Business Segments | Business Segments AWR has three reportable segments, water, electric and contracted services, whereas GSWC has two segments, water and electric. On a stand-alone basis, AWR has no material assets other than its equity investments in its subsidiaries and note receivables therefrom, and deferred taxes. All activities of GSWC, a rate-regulated utility, are geographically located within California. Activities of ASUS and its subsidiaries are conducted in California, Georgia, Florida, Kansas, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. Each of ASUS’s wholly owned subsidiaries is regulated, if applicable, by the state in which the subsidiary primarily conducts water and/or wastewater operations. Fees charged for operations and maintenance and renewal and replacement services are based upon the terms of the contracts with the U.S. government, which have been filed, as appropriate, with the commissions in the states in which ASUS’s subsidiaries are incorporated. The tables below set forth information relating to GSWC’s operating segments, ASUS and its subsidiaries and other matters. Total assets by segment are not presented below, as certain of Registrant’s assets are not tracked by segment. The utility plant amounts are net of respective accumulated provisions for depreciation. Capital additions reflect capital expenditures paid in cash, excluding U.S. government- and third-party contractor-funded capital expenditures for ASUS and property installed by developers and conveyed to GSWC. As Of And For The Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 GSWC AWR Consolidated (dollars in thousands) Water Electric ASUS Parent AWR Operating revenues $ 95,249 $ 11,996 $ 27,251 $ — $ 134,496 Operating income (loss) 31,310 5,672 5,745 (3 ) 42,724 Interest expense, net 5,206 234 (144 ) 157 5,453 Utility plant 1,291,928 66,902 19,536 — 1,378,366 Depreciation and amortization expense (1) 7,690 669 647 — 9,006 Income tax expense (benefit) 6,720 1,663 1,391 (369 ) 9,405 Capital additions 25,267 2,864 1,802 — 29,933 As Of And For The Three Months Ended September 30, 2018 GSWC AWR Consolidated (dollars in thousands) Water Electric ASUS Parent AWR Operating revenues $ 87,689 $ 7,875 $ 28,618 $ — $ 124,182 Operating income (loss) 26,710 830 6,437 (2 ) 33,975 Interest expense, net 5,039 291 (118 ) 95 5,307 Utility plant 1,187,786 61,404 13,725 — 1,262,915 Depreciation and amortization expense (1) 9,058 565 495 — 10,118 Income tax expense (benefit) 5,247 167 1,606 (81 ) 6,939 Capital additions 24,590 1,140 2,816 — 28,546 As Of And For The Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019 GSWC AWR Consolidated (dollars in thousands) Water Electric ASUS Parent AWR Operating revenues $ 248,112 $ 30,033 $ 82,731 $ — $ 360,876 Operating income (loss) 77,835 8,511 16,010 (7 ) 102,349 Interest expense, net 15,555 933 (724 ) 470 16,234 Utility plant 1,291,928 66,902 19,536 — 1,378,366 Depreciation and amortization expense (1) 22,484 1,870 2,139 — 26,493 Income tax expense (benefit) 15,205 2,124 3,816 (599 ) 20,546 Capital additions 99,939 4,852 6,297 — 111,088 As Of And For The Nine Months Ended September 30, 2018 GSWC AWR Consolidated (dollars in thousands) Water Electric ASUS Parent AWR Operating revenues $ 228,834 $ 25,548 $ 71,429 $ — $ 325,811 Operating income (loss) 62,012 4,470 11,759 (7 ) 78,234 Interest expense, net 15,095 1,014 (255 ) 252 16,106 Utility plant 1,187,786 61,404 13,725 — 1,262,915 Depreciation and amortization expense (1) 26,693 1,694 1,407 — 29,794 Income tax expense (benefit) 10,805 938 2,865 (718 ) 13,890 Capital additions 75,976 3,264 8,088 — 87,328 (1) Depreciation computed on GSWC’s transportation equipment is recorded in other operating expenses and totaled $80,000 and $58,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2019 and 2018 , respectively, and $234,000 and $179,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019 and 2018 , respectively. The following table reconciles total utility plant (a key figure for ratemaking) to total consolidated assets (in thousands): September 30, 2019 2018 Total utility plant $ 1,378,366 $ 1,262,915 Other assets 226,015 202,127 Total consolidated assets $ 1,604,381 $ 1,465,042 |