Securities Registry No. 0593
Material Event
Santiago, May 9, 2009
Guillermo Larraín Ríos
Securities and Insurance Agency
Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Av. 1449
Santiago – RM
Dear Mr. Larraín:
This communication is made in compliance of rules contained in article 9th and second paragraph of article 10th of law No. 18,045, and paragraph 2.2 of Section II of General Rule No. 30 of your agency. The information contained herein is delivered purporting a timely, complete and accurate disclosure of events and information relating to Distribución y Servicio D&S S.A. (“D&S”), its businesses and/or the securities issued by D&S, which are publicly traded when such event has either occurred or become of D&S’ knowledge. The information disclosed hereinbelow shall be deemed relevant information by any knowledgeable person in the conducting of his/her investment decisions.
In merit of the foregoing statement, I hereby inform you under the character of a MATERIAL EVENT that yesterday, May 8, 2009, D&S has acknowledged the resignation to his office at D&S’ board of directors by Mr. Craig Herkert subsequent to his resignation as officer of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. –the controlling shareholder of D&S. The board has not yet resolved the appointment of any deputy member to D&S’ board of directors, thus supplying the vacancy left upon Mr. Craig Herkert’s resignation.
D&S would like to stress its truly thankful compliment to Mr. Craig Herkert in acknowledgement of his valuable contribution to the company during the tenure of his post as board member.
Enrique Ostalé Cambiaso
Chief Executive Officer
Distribución y Servicio D&S S.A.
cc. | Santiago Stock Exchange |
| Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile |
| Valparaíso Stock Exchange |
| Risk Rating Commission |