Loans and Allowance for Credit Losses | Loans and Allowance for Credit Losses The Bank makes loans to customers primarily in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and surrounding communities. A substantial portion of the Bank’s loan portfolio consists of loans to businesses secured by real estate and other business assets. Loans, net of unamortized net deferred fees, at December 31, 2023 and 2022 are summarized by portfolio segment as follows: December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 (dollars in thousands) Amount % Amount % Commercial $ 1,473,766 18 % $ 1,487,349 19 % PPP loans 528 — % 3,256 — % Income producing - commercial real estate 4,094,614 51 % 3,919,941 51 % Owner occupied - commercial real estate 1,172,239 15 % 1,110,325 15 % Real estate mortgage - residential 73,396 1 % 73,001 1 % Construction - commercial and residential 969,766 12 % 877,755 12 % Construction - C&I (owner occupied) 132,021 2 % 110,479 1 % Home equity 51,964 1 % 51,782 1 % Other consumer 401 — 1,744 — Total loans 7,968,695 100 % 7,635,632 100 % Less: allowance for credit losses (85,940) (74,444) Net loans (1) $ 7,882,755 $ 7,561,188 (1) Excludes accrued interest receivable of $45.3 million and $43.5 million at December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively, which were recorded in other assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Unamortized net deferred fees and costs were $27.0 million and $29.2 million at December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Bank serviced $328.0 million and $361.5 million, respectively, of multifamily FHA loans, SBA loans and other loan participations, which are not reflected as loan balances on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Real estate loans are secured primarily by duly recorded first deeds of trust or mortgages. In some cases, the Bank may accept a recorded junior trust position. In general, borrowers will have a proven ability to build, lease, manage and/or sell a commercial or residential project and demonstrate satisfactory financial condition. Additionally, an equity contribution toward the project is customarily required. Construction loans require that the financial condition and experience of the general contractor and major subcontractors be satisfactory to the Bank. Guaranteed, fixed price contracts are required whenever appropriate, along with payment and performance bonds or completion bonds for larger scale projects. Loans intended for residential land acquisition, lot development and construction are made on the premise that the land: 1) is or will be developed for building sites for residential structures; and 2) will ultimately be utilized for construction or improvement of residential zoned real properties, including the creation of housing. Residential development and construction loans will finance projects such as single family subdivisions, planned unit developments, townhouses and condominiums. Residential land acquisition, development and construction ("ADC") loans generally are underwritten with a maximum term of 36 months, including extensions approved at origination. Commercial land acquisition and construction loans are secured by real property where loan funds will be used to acquire land and to construct or improve appropriately zoned real property for the creation of income producing or owner user commercial properties. Borrowers are generally required to put equity into each project at levels determined by the appropriate Loan Committee. Commercial land acquisition and construction loans generally are underwritten with a maximum term of 24 months. Substantially all construction draw requests must be presented in writing on American Institute of Architects documents and certified either by the contractor, the borrower and/or the borrower’s architect. Each draw request shall also include the borrower’s soft cost breakdown certified by the borrower or their Chief Financial Officer. Prior to an advance, the Bank or its contractor inspects the project to determine that the work has been completed, to justify the draw requisition. Commercial permanent loans are generally secured by improved real property which is generating income in the normal course of operation. Debt service coverage, assuming stabilized occupancy, must be satisfactory to support a permanent loan. The debt service coverage ratio ("DSCR") is ordinarily at least 1.15 to 1.0. As part of the underwriting process, DSCRs are