Abbreviations AM – Asset Management; APAC – Asia Pacific; AUD – Australian dollar; AuM – assets under management; BCBS – Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS – Bank for International Settlements; bn – billion; CECL - Current Expected Credit Loss; CET1 – common equity tier 1; CHF – Swiss francs; CSAM – Credit Suisse Asset Management; EMEA – Europe, Middle East and Africa; ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance; FINMA – Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA; GAAP – Generally accepted accounting principles; GTS – Global Trading Solutions; HRH – His Royal Highness; IB – Investment Bank; mn – million; M&A – Mergers & Acquisitions; NNA – net new assets; Q&A – Questions & Answers; RWA – risk weighted assets; SB – Swiss Bank; SCFF – Supply Chain Finance Funds; SEC – US Securities and Exchange Commission; TCFD - Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures; SCFF – Supply Chain Finance Funds; trn – trillion; (U)HNW – (Ultra) high-net-worth; UK – United Kingdom; US – United States; USD – US dollar; WEF IBC – World Economic Forum’s International Business Council; WM – Wealth Management.
Important information This document contains select information from the full 1Q22 Earnings Release and 1Q22 Results Presentation slides that Credit Suisse believes is of particular interest to media professionals. The complete 1Q22 Earnings Release and 1Q22 Results Presentation slides, which have been distributed simultaneously, contain more comprehensive information about our results and operations for the reporting quarter, as well as important information about our reporting methodology and some of the terms used in these documents. The complete 1Q22Earnings Release and 1Q22 Results Presentation slides are not incorporated by reference into this document.
Credit Suisse has not finalized its 1Q22 Financial Report and Credit Suisse’s independent registered public accounting firm has not completed its review of the condensed consolidated financial statements (unaudited) for the period. Accordingly, the financial information contained in this document is subject to completion of quarter-end procedures, which may result in changes to that information.
Our ambition to release over USD 3 billion of capital from the Investment Bank over 2021-2022 and our ambition to invest approximately CHF 3 billion of capital in Wealth Management over 2021-2024 is based on an average of 13.5% risk-weighted assets and 4.25% leverage exposure.
Our cost savings ambition is measured using adjusted operating expenses at constant 2021 FX rates, progressively increasing from 2022-2024, and does not include cost reductions from exited businesses.
We may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions (including macroeconomic and other challenges and uncertainties, for example, resulting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine), changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives.
In particular, the terms “Estimate”, “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Objective”, “Outlook”, “Goal”, “Commitment” and “Aspiration” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks, goals, commitments and aspirations are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. These risks, assumptions and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general market conditions, market volatility, increased inflation, interest rate volatility and levels, global and regional economic conditions, challenges and uncertainties resulting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, political uncertainty, changes in tax policies, scientific or technological developments, evolving sustainability strategies, changes in the nature or scope of our operations, changes in carbon markets, regulatory changes, changes in levels of client activity as a result of any of the foregoing and other factors. Accordingly, these statements, which speak only as of the date made, are not guarantees of future performance and should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks, goals, commitments, aspirations or any other forward-looking statements. For these reasons, we caution you not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements.
In preparing this document, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Annualized number | do not take into account variations in operating results, seasonality and other factors and may not be indicative of actual, full-year results. Figures throughout this document may also be subject to rounding adjustments. All opinions and views constitute good faith judgments as of the date of writing without regard to the date on which the reader may receive or access the information. This information is subject to change at any time without notice and we do not intend to update this information.
Return on tangible equity, a non-GAAP financial measure, is calculated as annualized net income attributable to shareholders divided by average tangible shareholders’ equity. Tangible shareholders’ equity, a non-GAAP financial measure, is calculated by deducting goodwill and other intangible assets from total shareholders’ equity as presented in our balance sheet. Management believes that return on tangible equity is meaningful as it is a measure used and relied upon by industry analysts and investors to assess valuations and capital adequacy. For end-1Q21, tangible shareholders’ equity excluded goodwill of CHF 4,644 million and other intangible assets of CHF 239 million from total shareholders’ equity of CHF 44,590 million as presented in our balance sheet. For end-4Q21, tangible shareholders’ equity excluded goodwill of CHF 2,917 million and other intangible assets of CHF 276 million from total shareholders’ equity of CHF 43,954 million as presented in our balance sheet. For end-1Q22, tangible shareholders’ equity excluded goodwill of CHF 2,931 million and other intangible assets of CHF 307 million from total shareholders’ equity of CHF 44,442 million as presented in our balance sheet.
Regulatory capital is calculated as the average of 13.5% of RWA and 4.25% of leverage exposure and return on regulatory capital, a non-GAAP financial measure, is calculated using income/(loss) after tax and assumes a tax rate of 30% for periods prior to 2020 and 25% from 2020 onward. For the Investment Bank, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers. Return on regulatory capital excluding certain items included in our reported results is calculated using results excluding such items, applying the same methodology. Adjusted return on regulatory capital excluding certain items included in our reported results is calculated using results excluding such items, applying the same methodology.
Credit Suisse is subject to the Basel framework, as implemented in Switzerland, as well as Swiss legislation and regulations for systemically important banks, which include capital, liquidity, leverage and large exposure requirements and rules for emergency plans designed to maintain systemically relevant functions in the event of threatened insolvency. Credit Suisse has adopted the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and implemented in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA (FINMA).
Unless otherwise noted, all CET1 ratio, Tier-1 leverage ratio, risk-weighted assets and leverage exposure figures in this document are as of the end of the respective period and, for periods prior to 2019, on a “look-through” basis.
Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. The tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by period end leverage exposure.
Client business volume includes assets under management, custody assets (including assets under custody and commercial assets) and net loans.
Investors and others should note that we announce important company information (including quarterly earnings releases and financial reports as well as our annual sustainability report) to the investing public using press releases, SEC and Swiss ad hoc filings, our website and public conference calls and webcasts. We also routinely use our Twitter account @creditsuisse (, our LinkedIn account (, our Instagram accounts ( and, our Facebook account ( and other social media channels as additional means to disclose public information, including to excerpt key messages from our public disclosures. We may share or retweet such messages through certain of our regional accounts, including through Twitter at @csschweiz ( and @csapac ( Investors and others should take care to consider such abbreviated messages in the context of the disclosures from which they are |