MBS, CRT Securities and MSR Related Assets | MBS, CRT Securities and MSR Related Assets Agency and Non-Agency MBS The Company’s MBS are comprised of Agency MBS and Non-Agency MBS which include MBS issued prior to 2008 (“Legacy Non-Agency MBS”). These MBS are secured by: (i) hybrid mortgages (“Hybrids”), which have interest rates that are fixed for a specified period of time and, thereafter, generally adjust annually to an increment over a specified interest rate index; (ii) adjustable-rate mortgages (“ARMs”), which have interest rates that reset annually or more frequently (collectively, “ARM-MBS”); and (iii) 15 year fixed-rate mortgage for Agency MBS and, for Non-Agency MBS, 30-year and longer-term fixed rate mortgages. In addition, the Company’s MBS are also comprised of MBS backed by securitized re-performing/non-performing loans (“RPL/NPL MBS”), where the cash flows of the bond may not reflect the contractual cash flows of the underlying collateral. The Company’s RPL/NPL MBS are generally structured with a contractual coupon step-up feature where the coupon increases up to 300 basis points at 36 months from issuance or sooner. The Company pledges a significant portion of its MBS as collateral against its borrowings under repurchase agreements and Swaps. (See Note 7 ) Agency MBS: Agency MBS are guaranteed as to principal and/or interest by a federally chartered corporation, such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, or an agency of the U.S. Government, such as Ginnie Mae. The payment of principal and/or interest on Ginnie Mae MBS is explicitly backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Since the third quarter of 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been under the conservatorship of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which significantly strengthened the backing for these government-sponsored entities. Non-Agency MBS: The Company’s Non-Agency MBS are primarily secured by pools of residential mortgages, which are not guaranteed by an agency of the U.S. Government or any federally chartered corporation. Credit risk associated with Non-Agency MBS is regularly assessed as new information regarding the underlying collateral becomes available and based on updated estimates of cash flows generated by the underlying collateral. CRT Securities CRT securities are debt obligations issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The payments of principal and interest on the CRT securities are paid by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, as the case may be, on a monthly basis, and are dependent on the performance of loans in a reference pool of Agency MBS securitized by the issuing entity. As an investor in a CRT security, the Company may incur a loss if losses on the mortgage loans in the reference pool exceed the credit enhancement on the underlying CRT security owned by the Company. The Company assesses the credit risk associated with CRT securities by assessing the current and expected future performance of the associated reference pool. The Company pledges a portion of its CRT securities as collateral against its borrowings under repurchase agreements. (See Note 7 ) The following tables present certain information about the Company’s MBS and CRT securities at March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 : March 31, 2018 (In Thousands) Principal/ Current Face Purchase Premiums Accretable Purchase Discounts Discount Designated as Credit Reserve and OTTI (1) Amortized Cost (2) Fair Value Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Net Unrealized Gain/(Loss) Agency MBS: Fannie Mae $ 2,038,059 $ 77,640 $ (36 ) $ — $ 2,115,663 $ 2,106,021 $ 23,283 $ (32,925 ) $ (9,642 ) Freddie Mac 534,008 20,650 — — 555,262 535,084 1,455 (21,633 ) (20,178 ) Ginnie Mae 5,865 108 — — 5,973 6,043 70 — 70 Total Agency MBS 2,577,932 98,398 (36 ) — 2,676,898 2,647,148 24,808 (54,558 ) (29,750 ) Non-Agency MBS: Expected to Recover Par (3)(4) 1,143,670 48 (22,636 ) — 1,121,082 1,145,482 24,927 (527 ) 24,400 Expected to Recover Less than Par (3) 2,439,186 — (177,023 ) (572,580 ) 1,689,583 2,252,772 563,349 (160 ) 563,189 Total Non-Agency MBS (5) 3,582,856 48 (199,659 ) (572,580 ) 2,810,665 3,398,254 588,276 (687 ) 587,589 Total MBS 6,160,788 98,446 (199,695 ) (572,580 ) 5,487,563 6,045,402 613,084 (55,245 ) 557,839 CRT securities (6) 617,351 10,012 (3,049 ) — 624,314 679,491 55,441 (264 ) 55,177 Total MBS and CRT securities $ 6,778,139 $ 108,458 $ (202,744 ) $ (572,580 ) $ 6,111,877 $ 6,724,893 $ 668,525 $ (55,509 ) $ 613,016 December 31, 2017 (In Thousands) Principal/ Current Face Purchase Premiums Accretable Purchase Discounts Discount Designated as Credit Reserve and OTTI (1) Amortized Cost (2) Fair Value Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Net Unrealized Gain/(Loss) Agency MBS: Fannie Mae $ 2,170,974 $ 82,271 $ (40 ) $ — $ 2,253,205 $ 2,246,600 $ 