stress tested assuming a 200 basis point increase in interest rates from their current levels. Commercial permanent loans generally are underwritten with a term not greater than 10 years or the remaining useful life of the property, whichever is lower. The preferred term is between five The Company’s loan portfolio includes ADC real estate loans including both investment and owner occupied projects. ADC loans amounted to $1.6 billion at December 31, 2023. A portion of the ADC portfolio, both speculative and non-speculative, includes loan funded interest reserves at origination. ADC loans that provide for the use of interest reserves represent approximately 58% of the outstanding ADC loan portfolio at December 31, 2023. The decision to establish a loan-funded interest reserve is made upon origination of the ADC loan and is based upon a number of factors considered during underwriting of the credit including: (1) the feasibility of the project; (2) the experience of the sponsor; (3) the creditworthiness of the borrower and guarantors; (4) borrower equity contribution; and (5) the level of collateral protection. When appropriate, an interest reserve provides an effective means of addressing the cash flow characteristics of a properly underwritten ADC loan. The Company does not significantly utilize interest reserves in other loan products. The Company recognizes that one of the risks inherent in the use of interest reserves is the potential masking of underlying problems with the project and/or the borrower’s ability to repay the loan. In order to mitigate this inherent risk, the Company employs a series of reporting and monitoring mechanisms on all ADC loans, whether or not an interest reserve is provided, including: (1) construction and development timelines which are monitored on an ongoing basis which track the progress of a given project to the timeline projected at origination; (2) a construction loan administration department independent of the lending function; (3) third party independent construction loan inspection reports; (4) monthly interest reserve monitoring reports detailing the balance of the interest reserves approved at origination and the days of interest carry represented by the reserve balances as compared to the then current anticipated time to completion and/or sale of speculative projects; and (5) quarterly commercial real estate construction meetings among senior Company management, which includes monitoring of current and projected real estate market conditions. If a project has not performed as expected, it is not the customary practice of the Company to increase loan funded interest reserves. The following table details activity in the ACL by portfolio segment for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021. Allocation of a portion of the allowance to one category of loans does not preclude its availability to absorb losses in other categories. (dollars in thousands) Commercial Income Producing - Commercial Real Estate Owner Occupied - Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Mortgage - Residential Construction -Commercial and Residential Construction - C&I (Owner Occupied) Home Equity Other Consumer Total Year Ended December 31, 2023 Allowance for credit losses: Balance at beginning of year $ 15,655 $ 35,688 $ 12,702 $ 969 $ 7,195 $ 1,606 $ 555 $ 74 $ 74,444 Loans charged-off (2,020) (11,817) — — (5,636) — — (50) (19,523) Recoveries of loans previously charged-off 576 — 55 — 36 — — 6 673 Net loans (charged-off) and recovered (1,444) (11,817) 55 — (5,600) — — (44) (18,850) Provision for (reversal of) credit losses 3,613 16,179 1,576 (108) 8,603 386 102 (5) 30,346 Ending balance $ 17,824 $ 40,050 $ 14,333 $ 861 $ 10,198 $ 1,992 $ 657 $ 25 $ 85,940 Year Ended December 31, 2022 Allowance for credit losses: Balance at beginning of year $ 14,475 $ 38,287 $ 12,146 $ 449 $ 7,094 $ 2,005 $ 474 $ 35 $ 74,965 Loans charged-off (1,561) (1,355) — — — — — (79) (2,995) Recoveries of loans previously charged-off 713 25 — — 1,627 — — 6 2,371 Net loans (charged-off) and recovered (848) (1,330) — — 1,627 — — (73) (624) Provision for (reversal of) credit losses 2,028 (1,269) 556 520 (1,526) (399) 81 112 103 Ending balance $ 15,655 $ 35,688 $ 12,702 $ 969 $ 7,195 $ 1,606 $ 555 $ 74 $ 74,444 Year Ended December 31, 2021 Allowance for credit losses: Balance at beginning of year $ 26,569 $ 55,385 $ 14,000 $ 1,020 $ 9,092 $ 2,437 $ 1,039 $ 37 $ 109,579 Loans charged-off (8,788) — (5,444) — (206) — — (1) (14,439) Recoveries