(Reference 3) Corporate Data for the Trust Banks (as of March 31, 2009)
Corporate Data for the Trust Banks (Non-Consolidated, as of March 31, 2009)
The Chuo Mitsui Chuo Mitsui Asset The Sumitomo Combined Total
Banking Trust and Banking Trust and Trust and
Company, Limited Company, Limited Banking Co., Ltd.
Date of Establishment May 26, 1962 December 28, 1995 July 28, 1925 -
Registered Head Office 33-1, Shiba 3-chome, 23-1, Shiba 3-chome, 5-33, Kitahama 4-chome, -
Minato-ku, Minato-ku, Chuo-ku, Osaka,
Tokyo 105-8574, Japan Tokyo 105-8574, Japan 540-8639, Japan
Name and Title of Representative President Kazuo Tanabe President Tadashi President and CEO -
Kawai Hitoshi Tsunekage
Capital stock (millions of yen) 399,697 11,000 287,537
Rating A1 (Moody's) A (S&P) A1 (Moody's) Aa3 (Moody's) A+ (S&P)
Number of Branches 67 1 55 123
Domestic branches 67 1 51 119
Overseas branches - - 4 4
Number of Domestic Sub-branches and 29 2 16 47
OverseaRepresentative Offices
Domestic sub-branches 25 2 12 39
Overseas representative offices 4 - 4 8
Number of Employees(1) 6,371 631 6,026 13,028
Total Assets (billions of yen) 14,502.5 145.9 20,735.8 35,384.3
Deposits (billions of yen) 8,953.9 0.1 11,906.0 20,860.1
Loans and Bills Discounted(2) (billions 9,191.1 - 11,857.8 21,048.9
of yen)
Total Net Assets (billions of yen) 571.8 44.8 863.1 1,479.8
Trust account(3) (billions of yen) 7,228.8 28,841.3 82,770.9 118,841.1
BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio(4) 11.27% 27.55% 13.03% -
Tier I Capital Ratio(4) 7.92% 27.55% 8.49% -
Assets Classified under the Financial 139.1 - 116.4 255.6
Revitalization Law(5) (billions of yen)
Non-Performing Loans ratio(5) 1.4% - 0.9% 1.1%
Gross Business Profit (before trust 193.4 35.3 334.3 563.0
write-offs) (billions of yen)
Net Business Profit before Credit Costs 93.2 19.5 201.0 313.8
(billions of yen)
Net Income (billions of yen) (90.3) 10.3 38.9 (41.0)
1Number of employees includes permanent staff and overseas local hires, and excludes short-term contractors and temporary employees.
2Combined totals of banking and trust accounts.
3Including the amount re-trusted to Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd.
4The Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Company, Limited and Chuo Mitsui Asset Trust and Banking Company, Limited use a domestic
standard and The Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. uses an international standard.
5Combined totals of banking and principal guaranteed trust accounts. 15