LOANS | 3. LOANS The following table presents loans outstanding, by type of loan, as of December 31: % of Total % of Total (Dollars in thousands) 2020 Loans 2019 Loans Residential mortgage $ 502,829 11.50 % $ 549,138 12.50 % Multifamily mortgage 1,126,946 25.77 1,210,003 27.54 Commercial mortgage 691,294 15.81 761,244 17.32 Commercial loans (including equipment financing) (A) 1,950,981 44.62 1,756,477 39.97 Commercial construction 12,600 0.29 5,306 0.12 Home equity lines of credit 50,546 1.15 57,248 1.30 Consumer loans, including fixed rate home equity loans 37,016 0.85 54,372 1.24 Other loans 225 0.01 349 0.01 Total loans $ 4,372,437 100.00 % $ 4,394,137 100.00 % (A) The December 31, 2020 balance includes PPP loans of $195.6 million. In determining an appropriate amount for the allowance for loan losses (“ALLL”), the Bank segments and evaluates the loan portfolio based on Federal call report codes. The following portfolio classes have been identified as of December 31: % of Total % of Total (Dollars in thousands) 2020 Loans 2019 Loans Primary residential mortgage $ 512,841 11.74 % $ 578,306 13.17 % Home equity lines of credit 50,545 1.16 57,248 1.30 Junior lien loan on residence 4,527 0.10 7,011 0.16 Multifamily property 1,126,946 25.79 1,210,003 27.56 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 253,447 5.80 249,419 5.68 Investment commercial real estate 995,613 22.79 1,095,182 24.95 Commercial and industrial (A) 1,059,399 24.24 867,295 19.76 Lease financing 305,931 7.00 258,401 5.89 Farmland/Agricultural production 3,068 0.07 3,043 0.07 Commercial construction 12,773 0.29 5,520 0.13 Consumer and other 44,483 1.02 58,213 1.33 Total loans $ 4,369,573 100.00 % $ 4,389,641 100.00 % Net deferred costs 2,864 4,496 Total loans including net deferred costs $ 4,372,437 $ 4,394,137 (A) The December 31, 2020 balance includes PPP loans of $195.6 million. The Company sold loans issued under the PPP totaling $355.0 million during 2020 resulting in a gain on sale of loans of $7.4 million. The Company sold one C&I loan which totaled $5.0 million during 2019 resulting in a loss on sale of loans sold of $10,000. The Company sold approximately $131.3 million in multifamily whole loans during 2018 resulting in a loss on sale of approximately $4.4 million. The Company, through the Bank, may extend credit to officers, directors and their associates. These loans are subject to the Company’s normal lending policy and Federal Reserve Bank Regulation O. The following table shows the changes in loans to officers, directors and their associates: (In thousands) 2020 2019 Balance, beginning of year $ 4,164 $ 4,574 New loans 1,094 1,345 Repayments (1,457 ) (1,551 ) Loans with individuals no longer considered related parties — (204 ) Balance, at end of year $ 3,801 $ 4,164 The following tables present the loan balances by portfolio segment, based on impairment method, and the corresponding balances in the ALLL as of December 31, 2020 and 2019: December 31, 2020 Total Ending ALLL Total Ending ALLL Loans Attributable Loans Attributable Individually to Loans Collectively to Loans Evaluated Individually Evaluated Collectively Total for Evaluated for for Evaluated for Total Ending (In thousands) Impairment Impairment Impairment Impairment Loans ALLL Primary residential mortgage $ 1,490 $ 3 $ 511,351 $ 2,902 $ 512,841 $ 2,905 Home equity lines of credit — — 50,545 218 50,545 218 Junior lien loan on residence — — 4,527 15 4,527 15 Multifamily property — — 1,126,946 9,945 1,126,946 9,945 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 807 — 252,640 3,050 253,447 3,050 Investment commercial real estate 4,593 — 991,020 27,713 995,613 27,713 Commercial and industrial 9,314 2,700 1,050,085 16,347 1,059,399 19,047 Lease financing — — 305,931 3,936 305,931 3,936 Secured by farmland and agricultural production — — 3,068 43 3,068 43 Commercial construction — — 12,773 158 12,773 158 Consumer and other — — 44,483 279 44,483 279 Total ALLL $ 16,204 $ 2,703 $ 4,353,369 $ 64,606 $ 4,369,573 $ 67,309 December 31, 2019 Total Ending ALLL Total Ending ALLL Loans Attributable Loans Attributable Individually to Loans Collectively to Loans Evaluated Individually Evaluated Collectively Total for Evaluated for for Evaluated for Total Ending (In thousands) Impairment Impairment Impairment Impairment Loans ALLL Primary residential mortgage $ 6,890 $ 215 $ 571,416 $ 1,875 $ 578,306 $ 2,090 Home equity lines of credit 3 — 57,245 128 57,248 128 Junior lien loan on residence 19 — 6,992 13 7,011 13 Multifamily property — — 1,210,003 6,037 1,210,003 6,037 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 379 — 249,040 2,064 249,419 2,064 Investment commercial real estate 22,605 1,000 1,072,577 14,988 1,095,182 15,988 Commercial and industrial 6,028 1,585 861,267 12,768 867,295 14,353 Lease financing — — 258,401 2,642 258,401 