of loans previously charged-off 486 — 97 — 499 — — 18 1,100 Net loans (charged-off) and recovered (8,302) — (5,347) — 293 — — 17 (13,339) (Reversal of) provision for credit losses (3,792) (17,098) 3,493 (571) (2,291) (432) (565) (19) (21,275) Ending balance $ 14,475 $ 38,287 $ 12,146 $ 449 $ 7,094 $ 2,005 $ 474 $ 35 $ 74,965 The following table presents the amortized cost basis of collateral-dependent loans by portfolio segment as of December 31, 2023 and 2022: December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 (dollars in thousands) Business/Other Assets Real Estate Business/Other Assets Real Estate Commercial $ 1,674 $ 1,240 $ 1,563 $ 1,871 Income-producing-commercial real estate 1,754 39,172 2,000 4,328 Owner occupied - commercial real estate — 19,836 — 19,187 Real estate mortgage- residential — 1,692 — 1,698 Construction - commercial and residential — 525 — — Home equity — 242 — — Other consumer — — 50 — Total $ 3,428 $ 62,707 $ 3,613 $ 27,084 Credit Quality Indicators The Company uses several credit quality indicators to manage credit risk in an ongoing manner. The Company’s primary credit quality indicator is an internal credit risk rating system that categorizes loans into pass, special mention or classified categories. Credit risk ratings are applied individually to those classes of loans that have significant or unique credit characteristics that benefit from a case-by-case evaluation. These are typically loans to businesses or individuals in the classes which comprise the commercial portfolio segment. Groups of loans that are underwritten and structured using standardized criteria and characteristics, such as statistical models (e.g., credit scoring or payment performance), are typically risk rated and monitored collectively. These are typically loans to individuals in the classes which comprise the consumer portfolio segment. The following are the definitions of the Company’s credit quality indicators: Pass: Loans in all classes that comprise the commercial and consumer portfolio segments that are not adversely rated, are contractually current as to principal and interest and are otherwise in compliance with the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Management believes that there is a low likelihood of loss related to those loans that are considered pass. Special Mention: Loans in the classes that comprise the commercial portfolio segment that have potential weaknesses that deserve management’s close attention. If not addressed, these potential weaknesses may result in deterioration of the repayment prospects for the loan. The special mention credit quality indicator is not used for classes of loans that comprise the consumer portfolio segment. Management believes that there is a moderate likelihood of some loss related to those loans that are considered special mention. Classified: Classified (a) Substandard – Loans inadequately protected by the current sound worth and paying capacity of the obligor or of the collateral pledged, if any. Loans so classified have a well-defined weakness or weaknesses that jeopardize the liquidation of the debt. They are characterized by the distinct possibility that the company will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected. Loss potential, while existing in the aggregate amount of substandard loans, does not have to exist in individual loans classified substandard. Classified (b) Doubtful – Loans that have all the weaknesses inherent in a loan classified substandard, with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently existing facts, conditions and values, highly questionable and improbable. The possibility of loss is extremely high, but because of certain important and reasonably specific pending factors, which may work to the advantage and strengthening of the assets, its classification as an estimated loss is deferred until its more exact status may be determined. The Company’s credit quality indicators are updated on an ongoing basis along with our credits rated watch or below reviews. The following table presents by class and by credit quality indicator, the recorded investment in the Company’s loans and leases as of December 31, 2023 and 2022. The data is further defined by year of loan origination. (dollars in thousands) Prior 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Revolving Loans Amort. Cost Basis Revolving Loans Convert. to Term Total December 31, 2023 Commercial: Pass $ 157,563 $ 48,524 $ 39,133 $ 194,555 $ 149,320 $ 191,889 $ 623,684 $ 5,207 $ 1,409,875 Special Mention 1,415 — — — — — 2,259 — 3,674 Substandard 13,797 58 10,337 1,509 222 — 33,670 624 60,217 Total 172,775 48,582 49,470 196,064 149,542 191,889 659,613 5,831 1,473,766 YTD gross charge-offs (885) — — — — — — (1,135) (2,020) PPP loans: Pass — — — 528 — — — — 528 Income producing - commercial real estate: Pass 1,257,937 326,999 328,743 517,957 732,291 327,126 263,317 1,845 3,756,215 Special Mention 84,585 44,424 6,740 — — — — — 135,749 Substandard 139,961 62,689 — — — — — — 202,650 Total 1,482,483 434,112 335,483 517,957 732,291 327,126 263,317 1,845 4,094,614 YTD gross charge-offs (11,817) — — — — — — — (11,817) Owner occupied - commercial real estate: Pass 534,525 103,034 35,385 202,776 41,907 125,934 673 55 1,044,289 Special Mention 54,288 13,348 — — — — — — 67,636 Substandard 37,167 — 1,274 — — — — 21,873 60,314 Total 625,980 116,382 36,659 202,776 41,907 125,934 673 21,928 1,172,239 Real estate mortgage - residential: Pass 22,877 7,545 2,186 15,967 14,756 5,895 — — 69,226 Substandard 4,170 — — — — — — — 4,170 Total 27,047 7,545 2,186 15,967 14,756 5,895 — — 73,396 Construction - commercial and residential: Pass 30,619 3,440 45,739 251,038 419,393 87,400 124,013 — 961,642 Substandard 8,124 — — — — — — — 8,124 Total 38,743 3,440 45,739 251,038 419,393 87,400 124,013 — 969,766 YTD gross charge-offs (136) (5,500) — — — — — — (5,636) Construction - C&I (owner occupied): Pass 18,551 4,265 56,361 618 33,237 12,619 6,370 — 132,021 Home equity Pass 1,590 — 87 151 118 — 49,035 643 51,624 Substandard — 36 — — — — 62 242 340 Total 1,590 36 87 151 118 — 49,097 885 51,964 Other consumer Pass 1 — — — 46 — 354 — 401 YTD gross charge-offs (50) — — — — — — — (50) Total Recorded Investment $ 2,367,170 $ 614,362 $ 525,985 $ 1,185,099 $ 1,391,290 $ 750,863 $ 1,103,437 $ 30,489 $ 7,968,695 Total YTD gross charge-offs $ (12,888) $ (5,500) $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ (1,135) $ (19,523) (dollars in thousands) Prior 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Revolving Loans Amort. Cost Basis Revolving Loans Convert. to Term Total December 31, 2022 Commercial: Pass $ 183,329 $ 47,393 $ 56,261 $ 64,163 $ 237,146 $ 144,390 $ 736,090 $ 8,570 $ 1,477,342 Special Mention — — — — — 82 5,475 — 5,557 Substandard 1,332 351 276 — — — 1,344 1,147 4,450 Total 184,661 47,744 56,537 64,163 237,146 144,472 742,909 9,717 1,487,349 YTD gross charge-offs (569) (645) — — — — (247) (100) (1,561) PPP loans: Pass — — — 2,479 777 — — — 3,256 Income producing - commercial real estate: Pass 1,016,529 439,221 480,474 334,165 542,143 744,328 192,089 358 3,749,307 Special Mention 44,195 5,206 4,209 6,735 — — 47,676 — 108,021 Substandard 60,613 2,000 — — — — — — 62,613 Total 1,121,337 446,427 484,683 340,900 542,143 744,328 239,765 358 3,919,941 YTD gross charge-offs (1,355) — — — — — — — (1,355) Owner occupied - commercial real estate: Pass 461,029 191,646 111,497 40,562 206,595 41,765 24,240 13,238 1,090,572 Substandard 19,753 — — — — — — — 19,753 Total 480,782 191,646 111,497 40,562 206,595 41,765 24,240 13,238 1,110,325 Real estate mortgage - residential: Pass 16,968 12,438 8,219 2,640 16,307 14,731 — — 71,303 Substandard 1,698 — — — — — — — 1,698 Total 18,666 12,438 8,219 2,640 16,307 14,731 — — 73,001 Construction - commercial and residential: Pass 84,522 71,841 90,560 189,023 191,127 159,771 90,911 — 877,755 Total 84,522 71,841 90,560 189,023 191,127 159,771 90,911 — 877,755 Construction - C&I (owner occupied): Pass 14,816 8,160 11,810 33,854 653 34,679 6,507 — 110,479 Home equity: Pass 1,747 — — 98 551 — 48,378 906 51,680 Substandard — — 41 — — — 61 — 102 Total 1,747 — 41 98 551 — 48,439 906 51,782 Other consumer: Pass 4 — — — — 126 1,561 3 1,694 Substandard — — — — — — — 50 50 Total 4 — — — — 126 1,561 53 1,744 YTD gross charge-offs (36) — — — — — — (43) (79) Total Recorded Investment $ 1,906,535 $ 778,256 $ 763,347 $ 673,719 $ 1,195,299 $ 1,139,872 $ 1,154,332 $ 24,272 $ 7,635,632 Total YTD gross charge-offs $ (1,960) $ (645) $ — $ — $ — $ — $ (247) $ (143) $ (2,995) Nonaccrual and Past Due Loans Loans are considered past due if the required principal and interest payments have not been received as of the date such payments were due. Loans are placed on nonaccrual status when, in management’s opinion, the borrower may be unable to meet payment obligations as they become due, as well as when required by regulatory provisions. Loans may be placed on