Business Segments | Business Segments AWR has three reportable segments: water, electric and contracted services. GSWC has one segment, water. On a stand-alone basis, AWR has no material assets or liabilities other than its equity investments in its subsidiaries, note payables to bank, deferred taxes and intercompany note receivables. All GSWC and BVES business activities are conducted in California. Activities of ASUS and the Military Utility Privatization Subsidiaries are conducted in California, Florida, Kansas, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. Some of ASUS’s wholly owned subsidiaries are regulated by the state in which the subsidiary primarily conducts water and/or wastewater operations. Fees charged for operations and maintenance and renewal and replacement services are based upon the terms of the contracts with the U.S. government, which have been filed, as appropriate, with the commissions in the states in which ASUS’s subsidiaries are incorporated. The tables below set forth information relating to AWR’s operating segments and AWR Parent. The utility plant balances are net of respective accumulated provisions for depreciation. Capital additions reflect capital expenditures paid in cash and exclude U.S. government-funded and third-party prime funded capital expenditures for ASUS, and property installed by developers and conveyed to GSWC and BVES. As Of And For The Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 Contracted AWR Consolidated (dollars in thousands) Water Electric Services Parent AWR Operating revenues $ 116,908 $ 8,828 $ 31,664 $ — $ 157,400 Operating income (loss) 50,524 2,103 6,354 (36) 58,945 Interest expense (income), net 6,515 654 327 1,429 8,925 Net property, plant and equipment 1,666,700 130,502 16,859 — 1,814,061 Depreciation and amortization expense (1) 8,674 759 825 — 10,258 Income tax expense (benefit) 11,934 247 1,506 (483) 13,204 Capital additions 34,567 4,386 359 — 39,312 As Of And For The Three Months Ended June 30, 2022 Contracted AWR Consolidated (dollars in thousands) Water Electric Services Parent AWR Operating revenues $ 90,856 $ 8,217 $ 23,534 $ — $ 122,607 Operating income (loss) 27,711 2,038 4,571 (3) 34,317 Interest expense (income), net 5,318 295 (102) 361 5,872 Net property, plant and equipment 1,553,389 111,394 18,704 — 1,683,487 Depreciation and amortization expense (1) 8,553 686 932 — 10,171 Income tax expense (benefit) 5,103 215 1,108 (221) 6,205 Capital additions 35,519 5,306 557 — 41,382 As Of And For The Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 Contracted AWR Consolidated (dollars in thousands) Water Electric Services Parent AWR Operating revenues $ 229,620 $ 21,732 $ 67,471 $ — $ 318,823 Operating income (loss) 90,763 5,734 13,650 (37) 110,110 Interest expense (income), net 12,009 1,227 554 2,752 16,542 Net property, plant and equipment 1,666,700 130,502 16,859 — 1,814,061 Depreciation and amortization expense (1) 18,280 1,507 1,674 — 21,461 Income tax expense (benefit) 20,844 948 3,191 (1,027) 23,956 Capital additions 76,572 11,038 1,039 — 88,649 As Of And For The Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 Contracted AWR Consolidated (dollars in thousands) Water Electric Services Parent AWR Operating revenues $ 164,762 $ 20,109 $ 46,306 $ — $ 231,177 Operating income (loss) 44,710 5,636 8,341 (5) 58,682 Interest expense (income), net 10,463 408 (237) 561 11,195 Net property, plant and equipment 1,553,389 111,394 18,704 — 1,683,487 Depreciation and amortization expense (1) 17,098 1,340 1,847 — 20,285 Income tax expense (benefit) 7,792 1,167 2,052 (345) 10,666 Capital additions 66,984 8,774 794 — 76,552 (1) Depreciation computed on GSWC’s and BVES’s transportation equipment is recorded in other operation expenses and totaled $155,000 and $95,000 for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively, and totaled $523,000 and $189,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. For the six months ended June 30, 2023, approximately $212,000 of additional depreciation expense on GSWC's transportation equipment was recorded that relates to the cumulative retroactive impact for the full year of 2022 approved in the CPUC final decision in GSWC's general rate case that resulted from an increase to the transportation equipment composite depreciation rates that are retroactive to January 1, 2022. The following table reconciles total net property, plant and equipment (a key figure for ratemaking) to total consolidated assets (in thousands): June 30, 2023 2022 Total net property, plant and equipment $ 1,814,061 $ 1,683,487 Other assets 325,574 266,159 Total consolidated assets $ 2,139,635 $ 1,949,646 |