift, converted 1997 Easton Bancorp Inc. EASB Easton MD 101,837 1/2/04 6/17/04 Cash Out Merger $3,013,650 IBW Financial Corp. IBWF Washington DC 302,720 12/31/03 7/2/04 Reverse Stock Split $470,230 Sistersville Bancorp, Inc. SVBC Sistersville WV 47,566 11/26/03 11/26/03 Form 15 NA Thrift, converted 1997 |