nonaccrual status regardless of whether or not such loans are considered past due. Interest income is subsequently recognized only to the extent cash payments are received in excess of principal due. Loans are returned to accrual status when all the principal and interest amounts contractually due are brought current and future payments are reasonably assured. The following table presents, by portfolio segment, information related to nonaccrual loans as of December 31, 2023 and 2022. December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 (dollars in thousands) Nonaccrual with No Allowance for Credit Loss Nonaccrual with an Allowance for Credit Losses Total Nonaccrual Loans Nonaccrual with No Allowance for Credit Loss Nonaccrual with an Allowance for Credit Losses Total Nonaccrual Loans Commercial $ 1,002 $ 1,047 $ 2,049 $ 101 $ 2,387 $ 2,488 Income producing - commercial real estate 40,926 — 40,926 — 2,000 2,000 Owner occupied - commercial real estate 19,836 — 19,836 17 — 17 Real estate mortgage - residential — 1,946 1,946 — 1,913 1,913 Construction- commercial and residential — 525 525 — — — Home equity 242 — 242 — — — Other consumer — — — — 50 50 Total (1) $ 62,006 $ 3,518 $ 65,524 $ 118 $ 6,350 $ 6,468 (1) Gross coupon interest income of $4.2 million, $558 thousand and $1.7 million would have been recorded for years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively, if nonaccrual loans shown above had been current and in accordance with their original terms, while interest actually recorded on such loans were $1.5 million, $17 thousand and $101 thousand for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively. See Note 1 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for a description of the Company’s policy for placing loans on nonaccrual status. The following table presents, by portfolio segment, an aging analysis and the recorded investments in loans past due as of December 31, 2023 and 2022: (dollars in thousands) Loans 30-59 Days Past Due Loans 60-89 Days Past Due Loans 90 Days or More Past Due Total Past Due Loans Current Loans Nonaccrual Loans Total Recorded Investment in Loans December 31, 2023 Commercial $ 985 $ 7,048 $ — $ 8,033 $ 1,463,684 $ 2,049 $ 1,473,766 PPP loans — — — — 528 — 528 Income producing - commercial real estate — — — — 4,053,688 40,926 4,094,614 Owner occupied - commercial real estate 1,274 — — 1,274 1,151,129 19,836 1,172,239 Real estate mortgage – residential 2,089 — — 2,089 69,361 1,946 73,396 Construction - commercial and residential 2,056 — — 2,056 967,185 525 969,766 Construction - C&I (owner occupied) — — — — 132,021 — 132,021 Home equity 197 — — 197 51,525 242 51,964 Other consumer — — — — 401 — 401 Total $ 6,601 $ 7,048 $ — $ 13,649 $ 7,889,522 $ 65,524 $ 7,968,695 December 31, 2022 Commercial $ 697 $ 643 $ — $ 1,340 $ 1,483,521 $ 2,488 $ 1,487,349 PPP loans — — — — 3,256 — 3,256 Income producing - commercial real estate — — — — 3,917,941 2,000 3,919,941 Owner occupied - commercial real estate — 279 — 279 1,110,029 17 1,110,325 Real estate mortgage – residential — — — — 71,088 1,913 73,001 Construction - commercial and residential 531 — — 531 877,224 — 877,755 Construction - C&I (owner occupied) — — — — 110,479 — 110,479 Home equity — 52 — 52 51,730 — 51,782 Other consumer — 1 — 1 1,693 50 1,744 Total $ 1,228 $ 975 $ — $ 2,203 $ 7,626,961 $ 6,468 $ 7,635,632 Modifications with Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty On January 1, 2023, the Company adopted the accounting guidance in ASU No. 2022-02, effective as of January 1, 2023, which eliminates the recognition and measurement of a TDR. Due to the removal of the TDR designation, the Company evaluates all loan restructurings according to the accounting guidance for loan modifications to determine if the restructuring results in a new loan or a continuation of the existing loan. Loan modifications to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty that result in a direct change in the timing or amount of contractual cash flows include situations where there is principal forgiveness, interest rate reductions, other-than-insignificant payment delays, term extensions, and combinations of the listed modifications. Therefore, the disclosures related to loan restructurings are for modifications which have a direct impact on cash flows. The Company may offer various types of modifications when restructuring a loan. Commercial and industrial loans modified in a loan restructuring often involve