9 Note: Pro forma deposit market share assumes no branch consolidations Source: SNL Financial; deposit data as of 6/30/2012. Pierce County King County 2012 Rank Institution (ST) 2012 Number of Branches 2012 Total Deposits in Market ($000) 2012 Total Market Share (%) 1 Columbia Banking System Inc. (WA) 22 1,541,409 17.65 2 KeyCorp (OH) 28 1,295,122 14.83 3 Bank of America Corp. (NC) 19 1,285,820 14.73 4 Wells Fargo & Co. (CA) 14 1,183,766 13.56 5 JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NY) 19 629,834 7.21 Pro Forma 17 574,316 6.58 6 U.S. Bancorp (MN) 23 493,981 5.66 7 Heritage Financial Corp. (WA) 10 403,116 4.62 8 Umpqua Holdings Corp. (OR) 11 313,600 3.59 9 Mitsubishi UFJ Finl Grp Inc 8 190,715 2.18 10 Valley Community Bcshs Inc (WA) 7 171,200 1.96 11 Timberland Bancorp Inc. (WA) 5 158,660 1.82 12 HomeStreet Inc. (WA) 2 120,214 1.38 13 Commencement Bank (WA) 1 115,369 1.32 14 Washington Federal Inc. (WA) 4 103,533 1.19 15 Sunwest Bank (CA) 2 101,708 1.16 Total For Institutions In Market 199 8,731,311 2012 Rank Institution (ST) 2012 Number of Branches 2012 Total Deposits in Market ($000) 2012 Total Market Share (%) 1 Bank of America Corp. (NC) 92 17,079,370 29.76 2 Wells Fargo & Co. (CA) 62 7,642,973 13.32 3 U.S. Bancorp (MN) 57 7,171,379 12.49 4 JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NY) 83 5,559,521 9.69 5 KeyCorp (OH) 66 5,110,206 8.90 6 Washington Federal Inc. (WA) 30 2,592,770 4.52 7 Mitsubishi UFJ Finl Grp Inc 14 1,462,637 2.55 8 HomeStreet Inc. (WA) 11 1,059,585 1.85 9 HSBC 4 864,531 1.51 10 East West Bancorp Inc. (CA) 4 857,261 1.49 11 W.T.B. Financial Corp. (WA) 2 829,135 1.44 12 Sterling Financial Corp. (WA) 18 790,448 1.38 13 First Financial Northwest Inc (WA) 1 748,600 1.30 14 Zions Bancorp. (UT) 1 725,563 1.26 15 Columbia Banking System Inc. (WA) 14 683,910 1.19 25 Pro Forma 7 135,162 0.34 30 Heritage Financial Corp. (WA) 5 96,060 0.17 41 Valley Community Bcshs Inc (WA) 2 39,102 0.07 Total For Institutions In Market 557 57,396,911 In-Market Deposit Franchise Expansion |