21,736 $ (28,341 ) $ (6,605 ) Freddie Mac 561,346 21,683 — — 584,920 571,748 1,624 (14,796 ) (13,172 ) Ginnie Mae 6,142 112 — — 6,254 6,333 79 — 79 Total Agency MBS 2,738,462 104,066 (40 ) — 2,844,379 2,824,681 23,439 (43,137 ) (19,698 ) Non-Agency MBS: Expected to Recover Par (3)(4) 1,128,808 50 (22,737 ) — 1,106,121 1,132,205 26,518 (434 ) 26,084 Expected to Recover Less than Par (3) 2,589,935 — (192,588 ) (593,227 ) 1,804,120 2,401,761 597,660 (19 ) 597,641 Total Non-Agency MBS (5) 3,718,743 50 (215,325 ) (593,227 ) 2,910,241 3,533,966 624,178 (453 ) 623,725 Total MBS 6,457,205 104,116 (215,365 ) (593,227 ) 5,754,620 6,358,647 647,617 (43,590 ) 604,027 CRT securities (6) 602,799 8,887 (3,550 ) — 608,136 664,403 56,290 (23 ) 56,267 Total MBS and CRT securities $ 7,060,004 $ 113,003 $ (218,915 ) $ (593,227 ) $ 6,362,756 $ 7,023,050 $ 703,907 $ (43,613 ) $ 660,294 (1) Discount designated as Credit Reserve and amounts related to OTTI are generally not expected to be accreted into interest income. Amounts disclosed at March 31, 2018 reflect Credit Reserve of $558.5 million and OTTI of $14.0 million . Amounts disclosed at December 31, 2017 reflect Credit Reserve of $579.0 million and OTTI of $14.2 million . (2) Includes principal payments receivable of $604,000 and $1.9 million at March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 , respectively, which are not included in the Principal/Current Face. (3) Based on managemen t ’ s current estimates of future principal cash flows expected to be received. (4) Includes RPL/NPL MBS, which at March 31, 2018 had a $935.1 million Principal/Current face, $933.2 million amortized cost and $935.2 million fair value. At December 31, 2017 , RPL/NPL MBS had a $922.0 million Principal/Current face, $920.1 million amortized cost and $923.1 million fair value. (5) At March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 , the Company expected to recover approximately 84% and 84% , respectively, of the then-current face amount of Non-Agency MBS. (6) Amounts disclosed at March 31, 2018 includes CRT securities with a fair value of $546.3 million for which the fair value option has been elected. Such securities had gross unrealized gains of approximately $39.8 million and gross unrealized losses of approximately $264,000 at March 31, 2018 . Amounts disclosed at December 31, 2017 includes CRT securities with a fair value of $528.9 million for which the fair value option has been elected. Such securities had gross unrealized gains of approximately $40.5 million and gross unrealized losses of approximately $23,000 at December 31, 2017 . Unrealized Losses on MBS and CRT Securities The following table presents information about the Company’s MBS and CRT securities that were in an unrealized loss position at March 31, 2018 : Unrealized Loss Position For: Less than 12 Months 12 Months or more Total Fair Value Unrealized Losses Number of Securities Fair Value Unrealized Losses Number of Securities Fair Value Unrealized Losses (Dollars in Thousands) Agency MBS: Fannie Mae $ 303,575 $ 2,479 87 $ 897,700 $ 30,446 221 $ 1,201,275 $ 32,925 Freddie Mac 90,177 1,178 34 384,069 20,455 106 474,246 21,633 Total Agency MBS 393,752 3,657 121 1,281,769 50,901 327 1,675,521 54,558 Non-Agency MBS: Expected to Recover Par (1) 371,688 378 6 12,068 149 9 383,756 527 Expected to Recover Less than Par (1) 24,010 160 7 — — — 24,010 160 Total Non-Agency MBS 395,698 538 13 12,068 149 9 407,766 687 Total MBS 789,450 4,195 134 1,293,837 51,050 336 2,083,287 55,245 CRT securities (2) 39,187 264 11 — — — 39,187 264 Total MBS and CRT securities $ 828,637 $ 4,459 145 $ 1,293,837 $ 51,050 336 $ 2,122,474 $ 55,509 (1) Based on management’s current estimates of future principal cash flows expected to be received. (2) Amounts disclosed at March 31, 2018 represent CRT securities on which the fair value option has been elected. At March 31, 2018 , the Company did not intend to sell any of its investments that were in an unrealized loss position, and it is “more likely than not” that the Company will not be required to sell these securities before recovery of their amortized cost basis, which may be at their maturity. Gross unrealized losses on the Company’s Agency MBS were $54.6 million at March 31, 2018 . Agency MBS are issued by Government Sponsored Entities (“GSEs”) and enjoy either the implicit or explicit backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. While the Company’s Agency MBS are not rated by any rating agency, they are currently perceived by market participants to be of high credit quality, with risk of default limited to the unlikely event that the U.S. Government would not continue to support the GSEs. Given the credit quality inherent in Agency MBS, the Company does not consider any of the current impairments on its Agency MBS to be credit related. In assessing whether it is more likely than not that it will be required