temporary interest-only payments, term extensions, and converting revolving credit lines to term loans. Additional collateral, a co-borrower, or a guarantor is often requested. Commercial mortgage and construction loans modified in a loan restructuring often involve reducing the interest rate for the remaining term of the loan, extending the maturity date at an interest rate lower than the current market rate for new debt with similar risk, or substituting or adding a new borrower or guarantor. Construction loans modified in a loan restructuring may also involve extending the interest-only payment period. Loans modified in a loan restructuring for the Company may have the financial effect of increasing the specific allowance associated with the loan. An allowance for consumer and commercial loans that have been modified in a loan restructuring is measured based on the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan's effective interest rate, the loan's observable market price, or the estimated fair value of the collateral, less any selling costs, if the loan is collateral dependent. Management exercises significant judgment in developing these estimates. Commercial and consumer loans modified in a loan restructuring are closely monitored for delinquency as an early indicator of possible future default. If loans modified in a loan restructuring subsequently default, the Company evaluates the loan for possible further loss. The allowance may be increased, adjustments may be made in the allocation of the allowance, or partial charge-offs may be taken to further write-down the carrying value of the loan. The following table presents the amortized cost basis as of December 31, 2023 and the financial effect of loans modified to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty during the year ended December 31, 2023: (dollars in thousands) Term Extension Combination - Term Extension and Principal Payment Delay Combination - Term Extension, Principal Payment Delay and Interest Rate Reduction Total Percentage of Total Loan Type Weighted Average Term and Principal Payment Extension (1) Weighted Average Interest Rate Reduction (2) Commercial $ 14,182 $ 21,003 $ — $ 35,185 2.4 % 11 months — % Income producing - commercial real estate (3) 7,191 62,356 106,256 175,803 4.3 % 16 months 2.56 % Owner occupied - commercial real estate — 19,127 — 19,127 1.6 % 9 months — % Construction - commercial and residential 7,095 — — 7,095 0.7 % 12 months — % Total $ 28,468 $ 102,486 $ 106,256 $ 237,210 (1) For loans that received multiple modifications during the year ended December 31, 2023, weighted average term and principal payment extensions were calculated based on the aggregated impact of the extensions received during the period. (2) The weighted average is calculated based on the total amortized cost at December 31, 2023 of loans that received interest rate reduction modifications during the year ended December 31, 2023. (3) Includes one loan modified as a combination - principal payment delay, term extension and interest rate reduction most recently in the fourth quarter of 2023 that was moved to nonaccrual status and incurred The following table presents the performance of loans modified to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty during the year ended December 31, 2023: December 31, 2023 Payment Status (Amortized Cost Basis) (dollars in thousands) Current 30-89 Days Past Due 90 Days or More Past Due Nonaccrual Commercial $ 30,790 $ 4,395 $ — $ — Income producing - commercial real estate 137,252 — — 38,551 Owner occupied - commercial real estate — — — 19,127 Construction - commercial and residential 7,095 — — — Total $ 175,137 $ 4,395 $ — $ 57,678 The Company monitors loan payments on performing and nonperforming loans on an on-going basis to determine if a loan is considered to have a payment default. To determine the existence of a payment default, the Company analyzes the economic conditions that exist for each borrower and their ability to generate positive cash flow during a given loan's term. The following table presents the amortized cost basis of loans that were experiencing payment default at December 31, 2023 and were modified in the twelve months prior to that default to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty: December 31, 2023 Amortized Cost Basis (dollars in thousands) Term Extension Combination - Term Extension and Principal Payment Delay Combination - Term Extension, Principal Payment Delay