Significant Accounting Policies [Text Block] | Note 3. The significant accounting policies of the Company were described in Note 1 10 December 31, 2023 . no three March 31, 2024. Cash The Company places its cash with high credit quality financial institutions. The Company’s account at these institutions are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) up to $250,000. All cash amounts in excess of $250,000, approximately $1.0 million, are unsecured. The Company has a deposit placement agreement for Insured Cash Sweep Service (“ICS”). This service is a secure, and convenient way to access FDIC protection on large deposits, earn a return, and enjoy flexibility. The Company believes that the ICS agreement will mitigate its credit risk as it relates to uninsured FDIC amounts in excess of $250,000. Foreign Currency Translation The Company’s reporting currency is U.S. Dollars. The accounts of one The relevant translation rates are as follows: for the three March 31, 2024 , closing rate at $1.28 US$: GBP, quarterly average rate at $1.27 US$: GBP, for the three March 31, 2023 , closing rate at $1.23 US$: GBP, quarterly average rate at $1.22 US$: GBP, for the year ended December 31, 2023 closing rate at 1.27 US$: GBP, yearly average rate at 1.24 US$: GBP. Unearned Revenue Contract liabilities are shown separately in the condensed consolidated balance sheets as current liabilities. At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 , we had contract liabilities of approximately $140,000 and $42,000 , respectively. Direct and Indirect Remuneration ( “ DIR ” ) Progressive Care reports DIR fees as a reduction of revenue on the accompanying Consolidated Statements of Operations. DIR fees are fees charged by PBMs to pharmacies for network participation as well as periodic reimbursement reconciliations. The Company accrues an estimate of PBM fees, including DIR fees, which are assessed or expected to be assessed by payers at some point after adjudication of a claim, as a reduction of prescription revenue at the time revenue is recognized. Changes in the estimate of such fees are recorded as an adjustment to revenue when the change becomes known. Through December 31, 2023, not two two three January – April 20xx July – August 20xx December 31, 2023, not second 2024. may January 1, 2024, Recent Accounting Pronouncements Accounting Pronouncements Issued but not In November 2023, 2023 07, 280 2023 07” 2023 07 December 15, 2023, December 15, 2024, Q1 2025, December 31, 2024. not In December 2023, 2023 09, 740 2023 09” 2023 09 December 15, 2024, January 1, 2025. not Other accounting standards that have been issued or proposed by FASB that do not not Subsequent Events The Company has evaluated subsequent events through May 15, 2024, 21 | Note 3. The significant accounting policies of the Company are described below the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. July 1, 2023 December 31, 2023. Discontinued Operations The Company’s former operations were developing and manufacturing products and services, which reduce fuel costs, save power and energy and protect the environment. The products and services were made available for sale into markets in the public and private sectors. In December 2009, The remaining liabilities for discontinued operations are presented in the consolidated balance sheets under the caption “Liabilities from discontinued operation” and relates to the discontinued operations of developing and manufacturing of energy saving and fuel-efficient products and services. The carrying amounts of the major classes of these liabilities as of December 31, 2023 2022 December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 Assets of discontinued operations $ — $ — Liabilities Accounts payables and accrued expenses $ — $ (112 ) Liabilities from discontinued operations $ — $ (112 ) Liquidity January 2022 On December 31, 2021, “December “December January 2, 2022, December December 31, 2021. December December 31, 2021. The closing of the December January 5, 2022. December December 2022 On December 9, 2022, three On December 9, 2022, three six The offering closed on December 14, 2022, April 2023 On April 5, 2023, April 4, 2023. April 11, 2023, 4 2 506 As of the date of this report, the Company’s existing cash resources and existing borrowing availability are sufficient to support planned operations for the next 12 one Cash and Cash Equivalents The Company places its cash with high credit quality financial institutions. The Company’s account at this institution is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) up to $250,000. All cash amounts in excess of $250,000, approximately $3.1 million, are unsecured. In April 2023, $250,000. Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts The Company has a policy of reserving for questionable accounts based on its best estimate of the amount of probable credit losses in its existing accounts receivable. The Company periodically reviews its accounts receivable to determine whether an allowance is necessary based on an analysis of past due accounts and other factors that may may Progressive Care trade accounts receivable are stated at the invoiced amount. Trade accounts receivable primarily include amounts from third no Inventories Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value, using the first first not Prepaid Expenses Prepaid expenses current and long term amounted to approximately $640,000 and $61,000 , respectively for the year ended December 31, 2023 , as compared to $46,000 and $49,000 for the year ended December 31, 2022 . Prepaid expenses include prepayments in cash for accounting fees, which are being amortized over the terms of their respective agreements, as well as cost associated with certain contract liabilities. The current portion consists of costs paid for future services which will occur within a year. Investments The Company applies the equity method of accounting to investments when it has significant influence, but not 15 The Company assesses investments for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of an investment may not December 31, 2023 and determined that the Company’s proportionate economic interest in the investee indicate that the investments were not Foreign Currency