2,642 Secured by farmland and agricultural production — — 3,043 38 3,043 38 Commercial construction — — 5,520 27 5,520 27 Consumer and other — — 58,213 296 58,213 296 Total ALLL $ 35,924 $ 2,800 $ 4,353,717 $ 40,876 $ 4,389,641 $ 43,676 Impaired loans included nonaccrual loans of $11.4 million at December 31, 2020 and $28.9 million at December 31, 2019. The decrease in impaired loans was due to the transfer of several residential and commercial loans totaling $18.5 million that were transferred to held for sale during 2020. The Company recorded a charge-off of $5.9 million related to these loans upon transfer to held for sale in 2020. Impaired loans also included performing troubled debt restructured loans of $201,000 at December 31, 2020 and $2.4 million at December 31, 2019. At December 31, 2020, the allowance allocated to troubled debt restructured loans totaled $3,000 of which none was allocated to nonaccrual loans. At December 31, 2019, the allowance allocated to troubled debt restructured loans totaled $2.8 million of which $2.7 million was allocated to nonaccrual loans. All accruing troubled debt restructured loans were paying in accordance with restructured terms as of December 31, 2020. The following tables present loans individually evaluated for impairment by class of loans as of December 31, 2020 and 2019: December 31, 2020 Unpaid Average Principal Recorded Specific Impaired (In thousands) Balance Investment Reserves Loans With no related allowance recorded: Primary residential mortgage $ 1,601 $ 1,328 $ — $ 5,544 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 817 807 — 516 Investment commercial real estate 4,593 4,593 — 6,582 Commercial and industrial 7,137 4,314 — 1,677 Total loans with no related allowance $ 14,148 $ 11,042 $ — $ 14,319 With related allowance recorded: Primary residential mortgage $ 162 $ 162 $ 3 $ 526 Commercial and industrial 5,000 5,000 2,700 4,140 Total loans with related allowance $ 5,162 $ 5,162 $ 2,703 $ 4,666 Total loans individually evaluated for impairment $ 19,310 $ 16,204 $ 2,703 $ 18,985 December 31, 2019 Unpaid Average Principal Recorded Specific Impaired (In thousands) Balance Investment Reserves Loans With no related allowance recorded: Primary residential mortgage $ 7,310 $ 6,071 $ — $ 7,186 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 450 379 — 1,099 Investment commercial real estate 9,663 8,138 — 14,115 Home equity lines of credit 5 3 — 77 Junior lien loan on residence 92 19 — 29 Total loans with no related allowance $ 17,520 $ 14,610 $ — $ 22,506 With related allowance recorded: Primary residential mortgage $ 819 $ 819 $ 215 $ 1,011 Investment commercial real estate 15,064 14,467 1,000 4,832 Commercial and industrial 6,229 6,028 1,585 3,685 Total loans with related allowance $ 22,112 $ 21,314 $ 2,800 $ 9,528 Total loans individually evaluated for impairment $ 39,632 $ 35,924 $ 2,800 $ 32,034 Interest income recognized on impaired loans during 2020, 2019 and 2018 was not material. The following tables present the recorded investment in nonaccrual and loans past due over 90 days still on accrual by class of loans as of December 31, 2020 and 2019: December 31, 2020 Loans Past Due Over 90 Days and Still (In thousands) Nonaccrual Accruing Interest Primary residential mortgage $ 1,328 $ — Owner-occupied commercial real estate 807 — Commercial and industrial 9,275 — Total $ 11,410 $ — December 31, 2019 Loans Past Due Over 90 Days and Still (In thousands) Nonaccrual Accruing Interest Primary residential mortgage $ 4,533 $ — Home equity lines of credit 3 — Junior lien loan on residence 19 — Owner-occupied commercial real estate 379 — Investment commercial real estate 17,919 — Commercial and industrial 6,028 — Total $ 28,881 $ — The following tables present the recorded investment in past due loans as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 by class of loans, excluding nonaccrual loans: December 31, 2020 30-59 60-89 Greater Than Days Days 90 Days Total (In thousands) Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Primary residential mortgage $ 2,900 $ 141 $ — $ 3,041 Home equity lines of credit 181 — — 181 Junior lien loan on residence — 25 — 25 Multifamily property — 269 — 269 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 268 — — 268 Commercial and industrial 497 772 — 1,269 Total $ 3,846 $ 1,207 $ — $ 5,053 December 31, 2019 30-59 60-89 Greater Than Days Days 90 Days Total (In thousands) Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Primary residential mortgage $ 1,264 $ — $ — $ 1,264 Home equity lines of credit 80 — — 80 Commercial and industrial 566 — — 566 Total $ 1,910 $ — $ — $ 1,910 Credit Quality Indicators: The Bank places all commercial loans into various credit risk rating categories based on an assessment of the expected ability of the borrowers to properly service their debt. The