promptly notify you of any changes to the investment option restrictions due to deletions, substitutions, mergers or reorganizations of the investment options.” Comment 2. With respect to comment #28 previously submitted, it was noted by the Reviewer that the first two bullets under “Payment of Proceeds, General” were inconsistent. The Reviewer’s follow-up comment indicated that there is still inconsistency between the two statements. Please review and revise the information appearing in the bullet points. Response. We have reviewed the information and have revised the language to address the comment. Please see the revised language below. “Payment of Proceeds General ● We generally will pay any death benefit, maturity benefit, cash surrender value or loan proceeds within seven days after we receive, in good order, the last required form/request, along with any other documents that may be required for payment. ● For death benefits, if instructions about the desired manner of payment for a death benefit are not provided within sixty days after we receive notification of the insured person’s death, we will pay the proceeds as a single sum, normally within seven days. ● For cash surrenders or maturity benefits, if instructions about the desired manner of payment are not provided within sixty days after a request, we will pay the proceeds as a single sum, normally within seven days.” Comment 3. With respect to Comment 32, previously submitted, the Reviewer asked that it be verified and disclosed if cash value, surrender value, and death benefit will be the same, as prior to the lapse. In the Reviewer’s follow-up comment, it was requested that we specify how the values would be determined upon reinstatement. Response. We have included the applicable language describing how the values are determined as requested. Please see the revised paragraphs below. “POLICY LAPSE AND REINSTATEMENT During the first 5 Policy years if the accumulation value reduced by any outstanding loan amount is insufficient to cover the charges due under the Policy, the Policy may lapse without any value payable to you. The Policy’s first years are when the surrender charge is at its highest and there is a low likelihood of the accumulation value having increased significantly. |