OPERATING SEGMENTS | OPERATING SEGMENTS The Company has two reportable segments: INAP COLO and INAP CLOUD. These segments are comprised of strategic businesses that are defined by the service offerings they provide. Each segment is managed as an operation with well-established strategic directions and performance requirements. Each segment is led by a separate General Manager who reports directly to the Company’s CODM. The CODM evaluates segment performance using business unit contribution which is defined as business unit revenues less direct costs of sales and services, customer support, and sales and marketing, exclusive of depreciation and amortization. We report our financial performance based on our two reportable segments, INAP COLO and INAP CLOUD, as follows: INAP COLO Our Colocation segment consists of colocation, network services and managed hosting. Colocation Colocation involves providing physical space within data centers and associated services such as power, interconnection, environmental controls, monitoring and security while allowing our customers to deploy and manage their servers, storage and other equipment in our secure data centers. Network Services Network services includes our patented Performance IP™ service, content delivery network services, IP routing hardware and software platform and Managed Internet Route Optimizer™ Controller. By intelligently routing traffic with redundant, high-speed connections over multiple, major Internet backbones, our network services provides high-performance and highly-reliable delivery of content, applications and communications to end users globally. Managed Hosting Managed Hosting consists of leasing dedicated servers as well as, storage and network equipment along with other associated hardware to our customers. We configure and administer the hardware and operating system, provide technical support, patch management, monitoring and updates. We offer managed hosting around the globe, including North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. INAP CLOUD Cloud services involve providing compute and storage services via an integrated platform that includes servers, storage and network. We built our next generation cloud platform with our high-density colocation, Performance IP service and OpenStack, a leading open source technology for cloud services. In conjunction with our change in segments we changed the measure for determining the results of our segments to business unit contribution which includes the direct costs of sales and services, customer support and sales and marketing, exclusive of depreciation and amortization. In addition, during the three months ended June 30, 2017, management changed its measure of profitability to exclude corporate facilities allocation cost which are now reflected in "Sales, general and administrative," in the accompanying consolidated income statements. The following table provides segment results, with prior period amounts reclassified to conform to the current presentation (in thousands): Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Revenues: INAP COLO $ 52,044 $ 55,827 $ 105,383 $ 111,708 INAP CLOUD 17,598 18,488 36,392 38,531 Total revenues 69,642 74,315 141,775 150,239 Direct costs of sales and services, customer support and sales and marketing, exclusive of depreciation and amortization: INAP COLO 30,060 35,837 63,476 72,326 INAP CLOUD 9,497 10,529 18,875 21,344 Total direct costs of sales and services, customer support and sales and marketing 39,557 46,366 82,351 93,670 Business unit contribution: INAP COLO 21,984 19,990 41,907 39,382 INAP CLOUD 8,101 7,959 17,517 17,187 Total business unit contribution 30,085 27,949 59,424 56,569 Exit activities, restructuring and impairments 4,628 152 5,651 353 Other operating expenses, including depreciation and amortization 27,510 30,271 55,334 60,891 Loss from operations (2,053 ) (2,474 ) (1,561 ) (4,675 ) Non-operating expenses 17,336 8,198 25,570 15,538 Loss before income taxes and equity in (earnings) of equity-method investment $ (19,389 ) $ (10,672 ) $ (27,131 ) $ (20,213 ) |