Translation The Company’s reporting currency is U.S. Dollars. The accounts of one ated other comprehensive (loss) gain. Transaction gains and losses arising from exchange rate fluctuations on transactions denominated in a currency other than the functional currency are included in the statements of operations. The relevant translation rates are as follows: for the year ended December 31, 2023 , closing rate at $1.27 US$: GBP, yearly average rate at $1.24 US$: GBP, for the year ended December 31, 2022 closing rate at $1.21 US$: GBP, yearly average rate at $1.24 US$: GBP. Revenue Recognition and Unearned Revenue In accordance with ASU No. 2016 12, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606 1 606 10 25 7; 2 3 4 5 6 606 not December 15, 2017, no one e-Commerce Operations: The Company recognizes revenue from satellite services when earned, as services are rendered or delivered to customers. Equipment sales revenue is recognized when the equipment is delivered to and accepted by the customer. Only equipment sales are subject to warranty. Historically, the Company has not The Company’s customers generally purchase a combination of our products and services as part of a multiple element arrangement. The Company’s assessment of which revenue recognition guidance is appropriate to account for each element in an arrangement can involve significant judgment. This assessment has a significant impact on the amount and timing of revenue recognition. The Company recognizes revenue when its customer obtains control of promised goods or services, in an amount that reflects the consideration which we expect to receive in exchange for those goods or services. To determine revenue recognition for arrangements that the Company determines are within the scope of ASC 606, five five 606, Contract liabilities are shown separately in the consolidated balance sheets as current liabilities. At December 31, 2023 , we had contract liabilities of approximately $42,000 . At December 31, 2022 , we had contract liabilities of approximately $36,000 . Healthcare Operations: The Company provides prescription pharmaceuticals, COVID- 19 340B 340B 340B 340B The Company recognizes product sales from prescriptions dispensed to patients (customers) at the time the drugs are physically delivered to a customer or when a customer picks up their prescription, which is the point in time when control transfers to the customer. 340B 340B third 340B 340B not not The Company accrues an estimate of PBM fees, including direct and indirect remuneration (“DIR”) fees, which are assessed or expected to be assessed by payers at some point after adjudication of a claim, as a reduction of prescription revenue at the time revenue is recognized. Changes in the estimate of such fees are recorded as an adjustment to revenue when the change becomes known. DIR fees are fees charged by PBMs to pharmacies for network participation as well as periodic reimbursement reconciliations. For some PBMs, DIR fees are charged at the time of the settlement of a pharmacy claim. Other PBMs do not two two three January – April 2023 July – August 2023). not may Billings for most prescription orders are with third The Company recognizes revenue from TPA services as it satisfies the performance obligations under the TPA contract with a 340B one may not For each TPA contract, the Company recognizes revenue by measuring the progress toward complete satisfaction of each performance obligation. The Company uses various observable output methods in measuring progress toward satisfaction of each performance obligation, most notably gross billings under each contract. ASC 606 may The Company recognizes COVID- 19 Cost of Product Sales and Services Cost of sales consists primarily of materials, airtime and overhead costs incurred internally and amounts incurred to contract manufacturers to produce our products, airtime and other implementation costs incurred to install our products and train customer personnel, and customer service and third Shipping and handling costs are included as a component of costs of product sales in the Company’s consolidated statements of operations because the Company includes in revenue the related costs that the Company bills its customers. Advertising Costs incurred for producing and communicating advertising for the Company are charged to operations as incurred. Advertising expense was app roximately $188,000 and $93,000 for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 , respect Intangible Assets Acquired intangible assets with finite lives other than goodwill are amortized over their useful lives. For intangible assets acquired in a business combination, the estimated fair values of the assets received are used to establish their recorded values. Acquired intangible assets other than goodwill are amortized over their useful lives unless the lives are determined to be indefinite. Valuation techniques consistent with the market approach, income approach, and/or cost approach are used to measure fair value. Intangible assets subject to amortization represent the fair value of pharmacy records, tradenames and customer contracts acquired, and capitalized software development costs. In valuing these assets, the Company makes assumptions regarding useful lives and projected growth rates, and significant judgment is required. The Company periodically reviews its identifiable intangible assets for impairment as events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of such assets may not Pharmacy records and developed software are amortized over 5 years. Tradenames and customer contracts are amortized over 10 years. Useful lives of intangible assets are periodically evaluated for reasonableness and the assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may no Business acquisitions The Company records business acquisitions using the acquisition method of accounting. All of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed, and contractual contingencies are recognized at their fair value on the acquisition date. The application of the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations requires management to make significant estimates and assumptions in the determination of the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed in order to properly allocate purchase price consideration between assets that are depreciated and amortized and goodwill. The excess of the fair value of purchase consideration over the fair values of these identifiable assets and liabilities is recorded as goodwill. Acquisition-related expenses and restructuring costs are recognized separately from the business combination and are expensed as incurred. The Company uses a measurement period following the acquisition date to gather information that existed as of the acquisition date that is needed to determine the fair value of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed and equity interests. The measurement period ends once all information is obtained, but no one Goodwill Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the value assigned to net tangible and identifiable intangible assets. Progressive Care, which is our Healthcare Operations, is considered to be the reporting unit for goodwill. Valuation techniques consistent with the market approach, income approach, and/or cost approach are used to measure fair value. Goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets are assessed annually for impairment in the fourth may Property and Equipment Property and equipment are carried at historical cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is based on the estimated service lives of the depreciable assets and is calculated using the straight-line method. Expenditures that increase the value or productive capacity of assets are capitalized. Fully depreciated assets are retained in the property and equipment, and accumulated depreciation accounts until they are removed from service. When property and equipment are retired, sold or otherwise disposed of, the asset’s carrying amount and related accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and any gain or loss is included in operations. Repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. The estimated useful lives of property and equipment are generally as follows: Years Building 40 Building improvements Remaining life of the building Leasehold improvements Lessor of the estimated useful life or life of the lease Office furniture and fixtures 4-5 Computer equipment 3-4 Rental equipment 4 Vehicles 3-5 Appliques 10 Website development 2 Depreciation expense for the y ears ended December 31, 2023 , and 2022 was approximately $758,000 and $465,000 , respectively. Impairment of Long-lived Assets The Company reviews its long-lived assets, comprised of property and equipment, right-of-use assets, and intangible assets, whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not 360 10, Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets the assets to the fair value based on estimated discounted future cash flows. If required, an impairment loss is recorded for that portion of the asset’s carrying value in excess of fair value. As of December 31, 2023, no not December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 , r Fair Value of Financial Instruments Derivatives are required to be recorded on the balance sheet at fair value. These derivatives, including embedded derivatives in the Company’s structured borrowings, are separately valued and accounted for on the Company’s balance sheet. Fair values for exchange traded securities and derivatives are based on quoted market prices. Where market prices are not The Company did not Stock-based Compensation Stock-based compensation is accounted for based on the requirements of the Share-Based Payment Topic of ASC 718 The Company estimated the fair value of stock options granted using the Black-Scholes option-pricing formula. This fair value is then amortized on a straight-line basis over the requisite service periods of the awards, which is generally the vesting period. The Company’s determination of the fair value using the option-pricing model is affected by the stock price as well as assumptions regarding the number of highly subjective variables. In June 2018, 2018 07, 718 718, December 15, 2018. January 1, 2019. Income Taxes The Company accounts for income taxes pursuant to the provision of ASC 740 10, 740 10” not not The Company follows the provision of ASC 740 10 may 740 10, not not Tax positions that meet the more likely than not 50 The Company believes its tax positions are all more likely than not not The Company has adopted ASC 740 10 25, not not three Leases Effective January 1, 2019, 842, Leases not In calculating the right of use asset and lease liability, the Company has elected to combine lease and non-lease components. The Company excludes short-term leases having initial terms of 12 Research and Development The Company accounts for research and development costs in accordance with the Accounting Standards Codification subtopic 730 10, 730 10” 730 10, incurred. For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 , there were no Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Comprehensive income (loss) is comprised of net income (loss) and all changes to the statements of stockholders’ equity. For the Company, comprehensive income (loss) for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 included net income (loss) and unrealized income (losses) from foreign currency translation adjustments. Earnings per Common Share Net income (loss) per common share is calculated in accordance with ASC Topic 260: 260” not Related Party Transactions A party is considered to be related to the Company if the party directly or indirectly or through one may one one one one 25 Recent Accounting Pronouncements Accounting Pronouncements Recently Adopted In August 2023, 2023 04, 405 No. 121”, No. 121. In July 2023, 2023 03, 205 220 480 505 718 No. 120, no In June 2016, 2016 13, 326 2016 13” November 2018, 2018 19, 326, not April 2019, 2019 04, 326, 815, 825, 2016 13. March 2020, 2020 03, 842 326. 2016 13 December 15, 2022, Any new accounting standards, not not not Accounting Pronouncements Issued but not In December 2023, 2023 09, 740 2023 09” 2023 09 December 15, 2024, January 1, 2025. not In November 2023, 2023 07, 280 2023 07” 2023 07 December 15, 2023, December 15, 2024, January 1, 2024. not Management has evaluated other recently issued accounting pronouncements and does not |