assessment considers numerous factors including, but not limited to, current financial information on the borrower, historical payment experience, strength of any guarantor, nature of and value of any collateral, acceptability of the loan structure and documentation, relevant public information and current economic trends. This credit risk rating analysis is performed when the loan is initially underwritten and then annually based on set criteria in the loan policy. In addition, the Bank has engaged an independent loan review firm to validate risk ratings and to ensure compliance with our policies and procedures. This review of the following types of loans is performed quarterly: • A large sample of relationships or new lending to existing relationships greater than $1,000,000 booked since the prior review; • All criticized and classified rated borrowers with relationship exposure of more than $500,000; • A large sample of Pass-rated (including Pass Watch) borrowers with total relationships in excess of $1,000,000 and a small sample of Pass related relationships less than $1,000,000; • All leveraged loans of $ 1,000,000 or greater; • At least two borrowing relationships managed by each commercial banker; • Any new Regulation “O” loan commitments over $1,000,000; • Exclude borrowers with commitments of less than $500,000; • Any other credits requested by Bank senior management or a member of the Board of Directors and any borrower for which the reviewer determines a review is warranted based upon knowledge of the portfolio, local events, industry stresses, etc. The Bank uses the following regulatory definitions for criticized and classified risk ratings: Special Mention: These loans have a potential weakness that deserves Management’s close attention. If left uncorrected, the potential weaknesses may result in deterioration of the repayment prospects for the loans or of the institution’s credit position at some future date. Substandard: These loans are inadequately protected by the current net worth and paying capacity of the obligor or of the collateral pledged, if any. Loans so classified have a well-defined weakness or weaknesses that jeopardize the liquidation of the debt. They are characterized by the distinct possibility that the institution will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected. Doubtful: These loans have all the weaknesses inherent in those classified as substandard, with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full highly questionable and improbable, based on currently existing facts, conditions and values. Loans not meeting the criteria above that are analyzed individually as part of the above described process are considered to be pass-rated loans. Loans that are considered to be impaired are individually evaluated for potential loss and allowance adequacy. Loans not deemed impaired are collectively evaluated for potential loss and allowance adequacy. The table below presents, based on the most recent analysis performed, the risk category of loans by class of loans for December 31, 2020 and 2019. December 31, 2020 Special (In thousands) Pass Mention Substandard Doubtful Primary residential mortgage $ 504,795 $ 1,398 $ 6,648 $ — Home equity lines of credit 50,068 — 477 — Junior lien loan on residence 4,483 — 44 — Multifamily property 1,121,145 5,441 360 — Owner-occupied commercial real estate 240,638 10,417 2,392 — Investment commercial real estate 893,115 91,162 11,336 — Commercial and industrial 989,281 53,604 16,514 — Lease financing 305,931 — — — Secured by farmland and agricultural 3,068 — — — Commercial construction 12,692 81 — — Consumer and other loans 44,483 — — — Total $ 4,169,699 $ 162,103 $ 37,771 $ — December 31, 2019 Special (In thousands) Pass Mention Substandard Doubtful Primary residential mortgage $ 570,353 $ 853 $ 7,100 $ — Home equity lines of credit 57,245 — 3 — Junior lien loan on residence 6,992 — 19 — Multifamily property 1,209,288 - 715 — Owner-occupied commercial real estate 247,388 — 2,031 — Investment commercial real estate 1,053,445 6,325 35,412 — Commercial and industrial 847,285 6,382 13,628 — Lease financing 258,401 — — — Secured by farmland and agricultural 3,043 — — — Commercial construction 5,437 83 — — Consumer and other loans 58,213 — — — Total $ 4,317,090 $ 13,643 $ 58,908 $ — At December 31, 2020, $16.2 million of substandard loans were also considered impaired as compared to $35.9 million at December 31, 2019. The increase in special mention investment and owner-occupied commercial real estate and commercial and industrial classified loans was a result of the Bank’s credit analysis of sectors with COVID elevated residual risk (Hospitality and Food Services and Retail – Non-Grocery Anchored) and the downgrade of several loans within these categories during 2020. The tables below present a roll forward