to sell any impaired security before its anticipated recovery, which may be at its maturity, the Company considers for each impaired security, the significance of each investment, the amount of impairment, the projected future performance of such impaired securities, as well as the Company’s current and anticipated leverage capacity and liquidity position. Based on these analyses, the Company determined that at March 31, 2018 any unrealized losses on its Agency MBS were temporary. Gross unrealized losses on the Company’s Non-Agency MBS were $687,000 at March 31, 2018 . Based upon the most recent evaluation, the Company does not consider these unrealized losses to be indicative of OTTI and does not believe that these unrealized losses are credit related, but are rather a reflection of current market yields and/or marketplace bid-ask spreads. The Company has reviewed its Non-Agency MBS that are in an unrealized loss position to identify those securities with losses that are other-than-temporary based on an assessment of changes in expected cash flows for such securities, which considers recent bond performance and, where possible, expected future performance of the underlying collateral. The Company did no t recognize any credit-related OTTI losses through earnings related to its Non-Agency MBS during the three months ended March 31, 2018 . The Company recognized credit-related OTTI losses through earnings related to its Non-Agency MBS of $414,000 during the three months ended March 31, 2017 . Non-Agency MBS on which OTTI is recognized have experienced, or are expected to experience, credit-related adverse cash flow changes. The Company’s estimate of cash flows for these Non-Agency MBS is based on its review of the underlying mortgage loans securing these MBS. The Company considers information available about the structure of the securitization, including structural credit enhancement, if any, and the past and expected future performance of underlying mortgage loans, including timing of expected future cash flows, prepayment rates, default rates, loss severities, delinquency rates, percentage of non-performing loans, year of origination, LTVs, geographic concentrations, as well as Rating Agency reports, general market assessments, and dialogue with market participants. Changes in the Company’s evaluation of each of these factors impacts the cash flows expected to be collected at the OTTI assessment date. For Non-Agency MBS purchased at a discount to par that were assessed for and had no OTTI recorded this period, such cash flow estimates indicated that the amount of expected losses decreased compared to the previous OTTI assessment date. These positive cash flow changes are primarily driven by recent improvements in LTVs due to loan amortization and home price appreciation, which, in turn, positively impacts the Company’s estimates of default rates and loss severities for the underlying collateral. In addition, voluntary prepayments (i.e., loans that prepay in full with no loss) have generally trended higher relative to the Company’s assumptions for these MBS which also positively impacts the Company’s estimate of expected loss. Overall, the combination of higher voluntary prepayments and lower LTVs supports the Company’s assessment that such MBS are not other-than-temporarily impaired. The following table presents the composition of OTTI charges recorded by the Company for the three months ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 : Three Months Ended (In Thousands) 2018 2017 Total OTTI losses $ — $ (63 ) OTTI reclassified from OCI — (351 ) OTTI recognized in earnings $ — $ (414 ) The following table presents a roll-forward of the credit loss component of OTTI on the Company’s Non-Agency MBS for which a non-credit component of OTTI was previously recognized in OCI. Changes in the credit loss component of OTTI are presented based upon whether the current period is the first time OTTI was recorded on a security or a subsequent OTTI charge was recorded. Three Months Ended (In Thousands) 2018 2017 Credit loss component of OTTI at beginning of period $ 38,337 $ 37,305 Additions for credit related OTTI not previously recognized — 63 Subsequent additional credit related OTTI recorded — 351 Credit loss component of OTTI at end of period $ 38,337 $ 37,719 Purchase Discounts on Non-Agency MBS The following tables present the changes in the components of the Company’s purchase discount on its Non-Agency MBS between purchase discount designated as Credit Reserve and OTTI and accretable purchase discount for the three months ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 : Three Months Ended Three Months Ended (In Thousands) Discount Accretable (1) Discount Accretable Discount (1) Balance at beginning of period $ (593,227 ) $ (215,325 ) $ (694,241 ) $ (278,191 ) Accretion of discount — 17,216 — 21,616 Realized credit losses 8,447 — 