Securities Registry N° 0593.
Santiago, January 23, 2008.
Guillermo Larraín Ríos
Securities and Insurance Commission
Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 1449
Dear Sir:
In accordance with that which is stipulated in article N°9 and clause two of article N° 10 of Law 18,045, in paragraph 2.2 of Section II of General Regulation N° 30 issued by that Commission, and in Memorandum 660 of such institution, we hereby inform you as MATERIAL EVENT that, in ordinary session held on January 22, 2008, the board of Distribución y Servicio D&S S.A. (“D&S”), a publicly traded stock corporation registered in the Securities Registry of that Commission under number 0593, agreed upon the distribution of an eventual dividend of Ch$2 (two Chilean pesos) per share.
D&S’s equity is divided into 6,520 million nominal, single series, non-par value shares of common stock. In accordance with authorization in this regard adopted by shareholders in extraordinary meeting of October 26, 2004, the Company has in its portfolio a total of 65,200,000 shares of its own issuance, for a compensation program consisting of stock options. As established in clause N°2 of Article 27 of the Law 18,046 on stock corporations, such shares are not entitled to dividends. Therefore, the dividend informed in this material event communication will not be distributed to the shares of its own issuance kept in the Company’s portfolio, but to the remaining 6,454,800,000 shares of the Company’s equity.
This dividend will be paid on February 14, 2008, to those shareholders registered in D&S’s shareholders registry at the close of the same on February 8, 2008, with the exception of those shares of its own issuance kept in the Company’s portfolio as previously mentioned. The notice referred to by the Official Memorandum N° 660 issued by that Commission will be published in “El Mercurio” newspaper on February 4, 2008.
The aforementioned dividend, number 44 distributed by D&S, will be charged to Company profits for fiscal year ended December 31st, 2007, and paid as follows:
a) | To those shareholders who had in due time requested so in written form, the dividend will be deposited in the shareholders’ current or savings account as instructed, and the corresponding deposit receipt will be sent by mail. |
b) | To those shareholders who had in due time requested so in written form, the dividend will be paid with nominal check sent via registered mail; or, |
c) | With nominal checks to be personally collected by the shareholder, or his/her legally appointed representative duly registered in the Shares Department of the Company, i.e., at Depósito Central de Valores S.A., Depósito de Valores - DCV, located on 770 Huérfanos street, 22nd floor, municipality of Santiago. |
Yours sincerely,
| Enrique Ostalé Cambiaso |
| Chief Executive Officer |
| Distribución y Servicio D&S S.A. |
Attached: Form N°1 - Dividend Payment
cc. | Santiago Stock Exchange |
| Chile Electronic Stock Exchange |
| Valparaíso Stock Exchange |
| Risk Rating Commission |
| New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), USA |
| Latibex - Madrid Stock Exchange, Spain |