of the ALLL for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018. January 1, December 31, 2020 2020 Beginning Ending (In thousands) ALLL Charge-Offs Recoveries Provision ALLL Primary residential mortgage $ 2,090 $ (559 ) $ 373 $ 1,001 $ 2,905 Home equity lines of credit 128 — 11 79 218 Junior lien loan on residence 13 — — 2 15 Multifamily property 6,037 (56 ) — 3,964 9,945 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 2,064 (51 ) — 1,037 3,050 Investment commercial real estate 15,988 (6,092 ) 31 17,786 27,713 Commercial and industrial 14,353 (2,418 ) 17 7,095 19,047 Lease financing 2,642 — — 1,294 3,936 Secured by farmland and agricultural 38 — — 5 43 Commercial construction 27 — — 131 158 Consumer and other 296 (27 ) 4 6 279 Total ALLL $ 43,676 $ (9,203 ) $ 436 $ 32,400 $ 67,309 January 1, December 31, 2019 2019 Beginning Provision Ending (In thousands) ALLL Charge-Offs Recoveries (Credit) ALLL Primary residential mortgage $ 3,506 $ (80 ) $ 205 $ (1,541 ) $ 2,090 Home equity lines of credit 164 — 10 (46 ) 128 Junior lien loan on residence 15 — 11 (13 ) 13 Multifamily property 5,959 — — 78 6,037 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 2,614 — 1,060 (1,610 ) 2,064 Investment commercial real estate 14,248 — — 1,740 15,988 Commercial and industrial 9,839 — 17 4,497 14,353 Lease financing 1,772 — — 870 2,642 Secured by farmland and agricultural 2 — — 36 38 Commercial construction 1 — — 26 27 Consumer and other 384 (55 ) 4 (37 ) 296 Total ALLL $ 38,504 $ (135 ) $ 1,307 $ 4,000 $ 43,676 January 1, December 31, 2018 2018 Beginning Provision Ending (In thousands) ALLL Charge-Offs Recoveries (Credit) ALLL Primary residential mortgage $ 4,085 $ (138 ) $ 160 $ (601 ) $ 3,506 Home equity lines of credit 221 — 10 (67 ) 164 Junior lien loan on residence 12 — 68 (65 ) 15 Multifamily property 10,007 — — (4,048 ) 5,959 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 2,385 (361 ) 66 524 2,614 Investment commercial real estate 11,933 (1,335 ) 45 3,605 14,248 Commercial and industrial 6,563 (46 ) 109 3,213 9,839 Lease financing 884 — — 888 1,772 Secured by farmland and agricultural — — — 2 2 Commercial construction 1 — — — 1 Consumer and other 349 (68 ) 4 99 384 Total ALLL $ 36,440 $ (1,948 ) $ 462 $ 3,550 $ 38,504 Loan Modifications: The CARES Act allows financial institutions to suspend application of certain current TDR accounting guidance under ASC 310-40 for loan modifications related to the COVID-19 pandemic made prior to December 31, 2020 or 60 days after the end of the COVID-19 national emergency, provided certain criteria are met. The revised CARES Act extended loan modifications through January 1, 2022. This relief can be applied to loan modifications for borrowers that were not more than 30 days past due as of December 31, 2019 and to loan modifications that defer or delay the payment of principal or interest or change the interest rate on the loan. In April 2020, federal and state banking regulators issued the Interagency Statement on Loan Modifications and Reporting for Financial Institutions Working with Customers Affected by the Coronavirus to provide further interpretation of when a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty, specifically indicating that if the modification is either short-term (e.g., six months) or mandated by a federal or state government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the borrower is not experiencing financial difficulty under ASC 310-40. Throughout 2020, the Bank had modified 536 loans with a balance of $946.3 million resulting in the deferral of principal and/or interest for periods ranging from 90 to 180 days. The table below summarizes the outstanding deferrals as of December 31, 2020. All of these loans were performing in accordance with their terms prior to modifications and are in conformance with the CARES Act. Included in the table below are two loans totaling $29.3 million of loan level swaps. Details with respect to loan modifications are as follows: Post-Modification Outstanding Number of Recorded (Dollars in thousands) Contracts Investment Primary residential mortgage 28 $ 9,900 Home equity lines of credit 3 643 Junior lien loan on residence 1 18 Multifamily property 7 22,595 Owner-occupied commercial real estate 2 990 Investment commercial real estate 3 34,416 Commercial and industrial 9 4,959 Commercial construction 1 451 Total 54 $ 73,972 The future performance of these loans, specifically beyond the term of the deferral, is uncertain. To recognize a credit allowance commensurate with the existing risk, the Company assigned qualitative factors for each of the above portfolio classes for allowance purposes. Troubled Debt Restructurings: The Company has allocated $3,000 and $2.8 million of specific reserves to customers whose loan terms have been modified in troubled debt restructurings