12,324 — Purchases (535 ) 488 — — Sales 5,592 5,105 19,741 (3,897 ) Net impairment losses recognized in earnings — — (414 ) — Transfers/release of credit reserve 7,143 (7,143 ) 9,253 (9,253 ) Balance at end of period $ (572,580 ) $ (199,659 ) $ (653,337 ) $ (269,725 ) (1) Together with coupon interest, accretable purchase discount is recognized as interest income over the life of the security. Sales of MBS During the three months ended March 31, 2018 , the Company sold certain Non-Agency MBS for $19.4 million , realizing gross gains of $8.8 million . During the three months ended March 31, 2017 , the Company sold certain Non-Agency MBS for $21.6 million , realizing gross gains of $10.0 million . The Company has no continuing involvement with any of the sold MBS. MSR Related Assets ( a ) Term Notes Backed by MSR Related Collateral At March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 , the Company had $332.0 million and $381.8 million , respectively, of term notes issued by SPVs that have acquired rights to receive cash flows representing the servicing fees and/or excess servicing spread associated with certain MSRs. Payment of principal and interest on these term notes is considered to be largely dependent on cash flows generated by the underlying MSRs, as this impacts the cash flows available to the SPV that issued the term notes. At March 31, 2018 , these term notes had an amortized cost of $331.0 million , gross unrealized gains of $1.0 million , a weighted average yield of 5.28% and a weighted average term to maturity of 4.2 years . At December 31, 2017 , the term notes had an amortized cost of $381.0 million , gross unrealized gains of $804,000 , a weighted average yield of 5.80% and a weighted average term to maturity of 3.4 years . ( b ) Corporate Loan The Company has entered into a loan agreement with an entity that originates loans and owns the related MSRs. The loan is secured by certain U.S. Government, Agency and private-label MSRs, as well as other unencumbered assets owned by the borrower. Under the terms of the loan agreement, the Company has committed to lend $130.0 million of which approximately $124.2 million was drawn at March 31, 2018 . At March 31, 2018 , the coupon paid by the borrower on the drawn amount is 8.39% , the remaining term associated with the loan is 2.3 years and remaining commitment period on any undrawn amount is three months . During the remaining commitment period of three months , the Company receives a commitment fee of 1.5% . For the three months ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 , the Company recognized interest income of $2.5 million and $1.7 million including discount accretion and commitment fee income of $107,000 and $62,000 , respectively. Impact of AFS Securities on AOCI The following table presents the impact of the Company’s AFS securities on its AOCI for the three months ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 : Three Months Ended March 31, (In Thousands) 2018 2017 AOCI from AFS securities: Unrealized gain on AFS securities at beginning of period $ 620,648 $ 620,403 Unrealized loss on Agency MBS, net (10,052 ) (8,052 ) Unrealized (loss)/gain on Non-Agency MBS, net (27,488 ) 27,521 Reclassification adjustment for MBS sales included in net income (8,623 ) (9,971 ) Reclassification adjustment for OTTI included in net income — (414 ) Change in AOCI from AFS securities (46,163 ) 9,084 Balance at end of period $ 574,485 $ 629,487 Interest Income on MBS, CRT Securities and MSR Related Assets The following table presents the components of interest income on the Company’s MBS, CRT securities and MSR related assets for the three months ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 : Three Months Ended March 31, (In Thousands) 2018 2017 Agency MBS Coupon interest $ 20,958 $ 26,212 Effective yield adjustment (1) (5,665 ) (8,318 ) Interest income $ 15,293 $ 17,894 Legacy Non-Agency MBS Coupon interest $ 28,835 $ 34,662 Effective yield adjustment (2) 17,201 21,442 Interest income $ 46,036 $ 56,104 RPL/NPL MBS Coupon interest $ 10,053 $ 22,929 Effective yield adjustment (1) 13 175 Interest income $ 10,066 $ 23,104 CRT securities Coupon interest $ 8,374 $ 5,257 Effective yield adjustment (2) 1,122 1,119 Interest income $ 9,496 $ 6,376 MSR related assets Coupon interest $ 7,517 $ 4,672 Effective yield adjustment (1) 106 62 Interest income $ 7,623 $ 4,734 (1) Includes amortization of premium paid net of accretion of purchase discount. For Agency MBS, RPL/NPL MBS and the corporate loan secured by MSRs, interest income is recorded at an effective yield, which reflects net premium amortization/accretion based on actual prepayment activity. (2) The effective yield adjustment is the difference between the net income calculated using the net yield, which is based on management’s estimates of the amount and timing of future cash flows, less the current coupon yield. |