Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balance3
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Stateme5
- Basis of Presentation and Recen
- Financial Instruments and Fair
- Property and Equipment, Net
- Other Assets
- Accrued Liabilities
- Accrued Restructuring
- Vendor Financed Property and Eq
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Net Income (Loss) Per Common Sh
- Segment and Geographical Inform
- Stock Repurchase Program
- Subsequent Events
- Basis of Presentation and Rec18
- Financial Instruments and Fai19
- Property and Equipment, Net (Ta
- Other Assets (Tables)
- Accrued Liabilities (Tables)
- Accrued Restructuring (Tables)
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Net Income (Loss) Per Common 25
- Segment and Geographical Info26
- Financial Instruments and Fai27
- Financial Instruments and Fai28
- Property and Equipment, Net - C
- Property and Equipment, Net - N
- Other Assets - Components of Ot
- Accrued Liabilities - Schedule
- Accrued Restructuring - Narrati
- Accrued Restructuring - Summary
- Vendor Financed Property and 35
- Commitments and Contingencies -
- Commitments and Contingencies37
- Commitments and Contingencies38
- Net Income (Loss) Per Common 39
- Net Income (Loss) Per Common 40
- Segment and Geographical Info41
- Segment and Geographical Info42
- Stock Repurchase Program (Detai