as of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively. There were no unfunded commitments to lend additional amounts to customers with outstanding loans that are classified as troubled debt restructurings During the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018, the terms of certain loans were modified as troubled debt restructurings. The modification of the terms of such loans included one or a combination of the following: a reduction of the stated interest rate of the loan; or an extension of the maturity date at a stated rate of interest lower than the current market rate for new debt with similar risk. The following table presents loans by class modified as troubled debt restructurings that occurred during the year ended December 31, 2020: Pre-Modification Post-Modification Outstanding Outstanding Number of Recorded Recorded (Dollars in thousands) Contracts Investment Investment Primary residential mortgage 3 $ 423 $ 423 Commercial and industrial 1 39 39 Total 4 $ 462 $ 462 The following table presents loans by class modified as troubled debt restructurings that occurred during the year ended December 31, 2019: Pre-Modification Post-Modification Outstanding Outstanding Number of Recorded Recorded (Dollars in thousands) Contracts Investment Investment Primary residential mortgage 2 $ 530 $ 530 Commercial and industrial 5 6,028 6,028 Total 7 $ 6,558 $ 6,558 The following table presents loans by class modified as troubled debt restructurings that occurred during the year ended December 31, 2018: Pre-Modification Post-Modification Outstanding Outstanding Number of Recorded Recorded (Dollars in thousands) Contracts Investment Investment Primary residential mortgage 2 $ 909 $ 909 Investment commercial real estate 1 15,202 15,202 Total 3 $ 16,111 $ 16,111 The identification of the troubled debt restructured loans did not have a significant impact on the allowance for loan losses. In addition, there were no charge-offs as a result of the classification of these loans as troubled debt restructurings during the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018. The following table presents loans by class modified as troubled debt restructurings during the year ended December 31, 2020 for which there was a payment default during the same period: Number of Recorded (Dollars in thousands) Contracts Investment Primary residential mortgage 1 $ 133 Commercial and industrial 1 39 Total 2 $ 172 The following table presents loans by class modified as troubled debt restructurings during the year ended December 31, 2019 for which there was a payment default during the same period: Number of Recorded (Dollars in thousands) Contracts Investment Primary residential mortgage 1 $ 201 Total 1 $ 201 There were no payment defaults on loans modified as troubled debt restructurings within twelve months of modification during the year ended December 31, 2018. The defaults described above did not have a material impact on the allowance for loan losses during 2020 and 2019. In order to determine whether a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty, an evaluation is performed of the probability that the borrower will be in payment default on any of its debt in the foreseeable future without the modification. This evaluation is performed under the Company’s internal underwriting policy. The modification of the terms of such loans may include one or more of the following: (1) a reduction of the stated interest rate of the loan to a rate that is lower than the current market rate for new debt with similar risk; (2) an extension of an interest only period for a predetermined period of time; (3) an extension of the maturity date; or (4) an extension of the amortization period over which future payments will be computed. At the time a loan is restructured, the Bank performs an underwriting analysis, which includes, at a minimum, obtaining current financial statements and tax returns, copies of all leases, and an updated independent appraisal of the property. A loan will continue to accrue interest if it can be reasonably determined that the borrower should be able to perform under the modified terms, that the loan has not been chronically delinquent (both to debt service and real estate taxes) or in nonaccrual status since its inception, and that there have been no charge-offs on the loan. Restructured loans with previous charge-offs would not accrue interest at the time of the troubled debt restructuring. At a minimum, six consecutive months of contractual payments would need to be made on a restructured loan before returning it to accrual status. Once a loan is classified as a TDR, the loan is reported as a TDR until the loan is paid in full, sold or charged-off. In rare circumstances, a loan may be removed from TDR status, if it meets the requirements of ASC 310-40-50-2. |