and Interest Rate Reduction Commercial $ 4,395 $ — $ — Income producing - commercial real estate — — 38,551 Owner occupied - commercial real estate — 19,127 — Total $ 4,395 $ 19,127 $ 38,551 The Company individually evaluates nonaccrual loans when performing its CECL estimate to calculate the ACL. Additionally, the Company utilizes historical internal and third-party service provider sourced loss data in the determination of its PD/LGD rates applied in the calculation of its CECL estimate. Upon determination that a modified loan (or a portion of a loan) has subsequently been deemed uncollectible, the loan (or a portion of the loan) is charged off. Therefore, the amortized cost basis of the loan is reduced by the uncollectible amount and the ACL is adjusted by the same amount. Troubled Debt Restructurings ("TDRs") Historically, a modification of a loan constituted a TDR when a borrower was experiencing financial difficulty and the modification constituted a concession. The Company offered various types of concessions when modifying a loan. Commercial and industrial loans modified in a TDR often involved temporary interest-only payments, term extensions and converting revolving credit lines to term loans. Additional collateral, a co-borrower or a guarantor were often requested. Commercial mortgage and construction loans modified in a TDR often involved reducing the interest rate for the remaining term of the loan, extending the maturity date at an interest rate lower than the current market rate for new debt with similar risk or substituting or adding a new borrower or guarantor. Construction loans modified in a TDR may have involved extending the interest-only payment period. As of December 31, 2022, all performing TDRs were categorized as interest-only modifications. Loans modified in a TDR for the Company may have had the financial effect of increasing the specific allowance associated with the loan. An allowance for consumer and commercial loans that had been modified in a TDR was measured based on the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate, the loan’s observable market price or the estimated fair value of the collateral, less any selling costs, if the loan was collateral dependent. Management exercised significant judgment in developing these estimates. The following table presents the recorded investment of loans modified in TDRs held by the Company as of December 31, 2022: (dollars in thousands) Number of Contracts Commercial Income Producing - Commercial Real Estate Owner Occupied - Commercial Real Estate Total Troubled debt restructurings: Restructured accruing 5 $ 946 $ 4,328 $ 19,170 $ 24,444 Specific allowance $ 87 $ 2,140 $ — $ 2,227 Restructured and subsequently defaulted $ — $ — $ — $ — During the year ended December 31, 2022, there was one loan totaling $19.2 million that was modified in a TDR and no TDRs defaulted on their modified terms that were reclassified to nonperforming loans. As of December 31, 2022, all five TDR loans, totaling $24.4 million, were performing under their modified terms. During the year ended December 31, 2022, three restructured loans, two of which were nonperforming, totaling approximately $11.1 million had their collateral property sold to a third party and a charge off of $1.4 million was recognized on the sale. Related Party Loans Certain directors and executive officers of the Company and the Bank and certain affiliated entities of such directors and executive officers have had loan transactions with the Company. All of such loans are either fully repaid or performing and none of such loans are nonaccrual, past due, restructured, or rated substandard or worse (not on nonaccrual). Amounts in “additions due to changes in related party status” or "removals due to changes in related party status" reflect loans that transitioned to being related party loans or out of being related party loans during the years presented as a result of changes in related party status with respect to certain of the Company’s directors who are affiliated with the related borrowers. The following table summarizes the activity of loans outstanding to borrowers with relationships to related parties in 2023 and 2022: (dollars in thousands) 2023 2022 Balance at January 1, $ 119,198 $ 150,822 Additions 283 173 Repayments (44,645) (33,220) Additions due to changes in related party status — 1,423 Removals due to changes in related party status (74,000) — Balance at December 31, $ 836 $ 119,198 |